user() ?: \BookStack\User::getDefault(); } /** * Check if the current user has a permission. * If an ownable element is passed in the jointPermissions are checked against * that particular item. * @param $permission * @param Ownable $ownable * @return mixed */ function userCan($permission, Ownable $ownable = null) { if ($ownable === null) { return user() && user()->can($permission); } // Check permission on ownable item $permissionService = app(\BookStack\Services\PermissionService::class); return $permissionService->checkOwnableUserAccess($ownable, $permission); } /** * Helper to access system settings. * @param $key * @param bool $default * @return bool|string|\BookStack\Services\SettingService */ function setting($key = null, $default = false) { $settingService = app(\BookStack\Services\SettingService::class); if (is_null($key)) return $settingService; return $settingService->get($key, $default); } /** * Helper to create url's relative to the applications root path. * @param string $path * @param bool $forceAppDomain * @return string */ function baseUrl($path, $forceAppDomain = false) { $isFullUrl = strpos($path, 'http') === 0; if ($isFullUrl && !$forceAppDomain) return $path; $path = trim($path, '/'); // Remove non-specified domain if forced and we have a domain if ($isFullUrl && $forceAppDomain) { $explodedPath = explode('/', $path); $path = implode('/', array_splice($explodedPath, 3)); } // Return normal url path if not specified in config if (config('app.url') === '') { return url($path); } return rtrim(config('app.url'), '/') . '/' . $path; } /** * Get an instance of the redirector. * Overrides the default laravel redirect helper. * Ensures it redirects even when the app is in a subdirectory. * * @param string|null $to * @param int $status * @param array $headers * @param bool $secure * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Redirector|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ function redirect($to = null, $status = 302, $headers = [], $secure = null) { if (is_null($to)) { return app('redirect'); } $to = baseUrl($to); return app('redirect')->to($to, $status, $headers, $secure); } /** * Generate a url with multiple parameters for sorting purposes. * Works out the logic to set the correct sorting direction * Discards empty parameters and allows overriding. * @param $path * @param array $data * @param array $overrideData * @return string */ function sortUrl($path, $data, $overrideData = []) { $queryStringSections = []; $queryData = array_merge($data, $overrideData); // Change sorting direction is already sorted on current attribute if (isset($overrideData['sort']) && $overrideData['sort'] === $data['sort']) { $queryData['order'] = ($data['order'] === 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc'; } else { $queryData['order'] = 'asc'; } foreach ($queryData as $name => $value) { $trimmedVal = trim($value); if ($trimmedVal === '') continue; $queryStringSections[] = urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($trimmedVal); } if (count($queryStringSections) === 0) return $path; return baseUrl($path . '?' . implode('&', $queryStringSections)); }