db = $db; parent::__construct(); } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $oldUrl = str_replace("'", '', $this->argument('oldUrl')); $newUrl = str_replace("'", '', $this->argument('newUrl')); $urlPattern = '/https?:\/\/(.+)/'; if (!preg_match($urlPattern, $oldUrl) || !preg_match($urlPattern, $newUrl)) { $this->error("The given urls are expected to be full urls starting with http:// or https://"); return 1; } if (!$this->checkUserOkayToProceed($oldUrl, $newUrl)) { return 1; } $columnsToUpdateByTable = [ "attachments" => ["path"], "pages" => ["html", "text", "markdown"], "images" => ["url"], "settings" => ["value"], "comments" => ["html", "text"], ]; foreach ($columnsToUpdateByTable as $table => $columns) { foreach ($columns as $column) { $changeCount = $this->replaceValueInTable($table, $column, $oldUrl, $newUrl); $this->info("Updated {$changeCount} rows in {$table}->{$column}"); } } $jsonColumnsToUpdateByTable = [ "settings" => ["value"], ]; foreach ($jsonColumnsToUpdateByTable as $table => $columns) { foreach ($columns as $column) { $oldJson = trim(json_encode($oldUrl), '"'); $newJson = trim(json_encode($newUrl), '"'); $changeCount = $this->replaceValueInTable($table, $column, $oldJson, $newJson); $this->info("Updated {$changeCount} JSON encoded rows in {$table}->{$column}"); } } $this->info("URL update procedure complete."); $this->info('============================================================================'); $this->info('Be sure to run "php artisan cache:clear" to clear any old URLs in the cache.'); $this->info('============================================================================'); return 0; } /** * Perform a find+replace operations in the provided table and column. * Returns the count of rows changed. */ protected function replaceValueInTable(string $table, string $column, string $oldUrl, string $newUrl): int { $oldQuoted = $this->db->getPdo()->quote($oldUrl); $newQuoted = $this->db->getPdo()->quote($newUrl); return $this->db->table($table)->update([ $column => $this->db->raw("REPLACE({$column}, {$oldQuoted}, {$newQuoted})") ]); } /** * Warn the user of the dangers of this operation. * Returns a boolean indicating if they've accepted the warnings. */ protected function checkUserOkayToProceed(string $oldUrl, string $newUrl): bool { $dangerWarning = "This will search for \"{$oldUrl}\" in your database and replace it with \"{$newUrl}\".\n"; $dangerWarning .= "Are you sure you want to proceed?"; $backupConfirmation = "This operation could cause issues if used incorrectly. Have you made a backup of your existing database?"; return $this->confirm($dangerWarning) && $this->confirm($backupConfirmation); } }