'Image Select', 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'All', 'image_all_title' => 'View all images', 'image_book_title' => 'View images uploaded to this book', 'image_page_title' => 'View images uploaded to this page', 'image_search_hint' => 'Search by image name', 'image_uploaded' => 'Uploaded :uploadedDate', 'image_load_more' => 'Load More', 'image_image_name' => 'Image Name', 'image_delete_used' => 'This image is used in the pages below.', 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this image?', 'image_select_image' => 'Select Image', 'image_dropzone' => 'Drop images or click here to upload', 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Images Deleted', 'image_preview' => 'Image Preview', 'image_upload_success' => 'Image uploaded successfully', 'image_update_success' => 'Image details successfully updated', 'image_delete_success' => 'Image successfully deleted', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Edit Code', 'code_language' => 'Code Language', 'code_content' => 'Code Content', 'code_session_history' => 'Session History', 'code_save' => 'Save Code', ];