middleware([ 'can:settings-manage', ]); } /** * Show all webhooks configured in the system. */ public function index() { $webhooks = Webhook::query() ->orderBy('name', 'desc') ->with('trackedEvents') ->get(); return view('settings.webhooks.index', ['webhooks' => $webhooks]); } /** * Show the view for creating a new webhook in the system. */ public function create() { return view('settings.webhooks.create'); } /** * Store a new webhook in the system. */ public function store(Request $request) { $validated = $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => ['required', 'max:150'], 'endpoint' => ['required', 'url', 'max:500'], 'events' => ['required', 'array'], 'active' => ['required'], ]); $webhook = new Webhook($validated); $webhook->active = $validated['active'] === 'true'; $webhook->save(); $webhook->updateTrackedEvents(array_values($validated['events'])); $this->logActivity(ActivityType::WEBHOOK_CREATE, $webhook); return redirect('/settings/webhooks'); } /** * Show the view to edit an existing webhook. */ public function edit(string $id) { /** @var Webhook $webhook */ $webhook = Webhook::query() ->with('trackedEvents') ->findOrFail($id); return view('settings.webhooks.edit', ['webhook' => $webhook]); } /** * Update an existing webhook with the provided request data. */ public function update(Request $request, string $id) { $validated = $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => ['required', 'max:150'], 'endpoint' => ['required', 'url', 'max:500'], 'events' => ['required', 'array'], 'active' => ['required'], ]); /** @var Webhook $webhook */ $webhook = Webhook::query()->findOrFail($id); $webhook->active = $validated['active'] === 'true'; $webhook->fill($validated)->save(); $webhook->updateTrackedEvents($validated['events']); $this->logActivity(ActivityType::WEBHOOK_UPDATE, $webhook); return redirect('/settings/webhooks'); } /** * Show the view to delete a webhook. */ public function delete(string $id) { /** @var Webhook $webhook */ $webhook = Webhook::query()->findOrFail($id); return view('settings.webhooks.delete', ['webhook' => $webhook]); } /** * Destroy a webhook from the system. */ public function destroy(string $id) { /** @var Webhook $webhook */ $webhook = Webhook::query()->findOrFail($id); $webhook->trackedEvents()->delete(); $webhook->delete(); $this->logActivity(ActivityType::WEBHOOK_DELETE, $webhook); return redirect('/settings/webhooks'); } }