currentOrLastAttemptedUser() ->mfaValues() ->get(['id', 'method']) ->groupBy('method'); return view('mfa.setup', [ 'userMethods' => $userMethods, ]); } /** * Remove an MFA method for the current user. * @throws \Exception */ public function remove(string $method) { if (in_array($method, MfaValue::allMethods())) { $value = user()->mfaValues()->where('method', '=', $method)->first(); if ($value) { $value->delete(); $this->logActivity(ActivityType::MFA_REMOVE_METHOD, $method); } } return redirect('/mfa/setup'); } /** * Show the page to start an MFA verification. */ public function verify(Request $request) { // TODO - Test this $desiredMethod = $request->get('method'); $userMethods = $this->currentOrLastAttemptedUser() ->mfaValues() ->get(['id', 'method']) ->groupBy('method'); // Basic search for the default option for a user. // (Prioritises totp over backup codes) $method = $userMethods->has($desiredMethod) ? $desiredMethod : $userMethods->keys()->sort()->reverse()->first(); $otherMethods = $userMethods->keys()->filter(function($userMethod) use ($method) { return $method !== $userMethod; })->all(); return view('mfa.verify', [ 'userMethods' => $userMethods, 'method' => $method, 'otherMethods' => $otherMethods, ]); } }