1 ? $permission : $ownable->getMorphClass() . '-' . $permission; $user = $this->currentUser(); $userRoleIds = $this->getCurrentUserRoleIds(); $allRolePermission = $user->can($fullPermission . '-all'); $ownRolePermission = $user->can($fullPermission . '-own'); $nonJointPermissions = ['restrictions', 'image', 'attachment', 'comment']; $ownerField = ($ownable instanceof Entity) ? 'owned_by' : 'created_by'; $ownableFieldVal = $ownable->getAttribute($ownerField); if (is_null($ownableFieldVal)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("{$ownerField} field used but has not been loaded"); } $isOwner = $user->id === $ownableFieldVal; $hasRolePermission = $allRolePermission || ($isOwner && $ownRolePermission); // Handle non entity specific jointPermissions if (in_array($explodedPermission[0], $nonJointPermissions)) { return $hasRolePermission; } $hasApplicableEntityPermissions = $this->hasEntityPermission($ownable, $userRoleIds, $action); return is_null($hasApplicableEntityPermissions) ? $hasRolePermission : $hasApplicableEntityPermissions; } /** * Check if there are permissions that are applicable for the given entity item, action and roles. * Returns null when no entity permissions are in force. */ protected function hasEntityPermission(Entity $entity, array $userRoleIds, string $action): ?bool { $this->ensureValidEntityAction($action); $adminRoleId = Role::getSystemRole('admin')->id; if (in_array($adminRoleId, $userRoleIds)) { return true; } // The chain order here is very important due to the fact we walk up the chain // in the loop below. Earlier items in the chain have higher priority. $chain = [$entity]; if ($entity instanceof Page && $entity->chapter_id) { $chain[] = $entity->chapter; } if ($entity instanceof Page || $entity instanceof Chapter) { $chain[] = $entity->book; } foreach ($chain as $currentEntity) { $allowedByRoleId = $currentEntity->permissions() ->whereIn('role_id', [0, ...$userRoleIds]) ->pluck($action, 'role_id'); // Continue up the chain if no applicable entity permission overrides. if (empty($allowedByRoleId)) { continue; } // If we have user-role-specific permissions set, allow if any of those // role permissions allow access. $hasDefault = $allowedByRoleId->has(0); if (!$hasDefault || $allowedByRoleId->count() > 1) { return $allowedByRoleId->search(function (bool $allowed, int $roleId) { return $roleId !== 0 && $allowed; }) !== false; } // Otherwise, return the default "Other roles" fallback value. return $allowedByRoleId->get(0); } return null; } /** * Checks if a user has the given permission for any items in the system. * Can be passed an entity instance to filter on a specific type. */ public function checkUserHasEntityPermissionOnAny(string $action, string $entityClass = ''): bool { $this->ensureValidEntityAction($action); $permissionQuery = EntityPermission::query() ->where($action, '=', true) ->whereIn('role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoleIds()); if (!empty($entityClass)) { /** @var Entity $entityInstance */ $entityInstance = app()->make($entityClass); $permissionQuery = $permissionQuery->where('entity_type', '=', $entityInstance->getMorphClass()); } $hasPermission = $permissionQuery->count() > 0; return $hasPermission; } /** * Limit the given entity query so that the query will only * return items that the user has view permission for. */ public function restrictEntityQuery(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->where(function (Builder $parentQuery) { $parentQuery->whereHas('jointPermissions', function (Builder $permissionQuery) { $permissionQuery->whereIn('role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoleIds()) ->where(function (Builder $query) { $this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $this->currentUser()->id); }); }); }); } /** * Extend the given page query to ensure draft items are not visible * unless created by the given user. */ public function restrictDraftsOnPageQuery(Builder $query): Builder { return $query->where(function (Builder $query) { $query->where('draft', '=', false) ->orWhere(function (Builder $query) { $query->where('draft', '=', true) ->where('owned_by', '=', $this->currentUser()->id); }); }); } /** * Filter items that have entities set as a polymorphic relation. * For simplicity, this will not return results attached to draft pages. * Draft pages should never really have related items though. * * @param