baseRepo = $baseRepo; } /** * Get a page by ID. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getById(int $id): Page { $page = Page::visible()->with(['book'])->find($id); if (!$page) { throw new NotFoundException(trans('errors.page_not_found')); } return $page; } /** * Get a page its book and own slug. * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getBySlug(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug): Page { $page = Page::visible()->whereSlugs($bookSlug, $pageSlug)->first(); if (!$page) { throw new NotFoundException(trans('errors.page_not_found')); } return $page; } /** * Get a page by its old slug but checking the revisions table * for the last revision that matched the given page and book slug. */ public function getByOldSlug(string $bookSlug, string $pageSlug): ?Page { $revision = PageRevision::query() ->whereHas('page', function (Builder $query) { $query->visible(); }) ->where('slug', '=', $pageSlug) ->where('type', '=', 'version') ->where('book_slug', '=', $bookSlug) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->with('page') ->first(); return $revision ? $revision->page : null; } /** * Get pages that have been marked as a template. */ public function getTemplates(int $count = 10, int $page = 1, string $search = ''): LengthAwarePaginator { $query = Page::visible() ->where('template', '=', true) ->orderBy('name', 'asc') ->skip(($page - 1) * $count) ->take($count); if ($search) { $query->where('name', 'like', '%' . $search . '%'); } $paginator = $query->paginate($count, ['*'], 'page', $page); $paginator->withPath('/templates'); return $paginator; } /** * Get a parent item via slugs. */ public function getParentFromSlugs(string $bookSlug, string $chapterSlug = null): Entity { if ($chapterSlug !== null) { return $chapter = Chapter::visible()->whereSlugs($bookSlug, $chapterSlug)->firstOrFail(); } return Book::visible()->where('slug', '=', $bookSlug)->firstOrFail(); } /** * Get the draft copy of the given page for the current user. */ public function getUserDraft(Page $page): ?PageRevision { $revision = $this->getUserDraftQuery($page)->first(); return $revision; } /** * Get a new draft page belonging to the given parent entity. */ public function getNewDraftPage(Entity $parent) { $page = (new Page())->forceFill([ 'name' => trans('entities.pages_initial_name'), 'created_by' => user()->id, 'updated_by' => user()->id, 'draft' => true, ]); if ($parent instanceof Chapter) { $page->chapter_id = $parent->id; $page->book_id = $parent->book_id; } else { $page->book_id = $parent->id; } $page->save(); $page->refresh()->rebuildPermissions(); return $page; } /** * Publish a draft page to make it a live, non-draft page. */ public function publishDraft(Page $draft, array $input): Page { $this->baseRepo->update($draft, $input); if (isset($input['template']) && userCan('templates-manage')) { $draft->template = ($input['template'] === 'true'); } $pageContent = new PageContent($draft); $pageContent->setNewHTML($input['html']); $draft->draft = false; $draft->revision_count = 1; $draft->priority = $this->getNewPriority($draft); $draft->refreshSlug(); $draft->save(); $this->savePageRevision($draft, trans('entities.pages_initial_revision')); $draft->indexForSearch(); return $draft->refresh(); } /** * Update a page in the system. */ public function update(Page $page, array $input): Page { // Hold the old details to compare later $oldHtml = $page->html; $oldName = $page->name; if (isset($input['template']) && userCan('templates-manage')) { $page->template = ($input['template'] === 'true'); } $this->baseRepo->update($page, $input); // Update with new details $page->fill($input); $pageContent = new PageContent($page); $pageContent->setNewHTML($input['html']); $page->revision_count++; if (setting('app-editor') !== 'markdown') { $page->markdown = ''; } $page->save(); // Remove all update drafts for this user & page. $this->getUserDraftQuery($page)->delete(); // Save a revision after updating $summary = $input['summary'] ?? null; if ($oldHtml !== $input['html'] || $oldName !== $input['name'] || $summary !== null) { $this->savePageRevision($page, $summary); } return $page; } /** * Saves a page revision into the system. */ protected function savePageRevision(Page $page, string $summary = null) { $revision = new PageRevision($page->toArray()); if (setting('app-editor') !== 'markdown') { $revision->markdown = ''; } $revision->page_id = $page->id; $revision->slug = $page->slug; $revision->book_slug = $page->book->slug; $revision->created_by = user()->id; $revision->created_at = $page->updated_at; $revision->type = 'version'; $revision->summary = $summary; $revision->revision_number = $page->revision_count; $revision->save(); $this->deleteOldRevisions($page); return $revision; } /** * Save a page update draft. */ public function updatePageDraft(Page $page, array $input) { // If the page itself is a draft simply update that if ($page->draft) { $page->fill($input); if (isset($input['html'])) { $content = new PageContent($page); $content->setNewHTML($input['html']); } $page->save(); return $page; } // Otherwise save the data to a revision $draft = $this->getPageRevisionToUpdate($page); $draft->fill($input); if (setting('app-editor') !