import {escapeHtml} from "../services/util"; import {onChildEvent} from "../services/dom"; const ajaxCache = {}; /** * AutoSuggest * @extends {Component} */ class AutoSuggest { setup() { this.parent = this.$el.parentElement; this.container = this.$el; this.type = this.$opts.type; this.url = this.$opts.url; this.input = this.$refs.input; this.list = this.$refs.list; this.lastPopulated = 0; this.setupListeners(); } setupListeners() { this.input.addEventListener('input', this.requestSuggestions.bind(this)); this.input.addEventListener('focus', this.requestSuggestions.bind(this)); this.input.addEventListener('keydown', event => { if (event.key === 'Tab') { this.hideSuggestions(); } }); this.input.addEventListener('blur', this.hideSuggestionsIfFocusedLost.bind(this)); this.container.addEventListener('keydown', this.containerKeyDown.bind(this)); onChildEvent(this.list, 'button', 'click', (event, el) => { this.selectSuggestion(el.textContent); }); onChildEvent(this.list, 'button', 'keydown', (event, el) => { if (event.key === 'Enter') { this.selectSuggestion(el.textContent); } }); } selectSuggestion(value) { this.input.value = value; this.lastPopulated =; this.input.focus(); this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', {bubbles: true})); this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', {bubbles: true})); this.hideSuggestions(); } containerKeyDown(event) { if (event.key === 'Enter') event.preventDefault(); if (this.list.classList.contains('hidden')) return; // Down arrow if (event.key === 'ArrowDown') { this.moveFocus(true); event.preventDefault(); } // Up Arrow else if (event.key === 'ArrowUp') { this.moveFocus(false); event.preventDefault(); } // Escape key else if (event.key === 'Escape') { this.hideSuggestions(); event.preventDefault(); } } moveFocus(forward = true) { const focusables = Array.from(this.container.querySelectorAll('input,button')); const index = focusables.indexOf(document.activeElement); const newFocus = focusables[index + (forward ? 1 : -1)]; if (newFocus) { newFocus.focus() } } async requestSuggestions() { if ( - this.lastPopulated < 50) { return; } const nameFilter = this.getNameFilterIfNeeded(); const search = this.input.value.toLowerCase(); const suggestions = await this.loadSuggestions(search, nameFilter); const toShow = suggestions.filter(val => { return search === '' || val.toLowerCase().startsWith(search); }).slice(0, 10); this.displaySuggestions(toShow); } getNameFilterIfNeeded() { if (this.type !== 'value') return null; return this.parent.querySelector('input').value; } /** * @param {String} search * @param {String|null} nameFilter * @returns {Promise} */ async loadSuggestions(search, nameFilter = null) { // Truncate search to prevent over numerous lookups search = search.slice(0, 4); const params = {search, name: nameFilter}; const cacheKey = `${this.url}:${JSON.stringify(params)}`; if (ajaxCache[cacheKey]) { return ajaxCache[cacheKey]; } const resp = await window.$http.get(this.url, params); ajaxCache[cacheKey] =; return; } /** * @param {String[]} suggestions */ displaySuggestions(suggestions) { if (suggestions.length === 0) { return this.hideSuggestions(); } this.list.innerHTML = => `
  • `).join(''); = 'block'; for (const button of this.list.querySelectorAll('button')) { button.addEventListener('blur', this.hideSuggestionsIfFocusedLost.bind(this)); } } hideSuggestions() { = 'none'; } hideSuggestionsIfFocusedLost(event) { if (!this.container.contains(event.relatedTarget)) { this.hideSuggestions(); } } } export default AutoSuggest;