'您沒有權限進入所請求的頁面。', 'permissionJson' => '您沒有權限執行所請求的操作。', // Auth 'error_user_exists_different_creds' => 'Email為 :email 的使用者已經存在,但具有不同的憑據。', 'email_already_confirmed' => 'Email已被確認,請嘗試登錄。', 'email_confirmation_invalid' => '此確認 Session 無效或已被使用,請重新註冊。', 'email_confirmation_expired' => '確認 Session 已過期,已發送新的確認電子郵件。', 'email_confirmation_awaiting' => 'The email address for the account in use needs to be confirmed', 'ldap_fail_anonymous' => '使用匿名綁定的LDAP進入失敗。', 'ldap_fail_authed' => '帶有標識名稱和密碼的LDAP進入失敗。', 'ldap_extension_not_installed' => '未安裝LDAP PHP外掛程式', 'ldap_cannot_connect' => '無法連接到ldap伺服器,第一次連接失敗', 'saml_already_logged_in' => 'Already logged in', 'saml_user_not_registered' => 'The user :name is not registered and automatic registration is disabled', 'saml_no_email_address' => 'Could not find an email address, for this user, in the data provided by the external authentication system', 'saml_invalid_response_id' => 'The request from the external authentication system is not recognised by a process started by this application. Navigating back after a login could cause this issue.', 'saml_fail_authed' => 'Login using :system failed, system did not provide successful authorization', 'saml_email_exists' => 'Registration unsuccessful since a user already exists with email address ":email"', 'social_no_action_defined' => '沒有定義行為', 'social_login_bad_response' => "在 :socialAccount 登錄時遇到錯誤:\n:error", 'social_account_in_use' => ':socialAccount 帳號已被使用,請嘗試透過 :socialAccount 選項登錄。', 'social_account_email_in_use' => 'Email :email 已經被使用。如果您已有帳號,則可以在個人資料設定中綁定您的 :socialAccount。', 'social_account_existing' => ':socialAccount已經被綁定到您的帳號。', 'social_account_already_used_existing' => ':socialAccount帳號已經被其他使用者使用。', 'social_account_not_used' => ':socialAccount帳號沒有綁定到任何使用者,請在您的個人資料設定中綁定。', 'social_account_register_instructions' => '如果您還沒有帳號,您可以使用 :socialAccount 選項註冊帳號。', 'social_driver_not_found' => '未找到社交驅動程式', 'social_driver_not_configured' => '您的:socialAccount社交設定不正確。', 'invite_token_expired' => 'This invitation link has expired. You can instead try to reset your account password.', // System 'path_not_writable' => '無法上傳到檔案路徑“:filePath”,請確保它可寫入伺服器。', 'cannot_get_image_from_url' => '無法從 :url 中獲取圖片', 'cannot_create_thumbs' => '伺服器無法建立縮圖,請檢查您是否安裝了GD PHP外掛。', 'server_upload_limit' => '上傳的檔案大小超過伺服器允許上限。請嘗試較小的檔案。', 'uploaded' => '上傳的檔案大小超過伺服器允許上限。請嘗試較小的檔案。', 'image_upload_error' => '上傳圖片時發生錯誤', 'image_upload_type_error' => '上傳圖片類型錯誤', 'file_upload_timeout' => '文件上傳已超時。', // Attachments 'attachment_page_mismatch' => '附件更新期間的頁面不符合', 'attachment_not_found' => '沒有找到附件', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => '無法儲存草稿,確保您在儲存頁面之前已經連接到互聯網', 'page_custom_home_deletion' => '無法刪除一個被設定為首頁的頁面', // Entities 'entity_not_found' => '未找到實體', 'bookshelf_not_found' => '未找到書架', 'book_not_found' => '未找到圖書', 'page_not_found' => '未找到頁面', 'chapter_not_found' => '未找到章節', 'selected_book_not_found' => '選中的書未找到', 'selected_book_chapter_not_found' => '未找到所選的圖書或章節', 'guests_cannot_save_drafts' => '訪客不能儲存草稿', // Users 'users_cannot_delete_only_admin' => '您不能刪除唯一的管理員帳號', 'users_cannot_delete_guest' => '您不能刪除訪客使用者', // Roles 'role_cannot_be_edited' => '無法編輯這個角色', 'role_system_cannot_be_deleted' => '無法刪除系統角色', 'role_registration_default_cannot_delete' => '無法刪除設定為預設註冊的角色', 'role_cannot_remove_only_admin' => 'This user is the only user assigned to the administrator role. Assign the administrator role to another user before attempting to remove it here.', // Comments 'comment_list' => '讀取評論時發生錯誤。', 'cannot_add_comment_to_draft' => '您不能為草稿加入評論。', 'comment_add' => '加入/更新評論時發生錯誤。', 'comment_delete' => '刪除評論時發生錯誤。', 'empty_comment' => '不能加入空的評論。', // Error pages '404_page_not_found' => '無法找到頁面', 'sorry_page_not_found' => '對不起,無法找到您想進入的頁面。', 'return_home' => '返回首頁', 'error_occurred' => '發生錯誤', 'app_down' => ':appName現在正在關閉', 'back_soon' => '請耐心等待網站的恢複。', // API errors 'api_no_authorization_found' => 'No authorization token found on the request', 'api_bad_authorization_format' => 'An authorization token was found on the request but the format appeared incorrect', 'api_user_token_not_found' => 'No matching API token was found for the provided authorization token', 'api_incorrect_token_secret' => 'The secret provided for the given used API token is incorrect', 'api_user_no_api_permission' => 'The owner of the used API token does not have permission to make API calls', 'api_user_token_expired' => 'The authorization token used has expired', ];