# Environment APP_ENV=production APP_DEBUG=false APP_KEY=SomeRandomString # Database details DB_HOST=localhost DB_DATABASE=database_database DB_USERNAME=database_username DB_PASSWORD=database_user_password # Cache and session CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file # If using Memcached, comment the above and uncomment these #CACHE_DRIVER=memcached #SESSION_DRIVER=memcached QUEUE_DRIVER=sync # Storage STORAGE_TYPE=local # Amazon S3 Config STORAGE_S3_KEY=false STORAGE_S3_SECRET=false STORAGE_S3_REGION=false STORAGE_S3_BUCKET=false # Storage URL # Used to prefix image urls for when using custom domains/cdns STORAGE_URL=false # General auth AUTH_METHOD=standard # Social Authentication information. Defaults as off. GITHUB_APP_ID=false GITHUB_APP_SECRET=false GOOGLE_APP_ID=false GOOGLE_APP_SECRET=false # URL used for social login redirects, NO TRAILING SLASH APP_URL=http://bookstack.dev # External services such as Gravatar DISABLE_EXTERNAL_SERVICES=false # LDAP Settings LDAP_SERVER=false LDAP_BASE_DN=false LDAP_DN=false LDAP_PASS=false LDAP_USER_FILTER=false LDAP_VERSION=false # Mail settings MAIL_DRIVER=smtp MAIL_HOST=localhost MAIL_PORT=1025 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null # Memcached settings #MEMCACHED_HOST= # If using a UNIX socket path for the host, set the port to 0 #MEMCACHED_PORT=11211