"use strict"; const moment = require('moment'); module.exports = function (ngApp, events) { ngApp.controller('ImageManagerController', ['$scope', '$attrs', '$http', '$timeout', 'imageManagerService', function ($scope, $attrs, $http, $timeout, imageManagerService) { $scope.images = []; $scope.imageType = $attrs.imageType; $scope.selectedImage = false; $scope.dependantPages = false; $scope.showing = false; $scope.hasMore = false; $scope.imageUpdateSuccess = false; $scope.imageDeleteSuccess = false; $scope.uploadedTo = $attrs.uploadedTo; $scope.view = 'all'; $scope.searching = false; $scope.searchTerm = ''; var page = 0; var previousClickTime = 0; var previousClickImage = 0; var dataLoaded = false; var callback = false; var preSearchImages = []; var preSearchHasMore = false; /** * Used by dropzone to get the endpoint to upload to. * @returns {string} */ $scope.getUploadUrl = function () { return window.baseUrl('/images/' + $scope.imageType + '/upload'); }; /** * Cancel the current search operation. */ function cancelSearch() { $scope.searching = false; $scope.searchTerm = ''; $scope.images = preSearchImages; $scope.hasMore = preSearchHasMore; } $scope.cancelSearch = cancelSearch; /** * Runs on image upload, Adds an image to local list of images * and shows a success message to the user. * @param file * @param data */ $scope.uploadSuccess = function (file, data) { $scope.$apply(() => { $scope.images.unshift(data); }); events.emit('success', 'Image uploaded'); }; /** * Runs the callback and hides the image manager. * @param returnData */ function callbackAndHide(returnData) { if (callback) callback(returnData); $scope.hide(); } /** * Image select action. Checks if a double-click was fired. * @param image */ $scope.imageSelect = function (image) { var dblClickTime = 300; var currentTime = Date.now(); var timeDiff = currentTime - previousClickTime; if (timeDiff < dblClickTime && image.id === previousClickImage) { // If double click callbackAndHide(image); } else { // If single $scope.selectedImage = image; $scope.dependantPages = false; } previousClickTime = currentTime; previousClickImage = image.id; }; /** * Action that runs when the 'Select image' button is clicked. * Runs the callback and hides the image manager. */ $scope.selectButtonClick = function () { callbackAndHide($scope.selectedImage); }; /** * Show the image manager. * Takes a callback to execute later on. * @param doneCallback */ function show(doneCallback) { callback = doneCallback; $scope.showing = true; $('#image-manager').find('.overlay').css('display', 'flex').hide().fadeIn(240); // Get initial images if they have not yet been loaded in. if (!dataLoaded) { fetchData(); dataLoaded = true; } } // Connects up the image manger so it can be used externally // such as from TinyMCE. imageManagerService.show = show; imageManagerService.showExternal = function (doneCallback) { $scope.$apply(() => { show(doneCallback); }); }; window.ImageManager = imageManagerService; /** * Hide the image manager */ $scope.hide = function () { $scope.showing = false; $('#image-manager').find('.overlay').fadeOut(240); }; var baseUrl = window.baseUrl('/images/' + $scope.imageType + '/all/'); /** * Fetch the list image data from the server. */ function fetchData() { var url = baseUrl + page + '?'; var components = {}; if ($scope.uploadedTo) components['page_id'] = $scope.uploadedTo; if ($scope.searching) components['term'] = $scope.searchTerm; var urlQueryString = Object.keys(components).map((key) => { return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(components[key]); }).join('&'); url += urlQueryString; $http.get(url).then((response) => { $scope.images = $scope.images.concat(response.data.images); $scope.hasMore = response.data.hasMore; page++; }); } $scope.fetchData = fetchData; /** * Start a search operation * @param searchTerm */ $scope.searchImages = function() { if ($scope.searchTerm === '') { cancelSearch(); return; } if (!