function elemIsCodeBlock(elem) { return elem.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'code-block'; } /** * @param {Editor} editor * @param {String} code * @param {String} language * @param {String} direction * @param {function(string, string)} callback (Receives (code: string,language: string) */ function showPopup(editor, code, language, direction, callback) { /** @var {CodeEditor} codeEditor * */ const codeEditor = window.$components.first('code-editor'); const bookMark = editor.selection.getBookmark();, language, direction, (newCode, newLang) => { callback(newCode, newLang); editor.focus(); editor.selection.moveToBookmark(bookMark); }, () => { editor.focus(); editor.selection.moveToBookmark(bookMark); }); } /** * @param {Editor} editor * @param {CodeBlockElement} codeBlock */ function showPopupForCodeBlock(editor, codeBlock) { const direction = codeBlock.getAttribute('dir') || ''; showPopup(editor, codeBlock.getContent(), codeBlock.getLanguage(), direction, (newCode, newLang) => { codeBlock.setContent(newCode, newLang); }); } /** * Define our custom code-block HTML element that we use. * Needs to be delayed since it needs to be defined within the context of the * child editor window and document, hence its definition within a callback. * @param {Editor} editor */ function defineCodeBlockCustomElement(editor) { const doc = editor.getDoc(); const win = doc.defaultView; class CodeBlockElement extends win.HTMLElement { /** * @type {?SimpleEditorInterface} */ editor = null; constructor() { super(); this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); const stylesToCopy = document.head.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"]:not([media="print"]),style'); const copiedStyles = Array.from(stylesToCopy).map(styleEl => styleEl.cloneNode(true)); const cmContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'none'; cmContainer.contentEditable = 'false'; cmContainer.classList.add('CodeMirrorContainer'); cmContainer.classList.toggle('dark-mode', document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark-mode')); this.shadowRoot.append(...copiedStyles, cmContainer); } getLanguage() { const getLanguageFromClassList = classes => { const langClasses = classes.split(' ').filter(cssClass => cssClass.startsWith('language-')); return (langClasses[0] || '').replace('language-', ''); }; const code = this.querySelector('code'); const pre = this.querySelector('pre'); return getLanguageFromClassList(pre.className) || (code && getLanguageFromClassList(code.className)) || ''; } setContent(content, language) { if (this.editor) { this.editor.setContent(content); this.editor.setMode(language, content); } let pre = this.querySelector('pre'); if (!pre) { pre = doc.createElement('pre'); this.append(pre); } pre.innerHTML = ''; const code = doc.createElement('code'); pre.append(code); code.innerText = content; code.className = `language-${language}`; } getContent() { const code = this.querySelector('code') || this.querySelector('pre'); const tempEl = document.createElement('pre'); tempEl.innerHTML = code.innerHTML.replace(/\ufeff/g, ''); const brs = tempEl.querySelectorAll('br'); for (const br of brs) { br.replaceWith('\n'); } return tempEl.textContent; } connectedCallback() { const connectedTime =; if (this.editor) { return; } this.cleanChildContent(); const content = this.getContent(); const lines = content.split('\n').length; const height = (lines * 19.2) + 18 + 24; = `${height}px`; const container = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.CodeMirrorContainer'); const renderEditor = Code => { this.editor = Code.wysiwygView(container, this.shadowRoot, content, this.getLanguage()); setTimeout(() => { = null; }, 12); }; window.importVersioned('code').then(Code => { const timeout = ( - connectedTime < 20) ? 20 : 0; setTimeout(() => renderEditor(Code), timeout); }); } cleanChildContent() { const pre = this.querySelector('pre'); if (!pre) return; for (const preChild of pre.childNodes) { if (preChild.nodeName === '#text' && preChild.textContent === '') { preChild.remove(); } } } } win.customElements.define('code-block', CodeBlockElement); } /** * @param {Editor} editor */ function register(editor) { editor.ui.registry.addIcon('codeblock', ''); editor.ui.registry.addButton('codeeditor', { tooltip: 'Insert code block', icon: 'codeblock', onAction() { editor.execCommand('codeeditor'); }, }); editor.ui.registry.addButton('editcodeeditor', { tooltip: 'Edit code block', icon: 'edit-block', onAction() { editor.execCommand('codeeditor'); }, }); editor.addCommand('codeeditor', () => { const selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode(); const doc = selectedNode.ownerDocument; if (elemIsCodeBlock(selectedNode)) { showPopupForCodeBlock(editor, selectedNode); } else { const textContent = editor.selection.getContent({format: 'text'}); const direction = document.dir === 'rtl' ? 'ltr' : ''; showPopup(editor, textContent, '', direction, (newCode, newLang) => { const pre = doc.createElement('pre'); const code = doc.createElement('code'); code.classList.add(`language-${newLang}`); code.innerText = newCode; if (direction) { pre.setAttribute('dir', direction); } pre.append(code); editor.insertContent(pre.outerHTML); }); } }); editor.on('dblclick', () => { const selectedNode = editor.selection.getNode(); if (elemIsCodeBlock(selectedNode)) { showPopupForCodeBlock(editor, selectedNode); } }); editor.on('PreInit', () => { editor.parser.addNodeFilter('pre', elms => { for (const el of elms) { const wrapper = window.tinymce.html.Node.create('code-block', { contenteditable: 'false', }); const childCodeBlock = el.children().filter(child => === 'code')[0] || null; const direction = el.attr('dir') || (childCodeBlock && childCodeBlock.attr('dir')) || ''; if (direction) { wrapper.attr('dir', direction); } const spans = el.getAll('span'); for (const span of spans) { span.unwrap(); } el.attr('style', null); el.wrap(wrapper); } }); editor.parser.addNodeFilter('code-block', elms => { for (const el of elms) { el.attr('contenteditable', 'false'); } }); editor.serializer.addNodeFilter('code-block', elms => { for (const el of elms) { const direction = el.attr('dir'); if (direction && el.firstChild) { el.firstChild.attr('dir', direction); } else if (el.firstChild) { el.firstChild.attr('dir', null); } el.unwrap(); } }); }); editor.ui.registry.addContextToolbar('codeeditor', { predicate(node) { return node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'code-block'; }, items: 'editcodeeditor', position: 'node', scope: 'node', }); editor.on('PreInit', () => { defineCodeBlockCustomElement(editor); }); } /** * @return {register} */ export function getPlugin() { return register; }