id] === [get_class($entity), $entity->id]; } /** * Checks if an entity matches or contains another given entity. * @param Entity $entity * @return bool */ public function matchesOrContains(Entity $entity) { $matches = [get_class($this), $this->id] === [get_class($entity), $entity->id]; if ($matches) return true; if (($entity->isA('chapter') || $entity->isA('page')) && $this->isA('book')) { return $entity->book_id === $this->id; } if ($entity->isA('page') && $this->isA('chapter')) { return $entity->chapter_id === $this->id; } return false; } /** * Gets the activity objects for this entity. * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany */ public function activity() { return $this->morphMany(Activity::class, 'entity')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); } /** * Get View objects for this entity. */ public function views() { return $this->morphMany(View::class, 'viewable'); } /** * Get the Tag models that have been user assigned to this entity. * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany */ public function tags() { return $this->morphMany(Tag::class, 'entity')->orderBy('order', 'asc'); } /** * Get this entities restrictions. */ public function permissions() { return $this->morphMany(EntityPermission::class, 'restrictable'); } /** * Check if this entity has a specific restriction set against it. * @param $role_id * @param $action * @return bool */ public function hasRestriction($role_id, $action) { return $this->permissions()->where('role_id', '=', $role_id) ->where('action', '=', $action)->count() > 0; } /** * Check if this entity has live (active) restrictions in place. * @param $role_id * @param $action * @return bool */ public function hasActiveRestriction($role_id, $action) { return $this->getRawAttribute('restricted') && $this->hasRestriction($role_id, $action); } /** * Get the entity jointPermissions this is connected to. * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany */ public function jointPermissions() { return $this->morphMany(JointPermission::class, 'entity'); } /** * Allows checking of the exact class, Used to check entity type. * Cleaner method for is_a. * @param $type * @return bool */ public static function isA($type) { return static::getType() === strtolower($type); } /** * Get entity type. * @return mixed */ public static function getType() { return strtolower(static::getClassName()); } /** * Get an instance of an entity of the given type. * @param $type * @return Entity */ public static function getEntityInstance($type) { $types = ['Page', 'Book', 'Chapter']; $className = str_replace([' ', '-', '_'], '', ucwords($type)); if (!in_array($className, $types)) { return null; } return app('BookStack\\' . $className); } /** * Gets a limited-length version of the entities name. * @param int $length * @return string */ public function getShortName($length = 25) { if (strlen($this->name) <= $length) return $this->name; return substr($this->name, 0, $length - 3) . '...'; } /** * Perform a full-text search on this entity. * @param string[] $fieldsToSearch * @param string[] $terms * @param string[] array $wheres * @return mixed */ public function fullTextSearchQuery($terms, $wheres = []) { $exactTerms = []; $fuzzyTerms = []; $search = static::newQuery(); foreach ($terms as $key => $term) { $term = htmlentities($term, ENT_QUOTES); $term = preg_replace('/[+\-><\(\)~*\"@]+/', ' ', $term); if (preg_match('/".*?"/', $term) || is_numeric($term)) { $term = str_replace('"', '', $term); $exactTerms[] = '%' . $term . '%'; } else { $term = '' . $term . '*'; if ($term !== '*') $fuzzyTerms[] = $term; } } $isFuzzy = count($exactTerms) === 0 && count($fuzzyTerms) > 0; // Perform fulltext search if relevant terms exist. if ($isFuzzy) { $termString = implode(' ', $fuzzyTerms); $fields = implode(',', $this->fieldsToSearch); $search = $search->selectRaw('*, MATCH(name) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS title_relevance', [$termString]); $search = $search->whereRaw('MATCH(' . $fields . ') AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)', [$termString]); } // Ensure at least one exact term matches if in search if (count($exactTerms) > 0) { $search = $search->where(function ($query) use ($exactTerms) { foreach ($exactTerms as $exactTerm) { foreach ($this->fieldsToSearch as $field) { $query->orWhere($field, 'like', $exactTerm); } } }); } $orderBy = $isFuzzy ? 'title_relevance' : 'updated_at'; // Add additional where terms foreach ($wheres as $whereTerm) { $search->where($whereTerm[0], $whereTerm[1], $whereTerm[2]); } // Load in relations if ($this->isA('page')) { $search = $search->with('book', 'chapter', 'createdBy', 'updatedBy'); } else if ($this->isA('chapter')) { $search = $search->with('book'); } return $search->orderBy($orderBy, 'desc'); } }