config = config('oidc'); $this->registrationService = $registrationService; $this->loginService = $loginService; } /** * Initiate an authorization flow. * @return array{url: string, state: string} */ public function login(): array { $provider = $this->getProvider(); return [ 'url' => $provider->getAuthorizationUrl(), 'state' => $provider->getState(), ]; } /** * Process the Authorization response from the authorization server and * return the matching, or new if registration active, user matched to * the authorization server. * Returns null if not authenticated. * @throws Exception */ public function processAuthorizeResponse(?string $authorizationCode): ?User { $provider = $this->getProvider(); // Try to exchange authorization code for access token $accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [ 'code' => $authorizationCode, ]); return $this->processAccessTokenCallback($accessToken); } /** * Load the underlying OpenID Connect Provider. */ protected function getProvider(): OpenIdConnectOAuthProvider { // Setup settings $settings = [ 'clientId' => $this->config['client_id'], 'clientSecret' => $this->config['client_secret'], 'redirectUri' => url('/oidc/redirect'), 'authorizationEndpoint' => $this->config['authorization_endpoint'], 'tokenEndpoint' => $this->config['token_endpoint'], ]; return new OpenIdConnectOAuthProvider($settings); } /** * Calculate the display name */ protected function getUserDisplayName(Token $token, string $defaultValue): string { $displayNameAttr = $this->config['display_name_claims']; $displayName = []; foreach ($displayNameAttr as $dnAttr) { $dnComponent = $token->claims()->get($dnAttr, ''); if ($dnComponent !== '') { $displayName[] = $dnComponent; } } if (count($displayName) == 0) { $displayName[] = $defaultValue; } return implode(' ', $displayName); } /** * Extract the details of a user from an ID token. * @return array{name: string, email: string, external_id: string} */ protected function getUserDetails(Token $token): array { $id = $token->claims()->get('sub'); return [ 'external_id' => $id, 'email' => $token->claims()->get('email'), 'name' => $this->getUserDisplayName($token, $id), ]; } /** * Processes a received access token for a user. Login the user when * they exist, optionally registering them automatically. * @throws OpenIdConnectException * @throws JsonDebugException * @throws UserRegistrationException * @throws StoppedAuthenticationException */ protected function processAccessTokenCallback(AccessToken $accessToken): User { dd($accessToken->getValues()); // TODO - Create a class to manage token parsing and validation on this // Using the config params: // $this->config['jwt_public_key'] // $this->config['issuer'] // // Ensure ID token validation is done: // // To full affect and tested $userDetails = $this->getUserDetails($accessToken->getIdToken()); $isLoggedIn = auth()->check(); if ($this->config['dump_user_details']) { throw new JsonDebugException($accessToken->jsonSerialize()); } if ($userDetails['email'] === null) { throw new OpenIdConnectException(trans('errors.oidc_no_email_address')); } if ($isLoggedIn) { throw new OpenIdConnectException(trans('errors.oidc_already_logged_in'), '/login'); } $user = $this->registrationService->findOrRegister( $userDetails['name'], $userDetails['email'], $userDetails['external_id'] ); if ($user === null) { throw new OpenIdConnectException(trans('errors.oidc_user_not_registered', ['name' => $userDetails['external_id']]), '/login'); } $this->loginService->login($user, 'oidc'); return $user; } }