ldap = $ldap; $this->config = config('services.ldap'); } /** * Get the details of a user from LDAP using the given username. * User found via configurable user filter. * @param $userName * @return array|null * @throws LdapException */ public function getUserDetails($userName) { $ldapConnection = $this->getConnection(); $this->bindSystemUser($ldapConnection); // Find user $userFilter = $this->buildFilter($this->config['user_filter'], ['user' => $userName]); $baseDn = $this->config['base_dn']; $users = $this->ldap->searchAndGetEntries($ldapConnection, $baseDn, $userFilter, ['cn', 'uid', 'dn', 'mail']); if ($users['count'] === 0) return null; $user = $users[0]; return [ 'uid' => (isset($user['uid'])) ? $user['uid'][0] : $user['dn'], 'name' => $user['cn'][0], 'dn' => $user['dn'], 'email' => (isset($user['mail'])) ? $user['mail'][0] : null ]; } /** * @param Authenticatable $user * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return bool * @throws LdapException */ public function validateUserCredentials(Authenticatable $user, $username, $password) { $ldapUser = $this->getUserDetails($username); if ($ldapUser === null) return false; if ($ldapUser['uid'] !== $user->external_auth_id) return false; $ldapConnection = $this->getConnection(); try { $ldapBind = $this->ldap->bind($ldapConnection, $ldapUser['dn'], $password); } catch (\ErrorException $e) { $ldapBind = false; } return $ldapBind; } /** * Bind the system user to the LDAP connection using the given credentials * otherwise anonymous access is attempted. * @param $connection * @throws LdapException */ protected function bindSystemUser($connection) { $ldapDn = $this->config['dn']; $ldapPass = $this->config['pass']; $isAnonymous = ($ldapDn === false || $ldapPass === false); if ($isAnonymous) { $ldapBind = $this->ldap->bind($connection); } else { $ldapBind = $this->ldap->bind($connection, $ldapDn, $ldapPass); } if (!$ldapBind) throw new LdapException('LDAP access failed using ' . ($isAnonymous ? ' anonymous bind.' : ' given dn & pass details')); } /** * Get the connection to the LDAP server. * Creates a new connection if one does not exist. * @return resource * @throws LdapException */ protected function getConnection() { if ($this->ldapConnection !== null) return $this->ldapConnection; // Check LDAP extension in installed if (!function_exists('ldap_connect') && config('app.env') !== 'testing') { throw new LdapException('LDAP PHP extension not installed'); } // Get port from server string if specified. $ldapServer = explode(':', $this->config['server']); $ldapConnection = $this->ldap->connect($ldapServer[0], count($ldapServer) > 1 ? $ldapServer[1] : 389); if ($ldapConnection === false) { throw new LdapException('Cannot connect to ldap server, Initial connection failed'); } // Set any required options if ($this->config['version']) { $this->ldap->setOption($ldapConnection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $this->config['version']); } $this->ldapConnection = $ldapConnection; return $this->ldapConnection; } /** * Build a filter string by injecting common variables. * @param string $filterString * @param array $attrs * @return string */ protected function buildFilter($filterString, array $attrs) { $newAttrs = []; foreach ($attrs as $key => $attrText) { $newKey = '${' . $key . '}'; $newAttrs[$newKey] = $attrText; } return strtr($filterString, $newAttrs); } }