Builder|QueryBuilder $query */ public function restrictEntityRelationQuery($query, string $tableName, string $entityIdColumn, string $entityTypeColumn) { $tableDetails = ['tableName' => $tableName, 'entityIdColumn' => $entityIdColumn, 'entityTypeColumn' => $entityTypeColumn]; $pageMorphClass = (new Page())->getMorphClass(); $q = $query->whereExists(function ($permissionQuery) use (&$tableDetails) { /** @var Builder $permissionQuery */ $permissionQuery->select(['role_id'])->from('joint_permissions') ->whereColumn('joint_permissions.entity_id', '=', $tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityIdColumn']) ->whereColumn('joint_permissions.entity_type', '=', $tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityTypeColumn']) ->whereIn('joint_permissions.role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoleIds()) ->where(function (QueryBuilder $query) { $this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $this->currentUser()->id); }); })->where(function ($query) use ($tableDetails, $pageMorphClass) { /** @var Builder $query */ $query->where($tableDetails['entityTypeColumn'], '!=', $pageMorphClass) ->orWhereExists(function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($tableDetails, $pageMorphClass) { $query->select('id')->from('pages') ->whereColumn('pages.id', '=', $tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityIdColumn']) ->where($tableDetails['tableName'] . '.' . $tableDetails['entityTypeColumn'], '=', $pageMorphClass) ->where('pages.draft', '=', false); }); }); return $q; } /** * Add conditions to a query for a model that's a relation of a page, so only the model results * on visible pages are returned by the query. * Is effectively the same as "restrictEntityRelationQuery" but takes into account page drafts * while not expecting a polymorphic relation, Just a simpler one-page-to-many-relations set-up. */ public function restrictPageRelationQuery(Builder $query, string $tableName, string $pageIdColumn): Builder { $fullPageIdColumn = $tableName . '.' . $pageIdColumn; $morphClass = (new Page())->getMorphClass(); $existsQuery = function ($permissionQuery) use ($fullPageIdColumn, $morphClass) { /** @var Builder $permissionQuery */ $permissionQuery->select('joint_permissions.role_id')->from('joint_permissions') ->whereColumn('joint_permissions.entity_id', '=', $fullPageIdColumn) ->where('joint_permissions.entity_type', '=', $morphClass) ->whereIn('joint_permissions.role_id', $this->getCurrentUserRoleIds()) ->where(function (QueryBuilder $query) { $this->addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, $this->currentUser()->id); }); }; $q = $query->where(function ($query) use ($existsQuery, $fullPageIdColumn) { $query->whereExists($existsQuery) ->orWhere($fullPageIdColumn, '=', 0); }); // Prevent visibility of non-owned draft pages $q->whereExists(function (QueryBuilder $query) use ($fullPageIdColumn) { $query->select('id')->from('pages') ->whereColumn('pages.id', '=', $fullPageIdColumn) ->where(function (QueryBuilder $query) { $query->where('pages.draft', '=', false) ->orWhere('pages.owned_by', '=', $this->currentUser()->id); }); }); return $q; } /** * Add the query for checking the given user id has permission * within the join_permissions table. * * @param QueryBuilder|Builder $query */ protected function addJointHasPermissionCheck($query, int $userIdToCheck) { $query->where('joint_permissions.has_permission', '=', true)->orWhere(function ($query) use ($userIdToCheck) { $query->where('joint_permissions.has_permission_own', '=', true) ->where('joint_permissions.owned_by', '=', $userIdToCheck); }); } /** * Get the current user. */ protected function currentUser(): User { return user(); } /** * Get the roles for the current logged-in user. * * @return int[] */ protected function getCurrentUserRoleIds(): array { if (auth()->guest()) { return [Role::getSystemRole('public')->id]; } return $this->currentUser()->roles->pluck('id')->values()->all(); } /** * Ensure the given action is a valid and expected entity action. * Throws an exception if invalid otherwise does nothing. * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ protected function ensureValidEntityAction(string $action): void { if (!in_array($action, EntityPermission::PERMISSIONS)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Action should be a simple entity permission action, not a role permission'); } } }