diff --git a/lang/ar/components.php b/lang/ar/components.php index 803232b2d..0305ae95f 100644 --- a/lang/ar/components.php +++ b/lang/ar/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'تحديد صورة', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'الكل', 'image_all_title' => 'عرض جميع الصور', 'image_book_title' => 'عرض الصور المرفوعة لهذا الكتاب', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذه الصورة؟', 'image_select_image' => 'تحديد الصورة', 'image_dropzone' => 'قم بإسقاط الصورة أو اضغط هنا للرفع', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'تم حذف الصور', 'image_preview' => 'معاينة الصور', 'image_upload_success' => 'تم رفع الصورة بنجاح', 'image_update_success' => 'تم تحديث تفاصيل الصورة بنجاح', 'image_delete_success' => 'تم حذف الصورة بنجاح', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'إزالة', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'تعديل الشفرة', diff --git a/lang/ar/entities.php b/lang/ar/entities.php index c9ca3fe35..76c7662f4 100644 --- a/lang/ar/entities.php +++ b/lang/ar/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'المرفقات', 'attachments_explain' => 'ارفع بعض الملفات أو أرفق بعض الروابط لعرضها بصفحتك. ستكون الملفات والروابط معروضة في الشريط الجانبي للصفحة.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'سيتم حفظ التغييرات هنا آنيا.', - 'attachments_items' => 'العناصر المرفقة', 'attachments_upload' => 'رفع ملف', 'attachments_link' => 'إرفاق رابط', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'تحديد الرابط', 'attachments_delete' => 'هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذا المرفق؟', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'أسقط الملفات أو اضغط هنا لإرفاق ملف', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'لم تُرفع أي ملفات', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'بالإمكان إرفاق رابط في حال عدم تفضيل رفع ملف. قد يكون الرابط لصفحة أخرى أو لملف في أحد خدمات التخزين السحابي.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'اسم الرابط', diff --git a/lang/ar/errors.php b/lang/ar/errors.php index 5726a5e0f..3db614310 100644 --- a/lang/ar/errors.php +++ b/lang/ar/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'لا يمكن للخادم إنشاء صور مصغرة. الرجاء التأكد من تثبيت إضافة GD PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'الخادم لا يسمح برفع ملفات بهذا الحجم. الرجاء محاولة الرفع بحجم أصغر.', 'uploaded' => 'الخادم لا يسمح برفع ملفات بهذا الحجم. الرجاء محاولة الرفع بحجم أصغر.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'انتهت عملية تحميل الملف.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'حدث خطأ خلال رفع الصورة', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'لم يتم العثور على المرفق', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'فشل حفظ المسودة. الرجاء التأكد من وجود اتصال بالإنترنت قبل حفظ الصفحة', diff --git a/lang/bg/components.php b/lang/bg/components.php index ca7121437..1bf9e68fa 100644 --- a/lang/bg/components.php +++ b/lang/bg/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Избор на изображение', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Всички', 'image_all_title' => 'Преглед на всички изображения', 'image_book_title' => 'Виж изображенията прикачени към тази книга', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете това изображение?', 'image_select_image' => 'Изберете изображение', 'image_dropzone' => 'Поставете тук изображение или кликнете тук за да качите', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Изображението е изтрито', 'image_preview' => 'Преглед на изображенията', 'image_upload_success' => 'Изображението бе качено успешно', 'image_update_success' => 'Данните за изобтажението са обновенни успешно', 'image_delete_success' => 'Изображението е успешно изтрито', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Премахване', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Редактиране на кода', diff --git a/lang/bg/entities.php b/lang/bg/entities.php index 33ed434f5..67b3695c0 100644 --- a/lang/bg/entities.php +++ b/lang/bg/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Прикачени файлове', 'attachments_explain' => 'Прикачете файлове или линкове, които да са видими на вашата страница. Същите ще бъдат видими във вашето странично поле.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Промените тук се запазват веднага.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Прикачен файл', 'attachments_upload' => 'Прикачен файл', 'attachments_link' => 'Прикачване на линк', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Поставяне на линк', 'attachments_delete' => 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете прикачения файл?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Поставете файлове или цъкнете тук за да прикачите файл', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Няма прикачени фалове', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Може да прикачите линк, ако не искате да качвате файл. Този линк може да бъде към друга страница или към файл в облакова пространство.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Има на линка', diff --git a/lang/bg/errors.php b/lang/bg/errors.php index fe83dabe1..4c18a4ad0 100644 --- a/lang/bg/errors.php +++ b/lang/bg/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Сървърът не може да създаде малки изображения. Моля, увери се, че разширението GD PHP е инсталирано.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Сървърът не позволява качвания с такъв размер. Моля, пробвайте файл с по-малък размер.', 'uploaded' => 'Сървърът не позволява качвания с такъв размер. Моля, пробвайте файл с по-малък размер.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Качването на файла изтече.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Възникна грешка при качването на изображението', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Прикачения файл не е намерен', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Неуспешно запазване на черновата. Увери се, че имаш свързаност с интернет преди да запазиш страницата', diff --git a/lang/bs/components.php b/lang/bs/components.php index d40a95a9e..191ac027d 100644 --- a/lang/bs/components.php +++ b/lang/bs/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Biraj sliku', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Sve', 'image_all_title' => 'Pogledaj sve slike', 'image_book_title' => 'Pogledaj slike prenesene u ovu knjigu', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu sliku?', 'image_select_image' => 'Odaberi sliku', 'image_dropzone' => 'Ostavi slike ili pritisnite ovdje da ih prenesete', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Slike su izbrisane', 'image_preview' => 'Pregled Slike', 'image_upload_success' => 'Slika uspješno učitana', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalji slike uspješno ažurirani', 'image_delete_success' => 'Slika uspješno izbrisana', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Ukloni', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Uredi Kod', diff --git a/lang/bs/entities.php b/lang/bs/entities.php index e181f19a2..07b891e02 100644 --- a/lang/bs/entities.php +++ b/lang/bs/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Prilozi', 'attachments_explain' => 'Učitajte fajlove ili priložite poveznice da bi ih prikazali na stranici. Oni su onda vidljivi u navigaciji sa strane.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Sve promjene se snimaju odmah.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Priložene stavke', 'attachments_upload' => 'Učitaj fajl', 'attachments_link' => 'Zakači link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Postavi link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj prilog?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Spustite fajlove ili pritisnite ovdje da priložite fajl', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Niti jedan fajl nije prenesen', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Možete zakačiti link ako ne želite učitati fajl. To može biti link druge stranice ili link za fajl u oblaku.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Naziv linka', diff --git a/lang/bs/errors.php b/lang/bs/errors.php index bb7617a77..907a44309 100644 --- a/lang/bs/errors.php +++ b/lang/bs/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server ne može kreirati sličice. Provjerite da imate instaliranu GD PHP ekstenziju.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Server ne dopušta učitavanja ove veličine. Pokušajte sa manjom veličinom fajla.', 'uploaded' => 'Server ne dopušta učitavanja ove veličine. Pokušajte sa manjom veličinom fajla.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Vrijeme učitavanja fajla je isteklo.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Desila se greška prilikom učitavanja slike', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Prilog nije pronađen', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Snimanje skice nije uspjelo. Provjerite da ste povezani na internet prije snimanja ove stranice', diff --git a/lang/ca/components.php b/lang/ca/components.php index d96582da7..fa6578e82 100644 --- a/lang/ca/components.php +++ b/lang/ca/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Selecciona una imatge', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Totes', 'image_all_title' => 'Mostra totes les imatges', 'image_book_title' => 'Mostra les imatges pujades a aquest llibre', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Segur que voleu suprimir aquesta imatge?', 'image_select_image' => 'Selecciona una imatge', 'image_dropzone' => 'Arrossegueu imatges o feu clic aquí per a pujar-les', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Imatges suprimides', 'image_preview' => 'Previsualització de la imatge', 'image_upload_success' => 'Imatge pujada correctament', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalls de la imatge actualitzats correctament', 'image_delete_success' => 'Imatge suprimida correctament', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Suprimeix', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Edita el codi', diff --git a/lang/ca/entities.php b/lang/ca/entities.php index d55260f47..ec060242f 100644 --- a/lang/ca/entities.php +++ b/lang/ca/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Adjuncions', 'attachments_explain' => 'Pugeu fitxers o adjunteu enllaços per a mostrar-los a la pàgina. Són visibles a la barra lateral de la pàgina.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Els canvis fets aquí es desen instantàniament.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Elements adjunts', 'attachments_upload' => 'Puja un fitxer', 'attachments_link' => 'Adjunta un enllaç', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Defineix l\'enllaç', 'attachments_delete' => 'Seguir que voleu suprimir aquesta adjunció?