actingAs($this->getAdmin()); } /** * Get the current admin user. * @return mixed */ public function getAdmin() { if($this->admin === null) { $adminRole = Role::getSystemRole('admin'); $this->admin = $adminRole->users->first(); } return $this->admin; } /** * Set the current user context to be an editor. * @return $this */ public function asEditor() { return $this->actingAs($this->getEditor()); } /** * Get a editor user. * @return mixed */ protected function getEditor() { if($this->editor === null) { $editorRole = Role::getRole('editor'); $this->editor = $editorRole->users->first(); } return $this->editor; } /** * Get an instance of a user with 'viewer' permissions * @param $attributes * @return mixed */ protected function getViewer($attributes = []) { $user = \BookStack\Role::getRole('viewer')->users()->first(); if (!empty($attributes)) $user->forceFill($attributes)->save(); return $user; } /** * Regenerate the permission for an entity. * @param Entity $entity */ protected function regenEntityPermissions(Entity $entity) { $this->app[PermissionService::class]->buildJointPermissionsForEntity($entity); $entity->load('jointPermissions'); } /** * Create and return a new bookshelf. * @param array $input * @return Bookshelf */ public function newShelf($input = ['name' => 'test shelf', 'description' => 'My new test shelf']) { return $this->app[EntityRepo::class]->createFromInput('bookshelf', $input, false); } /** * Create and return a new book. * @param array $input * @return Book */ public function newBook($input = ['name' => 'test book', 'description' => 'My new test book']) { return $this->app[EntityRepo::class]->createFromInput('book', $input, false); } /** * Create and return a new test chapter * @param array $input * @param Book $book * @return Chapter */ public function newChapter($input = ['name' => 'test chapter', 'description' => 'My new test chapter'], Book $book) { return $this->app[EntityRepo::class]->createFromInput('chapter', $input, $book); } /** * Create and return a new test page * @param array $input * @return Page */ public function newPage($input = ['name' => 'test page', 'html' => 'My new test page']) { $book = Book::first(); $entityRepo = $this->app[EntityRepo::class]; $draftPage = $entityRepo->getDraftPage($book); return $entityRepo->publishPageDraft($draftPage, $input); } /** * Quickly sets an array of settings. * @param $settingsArray */ protected function setSettings($settingsArray) { $settings = app(SettingService::class); foreach ($settingsArray as $key => $value) { $settings->put($key, $value); } } /** * Manually set some permissions on an entity. * @param Entity $entity * @param array $actions * @param array $roles */ protected function setEntityRestrictions(Entity $entity, $actions = [], $roles = []) { $entity->restricted = true; $entity->permissions()->delete(); $permissions = []; foreach ($actions as $action) { foreach ($roles as $role) { $permissions[] = [ 'role_id' => $role->id, 'action' => strtolower($action) ]; } } $entity->permissions()->createMany($permissions); $entity->save(); $entity->load('permissions'); $this->app[PermissionService::class]->buildJointPermissionsForEntity($entity); $entity->load('jointPermissions'); } /** * Give the given user some permissions. * @param \BookStack\User $user * @param array $permissions */ protected function giveUserPermissions(\BookStack\User $user, $permissions = []) { $newRole = $this->createNewRole($permissions); $user->attachRole($newRole); $user->load('roles'); $user->permissions(false); } /** * Create a new basic role for testing purposes. * @param array $permissions * @return Role */ protected function createNewRole($permissions = []) { $permissionRepo = app(PermissionsRepo::class); $roleData = factory(Role::class)->make()->toArray(); $roleData['permissions'] = array_flip($permissions); return $permissionRepo->saveNewRole($roleData); } }