activity = $activity; $this->permissionService = $permissionService; } /** * Add activity data to database for an entity. */ public function addForEntity(Entity $entity, string $type) { $activity = $this->newActivityForUser($type); $entity->activity()->save($activity); $this->setNotification($type); } /** * Add a generic activity event to the database. * @param string|Loggable $detail */ public function add(string $type, $detail = '') { if ($detail instanceof Loggable) { $detail = $detail->logDescriptor(); } $activity = $this->newActivityForUser($type); $activity->detail = $detail; $activity->save(); $this->setNotification($type); } /** * Get a new activity instance for the current user. */ protected function newActivityForUser(string $type): Activity { return $this->activity->newInstance()->forceFill([ 'type' => strtolower($type), 'user_id' => user()->id, ]); } /** * Removes the entity attachment from each of its activities * and instead uses the 'extra' field with the entities name. * Used when an entity is deleted. */ public function removeEntity(Entity $entity) { $entity->activity()->update([ 'detail' => $entity->name, 'entity_id' => null, 'entity_type' => null, ]); } /** * Gets the latest activity. */ public function latest(int $count = 20, int $page = 0): array { $activityList = $this->permissionService ->filterRestrictedEntityRelations($this->activity->newQuery(), 'activities', 'entity_id', 'entity_type') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->with(['user', 'entity']) ->skip($count * $page) ->take($count) ->get(); return $this->filterSimilar($activityList); } /** * Gets the latest activity for an entity, Filtering out similar * items to prevent a message activity list. */ public function entityActivity(Entity $entity, int $count = 20, int $page = 1): array { /** @var [string => int[]] $queryIds */ $queryIds = [$entity->getMorphClass() => [$entity->id]]; if ($entity->isA('book')) { $queryIds[(new Chapter)->getMorphClass()] = $entity->chapters()->visible()->pluck('id'); } if ($entity->isA('book') || $entity->isA('chapter')) { $queryIds[(new Page)->getMorphClass()] = $entity->pages()->visible()->pluck('id'); } $query = $this->activity->newQuery(); $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($queryIds) { foreach ($queryIds as $morphClass => $idArr) { $query->orWhere(function (Builder $innerQuery) use ($morphClass, $idArr) { $innerQuery->where('entity_type', '=', $morphClass) ->whereIn('entity_id', $idArr); }); } }); $activity = $query->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->with(['entity' => function (Relation $query) { $query->withTrashed(); }, 'user.avatar']) ->skip($count * ($page - 1)) ->take($count) ->get(); return $this->filterSimilar($activity); } /** * Get latest activity for a user, Filtering out similar items. */ public function userActivity(User $user, int $count = 20, int $page = 0): array { $activityList = $this->permissionService ->filterRestrictedEntityRelations($this->activity->newQuery(), 'activities', 'entity_id', 'entity_type') ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->where('user_id', '=', $user->id) ->skip($count * $page) ->take($count) ->get(); return $this->filterSimilar($activityList); } /** * Filters out similar activity. * @param Activity[] $activities * @return array */ protected function filterSimilar(iterable $activities): array { $newActivity = []; $previousItem = null; foreach ($activities as $activityItem) { if (!$previousItem || !$activityItem->isSimilarTo($previousItem)) { $newActivity[] = $activityItem; } $previousItem = $activityItem; } return $newActivity; } /** * Flashes a notification message to the session if an appropriate message is available. */ protected function setNotification(string $type) { $notificationTextKey = 'activities.' . $type . '_notification'; if (trans()->has($notificationTextKey)) { $message = trans($notificationTextKey); session()->flash('success', $message); } } /** * Log out a failed login attempt, Providing the given username * as part of the message if the '%u' string is used. */ public function logFailedLogin(string $username) { $message = config('logging.failed_login.message'); if (!$message) { return; } $message = str_replace("%u", $username, $message); $channel = config(''); Log::channel($channel)->warning($message); } }