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Arrossegueu fitxers o feu clic aquí per a adjuntar un fitxer', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'No s\'ha pujat cap fitxer', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Podeu adjuntar un enllaç si preferiu no pujar un fitxer. Pot ser un enllaç a una altra pàgina o un enllaç a un fitxer al núvol.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nom de l\'enllaç', diff --git a/lang/ca/errors.php b/lang/ca/errors.php index ebcf63ef5..2f7112187 100644 --- a/lang/ca/errors.php +++ b/lang/ca/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'El servidor no pot crear miniatures. Reviseu que tingueu instal·lada l\'extensió GD del PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'El servidor no permet pujades d\'aquesta mida. Proveu-ho amb una mida de fitxer més petita.', 'uploaded' => 'El servidor no permet pujades d\'aquesta mida. Proveu-ho amb una mida de fitxer més petita.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'La pujada del fitxer ha superat el temps màxim d\'espera.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'S\'ha produït un error en pujar la imatge', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'No s\'ha trobat l\'adjunció', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'No s\'ha pogut desar l\'esborrany. Assegureu-vos que tingueu connexió a Internet abans de desar la pàgina', diff --git a/lang/cs/components.php b/lang/cs/components.php index 20df62e36..4dffab0b4 100644 --- a/lang/cs/components.php +++ b/lang/cs/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Výběr obrázku', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Vše', 'image_all_title' => 'Zobrazit všechny obrázky', 'image_book_title' => 'Zobrazit obrázky nahrané do této knihy', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Opravdu chcete odstranit tento obrázek?', 'image_select_image' => 'Zvolte obrázek', 'image_dropzone' => 'Přetáhněte obrázky nebo klikněte sem pro nahrání', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Obrázky odstraněny', 'image_preview' => 'Náhled obrázku', 'image_upload_success' => 'Obrázek byl nahrán', 'image_update_success' => 'Podrobnosti o obrázku byly aktualizovány', 'image_delete_success' => 'Obrázek byl odstraněn', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Odebrat', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Upravit kód', diff --git a/lang/cs/entities.php b/lang/cs/entities.php index ac5694231..aca82c292 100644 --- a/lang/cs/entities.php +++ b/lang/cs/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Přílohy', 'attachments_explain' => 'Nahrajte soubory nebo připojte odkazy, které se zobrazí na stránce. Budou k nalezení v postranní liště.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Změny zde provedené se okamžitě ukládají.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Připojené položky', 'attachments_upload' => 'Nahrát soubor', 'attachments_link' => 'Připojit odkaz', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Nastavit odkaz', 'attachments_delete' => 'Jste si jisti, že chcete odstranit tuto přílohu?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Přetáhněte sem soubory myší nebo sem klikněte pro vybrání souboru', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Žádné soubory nebyly nahrány', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Můžete pouze připojit odkaz pokud nechcete nahrávat soubor přímo. Může to být odkaz na jinou stránku nebo na soubor v cloudu.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Název odkazu', diff --git a/lang/cs/errors.php b/lang/cs/errors.php index b3ac5595d..4bc4ab450 100644 --- a/lang/cs/errors.php +++ b/lang/cs/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server nedokáže udělat náhledy. Zkontrolujte, že rozšíření GD pro PHP je nainstalováno.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Server nepovoluje nahrávat tak veliké soubory. Zkuste prosím menší soubor.', 'uploaded' => 'Server nepovoluje nahrávat tak veliké soubory. Zkuste prosím menší soubor.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Nahrávání souboru trvalo příliš dlouho a tak bylo ukončeno.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Nastala chyba během nahrávání souboru', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Příloha nenalezena', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Nepovedlo se uložit koncept. Než stránku uložíte, ujistěte se, že jste připojeni k internetu.', diff --git a/lang/cy/components.php b/lang/cy/components.php index 48a0a32fa..cd5dca251 100644 --- a/lang/cy/components.php +++ b/lang/cy/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Image Select', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'All', 'image_all_title' => 'View all images', 'image_book_title' => 'View images uploaded to this book', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this image?', 'image_select_image' => 'Select Image', 'image_dropzone' => 'Drop images or click here to upload', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Images Deleted', 'image_preview' => 'Image Preview', 'image_upload_success' => 'Image uploaded successfully', 'image_update_success' => 'Image details successfully updated', 'image_delete_success' => 'Image successfully deleted', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Remove', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Edit Code', diff --git a/lang/cy/entities.php b/lang/cy/entities.php index 9b02f3111..9614f92fe 100644 --- a/lang/cy/entities.php +++ b/lang/cy/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Attachments', 'attachments_explain' => 'Upload some files or attach some links to display on your page. These are visible in the page sidebar.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Changes here are saved instantly.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Attached Items', 'attachments_upload' => 'Upload File', 'attachments_link' => 'Attach Link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Set Link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files or click here to attach a file', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'No files have been uploaded', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'You can attach a link if you\'d prefer not to upload a file. This can be a link to another page or a link to a file in the cloud.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Link Name', diff --git a/lang/cy/errors.php b/lang/cy/errors.php index 0f684998f..7d857e798 100644 --- a/lang/cy/errors.php +++ b/lang/cy/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Ni all y gweinydd greu mân-luniau. Gwiriwch fod gennych yr estyniad GD PHP wedi\'i osod.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Nid yw\'r gweinydd yn caniatáu uwchlwythiadau o\'r maint hwn. Rhowch gynnig ar faint ffeil llai.', 'uploaded' => 'Nid yw\'r gweinydd yn caniatáu uwchlwythiadau o\'r maint hwn. Rhowch gynnig ar faint ffeil llai.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Mae\'r amser uwchlwytho ffeil wedi dod i ben.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Bu gwall wrth uwchlwytho\'r ddelwedd', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Ni chanfuwyd yr atodiad', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Wedi methu cadw\'r drafft. Sicrhewch fod gennych gysylltiad rhyngrwyd cyn cadw\'r dudalen hon', diff --git a/lang/da/components.php b/lang/da/components.php index 9ba511fc5..bac7ec39a 100644 --- a/lang/da/components.php +++ b/lang/da/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Billedselektion', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Alt', 'image_all_title' => 'Se alle billeder', 'image_book_title' => 'Vis billeder uploadet til denne bog', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette dette billede?', 'image_select_image' => 'Vælg billede', 'image_dropzone' => 'Træk-og-slip billede eller klik her for at uploade', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Billede slettet', 'image_preview' => 'Billedeksempel', 'image_upload_success' => 'Foto uploadet', 'image_update_success' => 'Billeddetaljer succesfuldt opdateret', 'image_delete_success' => 'Billede slettet', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Fjern', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Rediger kode', diff --git a/lang/da/entities.php b/lang/da/entities.php index c2d0ca92c..522fa7d7a 100644 --- a/lang/da/entities.php +++ b/lang/da/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Vedhæftninger', 'attachments_explain' => 'Upload nogle filer, eller vedhæft nogle links, der skal vises på siden. Disse er synlige i sidepanelet.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Ændringer her gemmes med det samme.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Vedhæftede emner', 'attachments_upload' => 'Upload fil', 'attachments_link' => 'Vedhæft link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Sæt link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne vedhæftning?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Slip filer eller klik her for at vedhæfte en fil', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Ingen filer er blevet overført', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Du kan vedhæfte et link, hvis du foretrækker ikke at uploade en fil. Dette kan være et link til en anden side eller et link til en fil i skyen.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Linknavn', diff --git a/lang/da/errors.php b/lang/da/errors.php index 75ef6da20..cc021ef59 100644 --- a/lang/da/errors.php +++ b/lang/da/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serveren kan ikke oprette miniaturer. Kontroller, at GD PHP-udvidelsen er installeret.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Serveren tillader ikke uploads af denne størrelse. Prøv en mindre filstørrelse.', 'uploaded' => 'Serveren tillader ikke uploads af denne størrelse. Prøv en mindre filstørrelse.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Filuploaden udløb.