$scope.searching) { preSearchImages = $scope.images; preSearchHasMore = $scope.hasMore; } $scope.searching = true; $scope.images = []; $scope.hasMore = false; page = 0; baseUrl = window.baseUrl('/images/' + $scope.imageType + '/search/'); fetchData(); }; /** * Set the current image listing view. * @param viewName */ $scope.setView = function(viewName) { cancelSearch(); $scope.images = []; $scope.hasMore = false; page = 0; $scope.view = viewName; baseUrl = window.baseUrl('/images/' + $scope.imageType + '/' + viewName + '/'); fetchData(); } /** * Save the details of an image. * @param event */ $scope.saveImageDetails = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var url = window.baseUrl('/images/update/' + $scope.selectedImage.id); $http.put(url, this.selectedImage).then((response) => { events.emit('success', 'Image details updated'); }, (response) => { if (response.status === 422) { var errors = response.data; var message = ''; Object.keys(errors).forEach((key) => { message += errors[key].join('\n'); }); events.emit('error', message); } else if (response.status === 403) { events.emit('error', response.data.error); } }); }; /** * Delete an image from system and notify of success. * Checks if it should force delete when an image * has dependant pages. * @param event */ $scope.deleteImage = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var force = $scope.dependantPages !== false; var url = window.baseUrl('/images/' + $scope.selectedImage.id); if (force) url += '?force=true'; $http.delete(url).then((response) => { $scope.images.splice($scope.images.indexOf($scope.selectedImage), 1); $scope.selectedImage = false; events.emit('success', 'Image successfully deleted'); }, (response) => { // Pages failure if (response.status === 400) { $scope.dependantPages = response.data; } else if (response.status === 403) { events.emit('error', response.data.error); } }); }; /** * Simple date creator used to properly format dates. * @param stringDate * @returns {Date} */ $scope.getDate = function (stringDate) { return new Date(stringDate); }; }]); ngApp.controller('BookShowController', ['$scope', '$http', '$attrs', '$sce', function ($scope, $http, $attrs, $sce) { $scope.searching = false; $scope.searchTerm = ''; $scope.searchResults = ''; $scope.searchBook = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var term = $scope.searchTerm; if (term.length == 0) return; $scope.searching = true; $scope.searchResults = ''; var searchUrl = window.baseUrl('/search/book/' + $attrs.bookId); searchUrl += '?term=' + encodeURIComponent(term); $http.get(searchUrl).then((response) => { $scope.searchResults = $sce.trustAsHtml(response.data); }); }; $scope.checkSearchForm = function () { if ($scope.searchTerm.length < 1) { $scope.searching = false; } }; $scope.clearSearch = function () { $scope.searching = false; $scope.searchTerm = ''; }; }]); ngApp.controller('PageEditController', ['$scope', '$http', '$attrs', '$interval', '$timeout', '$sce', function ($scope, $http, $attrs, $interval, $timeout, $sce) { $scope.editorOptions = require('./pages/page-form'); $scope.editContent = ''; $scope.draftText = ''; var pageId = Number($attrs.pageId); var isEdit = pageId !== 0; var autosaveFrequency = 30; // AutoSave interval in seconds. var isMarkdown = $attrs.editorType === 'markdown'; $scope.isUpdateDraft = Number($attrs.pageUpdateDraft) === 1; $scope.isNewPageDraft = Number($attrs.pageNewDraft) === 1; // Set inital header draft text if ($scope.isUpdateDraft || $scope.isNewPageDraft) { $scope.draftText = 'Editing Draft' } else { $scope.draftText = 'Editing Page' }; var autoSave = false; var currentContent = { title: false, html: false }; if (isEdit) { setTimeout(() => { startAutoSave(); }, 1000); } // Actions specifically for the markdown editor if (isMarkdown) { $scope.displayContent = ''; // Editor change event $scope.editorChange = function (content) { $scope.displayContent = $sce.trustAsHtml(content); } } if (!isMarkdown) { $scope.editorChange = function() {}; } /** * Start the AutoSave loop, Checks for content change * before performing the costly AJAX request. */ function startAutoSave() { currentContent.title = $('#name').val(); currentContent.html = $scope.editContent; autoSave = $interval(() => { var newTitle = $('#name').val(); var newHtml = $scope.editContent; if (newTitle !