belongsToMany(Book::class, 'bookshelves_books', 'bookshelf_id', 'book_id') ->withPivot('order') ->orderBy('order', 'asc'); } /** * Get the url for this bookshelf. * @param string|bool $path * @return string */ public function getUrl($path = false) { if ($path !== false) { return url('/shelves/' . urlencode($this->slug) . '/' . trim($path, '/')); } return url('/shelves/' . urlencode($this->slug)); } /** * Returns BookShelf cover image, if cover does not exists return default cover image. * @param int $width - Width of the image * @param int $height - Height of the image * @return string */ public function getBookCover($width = 440, $height = 250) { // TODO - Make generic, focused on books right now, Perhaps set-up a better image $default = ''; if (!$this->image_id) { return $default; } try { $cover = $this->cover ? url($this->cover->getThumb($width, $height, false)) : $default; } catch (\Exception $err) { $cover = $default; } return $cover; } /** * Get the cover image of the shelf * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo */ public function cover() { return $this->belongsTo(Image::class, 'image_id'); } /** * Get an excerpt of this book's description to the specified length or less. * @param int $length * @return string */ public function getExcerpt(int $length = 100) { $description = $this->description; return mb_strlen($description) > $length ? mb_substr($description, 0, $length-3) . '...' : $description; } /** * Return a generalised, common raw query that can be 'unioned' across entities. * @return string */ public function entityRawQuery() { return "'BookStack\\\\BookShelf' as entity_type, id, id as entity_id, slug, name, {$this->textField} as text,'' as html, '0' as book_id, '0' as priority, '0' as chapter_id, '0' as draft, created_by, updated_by, updated_at, created_at"; } /** * Check if this shelf contains the given book. * @param Book $book * @return bool */ public function contains(Book $book) { return $this->books()->where('id', '=', $book->id)->count() > 0; } }