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Der opstod en fejl ved upload af billedet', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Vedhæftning ikke fundet', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Kunne ikke gemme kladde. Tjek at du har internetforbindelse før du gemmer siden', diff --git a/lang/de/components.php b/lang/de/components.php index 7036888f4..c5ed9ab82 100644 --- a/lang/de/components.php +++ b/lang/de/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Bild auswählen', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Alle', 'image_all_title' => 'Alle Bilder anzeigen', 'image_book_title' => 'Zeige alle Bilder, die in dieses Buch hochgeladen wurden', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Möchten Sie dieses Bild wirklich löschen?', 'image_select_image' => 'Bild auswählen', 'image_dropzone' => 'Ziehen Sie Bilder hierher oder klicken Sie hier, um ein Bild auszuwählen', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Bilder gelöscht', 'image_preview' => 'Bildvorschau', 'image_upload_success' => 'Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen', 'image_update_success' => 'Bilddetails erfolgreich aktualisiert', 'image_delete_success' => 'Bild erfolgreich gelöscht', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Entfernen', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Code editieren', diff --git a/lang/de/entities.php b/lang/de/entities.php index 9415e9cbb..57c94b4d4 100644 --- a/lang/de/entities.php +++ b/lang/de/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Anhänge', 'attachments_explain' => 'Sie können auf Ihrer Seite Dateien hochladen oder Links hinzufügen. Diese werden in der Seitenleiste angezeigt.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Änderungen werden direkt gespeichert.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Angefügte Elemente', 'attachments_upload' => 'Datei hochladen', 'attachments_link' => 'Link hinzufügen', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Link setzen', 'attachments_delete' => 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Anhang löschen möchten?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Ziehen Sie Dateien hierher oder klicken Sie, um eine Datei auszuwählen', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Es wurden bisher keine Dateien hochgeladen.', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Wenn Sie keine Datei hochladen möchten, können Sie stattdessen einen Link hinzufügen. Dieser Link kann auf eine andere Seite oder eine Datei im Internet weisen.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Link-Name', diff --git a/lang/de/errors.php b/lang/de/errors.php index d164674ef..92d930cd6 100644 --- a/lang/de/errors.php +++ b/lang/de/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Der Server kann keine Vorschau-Bilder erzeugen. Bitte prüfen Sie, ob die GD PHP-Erweiterung installiert ist.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einer kleineren Datei.', 'uploaded' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit einer kleineren Datei.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Der Datei-Upload hat das Zeitlimit überschritten.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Beim Hochladen des Bildes trat ein Fehler auf.', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Anhang konnte nicht gefunden werden.', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Fehler beim Speichern des Entwurfs. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit dem Internet verbunden sind, bevor Sie den Entwurf dieser Seite speichern.', diff --git a/lang/de_informal/components.php b/lang/de_informal/components.php index 2a9782fca..bcea98427 100644 --- a/lang/de_informal/components.php +++ b/lang/de_informal/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Bild auswählen', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Alle', 'image_all_title' => 'Alle Bilder anzeigen', 'image_book_title' => 'Zeige alle Bilder, die in dieses Buch hochgeladen wurden', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Bist Du sicher, dass Du diese Seite löschen möchtest?', 'image_select_image' => 'Bild auswählen', 'image_dropzone' => 'Ziehe Bilder hierher oder klicke hier, um ein Bild auszuwählen', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Bilder gelöscht', 'image_preview' => 'Bildvorschau', 'image_upload_success' => 'Bild erfolgreich hochgeladen', 'image_update_success' => 'Bilddetails erfolgreich aktualisiert', 'image_delete_success' => 'Bild erfolgreich gelöscht', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Entfernen', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Code editieren', diff --git a/lang/de_informal/entities.php b/lang/de_informal/entities.php index dcefac0d1..8e1274f0e 100644 --- a/lang/de_informal/entities.php +++ b/lang/de_informal/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Anhänge', 'attachments_explain' => 'Du kannst auf deiner Seite Dateien hochladen oder Links hinzufügen. Diese werden in der Seitenleiste angezeigt.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Änderungen werden direkt gespeichert.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Angefügte Elemente', 'attachments_upload' => 'Datei hochladen', 'attachments_link' => 'Link hinzufügen', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Link setzen', 'attachments_delete' => 'Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Anhang löschen möchtest?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Ziehe Dateien hierher oder klicke hier, um eine Datei auszuwählen', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Es wurden bisher keine Dateien hochgeladen.', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Wenn du keine Datei hochladen möchtest, kannst du stattdessen einen Link hinzufügen. Dieser Link kann auf eine andere Seite oder eine Datei im Internet verweisen.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Link-Name', diff --git a/lang/de_informal/errors.php b/lang/de_informal/errors.php index af38663ae..99ed10164 100644 --- a/lang/de_informal/errors.php +++ b/lang/de_informal/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Der Server kann keine Vorschau-Bilder erzeugen. Bitte prüfe, ob die GD PHP-Erweiterung installiert ist.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuche es mit einer kleineren Datei.', 'uploaded' => 'Der Server verbietet das Hochladen von Dateien mit dieser Dateigröße. Bitte versuche es mit einer kleineren Datei.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Der Upload der Datei ist abgelaufen.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Beim Hochladen des Bildes trat ein Fehler auf.', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Anhang konnte nicht gefunden werden.', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Fehler beim Speichern des Entwurfs. Stelle sicher, dass du mit dem Internet verbunden bist, bevor du den Entwurf dieser Seite speicherst.', diff --git a/lang/el/components.php b/lang/el/components.php index c59e93add..5ec24a049 100644 --- a/lang/el/components.php +++ b/lang/el/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Επιλογή εικόνας', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Όλες', 'image_all_title' => 'Δείτε όλες τις εικόνες που υπάρχουν στο Server', 'image_book_title' => 'Προβολή εικόνων που έχουν μεταφορτωθεί σε αυτό το βιβλίο', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Είστε σίγουροι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτήν την εικόνα;', 'image_select_image' => 'Επιλέξτε Εικόνα', 'image_dropzone' => 'Σύρτε ή κάντε κλικ εδώ για μεταφόρτωση εικόνων', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Οι εικόνες διαγράφηκαν', 'image_preview' => 'Προεπισκόπηση εικόνας', 'image_upload_success' => 'Η εικόνα μεταφορτώθηκε με επιτυχία', 'image_update_success' => 'Τα στοιχεία της εικόνας ενημερώθηκαν με επιτυχία', 'image_delete_success' => 'Η εικόνα διαγράφηκε επιτυχώς', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Αφαίρεση', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Επεξεργασία κώδικα', diff --git a/lang/el/entities.php b/lang/el/entities.php index 6904bced4..ae626bef8 100644 --- a/lang/el/entities.php +++ b/lang/el/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Συνημμένα', 'attachments_explain' => 'Ανεβάστε μερικά αρχεία ή επισυνάψτε μερικούς συνδέσμους για να εμφανίσετε στη σελίδα σας. Αυτά είναι ορατά στην πλαϊνή μπάρα σελίδας.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Οι αλλαγές εδώ αποθηκεύονται αμέσως.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Συνημμένα Στοιχεία', 'attachments_upload' => 'Μεταφόρτωση Αρχείου', 'attachments_link' => 'Επισύναψη Δεσμού', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Ορισμός Συνδέσμου', 'attachments_delete' => 'Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτό το συνημμένο;', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Αποθέστε αρχεία ή κάντε κλικ εδώ για να επισυνάψετε ένα αρχείο', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Δεν έχουν μεταφορτωθεί αρχεία', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Μπορείτε να επισυνάψετε έναν σύνδεσμο αν προτιμάτε να μην ανεβάσετε ένα αρχείο. Αυτό μπορεί να είναι ένας σύνδεσμος σε άλλη σελίδα ή ένας σύνδεσμος σε ένα αρχείο στο σύννεφο.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Όνομα Συνδέσμου', diff --git a/lang/el/errors.php b/lang/el/errors.php index ea8807b58..d4edfcb61 100644 --- a/lang/el/errors.php +++ b/lang/el/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Ο διακομιστής δεν μπορεί να δημιουργήσει μικρογραφίες. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε ότι έχετε την επέκταση GD PHP εγκατεστημένη.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Ο διακομιστής δεν επιτρέπει τη μεταφόρτωση αυτού του μεγέθους. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ένα μικρότερο μέγεθος αρχείου.', 'uploaded' => 'Ο διακομιστής δεν επιτρέπει τη μεταφόρτωση αυτού του μεγέθους. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε ένα μικρότερο μέγεθος αρχείου.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Το χρονικό όριο μεταφόρτωσης αρχείου έληξε.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά το ανέβασμα της εικόνας.', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Το συνημμένο δεν βρέθηκε', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Αποτυχία αποθήκευσης προσχέδιου. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο πριν την αποθήκευση αυτής της σελίδας', diff --git a/lang/es/components.php b/lang/es/components.php index fb4929ad4..753ddc953 100644 --- a/lang/es/components.php +++ b/lang/es/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Seleccionar Imagen', + 'image_upload' => 'Subir imagen', + 'image_intro' => 'Aquí puede seleccionar y administrar las imágenes que se han subido previamente al sistema.