user() ?: User::getGuest(); } /** * Check if the current user has a permission. If an ownable element * is passed in the jointPermissions are checked against that particular item. */ function userCan(string $permission, Model $ownable = null): bool { if ($ownable === null) { return user()->can($permission); } // Check permission on ownable item $permissions = app(PermissionApplicator::class); return $permissions->checkOwnableUserAccess($ownable, $permission); } /** * Check if the current user can perform the given action on any items in the system. * Can be provided the class name of an entity to filter ability to that specific entity type. */ function userCanOnAny(string $action, string $entityClass = ''): bool { $permissions = app(PermissionApplicator::class); return $permissions->checkUserHasEntityPermissionOnAny($action, $entityClass); } /** * Helper to access system settings. * * @return mixed|SettingService */ function setting(string $key = null, $default = null) { $settingService = resolve(SettingService::class); if (is_null($key)) { return $settingService; } return $settingService->get($key, $default); } /** * Get a path to a theme resource. * Returns null if a theme is not configured and * therefore a full path is not available for use. */ function theme_path(string $path = ''): ?string { $theme = config('view.theme'); if (!$theme) { return null; } return base_path('themes/' . $theme . ($path ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path : $path)); } /** * Get fetch an SVG icon as a string. * Checks for icons defined within a custom theme before defaulting back * to the 'resources/assets/icons' folder. * * Returns an empty string if icon file not found. */ function icon(string $name, array $attrs = []): string { $attrs = array_merge([ 'class' => 'svg-icon', 'data-icon' => $name, 'role' => 'presentation', ], $attrs); $attrString = ' '; foreach ($attrs as $attrName => $attr) { $attrString .= $attrName . '="' . $attr . '" '; } $iconPath = resource_path('icons/' . $name . '.svg'); $themeIconPath = theme_path('icons/' . $name . '.svg'); if ($themeIconPath && file_exists($themeIconPath)) { $iconPath = $themeIconPath; } elseif (!file_exists($iconPath)) { return ''; } $fileContents = file_get_contents($iconPath); return str_replace(' $value) { $trimmedVal = trim($value); if ($trimmedVal === '') { continue; } $queryStringSections[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($trimmedVal); } if (count($queryStringSections) === 0) { return url($path); } return url($path . '?' . implode('&', $queryStringSections)); }