getRealPath()); $image = $this->imageTool->make($imageData); $image->resize(32, 32); $bmpData = $image->encode('bmp'); $icoData = $this->bmpToIco($bmpData, 32, 32); // TODO - Below are test paths file_put_contents(public_path('uploads/test.ico'), $icoData); file_put_contents(public_path('uploads/test.bmp'), $bmpData); // TODO - Permission check for icon overwrite // TODO - Write to correct location // TODO - Handle deletion and restore of original icon on user icon clear } /** * Convert BMP image data to ICO file format. * Built following the file format info from Wikipedia: * */ protected function bmpToIco(string $bmpData, int $width, int $height): string { // Trim off the header of the bitmap file $rawBmpData = substr($bmpData, 14); // ICO header $header = pack('v', 0x00); // Reserved. Must always be 0 $header .= pack('v', 0x01); // Specifies ico image $header .= pack('v', 0x01); // Specifies number of images // ICO Image Directory $entry = hex2bin(dechex($width)); // Image width $entry .= hex2bin(dechex($height)); // Image height $entry .= "\0"; // Color palette, typically 0 $entry .= "\0"; // Reserved // Color planes, Appears to remain 1 for bmp image data $entry .= pack('v', 0x01); // Bits per pixel, can range from 1 to 32. From testing conversion // via intervention from png typically provides this as 32. $entry .= pack('v', 0x20); // Size of the image data in bytes $entry .= pack('V', strlen($rawBmpData)); // Offset of the bmp data from file start $entry .= pack('V', strlen($header) + strlen($entry) + 4); // Join & return the combined parts of the ICO image data return $header . $entry . $rawBmpData; } }