== 'markdown') { $draft->markdown = ''; } $draft->save(); return $draft; } /** * Destroy a page from the system. * @throws NotifyException */ public function destroy(Page $page) { $trashCan = new TrashCan(); $trashCan->destroyPage($page); } /** * Restores a revision's content back into a page. */ public function restoreRevision(Page $page, int $revisionId): Page { $page->revision_count++; $this->savePageRevision($page); $revision = $page->revisions()->where('id', '=', $revisionId)->first(); $page->fill($revision->toArray()); $content = new PageContent($page); $content->setNewHTML($page->html); $page->updated_by = user()->id; $page->refreshSlug(); $page->save(); $page->indexForSearch(); return $page; } /** * Move the given page into a new parent book or chapter. * The $parentIdentifier must be a string of the following format: * 'book:' (book:5) * @throws MoveOperationException * @throws PermissionsException */ public function move(Page $page, string $parentIdentifier): Book { $parent = $this->findParentByIdentifier($parentIdentifier); if ($parent === null) { throw new MoveOperationException('Book or chapter to move page into not found'); } if (!userCan('page-create', $parent)) { throw new PermissionsException('User does not have permission to create a page within the new parent'); } $page->chapter_id = ($parent instanceof Chapter) ? $parent->id : null; $page->changeBook($parent instanceof Book ? $parent->id : $parent->book->id); $page->rebuildPermissions(); return ($parent instanceof Book ? $parent : $parent->book); } /** * Copy an existing page in the system. * Optionally providing a new parent via string identifier and a new name. * @throws MoveOperationException * @throws PermissionsException */ public function copy(Page $page, string $parentIdentifier = null, string $newName = null): Page { $parent = $parentIdentifier ? $this->findParentByIdentifier($parentIdentifier) : $page->parent(); if ($parent === null) { throw new MoveOperationException('Book or chapter to move page into not found'); } if (!userCan('page-create', $parent)) { throw new PermissionsException('User does not have permission to create a page within the new parent'); } $copyPage = $this->getNewDraftPage($parent); $pageData = $page->getAttributes(); // Update name if (!empty($newName)) { $pageData['name'] = $newName; } // Copy tags from previous page if set if ($page->tags) { $pageData['tags'] = []; foreach ($page->tags as $tag) { $pageData['tags'][] = ['name' => $tag->name, 'value' => $tag->value]; } } return $this->publishDraft($copyPage, $pageData); } /** * Find a page parent entity via a identifier string in the format: * {type}:{id} * Example: (book:5) * @throws MoveOperationException */ protected function findParentByIdentifier(string $identifier): ?Entity { $stringExploded = explode(':', $identifier); $entityType = $stringExploded[0]; $entityId = intval($stringExploded[1]); if ($entityType !== 'book' && $entityType !== 'chapter') { throw new MoveOperationException('Pages can only be in books or chapters'); } $parentClass = $entityType === 'book' ? Book::class : Chapter::class; return $parentClass::visible()->where('id', '=', $entityId)->first(); } /** * Update the permissions of a page. */ public function updatePermissions(Page $page, bool $restricted, Collection $permissions = null) { $this->baseRepo->updatePermissions($page, $restricted, $permissions); } /** * Change the page's parent to the given entity. */ protected function changeParent(Page $page, Entity $parent) { $book = ($parent instanceof Book) ? $parent : $parent->book; $page->chapter_id = ($parent instanceof Chapter) ? $parent->id : 0; $page->save(); if ($page->book->id !== $book->id) { $page->changeBook($book->id); } $page->load('book'); $book->rebuildPermissions(); } /** * Get a page revision to update for the given page. * Checks for an existing revisions before providing a fresh one. */ protected function getPageRevisionToUpdate(Page $page): PageRevision { $drafts = $this->getUserDraftQuery($page)->get(); if ($drafts->count() > 0) { return $drafts->first(); } $draft = new PageRevision(); $draft->page_id = $page->id; $draft->slug = $page->slug; $draft->book_slug = $page->book->slug; $draft->created_by = user()->id; $draft->type = 'update_draft'; return $draft; } /** * Delete old revisions, for the given page, from the system. */ protected function deleteOldRevisions(Page $page) { $revisionLimit = config('app.revision_limit'); if ($revisionLimit === false) { return; } $revisionsToDelete = PageRevision::query() ->where('page_id', '=', $page->id) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->skip(intval($revisionLimit)) ->take(10) ->get(['id']); if ($revisionsToDelete->count() > 0) { PageRevision::query()->whereIn('id', $revisionsToDelete->pluck('id'))->delete(); } } /** * Get a new priority for a page */ protected function getNewPriority(Page $page): int { if ($page->parent() instanceof Chapter) { $lastPage = $page->parent()->pages('desc')->first(); return $lastPage ? $lastPage->priority + 1 : 0; } return (new BookContents($page->book))->getLastPriority() + 1; } /** * Get the query to find the user's draft copies of the given page. */ protected function getUserDraftQuery(Page $page) { return PageRevision::query()->where('created_by', '=', user()->id) ->where('type', 'update_draft') ->where('page_id', '=', $page->id) ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); } }