findOrFail($id); } /** * Create a new comment on an entity. */ public function create(Entity $entity, string $text, ?int $parent_id): Comment { $userId = user()->id; $comment = new Comment(); $comment->text = $text; $comment->html = $this->commentToHtml($text); $comment->created_by = $userId; $comment->updated_by = $userId; $comment->local_id = $this->getNextLocalId($entity); $comment->parent_id = $parent_id; $entity->comments()->save($comment); ActivityService::add(ActivityType::COMMENT_CREATE, $comment); ActivityService::add(ActivityType::COMMENTED_ON, $entity); return $comment; } /** * Update an existing comment. */ public function update(Comment $comment, string $text): Comment { $comment->updated_by = user()->id; $comment->text = $text; $comment->html = $this->commentToHtml($text); $comment->save(); ActivityService::add(ActivityType::COMMENT_UPDATE, $comment); return $comment; } /** * Delete a comment from the system. */ public function delete(Comment $comment): void { $comment->delete(); ActivityService::add(ActivityType::COMMENT_DELETE, $comment); } /** * Convert the given comment Markdown to HTML. */ public function commentToHtml(string $commentText): string { $converter = new CommonMarkConverter([ 'html_input' => 'strip', 'max_nesting_level' => 10, 'allow_unsafe_links' => false, ]); return $converter->convert($commentText); } /** * Get the next local ID relative to the linked entity. */ protected function getNextLocalId(Entity $entity): int { $currentMaxId = $entity->comments()->max('local_id'); return $currentMaxId + 1; } }