actingAsApiEditor(); $firstPage = Page::query()->orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); $resp = $this->getJson($this->baseEndpoint . '?count=1&sort=+id'); $resp->assertJson(['data' => [ [ 'id' => $firstPage->id, 'name' => $firstPage->name, 'slug' => $firstPage->slug, 'book_id' => $firstPage->book->id, 'priority' => $firstPage->priority, ] ]]); } public function test_create_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = Book::query()->first(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My API page', 'book_id' => $book->id, 'html' => '

My new page content

', 'tags' => [ [ 'name' => 'tagname', 'value' => 'tagvalue', ] ] ]; $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, $details); unset($details['html']); $resp->assertStatus(200); $newItem = Page::query()->orderByDesc('id')->where('name', '=', $details['name'])->first(); $resp->assertJson(array_merge($details, ['id' => $newItem->id, 'slug' => $newItem->slug])); $this->assertDatabaseHas('tags', [ 'entity_id' => $newItem->id, 'entity_type' => $newItem->getMorphClass(), 'name' => 'tagname', 'value' => 'tagvalue', ]); $resp->assertSeeText('My new page content'); $resp->assertJsonMissing(['book' => []]); $this->assertActivityExists('page_create', $newItem); } public function test_page_name_needed_to_create() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = Book::query()->first(); $details = [ 'book_id' => $book->id, 'html' => '

A page created via the API

', ]; $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, $details); $resp->assertStatus(422); $resp->assertJson($this->validationResponse([ "name" => ["The name field is required."] ])); } public function test_book_id_or_chapter_id_needed_to_create() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My api page', 'html' => '

A page created via the API

', ]; $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, $details); $resp->assertStatus(422); $resp->assertJson($this->validationResponse([ "book_id" => ["The book id field is required when chapter id is not present."], "chapter_id" => ["The chapter id field is required when book id is not present."] ])); $chapter = Chapter::visible()->first(); $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, array_merge($details, ['chapter_id' => $chapter->id])); $resp->assertStatus(200); $book = Book::visible()->first(); $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, array_merge($details, ['book_id' => $book->id])); $resp->assertStatus(200); } public function test_markdown_can_be_provided_for_create() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = Book::visible()->first(); $details = [ 'book_id' => $book->id, 'name' => 'My api page', 'markdown' => "# A new API page \n[link](", ]; $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, $details); $resp->assertJson(['markdown' => $details['markdown']]); $respHtml = $resp->json('html'); $this->assertStringContainsString('new API page', $respHtml); $this->assertStringContainsString('link', $respHtml); $this->assertStringContainsString('href=""', $respHtml); } public function test_read_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $resp = $this->getJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertJson([ 'id' => $page->id, 'slug' => $page->slug, 'created_by' => [ 'name' => $page->createdBy->name, ], 'book_id' => $page->book_id, 'updated_by' => [ 'name' => $page->createdBy->name, ], ]); } public function test_read_endpoint_provides_rendered_html() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $page->html = "



"; $page->save(); $resp = $this->getJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}"); $html = $resp->json('html'); $this->assertStringNotContainsString('script', $html); $this->assertStringContainsString('Hello', $html); $this->assertStringContainsString('testing', $html); } public function test_update_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My updated API page', 'html' => '

A page created via the API

', 'tags' => [ [ 'name' => 'freshtag', 'value' => 'freshtagval', ] ], ]; $resp = $this->putJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}", $details); $page->refresh(); $resp->assertStatus(200); unset($details['html']); $resp->assertJson(array_merge($details, [ 'id' => $page->id, 'slug' => $page->slug, 'book_id' => $page->book_id ])); $this->assertActivityExists('page_update', $page); } public function test_providing_new_chapter_id_on_update_will_move_page() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $chapter = Chapter::visible()->where('book_id', '!=', $page->book_id)->first(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My updated API page', 'chapter_id' => $chapter->id, 'html' => '

A page created via the API

', ]; $resp = $this->putJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}", $details); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertJson([ 'chapter_id' => $chapter->id, 'book_id' => $chapter->book_id, ]); } public function test_providing_move_via_update_requires_page_create_permission_on_new_parent() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $chapter = Chapter::visible()->where('book_id', '!=', $page->book_id)->first(); $this->setEntityRestrictions($chapter, ['view'], [$this->getEditor()->roles()->first()]); $details = [ 'name' => 'My updated API page', 'chapter_id' => $chapter->id, 'html' => '

A page created via the API

', ]; $resp = $this->putJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}", $details); $resp->assertStatus(403); } public function test_delete_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $resp = $this->deleteJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}"); $resp->assertStatus(204); $this->assertActivityExists('page_delete', $page); } public function test_export_html_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}/export/html"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertSee($page->name); $resp->assertHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $page->slug . '.html"'); } public function test_export_plain_text_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}/export/plaintext"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertSee($page->name); $resp->assertHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $page->slug . '.txt"'); } public function test_export_pdf_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $page = Page::visible()->first(); $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$page->id}/export/pdf"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $page->slug . '.pdf"'); } }