admin)) { $adminRole = Role::getSystemRole('admin'); $this->admin = $adminRole->users()->first(); } return $this->admin; } /** * Get a typical "Editor" user. */ public function editor(): User { if ($this->editor === null) { $editorRole = Role::getRole('editor'); $this->editor = $editorRole->users->first(); } return $this->editor; } /** * Get a typical "Viewer" user. */ public function viewer(array $attributes = []): User { $user = Role::getRole('viewer')->users()->first(); if (!empty($attributes)) { $user->forceFill($attributes)->save(); } return $user; } /** * Create a new fresh user without any relations. */ public function newUser(array $attrs = []): User { return User::factory()->create($attrs); } /** * Create a new fresh user, with the given attrs, that has assigned a fresh role * that has the given role permissions. * Intended as a helper to create a blank slate baseline user and role. * @return array{0: User, 1: Role} */ public function newUserWithRole(array $userAttrs = [], array $rolePermissions = []): array { $user = $this->newUser($userAttrs); $role = $this->attachNewRole($user, $rolePermissions); return [$user, $role]; } /** * Attach a new role, with the given role permissions, to the given user * and return that role. */ public function attachNewRole(User $user, array $rolePermissions = []): Role { $role = $this->createRole($rolePermissions); $user->attachRole($role); return $role; } /** * Create a new basic role with the given role permissions. */ public function createRole(array $rolePermissions = []): Role { $permissionRepo = app(PermissionsRepo::class); $roleData = Role::factory()->make()->toArray(); $roleData['permissions'] = $rolePermissions; return $permissionRepo->saveNewRole($roleData); } }