latest(10); $draftPages = []; if ($this->isSignedIn()) { $draftPages = Page::visible() ->where('draft', '=', true) ->where('created_by', '=', user()->id) ->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc') ->with('book') ->take(6) ->get(); } $recentFactor = count($draftPages) > 0 ? 0.5 : 1; $recents = $this->isSignedIn() ? (new RecentlyViewed())->run(12 * $recentFactor, 1) : Book::visible()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(12 * $recentFactor)->get(); $favourites = (new TopFavourites())->run(6); $recentlyUpdatedPages = Page::visible()->with('book') ->where('draft', false) ->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc') ->take($favourites->count() > 0 ? 5 : 10) ->select(Page::$listAttributes) ->get(); $homepageOptions = ['default', 'books', 'bookshelves', 'page']; $homepageOption = setting('app-homepage-type', 'default'); if (!in_array($homepageOption, $homepageOptions)) { $homepageOption = 'default'; } $commonData = [ 'activity' => $activity, 'recents' => $recents, 'recentlyUpdatedPages' => $recentlyUpdatedPages, 'draftPages' => $draftPages, 'favourites' => $favourites, ]; // Add required list ordering & sorting for books & shelves views. if ($homepageOption === 'bookshelves' || $homepageOption === 'books') { $key = $homepageOption; $view = setting()->getForCurrentUser($key . '_view_type'); $listOptions = SimpleListOptions::fromRequest($request, $key)->withSortOptions([ 'name' => trans('common.sort_name'), 'created_at' => trans('common.sort_created_at'), 'updated_at' => trans('common.sort_updated_at'), ]); $commonData = array_merge($commonData, [ 'view' => $view, 'listOptions' => $listOptions, ]); } if ($homepageOption === 'bookshelves') { $shelves = app(BookshelfRepo::class)->getAllPaginated(18, $commonData['listOptions']->getSort(), $commonData['listOptions']->getOrder()); $data = array_merge($commonData, ['shelves' => $shelves]); return view('home.shelves', $data); } if ($homepageOption === 'books') { $books = app(BookRepo::class)->getAllPaginated(18, $commonData['listOptions']->getSort(), $commonData['listOptions']->getOrder()); $data = array_merge($commonData, ['books' => $books]); return view('home.books', $data); } if ($homepageOption === 'page') { $homepageSetting = setting('app-homepage', '0:'); $id = intval(explode(':', $homepageSetting)[0]); /** @var Page $customHomepage */ $customHomepage = Page::query()->where('draft', '=', false)->findOrFail($id); $pageContent = new PageContent($customHomepage); $customHomepage->html = $pageContent->render(false); return view('home.specific-page', array_merge($commonData, ['customHomepage' => $customHomepage])); } return view('home.default', $commonData); } /** * Show the view for /robots.txt. */ public function robots() { $sitePublic = setting('app-public', false); $allowRobots = config('app.allow_robots'); if ($allowRobots === null) { $allowRobots = $sitePublic; } return response() ->view('misc.robots', ['allowRobots' => $allowRobots]) ->header('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); } /** * Show the route for 404 responses. */ public function notFound() { return response()->view('errors.404', [], 404); } /** * Serve the application favicon. * Ensures a 'favicon.ico' file exists at the web root location (if writable) to be served * directly by the webserver in the future. */ public function favicon(FaviconHandler $favicons) { $favicons->restoreOriginalIfNotExists(); return response()->file($favicons->getPath()); } }