book = $book; $this->pageRepo = $pageRepo; $this->chapterRepo = $chapterRepo; } /** * Get the book that has the given id. * @param $id * @return mixed */ public function getById($id) { return $this->book->findOrFail($id); } /** * Get all books, Limited by count. * @param int $count * @return mixed */ public function getAll($count = 10) { $bookQuery = $this->book->orderBy('name', 'asc'); if (!$count) return $bookQuery->get(); return $bookQuery->take($count)->get(); } /** * Get all books paginated. * @param int $count * @return mixed */ public function getAllPaginated($count = 10) { return $this->book->orderBy('name', 'asc')->paginate($count); } /** * Get the latest books. * @param int $count * @return mixed */ public function getLatest($count = 10) { return $this->book->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take($count)->get(); } /** * Gets the most recently viewed for a user. * @param int $count * @param int $page * @return mixed */ public function getRecentlyViewed($count = 10, $page = 0) { return Views::getUserRecentlyViewed($count, $page, $this->book); } /** * Gets the most viewed books. * @param int $count * @param int $page * @return mixed */ public function getPopular($count = 10, $page = 0) { return Views::getPopular($count, $page, $this->book); } /** * Get a book by slug * @param $slug * @return mixed */ public function getBySlug($slug) { $book = $this->book->where('slug', '=', $slug)->first(); if ($book === null) abort(404); return $book; } /** * Checks if a book exists. * @param $id * @return bool */ public function exists($id) { return $this->book->where('id', '=', $id)->exists(); } /** * Get a new book instance from request input. * @param $input * @return Book */ public function newFromInput($input) { return $this->book->fill($input); } /** * Count the amount of books that have a specific slug. * @param $slug * @return mixed */ public function countBySlug($slug) { return $this->book->where('slug', '=', $slug)->count(); } /** * Destroy a book identified by the given slug. * @param $bookSlug */ public function destroyBySlug($bookSlug) { $book = $this->getBySlug($bookSlug); foreach ($book->pages as $page) { $this->pageRepo->destroy($page); } foreach ($book->chapters as $chapter) { $this->chapterRepo->destroy($chapter); } $book->views()->delete(); $book->delete(); } /** * Get the next child element priority. * @param Book $book * @return int */ public function getNewPriority($book) { $lastElem = $this->getChildren($book)->pop(); return $lastElem ? $lastElem->priority + 1 : 0; } /** * @param string $slug * @param bool|false $currentId * @return bool */ public function doesSlugExist($slug, $currentId = false) { $query = $this->book->where('slug', '=', $slug); if ($currentId) { $query = $query->where('id', '!=', $currentId); } return $query->count() > 0; } /** * Provides a suitable slug for the given book name. * Ensures the returned slug is unique in the system. * @param string $name * @param bool|false $currentId * @return string */ public function findSuitableSlug($name, $currentId = false) { $originalSlug = Str::slug($name); $slug = $originalSlug; $count = 2; while ($this->doesSlugExist($slug, $currentId)) { $slug = $originalSlug . '-' . $count; $count++; } return $slug; } /** * Get all child objects of a book. * Returns a sorted collection of Pages and Chapters. * Loads the bookslug onto child elements to prevent access database access for getting the slug. * @param Book $book * @return mixed */ public function getChildren(Book $book) { $pages = $book->pages()->where('chapter_id', '=', 0)->get(); $chapters = $book->chapters()->with('pages')->get(); $children = $pages->merge($chapters); $bookSlug = $book->slug; $children->each(function ($child) use ($bookSlug) { $child->setAttribute('bookSlug', $bookSlug); if ($child->isA('chapter')) { $child->pages->each(function ($page) use ($bookSlug) { $page->setAttribute('bookSlug', $bookSlug); }); } }); return $children->sortBy('priority'); } /** * Get books by search term. * @param $term * @param int $count * @param array $paginationAppends * @return mixed */ public function getBySearch($term, $count = 20, $paginationAppends = []) { preg_match_all('/"(.*?)"/', $term, $matches); if (count($matches[1]) > 0) { $terms = $matches[1]; $term = trim(preg_replace('/"(.*?)"/', '', $term)); } else { $terms = []; } $terms = array_merge($terms, explode(' ', $term)); $books = $this->book->fullTextSearchQuery(['name', 'description'], $terms) ->paginate($count)->appends($paginationAppends); $words = join('|', explode(' ', preg_quote(trim($term), '/'))); foreach ($books as $book) { //highlight $result = preg_replace('#' . $words . '#iu', "\$0", $book->getExcerpt(100)); $book->searchSnippet = $result; } return $books; } }