actingAsApiEditor(); $firstBook = Book::query()->orderBy('id', 'asc')->first(); $resp = $this->getJson($this->baseEndpoint . '?count=1&sort=+id'); $resp->assertJson(['data' => [ [ 'id' => $firstBook->id, 'name' => $firstBook->name, 'slug' => $firstBook->slug, ], ]]); } public function test_create_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $templatePage = $this->entities->templatePage(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My API book', 'description' => 'A book created via the API', 'default_template_id' => $templatePage->id, ]; $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, $details); $resp->assertStatus(200); $newItem = Book::query()->orderByDesc('id')->where('name', '=', $details['name'])->first(); $resp->assertJson(array_merge($details, [ 'id' => $newItem->id, 'slug' => $newItem->slug, 'description_html' => '

A book created via the API

', ])); $this->assertActivityExists('book_create', $newItem); } public function test_create_endpoint_with_html() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My API book', 'description_html' => '

A book created via the API

', ]; $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, $details); $resp->assertStatus(200); $newItem = Book::query()->orderByDesc('id')->where('name', '=', $details['name'])->first(); $expectedDetails = array_merge($details, [ 'id' => $newItem->id, 'description' => 'A book created via the API', ]); $resp->assertJson($expectedDetails); $this->assertDatabaseHas('books', $expectedDetails); } public function test_book_name_needed_to_create() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $details = [ 'description' => 'A book created via the API', ]; $resp = $this->postJson($this->baseEndpoint, $details); $resp->assertStatus(422); $resp->assertJson([ 'error' => [ 'message' => 'The given data was invalid.', 'validation' => [ 'name' => ['The name field is required.'], ], 'code' => 422, ], ]); } public function test_read_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); $resp = $this->getJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertJson([ 'id' => $book->id, 'slug' => $book->slug, 'created_by' => [ 'name' => $book->createdBy->name, ], 'updated_by' => [ 'name' => $book->createdBy->name, ], 'owned_by' => [ 'name' => $book->ownedBy->name, ], 'default_template_id' => null, ]); } public function test_read_endpoint_includes_chapter_and_page_contents() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->bookHasChaptersAndPages(); $chapter = $book->chapters()->first(); $chapterPage = $chapter->pages()->first(); $resp = $this->getJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}"); $directChildCount = $book->directPages()->count() + $book->chapters()->count(); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertJsonCount($directChildCount, 'contents'); $resp->assertJson([ 'contents' => [ [ 'type' => 'chapter', 'id' => $chapter->id, 'name' => $chapter->name, 'slug' => $chapter->slug, 'pages' => [ [ 'id' => $chapterPage->id, 'name' => $chapterPage->name, 'slug' => $chapterPage->slug, ] ] ] ] ]); } public function test_update_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); $templatePage = $this->entities->templatePage(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My updated API book', 'description' => 'A book updated via the API', 'default_template_id' => $templatePage->id, ]; $resp = $this->putJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}", $details); $book->refresh(); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertJson(array_merge($details, [ 'id' => $book->id, 'slug' => $book->slug, 'description_html' => '

A book updated via the API

', ])); $this->assertActivityExists('book_update', $book); } public function test_update_endpoint_with_html() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); $details = [ 'name' => 'My updated API book', 'description_html' => '

A book updated via the API

', ]; $resp = $this->putJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}", $details); $resp->assertStatus(200); $this->assertDatabaseHas('books', array_merge($details, ['id' => $book->id, 'description' => 'A book updated via the API'])); } public function test_update_increments_updated_date_if_only_tags_are_sent() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); DB::table('books')->where('id', '=', $book->id)->update(['updated_at' => Carbon::now()->subWeek()]); $details = [ 'tags' => [['name' => 'Category', 'value' => 'Testing']], ]; $this->putJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}", $details); $book->refresh(); $this->assertGreaterThan(Carbon::now()->subDay()->unix(), $book->updated_at->unix()); } public function test_update_cover_image_control() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); /** @var Book $book */ $book = $this->entities->book(); $this->assertNull($book->cover); $file = $this->files->uploadedImage('image.png'); // Ensure cover image can be set via API $resp = $this->call('PUT', $this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}", [ 'name' => 'My updated API book with image', ], [], ['image' => $file]); $book->refresh(); $resp->assertStatus(200); $this->assertNotNull($book->cover); // Ensure further updates without image do not clear cover image $resp = $this->put($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}", [ 'name' => 'My updated book again', ]); $book->refresh(); $resp->assertStatus(200); $this->assertNotNull($book->cover); // Ensure update with null image property clears image $resp = $this->put($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}", [ 'image' => null, ]); $book->refresh(); $resp->assertStatus(200); $this->assertNull($book->cover); } public function test_delete_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); $resp = $this->deleteJson($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}"); $resp->assertStatus(204); $this->assertActivityExists('book_delete'); } public function test_export_html_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}/export/html"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertSee($book->name); $resp->assertHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $book->slug . '.html"'); } public function test_export_plain_text_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}/export/plaintext"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertSee($book->name); $resp->assertHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $book->slug . '.txt"'); } public function test_export_pdf_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = $this->entities->book(); $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}/export/pdf"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $book->slug . '.pdf"'); } public function test_export_markdown_endpoint() { $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $book = Book::visible()->has('pages')->has('chapters')->first(); $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}/export/markdown"); $resp->assertStatus(200); $resp->assertHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="' . $book->slug . '.md"'); $resp->assertSee('# ' . $book->name); $resp->assertSee('# ' . $book->pages()->first()->name); $resp->assertSee('# ' . $book->chapters()->first()->name); } public function test_cant_export_when_not_have_permission() { $types = ['html', 'plaintext', 'pdf', 'markdown']; $this->actingAsApiEditor(); $this->permissions->removeUserRolePermissions($this->users->editor(), ['content-export']); $book = $this->entities->book(); foreach ($types as $type) { $resp = $this->get($this->baseEndpoint . "/{$book->id}/export/{$type}"); $this->assertPermissionError($resp); } } }