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Suba una nueva imagen arrastrando un archivo de imagen en esta ventana, o usando el botón "Subir imagen" de arriba.', 'image_all' => 'Todas', 'image_all_title' => 'Ver todas las imágenes', 'image_book_title' => 'Ver las imágenes subidas a este libro', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => '¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar esta imagen?', 'image_select_image' => 'Seleccionar Imagen', 'image_dropzone' => 'Arrastre las imágenes o hacer click aquí para Subir', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Arrastre las imágenes aquí para subirlas', 'images_deleted' => 'Imágenes borradas', 'image_preview' => 'Previsualización de la imagen', 'image_upload_success' => 'Imagen subida éxitosamente', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalles de la imagen actualizados exitosamente', 'image_delete_success' => 'Imagen borrada exitosamente', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Borrar', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Editar Código', diff --git a/lang/es/entities.php b/lang/es/entities.php index 8251bf345..0d9da9305 100644 --- a/lang/es/entities.php +++ b/lang/es/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Adjuntos', 'attachments_explain' => 'Subir ficheros o agregar enlaces para mostrar en la página. Estos son visibles en la barra lateral de la página.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Los cambios son guardados de manera instantánea .', - 'attachments_items' => 'Elementos adjuntados', 'attachments_upload' => 'Subir Archivo', 'attachments_link' => 'Adjuntar Enlace', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'También puedes arrastrar y soltar un archivo aquí para subirlo como un archivo adjunto.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Ajustar Enlace', 'attachments_delete' => '¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este archivo adjunto?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Arrastre ficheros aquí o haga click aquí para adjuntar un fichero', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Arrastre aquí archivos para subirlos', 'attachments_no_files' => 'No se han subido ficheros', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Puede agregar un enlace si prefiere no subir un archivo. Puede ser un enlace a otra página o un enlace a un fichero en la nube.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nombre del Enlace', diff --git a/lang/es/errors.php b/lang/es/errors.php index 508b8c295..4080cca87 100644 --- a/lang/es/errors.php +++ b/lang/es/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'El servidor no puede crear la miniatura de la imagen. Compruebe que tiene la extensión PHP GD instalada.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'El servidor no permite la subida de ficheros de este tamaño. Intente subir un fichero de menor tamaño.', 'uploaded' => 'El servidor no permite la subida de ficheros de este tamaño. Intente subir un fichero de menor tamaño.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'La carga del archivo ha caducado.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Ha ocurrido un error al subir la imagen', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'No se encontró el adjunto', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'Ha ocurrido un error al subir el archivo adjunto', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Fallo al guardar borrador. Asegúrese de que tiene conexión a Internet antes de guardar este borrador', diff --git a/lang/es_AR/components.php b/lang/es_AR/components.php index f7be88589..3577afed3 100644 --- a/lang/es_AR/components.php +++ b/lang/es_AR/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Seleccionar Imagen', + 'image_upload' => 'Subir imagen', + 'image_intro' => 'Aquí puede seleccionar y administrar las imágenes que se han subido previamente al sistema.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Suba una nueva imagen arrastrando un archivo de imagen en esta ventana, o usando el botón "Subir imagen" de arriba.', 'image_all' => 'Todo', 'image_all_title' => 'Ver todas las imágenes', 'image_book_title' => 'Ver las imágenes subidas a este libro', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => '¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar esta imagen?', 'image_select_image' => 'Seleccionar Imagen', 'image_dropzone' => 'Arrastre las imágenes o hacer click aquí para Subir', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Arrastre las imágenes aquí para subirlas', 'images_deleted' => 'Imágenes borradas', 'image_preview' => 'Preview de la imagen', 'image_upload_success' => 'Imagen subida éxitosamente', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalles de la imagen actualizados exitosamente', 'image_delete_success' => 'Imagen borrada exitosamente', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Quitar', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Editar Código', diff --git a/lang/es_AR/entities.php b/lang/es_AR/entities.php index a0a9c2d54..b44e7dec6 100644 --- a/lang/es_AR/entities.php +++ b/lang/es_AR/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Adjuntos', 'attachments_explain' => 'Subir archivos o agregar enlaces para mostrar en la página. Estos son visibles en la barra lateral de la página.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Los cambios se guardan de manera instantánea.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Elementos adjuntados', 'attachments_upload' => 'Archivo adjuntado', 'attachments_link' => 'Adjuntar enlace', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'También puedes arrastrar y soltar un archivo aquí para subirlo como un archivo adjunto.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Establecer enlace', 'attachments_delete' => '¿Está seguro que desea eliminar el archivo adjunto?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Arrastre archivos aquí o presione aquí para adjuntar un archivo', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Arrastre aquí archivos para subirlos', 'attachments_no_files' => 'No se adjuntó ningún archivo', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Usted puede agregar un enlace o si lo prefiere puede agregar un archivo. Esto puede ser un enlace a otra página o un enlace a un archivo en la nube.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nombre del enlace', diff --git a/lang/es_AR/errors.php b/lang/es_AR/errors.php index 4607eb102..5eadf9784 100644 --- a/lang/es_AR/errors.php +++ b/lang/es_AR/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'El servidor no puede crear la imagen miniatura. Por favor chequee que tiene la extensión GD instalada.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'El servidor no permite la subida de ficheros de este tamañ. Por favor intente con un fichero de menor tamañ.', 'uploaded' => 'El servidor no permite subir archivos de este tamaño. Por favor intente un tamaño menor.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'La carga del archivo ha caducado.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Ha ocurrido un error al subir la imagen', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'No se encuentra el objeto adjunto', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'Ha ocurrido un error al subir el archivo adjunto', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Fallo al guardar borrador. Asegurese de que tiene conexión a Internet antes de guardar este borrador', diff --git a/lang/et/components.php b/lang/et/components.php index aeb9c3f30..7771c495a 100644 --- a/lang/et/components.php +++ b/lang/et/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Pildifaili valik', + 'image_upload' => 'Laadi pilt üles', + 'image_intro' => 'Siin saad valida ja hallata pilte, mis on eelnevalt süsteemi üles laaditud.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Laadi uus pilt üles pildifaili sellesse aknasse lohistades või ülal "Laadi pilt üles" nupu abil.', 'image_all' => 'Kõik', 'image_all_title' => 'Vaata kõiki pildifaile', 'image_book_title' => 'Vaata sellesse raamatusse laaditud pildifaile', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle pildifaili kustutada?', 'image_select_image' => 'Vali pildifail', 'image_dropzone' => 'Üleslaadimiseks lohista pildid või klõpsa siin', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Üleslaadimiseks lohista pildid siia', 'images_deleted' => 'Pildifailid kustutatud', 'image_preview' => 'Pildi eelvaade', 'image_upload_success' => 'Pildifail üles laaditud', 'image_update_success' => 'Pildifaili andmed muudetud', 'image_delete_success' => 'Pildifail kustutatud', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Eemalda', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Muuda koodi', diff --git a/lang/et/entities.php b/lang/et/entities.php index 9f356f95f..580e13cdb 100644 --- a/lang/et/entities.php +++ b/lang/et/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Manused', 'attachments_explain' => 'Laadi üles faile või lisa linke, mida lehel kuvada. Need on nähtavad külgmenüüs.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Muudatused salvestatakse koheselt.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Lisatud objektid', 'attachments_upload' => 'Laadi fail üles', 'attachments_link' => 'Lisa link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Saad ka faile siia lohistada, et neid manusena üles laadida.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Määra link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle manuse kustutada?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Manuse lisamiseks lohista failid või klõpsa siin', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Lohista failid üleslaadimiseks siia', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Üleslaaditud faile ei ole', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Faili üleslaadimise asemel saad lingi lisada. See võib viidata teisele lehele või failile kuskil pilves.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Lingi nimi', diff --git a/lang/et/errors.php b/lang/et/errors.php index 06f9970a1..a6e17716a 100644 --- a/lang/et/errors.php +++ b/lang/et/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server ei saa piltide eelvaateid tekitada. Veendu, et PHP GD laiendus on paigaldatud.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Server ei luba nii suurte failide üleslaadimist. Proovi väiksema failiga.', 'uploaded' => 'Server ei luba nii suurte failide üleslaadimist. Proovi väiksema failiga.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Faili üleslaadimine aegus.