[ 'book_id' => ['required', 'integer'], 'name' => ['required', 'string', 'max:255'], 'description' => ['string', 'max:1900'], 'description_html' => ['string', 'max:2000'], 'tags' => ['array'], 'priority' => ['integer'], 'default_template_id' => ['nullable', 'integer'], ], 'update' => [ 'book_id' => ['integer'], 'name' => ['string', 'min:1', 'max:255'], 'description' => ['string', 'max:1900'], 'description_html' => ['string', 'max:2000'], 'tags' => ['array'], 'priority' => ['integer'], 'default_template_id' => ['nullable', 'integer'], ], ]; public function __construct( protected ChapterRepo $chapterRepo, protected ChapterQueries $queries, protected EntityQueries $entityQueries, ) { } /** * Get a listing of chapters visible to the user. */ public function list() { $chapters = $this->queries->visibleForList() ->addSelect(['created_by', 'updated_by']); return $this->apiListingResponse($chapters, [ 'id', 'book_id', 'name', 'slug', 'description', 'priority', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'created_by', 'updated_by', 'owned_by', ]); } /** * Create a new chapter in the system. */ public function create(Request $request) { $requestData = $this->validate($request, $this->rules['create']); $bookId = $request->get('book_id'); $book = $this->entityQueries->books->findVisibleByIdOrFail(intval($bookId)); $this->checkOwnablePermission('chapter-create', $book); $chapter = $this->chapterRepo->create($requestData, $book); return response()->json($this->forJsonDisplay($chapter)); } /** * View the details of a single chapter. */ public function read(string $id) { $chapter = $this->queries->findVisibleByIdOrFail(intval($id)); $chapter = $this->forJsonDisplay($chapter); $chapter->load(['createdBy', 'updatedBy', 'ownedBy']); // Note: More fields than usual here, for backwards compatibility, // due to previously accidentally including more fields that desired. $pages = $this->entityQueries->pages->visibleForChapterList($chapter->id) ->addSelect(['created_by', 'updated_by', 'revision_count', 'editor']) ->get(); $chapter->setRelation('pages', $pages); return response()->json($chapter); } /** * Update the details of a single chapter. * Providing a 'book_id' property will essentially move the chapter * into that parent element if you have permissions to do so. */ public function update(Request $request, string $id) { $requestData = $this->validate($request, $this->rules()['update']); $chapter = $this->queries->findVisibleByIdOrFail(intval($id)); $this->checkOwnablePermission('chapter-update', $chapter); if ($request->has('book_id') && $chapter->book_id !== intval($requestData['book_id'])) { $this->checkOwnablePermission('chapter-delete', $chapter); try { $this->chapterRepo->move($chapter, "book:{$requestData['book_id']}"); } catch (Exception $exception) { if ($exception instanceof PermissionsException) { $this->showPermissionError(); } return $this->jsonError(trans('errors.selected_book_not_found')); } } $updatedChapter = $this->chapterRepo->update($chapter, $requestData); return response()->json($this->forJsonDisplay($updatedChapter)); } /** * Delete a chapter. * This will typically send the chapter to the recycle bin. */ public function delete(string $id) { $chapter = $this->queries->findVisibleByIdOrFail(intval($id)); $this->checkOwnablePermission('chapter-delete', $chapter); $this->chapterRepo->destroy($chapter); return response('', 204); } protected function forJsonDisplay(Chapter $chapter): Chapter { $chapter = clone $chapter; $chapter->unsetRelations()->refresh(); $chapter->load(['tags']); $chapter->makeVisible('description_html'); $chapter->setAttribute('description_html', $chapter->descriptionHtml()); $chapter->setAttribute('book_slug', $chapter->book()->first()->slug); return $chapter; } }