`'\""; /** * @var EntityProvider */ protected $entityProvider; public function __construct(EntityProvider $entityProvider) { $this->entityProvider = $entityProvider; } /** * Index the given entity. */ public function indexEntity(Entity $entity) { $this->deleteEntityTerms($entity); $terms = $this->entityToTermDataArray($entity); SearchTerm::query()->insert($terms); } /** * Index multiple Entities at once. * * @param Entity[] $entities */ public function indexEntities(array $entities) { $terms = []; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $entityTerms = $this->entityToTermDataArray($entity); array_push($terms, ...$entityTerms); } $chunkedTerms = array_chunk($terms, 500); foreach ($chunkedTerms as $termChunk) { SearchTerm::query()->insert($termChunk); } } /** * Delete and re-index the terms for all entities in the system. * Can take a callback which is used for reporting progress. * Callback receives three arguments: * - An instance of the model being processed * - The number that have been processed so far. * - The total number of that model to be processed. * * @param callable(Entity, int, int):void|null $progressCallback */ public function indexAllEntities(?callable $progressCallback = null) { SearchTerm::query()->truncate(); foreach ($this->entityProvider->all() as $entityModel) { $indexContentField = $entityModel instanceof Page ? 'html' : 'description'; $selectFields = ['id', 'name', $indexContentField]; $total = $entityModel->newQuery()->withTrashed()->count(); $chunkSize = 250; $processed = 0; $chunkCallback = function (Collection $entities) use ($progressCallback, &$processed, $total, $chunkSize, $entityModel) { $this->indexEntities($entities->all()); $processed = min($processed + $chunkSize, $total); if (is_callable($progressCallback)) { $progressCallback($entityModel, $processed, $total); } }; $entityModel->newQuery() ->select($selectFields) ->with(['tags:id,name,value,entity_id,entity_type']) ->chunk($chunkSize, $chunkCallback); } } /** * Delete related Entity search terms. */ public function deleteEntityTerms(Entity $entity) { $entity->searchTerms()->delete(); } /** * Create a scored term array from the given text, where the keys are the terms * and the values are their scores. * * @returns array */ protected function generateTermScoreMapFromText(string $text, int $scoreAdjustment = 1): array { $termMap = $this->textToTermCountMap($text); foreach ($termMap as $term => $count) { $termMap[$term] = $count * $scoreAdjustment; } return $termMap; } /** * Create a scored term array from the given HTML, where the keys are the terms * and the values are their scores. * * @returns array */ protected function generateTermScoreMapFromHtml(string $html): array { if (empty($html)) { return []; } $scoresByTerm = []; $elementScoreAdjustmentMap = [ 'h1' => 10, 'h2' => 5, 'h3' => 4, 'h4' => 3, 'h5' => 2, 'h6' => 1.5, ]; $html = '' . $html . ''; libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')); $topElems = $doc->documentElement->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes; /** @var DOMNode $child */ foreach ($topElems as $child) { $nodeName = $child->nodeName; $termCounts = $this->textToTermCountMap(trim($child->textContent)); foreach ($termCounts as $term => $count) { $scoreChange = $count * ($elementScoreAdjustmentMap[$nodeName] ?? 1); $scoresByTerm[$term] = ($scoresByTerm[$term] ?? 0) + $scoreChange; } } return $scoresByTerm; } /** * Create a scored term map from the given set of entity tags. * * @param Tag[] $tags * * @returns array */ protected function generateTermScoreMapFromTags(array $tags): array { $scoreMap = []; $names = []; $values = []; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $names[] = $tag->name; $values[] = $tag->value; } $nameMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText(implode(' ', $names), 3); $valueMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText(implode(' ', $values), 5); return $this->mergeTermScoreMaps($nameMap, $valueMap); } /** * For the given text, return an array where the keys are the unique term words * and the values are the frequency of that term. * * @returns array */ protected function textToTermCountMap(string $text): array { $tokenMap = []; // {TextToken => OccurrenceCount} $splitChars = static::$delimiters; $token = strtok($text, $splitChars); while ($token !== false) { if (!isset($tokenMap[$token])) { $tokenMap[$token] = 0; } $tokenMap[$token]++; $token = strtok($splitChars); } return $tokenMap; } /** * For the given entity, Generate an array of term data details. * Is the raw term data, not instances of SearchTerm models. * * @returns array{term: string, score: float, entity_id: int, entity_type: string}[] */ protected function entityToTermDataArray(Entity $entity): array { $nameTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText($entity->name, 40 * $entity->searchFactor); $tagTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromTags($entity->tags->all()); if ($entity instanceof Page) { $bodyTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromHtml($entity->html); } else { $bodyTermsMap = $this->generateTermScoreMapFromText($entity->description ?? '', $entity->searchFactor); } $mergedScoreMap = $this->mergeTermScoreMaps($nameTermsMap, $bodyTermsMap, $tagTermsMap); $dataArray = []; $entityId = $entity->id; $entityType = $entity->getMorphClass(); foreach ($mergedScoreMap as $term => $score) { $dataArray[] = [ 'term' => $term, 'score' => $score, 'entity_type' => $entityType, 'entity_id' => $entityId, ]; } return $dataArray; } /** * For the given term data arrays, Merge their contents by term * while combining any scores. * * @param array[] ...$scoreMaps * * @returns array */ protected function mergeTermScoreMaps(...$scoreMaps): array { $mergedMap = []; foreach ($scoreMaps as $scoreMap) { foreach ($scoreMap as $term => $score) { $mergedMap[$term] = ($mergedMap[$term] ?? 0) + $score; } } return $mergedMap; } }