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Pildi üleslaadimisel tekkis viga', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Manust ei leitud', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'Manuse faili üleslaadimisel tekkis viga', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Mustandi salvestamine ebaõnnestus. Kontrolli oma internetiühendust', diff --git a/lang/eu/components.php b/lang/eu/components.php index db20ffc7d..e44a4143b 100644 --- a/lang/eu/components.php +++ b/lang/eu/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Irudia aukeratu', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Guztiak', 'image_all_title' => 'Irudi guztiak ikusi', 'image_book_title' => 'Liburu honetan igotako irudiak ikusi', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Ziur irudi hau ezabatu nahi duzula?', 'image_select_image' => 'Irudia aukeratu', 'image_dropzone' => 'Irudiak bota edo klikatu hemen igotzeko', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Ezabatutako irudiak', 'image_preview' => 'Irudiaren aurrebista', 'image_upload_success' => 'Irudia zuzen eguneratu da', 'image_update_success' => 'Irudiaren xehetasunak egioki eguneratu dira', 'image_delete_success' => 'Irudia ondo ezabatu da', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Ezabatu', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Kodea editatu', diff --git a/lang/eu/entities.php b/lang/eu/entities.php index 260c87516..cc733365f 100644 --- a/lang/eu/entities.php +++ b/lang/eu/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Eranskinak', 'attachments_explain' => 'Upload some files or attach some links to display on your page. These are visible in the page sidebar.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Changes here are saved instantly.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Atxikiak', 'attachments_upload' => 'Kargatu artxiboak', 'attachments_link' => 'Attach Link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Set Link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files or click here to attach a file', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Ez da igo fitxategirik', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'You can attach a link if you\'d prefer not to upload a file. This can be a link to another page or a link to a file in the cloud.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Loturaren izena', diff --git a/lang/eu/errors.php b/lang/eu/errors.php index 8673da630..09dd6bdf3 100644 --- a/lang/eu/errors.php +++ b/lang/eu/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.', 'uploaded' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Errorea gertatu da irudia igotzerakoan', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Atxikia ez da aurkitu', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Failed to save draft. Ensure you have internet connection before saving this page', diff --git a/lang/fa/components.php b/lang/fa/components.php index 126bd093d..6aab79bb6 100644 --- a/lang/fa/components.php +++ b/lang/fa/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'انتخاب تصویر', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'همه', 'image_all_title' => 'نمایش تمام تصاویر', 'image_book_title' => 'تصاویر بارگذاری شده در این کتاب را مشاهده کنید', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'آیا مطمئن هستید که میخواهید این عکس را پاک کنید؟', 'image_select_image' => 'انتخاب تصویر', 'image_dropzone' => 'تصاویر را رها کنید یا برای بارگذاری اینجا را کلیک کنید', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'تصاویر حذف شده', 'image_preview' => 'پیش نمایش تصویر', 'image_upload_success' => 'تصویر با موفقیت بارگذاری شد', 'image_update_success' => 'جزئیات تصویر با موفقیت به روز شد', 'image_delete_success' => 'تصویر با موفقیت حذف شد', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'حذف', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'ویرایش کد', diff --git a/lang/fa/entities.php b/lang/fa/entities.php index 186c2e418..4d6fde9da 100644 --- a/lang/fa/entities.php +++ b/lang/fa/entities.php @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ return [ 'meta_updated' => 'به روزرسانی شده :timeLength', 'meta_updated_name' => 'به روزرسانی شده :timeLength توسط :user', 'meta_owned_name' => 'متعلق به :user', - 'meta_reference_page_count' => 'Referenced on :count page|Referenced on :count pages', + 'meta_reference_page_count' => 'در 1 صفحه به آن ارجاع داده شده|در :count صفحه به آن ارجاع داده شده', 'entity_select' => 'انتخاب موجودیت', 'entity_select_lack_permission' => 'شما مجوزهای لازم برای انتخاب این مورد را ندارید', 'images' => 'عکس‌ها', @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ return [ 'permissions_owner' => 'مالک', 'permissions_role_everyone_else' => 'سایر کاربران', 'permissions_role_everyone_else_desc' => 'مجوزها را برای نقش‌هایی تنظیم کنید که به طور خاص لغو نشده‌اند.', - 'permissions_role_override' => 'لغو مجوز برای نقش', + 'permissions_role_override' => 'تنظیم مجدد مجوز برای نقش', 'permissions_inherit_defaults' => 'ارث بردن از مجوزهای پیش‌فرض', // Search @@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ return [ 'pages_md_insert_image' => 'درج تصویر', 'pages_md_insert_link' => 'پیوند نهاد را درج کنید', 'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'درج طرح', - 'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Show preview', - 'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sync preview scroll', + 'pages_md_show_preview' => 'دیدن پیش نمایش', + 'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'هماهنگ سازی اسکرول پیش نمایش', 'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'صفحه در یک فصل نیست', 'pages_move' => 'انتقال صفحه', 'pages_move_success' => 'صفحه به ":parentName" منتقل شد', @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ return [ 'shelf_tags' => 'برچسب های قفسه', 'tag' => 'برچسب', 'tags' => 'برچسب ها', - 'tags_index_desc' => 'Tags can be applied to content within the system to apply a flexible form of categorization. Tags can have both a key and value, with the value being optional. Once applied, content can then be queried using the tag name and value.', + 'tags_index_desc' => 'تگ ها را میتوان به محتوای داخل سیستم اعمال کرد تا فرم هماهنگی از طبقه‌بندی ایجاد شود. تگ ها می توانند شامل یک کلید و یک مقدار باشند، که مقدار آن انتخابی یا قابل خذف است. بعد از ایجاد تگ، محتوا را می توان توسط کلید یا مقدار هر تگ جستجو نمود.', 'tag_name' => 'نام برچسب', 'tag_value' => 'مقدار برچسب (اختیاری)', 'tags_explain' => "برای دسته بندی بهتر مطالب خود چند برچسب اضافه کنید.\nمی توانید برای سازماندهی عمیق‌تر، یک مقدار به یک برچسب اختصاص دهید.", @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'پیوست ها', 'attachments_explain' => 'چند فایل را آپلود کنید یا چند پیوند را برای نمایش در صفحه خود ضمیمه کنید. اینها در نوار کناری صفحه قابل مشاهده هستند.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'تغییرات در اینجا فورا ذخیره می شوند.', - 'attachments_items' => 'موارد پیوست شده', 'attachments_upload' => 'آپلود فایل', 'attachments_link' => 'پیوند را ضمیمه کنید', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'پیوند را تنظیم کنید', 'attachments_delete' => 'آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیوست را حذف کنید؟', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'فایل ها را رها کنید یا برای پیوست کردن یک فایل اینجا را کلیک کنید', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'هیچ فایلی آپلود نشده است', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'اگر ترجیح می دهید فایلی را آپلود نکنید، می توانید پیوندی را پیوست کنید. این می تواند پیوندی به صفحه دیگر یا پیوندی به فایلی در فضای ابری باشد.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'نام پیوند', @@ -395,6 +395,6 @@ return [ // References 'references' => 'مراجع', - 'references_none' => 'There are no tracked references to this item.', + 'references_none' => 'هیچ رفرنسی برای این قلم یافت نشد.', 'references_to_desc' => 'در زیر تمام صفحات شناخته شده در سیستم که به این مورد پیوند دارند، نشان داده شده است.', ]; diff --git a/lang/fa/errors.php b/lang/fa/errors.php index 8bb5d71cd..bb31ff5cd 100644 --- a/lang/fa/errors.php +++ b/lang/fa/errors.php @@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'سرور نمی تواند تصاویر کوچک ایجاد کند. لطفاً بررسی کنید که پسوند GD PHP را نصب کرده اید.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'سرور اجازه آپلود در این اندازه را نمی دهد. لطفا اندازه فایل کوچکتر را امتحان کنید.', 'uploaded' => 'سرور اجازه آپلود در این اندازه را نمی دهد. لطفا اندازه فایل کوچکتر را امتحان کنید.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'زمان بارگذاری فایل به پایان رسیده است.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'هنگام آپلود تصویر خطایی روی داد', 'image_upload_type_error' => 'نوع تصویر در حال آپلود نامعتبر است', - 'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.', + 'drawing_data_not_found' => 'داده های طرح قابل بارگذاری نیستند. ممکن است فایل طرح دیگر وجود نداشته باشد یا شما به آن دسترسی نداشته باشید.', // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'پیوست یافت نشد', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'پیش نویس ذخیره نشد. قبل از ذخیره این صفحه مطمئن شوید که به اینترنت متصل هستید', diff --git a/lang/fa/settings.php b/lang/fa/settings.php index d3018f32b..7c8bb76f7 100644 --- a/lang/fa/settings.php +++ b/lang/fa/settings.php @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ return [ // Color settings 'color_scheme' => 'ترکیب رنگی برنامه', - 'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the application user interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.', - 'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the application primary color and default link color. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the application interface.', - 'app_color' => 'Primary Color', - 'link_color' => 'Default Link Color', - 'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.', + 'color_scheme_desc' => 'رنگهایی که در رابط کاربری نرم‌افزار استفاده می شوند را انتخاب کنید. رنگها را میتوان برای حالت روشن یا تیره به صورت جداگانه تنظیم کرد تا هم با تم مورد استفاده سازگار بوده و هم خوانا باشند.', + 'ui_colors_desc' => 'رنگ اصلی نرم‌افزار و رنگ پیش فرض پیوندها را انتخاب کنید. رنگ اصلی بیشتر برای بنر، کلیدها و عناصر تزیینی رابط کاربری استفاده می شوند. رنگ پیش فرض پیوند برای پیوندهای متنی و اکشن ها بکار میرود، هم در محتوای متنی و هم در رابط کاربری.', + 'app_color' => 'رنگ اصلی', + 'link_color' => 'رنگ پیش فرض پیوند', + 'content_colors_desc' => 'رنگهای عناصر سلسه مراتب صفحه را انتخاب کنید. پیشنهاد می شود رنگهایی انتخاب گردند که با رنگ پیش فرض دارای روشنی مشابه باشند، تا به خوانایی کمک شود.', 'bookshelf_color' => 'رنگ قفسه', 'book_color' => 'رنگ کتاب', 'chapter_color' => 'رنگ فصل', @@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ return [ 'maint_send_test_email_mail_text' => 'تبریک می گویم! با دریافت این اعلان ایمیل، به نظر می رسد تنظیمات ایمیل شما به درستی پیکربندی شده است.', 'maint_recycle_bin_desc' => 'قفسه‌ها، کتاب‌ها، فصل‌ها و صفحات حذف‌شده به سطل بازیافت فرستاده می‌شوند تا بتوان آن‌ها را بازیابی کرد یا برای همیشه حذف کرد. بسته به پیکربندی سیستم، اقلام قدیمی در سطل بازیافت ممکن است پس از مدتی به طور خودکار حذف شوند.', 'maint_recycle_bin_open' => 'سطل بازیافت را باز کنید', - 'maint_regen_references' => 'Regenerate References', - 'maint_regen_references_desc' => 'This action will rebuild the cross-item reference