'Preferences', 'shortcuts' => '快捷鍵', 'shortcuts_interface' => '介面鍵盤快捷鍵', 'shortcuts_toggle_desc' => '您可以在此處啟用或停用鍵盤系統介面快捷鍵,這些快捷鍵用於導覽與操作。', 'shortcuts_customize_desc' => '您可以自訂下方的每個快捷鍵。只要在選取快捷鍵輸入後按下您想要使用的按鍵組合即可。', 'shortcuts_toggle_label' => '鍵盤快捷鍵已啟用', 'shortcuts_section_navigation' => '導覽', 'shortcuts_section_actions' => '通用動作', 'shortcuts_save' => '儲存快捷鍵', 'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => '注意:當快捷鍵啟用時,可以按下「?」來使用小幫手覆蓋畫面。這將會在目前的畫面上突顯可見動作的快捷鍵。', 'shortcuts_update_success' => '快捷鍵偏好設定已更新!', 'shortcuts_overview_desc' => 'Manage keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate the system user interface.', 'notifications' => 'Notification Preferences', 'notifications_desc' => 'Control the email notifications you receive when certain activity is performed within the system.', 'notifications_opt_own_page_changes' => 'Notify upon changes to pages I own', 'notifications_opt_own_page_comments' => 'Notify upon comments on pages I own', 'notifications_opt_comment_replies' => 'Notify upon replies to my comments', 'notifications_save' => 'Save Preferences', 'notifications_update_success' => 'Notification preferences have been updated!', 'notifications_watched' => 'Watched & Ignored Items', 'notifications_watched_desc' => ' Below are the items that have custom watch preferences applied. To update your preferences for these, view the item then find the watch options in the sidebar.', 'profile_overview_desc' => ' Manage your user profile details including preferred language and authentication options.', ];