== currentContent.title || newHtml !== currentContent.html) { currentContent.html = newHtml; currentContent.title = newTitle; saveDraft(); } }, 1000 * autosaveFrequency); } /** * Save a draft update into the system via an AJAX request. * @param title * @param html */ function saveDraft() { var data = { name: $('#name').val(), html: isMarkdown ? $sce.getTrustedHtml($scope.displayContent) : $scope.editContent }; if (isMarkdown) data.markdown = $scope.editContent; let url = window.baseUrl('/ajax/page/' + pageId + '/save-draft'); $http.put(url, data).then((responseData) => { var updateTime = moment.utc(moment.unix(responseData.data.timestamp)).toDate(); $scope.draftText = responseData.data.message + moment(updateTime).format('HH:mm'); if (!$scope.isNewPageDraft) $scope.isUpdateDraft = true; }); } $scope.forceDraftSave = function() { saveDraft(); }; // Listen to shortcuts coming via events $scope.$on('editor-keydown', (event, data) => { // Save shortcut (ctrl+s) if (data.keyCode == 83 && (navigator.platform.match("Mac") ? data.metaKey : data.ctrlKey)) { data.preventDefault(); saveDraft(); } }); /** * Discard the current draft and grab the current page * content from the system via an AJAX request. */ $scope.discardDraft = function () { let url = window.baseUrl('/ajax/page/' + pageId); $http.get(url).then((responseData) => { if (autoSave) $interval.cancel(autoSave); $scope.draftText = 'Editing Page'; $scope.isUpdateDraft = false; $scope.$broadcast('html-update', responseData.data.html); $scope.$broadcast('markdown-update', responseData.data.markdown || responseData.data.html); $('#name').val(responseData.data.name); $timeout(() => { startAutoSave(); }, 1000); events.emit('success', 'Draft discarded, The editor has been updated with the current page content'); }); }; }]); ngApp.controller('PageTagController', ['$scope', '$http', '$attrs', function ($scope, $http, $attrs) { const pageId = Number($attrs.pageId); $scope.tags = []; $scope.sortOptions = { handle: '.handle', items: '> tr', containment: "parent", axis: "y" }; /** * Push an empty tag to the end of the scope tags. */ function addEmptyTag() { $scope.tags.push({ name: '', value: '' }); } $scope.addEmptyTag = addEmptyTag; /** * Get all tags for the current book and add into scope. */ function getTags() { let url = window.baseUrl('/ajax/tags/get/page/' + pageId); $http.get(url).then((responseData) => { $scope.tags = responseData.data; addEmptyTag(); }); } getTags(); /** * Set the order property on all tags. */ function setTagOrder() { for (let i = 0; i < $scope.tags.length; i++) { $scope.tags[i].order = i; } } /** * When an tag changes check if another empty editable * field needs to be added onto the end. * @param tag */ $scope.tagChange = function(tag) { let cPos = $scope.tags.indexOf(tag); if (cPos !== $scope.tags.length-1) return; if (tag.name !== '' || tag.value !== '') { addEmptyTag(); } }; /** * When an tag field loses focus check the tag to see if its * empty and therefore could be removed from the list. * @param tag */ $scope.tagBlur = function(tag) { let isLast = $scope.tags.length - 1 === $scope.tags.indexOf(tag); if (tag.name === '' && tag.value === '' && !isLast) { let cPos = $scope.tags.indexOf(tag); $scope.tags.splice(cPos, 1); } }; /** * Save the tags to the current page. */ $scope.saveTags = function() { setTagOrder(); let postData = {tags: $scope.tags}; let url = window.baseUrl('/ajax/tags/update/page/' + pageId); $http.post(url, postData).then((responseData) => { $scope.tags = responseData.data.tags; addEmptyTag(); events.emit('success', responseData.data.message); }) }; /** * Remove a tag from the current list. * @param tag */ $scope.removeTag = function(tag) { let cIndex = $scope.tags.indexOf(tag); $scope.tags.splice(cIndex, 1); }; }]); };