image = $image; $this->imageService = $imageService; $this->restrictionService = $permissionService; $this->page = $page; } /** * Get an image with the given id. * @param $id * @return Image */ public function getById($id) { return $this->image->findOrFail($id); } /** * Execute a paginated query, returning in a standard format. * Also runs the query through the restriction system. * @param $query * @param int $page * @param int $pageSize * @param bool $filterOnPage * @return array */ private function returnPaginated($query, $page = 1, $pageSize = 24) { $images = $query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->skip($pageSize * ($page - 1))->take($pageSize + 1)->get(); $hasMore = count($images) > $pageSize; $returnImages = $images->take($pageSize); $returnImages->each(function ($image) { $this->loadThumbs($image); }); return [ 'images' => $returnImages, 'has_more' => $hasMore ]; } /** * Fetch a list of images in a paginated format, filtered by image type. * Can be filtered by uploaded to and also by name. * @param string $type * @param int $page * @param int $pageSize * @param int $uploadedTo * @param string|null $search * @param callable|null $whereClause * @return array */ public function getPaginatedByType( string $type, int $page = 0, int $pageSize = 24, int $uploadedTo = null, string $search = null, callable $whereClause = null ) { $imageQuery = $this->image->newQuery()->where('type', '=', strtolower($type)); if ($uploadedTo !== null) { $imageQuery = $imageQuery->where('uploaded_to', '=', $uploadedTo); } if ($search !== null) { $imageQuery = $imageQuery->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $search . '%'); } // Filter by page access $imageQuery = $this->restrictionService->filterRelatedEntity('page', $imageQuery, 'images', 'uploaded_to'); if ($whereClause !== null) { $imageQuery = $imageQuery->where($whereClause); } return $this->returnPaginated($imageQuery, $page, $pageSize); } /** * Get paginated gallery images within a specific page or book. * @param string $type * @param string $filterType * @param int $page * @param int $pageSize * @param int|null $uploadedTo * @param string|null $search * @return array */ public function getEntityFiltered( string $type, string $filterType = null, int $page = 0, int $pageSize = 24, int $uploadedTo = null, string $search = null ) { $contextPage = $this->page->findOrFail($uploadedTo); $parentFilter = null; if ($filterType === 'book' || $filterType === 'page') { $parentFilter = function(Builder $query) use ($filterType, $contextPage) { if ($filterType === 'page') { $query->where('uploaded_to', '=', $contextPage->id); } elseif ($filterType === 'book') { $validPageIds = $contextPage->book->pages()->get(['id'])->pluck('id')->toArray(); $query->whereIn('uploaded_to', $validPageIds); } }; } return $this->getPaginatedByType($type, $page, $pageSize, null, $search, $parentFilter); } /** * Save a new image into storage and return the new image. * @param UploadedFile $uploadFile * @param string $type * @param int $uploadedTo * @param int|null $resizeWidth * @param int|null $resizeHeight * @param bool $keepRatio * @return Image * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\ImageUploadException */ public function saveNew(UploadedFile $uploadFile, $type, $uploadedTo = 0, int $resizeWidth = null, int $resizeHeight = null, bool $keepRatio = true) { $image = $this->imageService->saveNewFromUpload($uploadFile, $type, $uploadedTo, $resizeWidth, $resizeHeight, $keepRatio); $this->loadThumbs($image); return $image; } /** * Save a drawing the the database; * @param string $base64Uri * @param int $uploadedTo * @return Image * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\ImageUploadException */ public function saveDrawing(string $base64Uri, int $uploadedTo) { $name = 'Drawing-' . user()->getShortName(40) . '-' . strval(time()) . '.png'; $image = $this->imageService->saveNewFromBase64Uri($base64Uri, $name, 'drawio', $uploadedTo); return $image; } /** * Update the details of an image via an array of properties. * @param Image $image * @param array $updateDetails * @return Image * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\ImageUploadException * @throws \Exception */ public function updateImageDetails(Image $image, $updateDetails) { $image->fill($updateDetails); $image->save(); $this->loadThumbs($image); return $image; } /** * Destroys an Image object along with its revisions, files and thumbnails. * @param Image $image * @return bool * @throws \Exception */ public function destroyImage(Image $image = null) { if ($image) { $this->imageService->destroy($image); } return true; } /** * Destroy all images of a certain type. * @param string $imageType * @throws \Exception */ public function destroyByType(string $imageType) { $images = $this->image->where('type', '=', $imageType)->get(); foreach ($images as $image) { $this->destroyImage($image); } } /** * Load thumbnails onto an image object. * @param Image $image * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\ImageUploadException * @throws \Exception */ protected function loadThumbs(Image $image) { $image->thumbs = [ 'gallery' => $this->getThumbnail($image, 150, 150), 'display' => $this->getThumbnail($image, 840, 0, true) ]; } /** * Get the thumbnail for an image. * If $keepRatio is true only the width will be used. * Checks the cache then storage to avoid creating / accessing the filesystem on every check. * @param Image $image * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param bool $keepRatio * @return string * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\ImageUploadException * @throws \Exception */ protected function getThumbnail(Image $image, $width = 220, $height = 220, $keepRatio = false) { try { return $this->imageService->getThumbnail($image, $width, $height, $keepRatio); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return null; } } /** * Get the raw image data from an Image. * @param Image $image * @return null|string */ public function getImageData(Image $image) { try { return $this->imageService->getImageData($image); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return null; } } /** * Get the validation rules for image files. * @return string */ public function getImageValidationRules() { return 'image_extension|no_double_extension|mimes:jpeg,png,gif,bmp,webp,tiff'; } }