actingAs($this->getAdmin()); } /** * Get the current admin user. */ public function getAdmin(): User { if (is_null($this->admin)) { $adminRole = Role::getSystemRole('admin'); $this->admin = $adminRole->users->first(); } return $this->admin; } /** * Set the current user context to be an editor. */ public function asEditor() { return $this->actingAs($this->getEditor()); } /** * Get a editor user. */ protected function getEditor(): User { if ($this->editor === null) { $editorRole = Role::getRole('editor'); $this->editor = $editorRole->users->first(); } return $this->editor; } /** * Set the current user context to be a viewer. */ public function asViewer() { return $this->actingAs($this->getViewer()); } /** * Get an instance of a user with 'viewer' permissions. */ protected function getViewer(array $attributes = []): User { $user = Role::getRole('viewer')->users()->first(); if (!empty($attributes)) { $user->forceFill($attributes)->save(); } return $user; } /** * Get a user that's not a system user such as the guest user. */ public function getNormalUser(): User { return User::query()->where('system_name', '=', null)->get()->last(); } /** * Regenerate the permission for an entity. */ protected function regenEntityPermissions(Entity $entity): void { $entity->rebuildPermissions(); $entity->load('jointPermissions'); } /** * Create and return a new bookshelf. */ public function newShelf(array $input = ['name' => 'test shelf', 'description' => 'My new test shelf']): Bookshelf { return app(BookshelfRepo::class)->create($input, []); } /** * Create and return a new book. */ public function newBook(array $input = ['name' => 'test book', 'description' => 'My new test book']): Book { return app(BookRepo::class)->create($input); } /** * Create and return a new test chapter. */ public function newChapter(array $input, Book $book): Chapter { return app(ChapterRepo::class)->create($input, $book); } /** * Create and return a new test page. */ public function newPage(array $input = ['name' => 'test page', 'html' => 'My new test page']): Page { $book = Book::query()->first(); $pageRepo = app(PageRepo::class); $draftPage = $pageRepo->getNewDraftPage($book); return $pageRepo->publishDraft($draftPage, $input); } /** * Quickly sets an array of settings. */ protected function setSettings(array $settingsArray): void { $settings = app(SettingService::class); foreach ($settingsArray as $key => $value) { $settings->put($key, $value); } } /** * Manually set some permissions on an entity. */ protected function setEntityRestrictions(Entity $entity, array $actions = [], array $roles = []): void { $entity->restricted = true; $entity->permissions()->delete(); $permissions = []; foreach ($actions as $action) { foreach ($roles as $role) { $permissions[] = [ 'role_id' => $role->id, 'action' => strtolower($action), ]; } } $entity->permissions()->createMany($permissions); $entity->save(); $entity->load('permissions'); $this->app->make(JointPermissionBuilder::class)->rebuildForEntity($entity); $entity->load('jointPermissions'); } /** * Give the given user some permissions. */ protected function giveUserPermissions(User $user, array $permissions = []): void { $newRole = $this->createNewRole($permissions); $user->attachRole($newRole); $user->load('roles'); $user->clearPermissionCache(); } /** * Completely remove the given permission name from the given user. */ protected function removePermissionFromUser(User $user, string $permissionName) { $permissionBuilder = app()->make(JointPermissionBuilder::class); /** @var RolePermission $permission */ $permission = RolePermission::query()->where('name', '=', $permissionName)->firstOrFail(); $roles = $user->roles()->whereHas('permissions', function ($query) use ($permission) { $query->where('id', '=', $permission->id); })->get(); /** @var Role $role */ foreach ($roles as $role) { $role->detachPermission($permission); $permissionBuilder->rebuildForRole($role); } $user->clearPermissionCache(); } /** * Create a new basic role for testing purposes. */ protected function createNewRole(array $permissions = []): Role { $permissionRepo = app(PermissionsRepo::class); $roleData = Role::factory()->make()->toArray(); $roleData['permissions'] = array_flip($permissions); return $permissionRepo->saveNewRole($roleData); } /** * Create a group of entities that belong to a specific user. * * @return array{book: Book, chapter: Chapter, page: Page} */ protected function createEntityChainBelongingToUser(User $creatorUser, ?User $updaterUser = null): array { if (empty($updaterUser)) { $updaterUser = $creatorUser; } $userAttrs = ['created_by' => $creatorUser->id, 'owned_by' => $creatorUser->id, 'updated_by' => $updaterUser->id]; $book = Book::factory()->create($userAttrs); $chapter = Chapter::factory()->create(array_merge(['book_id' => $book->id], $userAttrs)); $page = Page::factory()->create(array_merge(['book_id' => $book->id, 'chapter_id' => $chapter->id], $userAttrs)); $this->app->make(JointPermissionBuilder::class)->rebuildForEntity($book); return compact('book', 'chapter', 