notifications->loadDefaultHandlers(); } /** * Add a generic activity event to the database. */ public function add(string $type, string|Loggable $detail = ''): void { $detailToStore = ($detail instanceof Loggable) ? $detail->logDescriptor() : $detail; $activity = $this->newActivityForUser($type); $activity->detail = $detailToStore; if ($detail instanceof Entity) { $activity->entity_id = $detail->id; $activity->entity_type = $detail->getMorphClass(); } $activity->save(); $this->setNotification($type); $this->dispatchWebhooks($type, $detail); $this->notifications->handle($activity, $detail, user()); Theme::dispatch(ThemeEvents::ACTIVITY_LOGGED, $type, $detail); } /** * Get a new activity instance for the current user. */ protected function newActivityForUser(string $type): Activity { return (new Activity())->forceFill([ 'type' => strtolower($type), 'user_id' => user()->id, 'ip' => IpFormatter::fromCurrentRequest()->format(), ]); } /** * Removes the entity attachment from each of its activities * and instead uses the 'extra' field with the entities name. * Used when an entity is deleted. */ public function removeEntity(Entity $entity): void { $entity->activity()->update([ 'detail' => $entity->name, 'entity_id' => null, 'entity_type' => null, ]); } /** * Flashes a notification message to the session if an appropriate message is available. */ protected function setNotification(string $type): void { $notificationTextKey = 'activities.' . $type . '_notification'; if (trans()->has($notificationTextKey)) { $message = trans($notificationTextKey); session()->flash('success', $message); } } protected function dispatchWebhooks(string $type, string|Loggable $detail): void { $webhooks = Webhook::query() ->whereHas('trackedEvents', function (Builder $query) use ($type) { $query->where('event', '=', $type) ->orWhere('event', '=', 'all'); }) ->where('active', '=', true) ->get(); foreach ($webhooks as $webhook) { dispatch(new DispatchWebhookJob($webhook, $type, $detail)); } } /** * Log out a failed login attempt, Providing the given username * as part of the message if the '%u' string is used. */ public function logFailedLogin(string $username): void { $message = config('logging.failed_login.message'); if (!$message) { return; } $message = str_replace('%u', $username, $message); $channel = config(''); Log::channel($channel)->warning($message); } }