index within the database. This is usually handled automatically but this action can be useful to index old content or content added via unofficial methods.', - 'maint_regen_references_success' => 'Reference index has been regenerated!', - 'maint_timeout_command_note' => 'Note: This action can take time to run, which can lead to timeout issues in some web environments. As an alternative, this action be performed using a terminal command.', + 'maint_regen_references' => 'تولید مجدد رفرنس ها', + 'maint_regen_references_desc' => 'این عمل اندیس رفرنس های میان اقلامی موجود در دیتابیس را بازسازی خواهد کرد. چنین کاری معمولا به صورت خودکار انجام میشود، ولی این عمل برای اندیس گذاری محتویات قدیمی یا محتویایی که از طرق غیرمعمول اضافه شده اند مفید است.', + 'maint_regen_references_success' => 'اندیس رفرنس ها بازسازی شدند!', + 'maint_timeout_command_note' => 'توجه: این عملیات زمان بر خواهد بود، که ممکن در برخی محیطهای وب باعث از دسترس خارج شدن شوند. به عنوان گزینه جایگزین، این عمل را میتوان با استفاده از یک دستور ترمینال انجام داد.', // Recycle Bin 'recycle_bin' => 'سطل زباله', @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ return [ 'roles_x_users_assigned' => ':count کاربر اختصاص داده شده|:count کاربر اختصاص داده شده', 'roles_x_permissions_provided' => ':count مجوز|:count مجوز', 'roles_assigned_users' => 'کاربران اختصاص داده شده', - 'roles_permissions_provided' => 'Provided Permissions', + 'roles_permissions_provided' => 'دسترسی های موجود', 'role_create' => 'نقش جدید ایجاد کنید', 'role_delete' => 'حذف نقش', 'role_delete_confirm' => 'با این کار نقش با نام \':roleName\' حذف می شود.', @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ return [ 'roles_system_warning' => 'توجه داشته باشید که دسترسی به هر یک از سه مجوز فوق می‌تواند به کاربر اجازه دهد تا امتیازات خود یا امتیازات دیگران را در سیستم تغییر دهد. فقط نقش هایی را با این مجوزها به کاربران مورد اعتماد اختصاص دهید.', 'role_asset_desc' => 'این مجوزها دسترسی پیش‌فرض به دارایی‌های درون سیستم را کنترل می‌کنند. مجوزهای مربوط به کتاب‌ها، فصل‌ها و صفحات این مجوزها را لغو می‌کنند.', 'role_asset_admins' => 'به ادمین‌ها به‌طور خودکار به همه محتوا دسترسی داده می‌شود، اما این گزینه‌ها ممکن است گزینه‌های UI را نشان داده یا پنهان کنند.', - 'role_asset_image_view_note' => 'This relates to visibility within the image manager. Actual access of uploaded image files will be dependant upon system image storage option.', + 'role_asset_image_view_note' => 'این مربوط به مرئی بودن در بخش مدیر تصاویر است. دسترسی عملی به تصاویر آپلود شده بستگی به گزینه ذخیره‌سازی تصویر سیستم دارد.', 'role_all' => 'همه', 'role_own' => 'صاحب', 'role_controlled_by_asset' => 'توسط دارایی که در آن آپلود می شود کنترل می شود', @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ return [ // Users 'users' => 'کاربران', - 'users_index_desc' => 'Create & manage individual user accounts within the system. User accounts are used for login and attribution of content & activity. Access permissions are primarily role-based but user content ownership, among other factors, may also affect permissions & access.', + 'users_index_desc' => 'ساخت و مدیریت حساب های کاربری درون سیستم. حساب های کاربری برای ورود به سیستم و تخصیص محتوا و فعالیت ها به کار می روند. اجازه های دسترسی عموما بر مبنای نقش کاربر هستند، ولی مالکیت محتوای کاربر (در کنار سایر عوامل) روی اجازه و دسترسی تاثیر گذارند.', 'user_profile' => 'پرونده کاربر', 'users_add_new' => 'افزودن کاربر جدید', 'users_search' => 'جستجوی کاربران', @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ return [ // Webhooks 'webhooks' => 'وب‌هوک‌ها', - 'webhooks_index_desc' => 'Webhooks are a way to send data to external URLs when certain actions and events occur within the system which allows event-based integration with external platforms such as messaging or notification systems.', + 'webhooks_index_desc' => 'وب هوک ها روشی برای ارسال داده به آدرس های اینترنتی خارج از سیستم، بر اساس اتفاقات خاصی درون سیستم هستند که امکان یکپارچه سازی مبتنی بر وقایع را با سایر سیستم ها، مثل سیستم پیام رسانی یا اطلاع رسانی، فراهم می کنند.', 'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => ':count trigger event|:count trigger events', 'webhooks_create' => 'ایجاد وب هوک جدید', 'webhooks_none_created' => 'هنوز هیچ وب هوکی ایجاد نشده است.', diff --git a/lang/fr/components.php b/lang/fr/components.php index fed157a47..310ec071b 100644 --- a/lang/fr/components.php +++ b/lang/fr/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Sélectionner une image', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Toutes', 'image_all_title' => 'Voir toutes les images', 'image_book_title' => 'Voir les images ajoutées à ce livre', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette image ?', 'image_select_image' => 'Sélectionner l\'image', 'image_dropzone' => 'Glissez les images ici ou cliquez pour les ajouter', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Images supprimées', 'image_preview' => 'Prévisualiser l\'image', 'image_upload_success' => 'Image ajoutée avec succès', 'image_update_success' => 'Détails de l\'image mis à jour', 'image_delete_success' => 'Image supprimée avec succès', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Supprimer', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Éditer le code', diff --git a/lang/fr/entities.php b/lang/fr/entities.php index 7ff76acf5..c75060064 100644 --- a/lang/fr/entities.php +++ b/lang/fr/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Fichiers joints', 'attachments_explain' => 'Ajouter des fichiers ou des liens pour les afficher sur votre page. Ils seront affichés dans la barre latérale', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Ces changements sont enregistrés immédiatement.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Fichiers joints', 'attachments_upload' => 'Uploader un fichier', 'attachments_link' => 'Attacher un lien', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Définir un lien', 'attachments_delete' => 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la pièce jointe ?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Glissez des fichiers ou cliquez ici pour attacher des fichiers', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Aucun fichier ajouté', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Vous pouvez ajouter un lien si vous ne souhaitez pas uploader un fichier.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nom du lien', diff --git a/lang/fr/errors.php b/lang/fr/errors.php index eaee37be7..976655ae3 100644 --- a/lang/fr/errors.php +++ b/lang/fr/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Le serveur ne peut pas créer de miniature, vérifier que l\'extension PHP GD est installée.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'La taille du fichier est trop grande.', 'uploaded' => 'Le serveur n\'autorise pas l\'envoi d\'un fichier de cette taille. Veuillez essayer avec une taille de fichier réduite.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Le téléchargement du fichier a expiré.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Une erreur est survenue pendant l\'envoi de l\'image', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Fichier joint non trouvé', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Le brouillon n\'a pas pu être enregistré. Vérifiez votre connexion internet', diff --git a/lang/he/components.php b/lang/he/components.php index 48f7aa2d2..f0b0da3fd 100644 --- a/lang/he/components.php +++ b/lang/he/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'בחירת תמונה', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'הכל', 'image_all_title' => 'הצג את כל התמונות', 'image_book_title' => 'הצג תמונות שהועלו לספר זה', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'האם את/ה בטוח/ה שברצונך למחוק את התמונה הזו?', 'image_select_image' => 'בחר תמונה', 'image_dropzone' => 'גרור תמונות או לחץ כאן להעלאה', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'התמונות נמחקו', 'image_preview' => 'תצוגה מקדימה', 'image_upload_success' => 'התמונה עלתה בהצלחה', 'image_update_success' => 'פרטי התמונה עודכנו בהצלחה', 'image_delete_success' => 'התמונה נמחקה בהצלחה', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'מחק', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'ערוך קוד', diff --git a/lang/he/entities.php b/lang/he/entities.php index 3c3b9b9c7..cd1807513 100644 --- a/lang/he/entities.php +++ b/lang/he/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'קבצים מצורפים', 'attachments_explain' => 'צרף קבצים או קישורים על מנת להציגם בדף שלך. צירופים אלו יהיו זמינים בתפריט הצדדי של הדף', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'שינויים נשמרים באופן מיידי', - 'attachments_items' => 'פריטים שצורפו', 'attachments_upload' => 'העלה קובץ', 'attachments_link' => 'צרף קישור', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'הגדר קישור', 'attachments_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'גרור לכאן קבצים או לחץ על מנת לצרף קבצים', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'לא הועלו קבצים', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'ניתן לצרף קישור במקום העלאת קובץ, קישור זה יכול להוביל לדף אחר או לכל קובץ באינטרנט', 'attachments_link_name' => 'שם הקישור', diff --git a/lang/he/errors.php b/lang/he/errors.php index ee19b58d8..36a7df46f 100644 --- a/lang/he/errors.php +++ b/lang/he/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'השרת אינו מרשה העלאת קבצים במשקל זה. אנא נסה להעלות קובץ קטן יותר.', 'uploaded' => 'השרת אינו מרשה העלאת קבצים במשקל זה. אנא נסה להעלות קובץ קטן יותר.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'התרחשה שגיאה במהלך העלאת התמונה', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'קובץ מצורף לא נמצא', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'שגיאה בשמירת הטיוטה. אנא ודא כי חיבור האינטרנט תקין לפני שמירת דף זה.', diff --git a/lang/hr/components.php b/lang/hr/components.php index 5caffd55f..a1cb1139f 100644 --- a/lang/hr/components.php +++ b/lang/hr/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Odabir slike', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Sve', 'image_all_title' => 'Vidi sve slike', 'image_book_title' => 'Vidi slike dodane ovoj knjizi', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati sliku?', 'image_select_image' => 'Odaberi sliku', 'image_dropzone' => 'Prebacite sliku ili kliknite ovdje za prijenos', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Obrisane slike', 'image_preview' => 'Pregled slike', 'image_upload_success' => 'Slika je uspješno dodana', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalji slike su uspješno ažurirani', 'image_delete_success' => 'Slika je obrisana', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Ukloni', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Uredi kod', diff --git a/lang/hr/entities.php b/lang/hr/entities.php index 9b861e5f3..fab7a6cc7 100644 --- a/lang/hr/entities.php +++ b/lang/hr/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Prilozi', 'attachments_explain' => 'Dodajte datoteke ili poveznice za prikaz na vašoj stranici. Vidljive su na rubnoj oznaci stranice.