'page'); } /** * Mock the HttpFetcher service and return the given data on fetch. */ protected function mockHttpFetch($returnData, int $times = 1) { $mockHttp = Mockery::mock(HttpFetcher::class); $this->app[HttpFetcher::class] = $mockHttp; $mockHttp->shouldReceive('fetch') ->times($times) ->andReturn($returnData); } /** * Mock the http client used in BookStack. * Returns a reference to the container which holds all history of http transactions. * * @link */ protected function &mockHttpClient(array $responses = []): array { $container = []; $history = Middleware::history($container); $mock = new MockHandler($responses); $handlerStack = new HandlerStack($mock); $handlerStack->push($history); $this->app[ClientInterface::class] = new Client(['handler' => $handlerStack]); return $container; } /** * Run a set test with the given env variable. * Remembers the original and resets the value after test. * Database config is juggled so the value can be restored when * parallel testing are used, where multiple databases exist. */ protected function runWithEnv(string $name, $value, callable $callback) { Env::disablePutenv(); $originalVal = $_SERVER[$name] ?? null; if (is_null($value)) { unset($_SERVER[$name]); } else { $_SERVER[$name] = $value; } $database = config('database.connections.mysql_testing.database'); $this->refreshApplication(); DB::purge(); config()->set('database.connections.mysql_testing.database', $database); $callback(); if (is_null($originalVal)) { unset($_SERVER[$name]); } else { $_SERVER[$name] = $originalVal; } } /** * Check the keys and properties in the given map to include * exist, albeit not exclusively, within the map to check. */ protected function assertArrayMapIncludes(array $mapToInclude, array $mapToCheck, string $message = ''): void { $passed = true; foreach ($mapToInclude as $key => $value) { if (!isset($mapToCheck[$key]) || $mapToCheck[$key] !== $mapToInclude[$key]) { $passed = false; } } $toIncludeStr = print_r($mapToInclude, true); $toCheckStr = print_r($mapToCheck, true); self::assertThat($passed, self::isTrue(), "Failed asserting that given map:\n\n{$toCheckStr}\n\nincludes:\n\n{$toIncludeStr}"); } /** * Assert a permission error has occurred. */ protected function assertPermissionError($response) { PHPUnit::assertTrue($this->isPermissionError($response->baseResponse ?? $response->response), 'Failed asserting the response contains a permission error.'); } /** * Assert a permission error has occurred. */ protected function assertNotPermissionError($response) { PHPUnit::assertFalse($this->isPermissionError($response->baseResponse ?? $response->response), 'Failed asserting the response does not contain a permission error.'); } /** * Check if the given response is a permission error. */ private function isPermissionError($response): bool { return $response->status() === 302 && ( ( $response->headers->get('Location') === url('/') && strpos(session()->pull('error', ''), 'You do not have permission to access') === 0 ) || ( $response instanceof JsonResponse && $response->json(['error' => 'You do not have permission to perform the requested action.']) ) ); } /** * Assert that the session has a particular error notification message set. */ protected function assertSessionError(string $message) { $error = session()->get('error'); PHPUnit::assertTrue($error === $message, "Failed asserting the session contains an error. \nFound: {$error}\nExpecting: {$message}"); } /** * Assert the session contains a specific entry. */ protected function assertSessionHas(string $key): self { $this->assertTrue(session()->has($key), "Session does not contain a [{$key}] entry"); return $this; } protected function assertNotificationContains(\Illuminate\Testing\TestResponse $resp, string $text) { return $this->withHtml($resp)->assertElementContains('[notification]', $text); } /** * Set a test handler as the logging interface for the application. * Allows capture of logs for checking against during tests. */ protected function withTestLogger(): TestHandler { $monolog = new Logger('testing'); $testHandler = new TestHandler(); $monolog->pushHandler($testHandler); Log::extend('testing', function () use ($monolog) { return $monolog; }); Log::setDefaultDriver('testing'); return $testHandler; } /** * Assert that an activity entry exists of the given key. * Checks the activity belongs to the given entity if provided. */ protected function assertActivityExists(string $type, ?Entity $entity = null, string $detail = '') { $detailsToCheck = ['type' => $type]; if ($entity) { $detailsToCheck['entity_type'] = $entity->getMorphClass(); $detailsToCheck['entity_id'] = $entity->id; } if ($detail) { $detailsToCheck['detail'] = $detail; } $this->assertDatabaseHas('activities', $detailsToCheck); } /** * @return array{page: Page, chapter: Chapter, book: Book, bookshelf: Bookshelf} */ protected function getEachEntityType(): array { return [ 'page' => Page::query()->first(), 'chapter' => Chapter::query()->first(), 'book' => Book::query()->first(), 'bookshelf' => Bookshelf::query()->first(), ]; } }