entityRepo = $entityRepo; $this->userRepo = $userRepo; $this->exportService = $exportService; parent::__construct(); } /** * Display a listing of the book. * @return Response */ public function index() { $shelves = $this->entityRepo->getAllPaginated('bookshelf', 18); $recents = $this->signedIn ? $this->entityRepo->getRecentlyViewed('bookshelf', 4, 0) : false; $popular = $this->entityRepo->getPopular('bookshelf', 4, 0); $new = $this->entityRepo->getRecentlyCreated('bookshelf', 4, 0); $shelvesViewType = setting()->getUser($this->currentUser, 'bookshelves_view_type', config('app.views.bookshelves', 'grid')); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.shelves')); return view('shelves/index', [ 'shelves' => $shelves, 'recents' => $recents, 'popular' => $popular, 'new' => $new, 'shelvesViewType' => $shelvesViewType ]); } /** * Show the form for creating a new bookshelf. * @return Response */ public function create() { $this->checkPermission('bookshelf-create-all'); $books = $this->entityRepo->getAll('book', false, 'update'); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.shelves_create')); return view('shelves/create', ['books' => $books]); } /** * Store a newly created bookshelf in storage. * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $this->checkPermission('bookshelf-create-all'); $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'description' => 'string|max:1000', ]); $bookshelf = $this->entityRepo->createFromInput('bookshelf', $request->all()); $this->entityRepo->updateShelfBooks($bookshelf, $request->get('books', '')); Activity::add($bookshelf, 'bookshelf_create'); return redirect($bookshelf->getUrl()); } /** * Display the specified bookshelf. * @param String $slug * @return Response * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\NotFoundException */ public function show(string $slug) { $bookshelf = $this->entityRepo->getBySlug('bookshelf', $slug); /** @var $bookshelf Bookshelf */ $this->checkOwnablePermission('book-view', $bookshelf); $books = $this->entityRepo->getBookshelfChildren($bookshelf); Views::add($bookshelf); $this->setPageTitle($bookshelf->getShortName()); return view('shelves/show', [ 'shelf' => $bookshelf, 'books' => $books, 'activity' => Activity::entityActivity($bookshelf, 20, 0) ]); } /** * Show the form for editing the specified bookshelf. * @param $slug * @return Response * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\NotFoundException */ public function edit(string $slug) { $bookshelf = $this->entityRepo->getBySlug('bookshelf', $slug); /** @var $bookshelf Bookshelf */ $this->checkOwnablePermission('bookshelf-update', $bookshelf); $shelfBooks = $this->entityRepo->getBookshelfChildren($bookshelf); $shelfBookIds = $shelfBooks->pluck('id'); $books = $this->entityRepo->getAll('book', false, 'update'); $books = $books->filter(function ($book) use ($shelfBookIds) { return !$shelfBookIds->contains($book->id); }); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.shelves_edit_named', ['name' => $bookshelf->getShortName()])); return view('shelves/edit', [ 'shelf' => $bookshelf, 'books' => $books, 'shelfBooks' => $shelfBooks, ]); } /** * Update the specified bookshelf in storage. * @param Request $request * @param string $slug * @return Response * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\NotFoundException */ public function update(Request $request, string $slug) { $shelf = $this->entityRepo->getBySlug('bookshelf', $slug); /** @var $bookshelf Bookshelf */ $this->checkOwnablePermission('bookshelf-update', $shelf); $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => 'required|string|max:255', 'description' => 'string|max:1000', ]); $shelf = $this->entityRepo->updateFromInput('bookshelf', $shelf, $request->all()); $this->entityRepo->updateShelfBooks($shelf, $request->get('books', '')); Activity::add($shelf, 'bookshelf_update'); return redirect($shelf->getUrl()); } /** * Shows the page to confirm deletion * @param $slug * @return \Illuminate\View\View * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\NotFoundException */ public function showDelete(string $slug) { $bookshelf = $this->entityRepo->getBySlug('bookshelf', $slug); /** @var $bookshelf Bookshelf */ $this->checkOwnablePermission('bookshelf-delete', $bookshelf); $this->setPageTitle(trans('entities.shelves_delete_named', ['name' => $bookshelf->getShortName()])); return view('shelves/delete', ['shelf' => $bookshelf]); } /** * Remove the specified bookshelf from storage. * @param string $slug * @return Response * @throws \BookStack\Exceptions\NotFoundException * @throws \Throwable */ public function destroy(string $slug) { $bookshelf = $this->entityRepo->getBySlug('bookshelf', $slug); /** @var $bookshelf Bookshelf */ $this->checkOwnablePermission('bookshelf-delete', $bookshelf); Activity::addMessage('bookshelf_delete', 0, $bookshelf->name); $this->entityRepo->destroyBookshelf($bookshelf); return redirect('/shelves'); } // // /** // * Show the Restrictions view. // * @param $bookSlug // * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View // */ // public function showRestrict($bookSlug) // { // $book = $this->entityRepo->getBySlug('book', $bookSlug); // $this->checkOwnablePermission('restrictions-manage', $book); // $roles = $this->userRepo->getRestrictableRoles(); // return view('books/restrictions', [ // 'book' => $book, // 'roles' => $roles // ]); // } // // /** // * Set the restrictions for this book. // * @param $bookSlug // * @param $bookSlug // * @param Request $request // * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Routing\Redirector // */ // public function restrict($bookSlug, Request $request) // { // $book = $this->entityRepo->getBySlug('book', $bookSlug); // $this->checkOwnablePermission('restrictions-manage', $book); // $this->entityRepo->updateEntityPermissionsFromRequest($request, $book); // session()->flash('success', trans('entities.books_permissions_updated')); // return redirect($book->getUrl()); // } }