check(); } /** * Stops the application and shows a permission error if * the application is in demo mode. */ protected function preventAccessInDemoMode() { if (config('app.env') === 'demo') { $this->showPermissionError(); } } /** * Adds the page title into the view. */ public function setPageTitle(string $title) { view()->share('pageTitle', $title); } /** * On a permission error redirect to home and display. * the error as a notification. * * @return never */ protected function showPermissionError() { $message = request()->wantsJson() ? trans('errors.permissionJson') : trans('errors.permission'); throw new NotifyException($message, '/', 403); } /** * Checks that the current user has the given permission otherwise throw an exception. */ protected function checkPermission(string $permission): void { if (!user() || !user()->can($permission)) { $this->showPermissionError(); } } /** * Check the current user's permissions against an ownable item otherwise throw an exception. */ protected function checkOwnablePermission(string $permission, Model $ownable): void { if (!userCan($permission, $ownable)) { $this->showPermissionError(); } } /** * Check if a user has a permission or bypass the permission * check if the given callback resolves true. */ protected function checkPermissionOr(string $permission, callable $callback): void { if ($callback() !== true) { $this->checkPermission($permission); } } /** * Check if the current user has a permission or bypass if the provided user * id matches the current user. */ protected function checkPermissionOrCurrentUser(string $permission, int $userId): void { $this->checkPermissionOr($permission, function () use ($userId) { return $userId === user()->id; }); } /** * Send back a json error message. */ protected function jsonError(string $messageText = '', int $statusCode = 500): JsonResponse { return response()->json(['message' => $messageText, 'status' => 'error'], $statusCode); } /** * Create a response that forces a download in the browser. */ protected function downloadResponse(string $content, string $fileName): Response { return response()->make($content, 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $fileName) . '"', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff', ]); } /** * Create a response that forces a download, from a given stream of content. */ protected function streamedDownloadResponse($stream, string $fileName): StreamedResponse { return response()->stream(function () use ($stream) { // End & flush the output buffer, if we're in one, otherwise we still use memory. // Output buffer may or may not exist depending on PHP `output_buffering` setting. // Ignore in testing since output buffers are used to gather a response. if (!empty(ob_get_status()) && !app()->runningUnitTests()) { ob_end_clean(); } fpassthru($stream); fclose($stream); }, 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $fileName) . '"', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff', ]); } /** * Create a file download response that provides the file with a content-type * correct for the file, in a way so the browser can show the content in browser. */ protected function inlineDownloadResponse(string $content, string $fileName): Response { $mime = (new WebSafeMimeSniffer())->sniff($content); return response()->make($content, 200, [ 'Content-Type' => $mime, 'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $fileName) . '"', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff', ]); } /** * Create a file download response that provides the file with a content-type * correct for the file, in a way so the browser can show the content in browser, * for a given content stream. */ protected function streamedInlineDownloadResponse($stream, string $fileName): StreamedResponse { $sniffContent = fread($stream, 1000); $mime = (new WebSafeMimeSniffer())->sniff($sniffContent); return response()->stream(function () use ($sniffContent, $stream) { echo $sniffContent; fpassthru($stream); fclose($stream); }, 200, [ 'Content-Type' => $mime, 'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="' . str_replace('"', '', $fileName) . '"', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff', ]); } /** * Show a positive, successful notification to the user on next view load. */ protected function showSuccessNotification(string $message): void { session()->flash('success', $message); } /** * Show a warning notification to the user on next view load. */ protected function showWarningNotification(string $message): void { session()->flash('warning', $message); } /** * Show an error notification to the user on next view load. */ protected function showErrorNotification(string $message): void { session()->flash('error', $message); } /** * Log an activity in the system. * * @param string|Loggable $detail */ protected function logActivity(string $type, $detail = ''): void { Activity::add($type, $detail); } /** * Get the validation rules for image files. */ protected function getImageValidationRules(): array { return ['image_extension', 'mimes:jpeg,png,gif,webp', 'max:' . (config('app.upload_limit') * 1000)]; } }