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Promjene se automatski spremaju.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Dodane stavke', 'attachments_upload' => 'Dodaj datoteku', 'attachments_link' => 'Dodaj poveznicu', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Postavi poveznicu', 'attachments_delete' => 'Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovu stavku?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Dodajte datoteke ili kliknite ovdje', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Nijedna datoteka nije prenesena', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Možete dodati poveznicu ako ne želite prenijeti datoteku. Poveznica može voditi na drugu stranicu ili datoteku.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Ime poveznice', diff --git a/lang/hr/errors.php b/lang/hr/errors.php index 87f85180e..706c92dfe 100644 --- a/lang/hr/errors.php +++ b/lang/hr/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Provjerite imate li instaliranu GD PHP ekstenziju.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Prevelika količina za server. Pokušajte prenijeti manju veličinu.', 'uploaded' => 'Prevelika količina za server. Pokušajte prenijeti manju veličinu.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Isteklo vrijeme za prijenos datoteke.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Problem s prenosom slike', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Prilozi nisu pronađeni', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Problem sa spremanjem nacrta. Osigurajte stabilnu internetsku vezu.', diff --git a/lang/hu/components.php b/lang/hu/components.php index c1c57d27e..9b9eca6d5 100644 --- a/lang/hu/components.php +++ b/lang/hu/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Kép kiválasztása', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Összes', 'image_all_title' => 'Összes kép megtekintése', 'image_book_title' => 'A könyv feltöltött képek megtekintése', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Biztosan törölhető ez a kép?', 'image_select_image' => 'Kép kiválasztása', 'image_dropzone' => 'Képek feltöltése ejtéssel vagy kattintással', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Képek törölve', 'image_preview' => 'Kép előnézete', 'image_upload_success' => 'Kép sikeresen feltöltve', 'image_update_success' => 'Kép részletei sikeresen frissítve', 'image_delete_success' => 'Kép sikeresen törölve', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Eltávolítás', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Kód szerkesztése', diff --git a/lang/hu/entities.php b/lang/hu/entities.php index 149d4a7d1..8407e9e94 100644 --- a/lang/hu/entities.php +++ b/lang/hu/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Csatolmányok', 'attachments_explain' => 'Az oldalon megjelenő fájlok feltöltése vagy hivatkozások csatolása. Az oldal oldalsávjában fognak megjelenni.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Az itt történt módosítások azonnal el lesznek mentve.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Csatolt elemek', 'attachments_upload' => 'Fájlfeltöltés', 'attachments_link' => 'Hivatkozás csatolása', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Hivatkozás beállítása', 'attachments_delete' => 'Biztosan törölhető ez a melléklet?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Fájlok csatolása ejtéssel vagy kattintással', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Nincsenek fájlok feltöltve', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Fájl feltöltése helyett hozzá lehet kapcsolni egy hivatkozást. Ez egy hivatkozás lesz egy másik oldalra vagy egy fájlra a felhőben.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Hivatkozás neve', diff --git a/lang/hu/errors.php b/lang/hu/errors.php index 7e31f4d63..bb697e337 100644 --- a/lang/hu/errors.php +++ b/lang/hu/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'A kiszolgáló nem tud létrehozni bélyegképeket. Ellenőrizni kell, hogy telepítve van-a a GD PHP kiterjesztés.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'A kiszolgáló nem engedélyez ilyen méretű feltöltéseket. Kisebb fájlmérettel kell próbálkozni.', 'uploaded' => 'A kiszolgáló nem engedélyez ilyen méretű feltöltéseket. Kisebb fájlmérettel kell próbálkozni.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'A fáj feltöltése időtúllépést okozott.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Hiba történt a kép feltöltése közben', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Csatolmány nem található', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Nem sikerült a vázlat mentése. Mentés előtt meg kell róla győződni, hogy van internetkapcsolat', diff --git a/lang/id/activities.php b/lang/id/activities.php index 3af0e5afc..9ead91fe6 100644 --- a/lang/id/activities.php +++ b/lang/id/activities.php @@ -9,43 +9,43 @@ return [ 'page_create' => 'telah membuat halaman', 'page_create_notification' => 'Jenis Halaman berhasil dibuat', 'page_update' => 'halaman telah diperbaharui', - 'page_update_notification' => 'Page successfully updated', + 'page_update_notification' => 'Halaman berhasil diperbarui', 'page_delete' => 'halaman dihapus', - 'page_delete_notification' => 'Page successfully deleted', + 'page_delete_notification' => 'Halaman berhasil dihapus', 'page_restore' => 'halaman telah dipulihkan', - 'page_restore_notification' => 'Page successfully restored', + 'page_restore_notification' => 'Halaman berhasil dipulihkan', 'page_move' => 'halaman dipindahkan', // Chapters 'chapter_create' => 'membuat bab', - 'chapter_create_notification' => 'Chapter successfully created', + 'chapter_create_notification' => 'Bab berhasil dibuat', 'chapter_update' => 'bab diperbaharui', - 'chapter_update_notification' => 'Chapter successfully updated', + 'chapter_update_notification' => 'Bab berhasil diperbarui', 'chapter_delete' => 'hapus bab', - 'chapter_delete_notification' => 'Chapter successfully deleted', + 'chapter_delete_notification' => 'Bab berhasil dihapus', 'chapter_move' => 'bab dipindahkan', // Books 'book_create' => 'membuat buku', - 'book_create_notification' => 'Book successfully created', - 'book_create_from_chapter' => 'converted chapter to book', - 'book_create_from_chapter_notification' => 'Chapter successfully converted to a book', + 'book_create_notification' => 'Buku berhasil dibuat', + 'book_create_from_chapter' => 'mengkonversi bab ke buku', + 'book_create_from_chapter_notification' => 'Bab berhasil dikonversi menjadi buku', 'book_update' => 'update buku', - 'book_update_notification' => 'Book successfully updated', + 'book_update_notification' => 'Buku berhasil diperbarui', 'book_delete' => 'hapus buku', - 'book_delete_notification' => 'Book successfully deleted', + 'book_delete_notification' => 'Buku berhasil dihapus', 'book_sort' => 'buku yang diurutkan', - 'book_sort_notification' => 'Book successfully re-sorted', + 'book_sort_notification' => 'Buku berhasil diurutkan', // Bookshelves - 'bookshelf_create' => 'created shelf', - 'bookshelf_create_notification' => 'Shelf successfully created', - 'bookshelf_create_from_book' => 'converted book to shelf', - 'bookshelf_create_from_book_notification' => 'Book successfully converted to a shelf', - 'bookshelf_update' => 'updated shelf', - 'bookshelf_update_notification' => 'Shelf successfully updated', - 'bookshelf_delete' => 'deleted shelf', - 'bookshelf_delete_notification' => 'Shelf successfully deleted', + 'bookshelf_create' => 'membuat rak', + 'bookshelf_create_notification' => 'Rak berhasil dibuat', + 'bookshelf_create_from_book' => 'mengkonversi buku ke rak', + 'bookshelf_create_from_book_notification' => 'Buku berhasil dikonversi menjadi rak', + 'bookshelf_update' => 'memperbarui rak', + 'bookshelf_update_notification' => 'Rak berhasil diperbarui', + 'bookshelf_delete' => 'menghapus rak', + 'bookshelf_delete_notification' => 'Rak berhasil dihapus', // Favourites 'favourite_add_notification' => '":name" telah ditambahkan ke favorit Anda', @@ -56,21 +56,21 @@ return [ 'mfa_remove_method_notification' => 'Metode multi-faktor sukses dihapus', // Webhooks - 'webhook_create' => 'created webhook', - 'webhook_create_notification' => 'Webhook successfully created', - 'webhook_update' => 'updated webhook', - 'webhook_update_notification' => 'Webhook successfully updated', - 'webhook_delete' => 'deleted webhook', - 'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook successfully deleted', + 'webhook_create' => 'membuat webhook', + 'webhook_create_notification' => 'Webhook berhasil dibuat', + 'webhook_update' => 'memperbarui webhook', + 'webhook_update_notification' => 'Webhook berhasil diperbarui', + 'webhook_delete' => 'menghapus webhook', + 'webhook_delete_notification' => 'Webhook berhasil dihapus', // Users - 'user_update_notification' => 'User successfully updated', - 'user_delete_notification' => 'User successfully removed', + 'user_update_notification' => 'Pengguna berhasil diperbarui', + 'user_delete_notification' => 'Pengguna berhasil dihapus', // Roles - 'role_create_notification' => 'Role successfully created', - 'role_update_notification' => 'Role successfully updated', - 'role_delete_notification' => 'Role successfully deleted', + 'role_create_notification' => 'Peran berhasil dibuat', + 'role_update_notification' => 'Peran berhasil diperbarui', + 'role_delete_notification' => 'Peran berhasil dihapus', // Other 'commented_on' => 'berkomentar pada', diff --git a/lang/id/auth.php b/lang/id/auth.php index bc871c496..5d174f6ac 100644 --- a/lang/id/auth.php +++ b/lang/id/auth.php @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ return [ 'register_success' => 'Terima kasih telah mendaftar! Anda sekarang terdaftar dan masuk.', // Login auto-initiation - 'auto_init_starting' => 'Attempting Login', - 'auto_init_starting_desc' => 'We\'re contacting your authentication system to start the login process. If there\'s no progress after 5 seconds you can try clicking the link below.', - 'auto_init_start_link' => 'Proceed with authentication', + 'auto_init_starting' => 'Mencoba masuk', + 'auto_init_starting_desc' => 'Kami sedang menghubungi sistem autentikasi Anda untuk memulai proses login. Jika tidak ada kemajuan setelah 5 detik, Anda dapat mencoba mengklik link di bawah ini.', + 'auto_init_start_link' => 'Lanjutkan dengan otentikasi', // Password Reset 'reset_password' => 'Atur ulang kata sandi', @@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ return [ 'email_confirm_text' => 'Silakan konfirmasi alamat email Anda dengan mengklik tombol di bawah ini:', 'email_confirm_action' => 'Konfirmasi email', 'email_confirm_send_error' => 'Konfirmasi email diperlukan tetapi sistem tidak dapat mengirim email. Hubungi admin untuk memastikan email disiapkan dengan benar.', - 'email_confirm_success' => 'Your email has been confirmed! You should now be able to login using this email address.', + 'email_confirm_success' => 'Email Anda sudah terkonfirmasi! Anda seharusnya sudah bisa masuk menggunakan email ini.', 'email_confirm_resent' => 'Email konfirmasi dikirim ulang, Harap periksa kotak masuk Anda.', - 'email_confirm_thanks' => 'Thanks for confirming!', - 'email_confirm_thanks_desc' => 'Please wait a moment while your confirmation is handled. If you are not redirected after 3 seconds press the "Continue" link below to proceed.', + 'email_confirm_thanks' => 'Terima kasih untuk mengkonfirmasi!', + 'email_confirm_thanks_desc' => 'Harap tunggu sebentar, konfirmasi Anda sedang ditangani. Jika Anda tidak dipindahkan setelah 3 detik, tekan link "Selanjutnya" dibawah ini untuk melanjutkan.', 'email_not_confirmed' => 'Alamat Email Tidak Dikonfirmasi', 'email_not_confirmed_text' => 'Alamat email Anda belum dikonfirmasi.', @@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ return [ 'user_invite_page_welcome' => 'Selamat datang di :appName!', 'user_invite_page_text' => 'Untuk menyelesaikan akun Anda dan mendapatkan akses, Anda perlu mengatur kata sandi yang akan digunakan untuk masuk ke :appName pada kunjungan berikutnya.', 'user_invite_page_confirm_button' => 'Konfirmasi Kata sandi', - 'user_invite_success_login' => 'Password set, you should now be able to login using your set password to access :appName!', + 'user_invite_success_login' => 'Kata sandi diset, Anda seharusnya sudah bisa masuk menggunakan kata sandi yang sudah diset untuk mengakses :appName!', // Multi-factor Authentication - 'mfa_setup' => 'Setup Multi-Factor Authentication', - 'mfa_setup_desc' => 'Setup multi-factor authentication as an extra layer of security for your user account.', - 'mfa_setup_configured' => 'Already configured', + 'mfa_setup' => 'Atur Multi-Factor Otentikasi', + 'mfa_setup_desc' => 'Mengatur multi-factor otentikasi sebagai tambahan ekstra keamanan untuk akun Anda.', + 'mfa_setup_configured' => 'Sudah dikonfigurasi', 'mfa_setup_reconfigure' => 'Konfigurasi ulang', 'mfa_setup_remove_confirmation' => 'Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus metode autentikasi multi-faktor ini?', 'mfa_setup_action' => 'Setup', diff --git a/lang/id/components.php b/lang/id/components.php index 309e93141..d2ff7cd4e 100644 --- a/lang/id/components.php +++ b/lang/id/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Pilih Gambar', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Semua', 'image_all_title' => 'Lihat semua gambar', 'image_book_title' => 'Lihat gambar yang diunggah ke buku ini', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Anda yakin ingin menghapus gambar ini?', 'image_select_image' => 'Pilih gambar', 'image_dropzone' => 'Lepaskan gambar atau klik di sini untuk mengunggah', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Gambar Dihapus', 'image_preview' => 'Pratinjau Gambar', 'image_upload_success' => 'Gambar berhasil diunggah', 'image_update_success' => 'Detail gambar berhasil diperbarui', 'image_delete_success' => 'Gambar berhasil dihapus', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Menghapus', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Edit Kode', diff --git a/lang/id/entities.php b/lang/id/entities.php index 9353c3af9..8b517198a 100644 --- a/lang/id/entities.php +++ b/lang/id/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Lampiran', 'attachments_explain' => 'Unggah beberapa berkas atau lampirkan beberapa tautan untuk ditampilkan di laman Anda. Ini terlihat di sidebar halaman.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Perubahan di sini disimpan secara instan.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Item Terlampir', 'attachments_upload' => 'Unggah Berkas', 'attachments_link' => 'Lampirkan Tautan', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Setel Tautan', 'attachments_delete' => 'Anda yakin ingin menghapus lampiran ini?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Jatuhkan file atau klik di sini untuk melampirkan file', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Tidak ada berkas yang telah diunggah', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Anda dapat melampirkan sebuah tautan jika Anda memilih untuk tidak mengunggah berkas. Ini bisa berupa sebuah tautan ke halaman lain atau tautan ke sebuah berkas di cloud.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nama Tautan', diff --git a/lang/id/errors.php b/lang/id/errors.php index 4e93855a4..4bfd60a7e 100644 --- a/lang/id/errors.php +++ b/lang/id/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server tidak dapat membuat thumbnail. Harap periksa apakah Anda telah memasang ekstensi GD PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Server tidak mengizinkan unggahan dengan ukuran ini. Harap coba ukuran berkas yang lebih kecil.', 'uploaded' => 'Server tidak mengizinkan unggahan dengan ukuran ini. Harap coba ukuran berkas yang lebih kecil.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Unggahan berkas telah habis waktu.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Terjadi kesalahan saat mengunggah gambar', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Lampiran tidak ditemukan', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Gagal menyimpan draf. Pastikan Anda memiliki koneksi internet sebelum menyimpan halaman ini', diff --git a/lang/it/components.php b/lang/it/components.php index 63637aa48..ad0b40426 100644 --- a/lang/it/components.php +++ b/lang/it/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Selezione Immagine', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Tutte', 'image_all_title' => 'Visualizza tutte le immagini', 'image_book_title' => 'Visualizza immagini caricate in questo libro', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questa immagine?', 'image_select_image' => 'Seleziona Immagine', 'image_dropzone' => 'Rilascia immagini o clicca qui per caricarle', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Immagini Eliminate', 'image_preview' => 'Anteprima Immagine', 'image_upload_success' => 'Immagine caricata correttamente', 'image_update_success' => 'Dettagli immagine aggiornati correttamente', 'image_delete_success' => 'Immagine eliminata correttamente', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Rimuovi', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Modifica Codice', diff --git a/lang/it/entities.php b/lang/it/entities.php index 6273e8a0f..1d81f5ae0 100644 --- a/lang/it/entities.php +++ b/lang/it/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Allegati', 'attachments_explain' => 'Carica alcuni file o allega link per visualizzarli nella pagina. Questi sono visibili nella sidebar della pagina.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'I cambiamenti qui sono salvati istantaneamente.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Oggetti Allegati', 'attachments_upload' => 'Carica File', 'attachments_link' => 'Allega Link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Imposta Link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo allegato?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Rilascia file o clicca qui per allegare un file', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Nessun file è stato caricato', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Puoi allegare un link se preferisci non caricare un file. Questo può essere un link a un\'altra pagina o a un file nel cloud.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nome Link', diff --git a/lang/it/errors.php b/lang/it/errors.php index 815cd22b9..e2e7d49cd 100644 --- a/lang/it/errors.php +++ b/lang/it/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Il server non può creare thumbnail. Controlla che l\'estensione GD sia installata.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Il server non permette un upload di questa grandezza. Prova con un file più piccolo.', 'uploaded' => 'Il server non consente upload di questa grandezza. Prova un file più piccolo.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Il caricamento del file è andato in timeout.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'C\'è stato un errore caricando l\'immagine', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Allegato non trovato', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Impossibile salvare la bozza. Controlla di essere connesso ad internet prima di salvare questa pagina', diff --git a/lang/ja/components.php b/lang/ja/components.php index 54a1092d2..7fcc87d1d 100644 --- a/lang/ja/components.php +++ b/lang/ja/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => '画像を選択', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'すべて', 'image_all_title' => '全ての画像を表示', 'image_book_title' => 'このブックにアップロードされた画像を表示', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'この画像を削除してもよろしいですか?', 'image_select_image' => '画像を選択', 'image_dropzone' => '画像をドロップするか、クリックしてアップロード', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => '画像を削除しました', 'image_preview' => '画像プレビュー', 'image_upload_success' => '画像がアップロードされました', 'image_update_success' => '画像が更新されました', 'image_delete_success' => '画像が削除されました', - 'image_upload_remove' => '削除', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'コードを編集する', diff --git a/lang/ja/entities.php b/lang/ja/entities.php index fc6be5b50..ae952cd02 100644 --- a/lang/ja/entities.php +++ b/lang/ja/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => '添付ファイル', 'attachments_explain' => 'ファイルをアップロードまたはリンクを添付することができます。これらはサイドバーで確認できます。', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'この変更は即座に保存されます。', - 'attachments_items' => 'アイテム', 'attachments_upload' => 'アップロード', 'attachments_link' => 'リンクを添付', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'リンクを設定', 'attachments_delete' => 'この添付ファイルを削除してよろしいですか?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'ファイルをドロップするか、クリックして選択', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'ファイルはアップロードされていません', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'ファイルをアップロードしたくない場合、他のページやクラウド上のファイルへのリンクを添付できます。', 'attachments_link_name' => 'リンク名', diff --git a/lang/ja/errors.php b/lang/ja/errors.php index f1d3871f1..945a02ab0 100644 --- a/lang/ja/errors.php +++ b/lang/ja/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'このサーバはサムネイルを作成できません。GD PHP extensionがインストールされていることを確認してください。', 'server_upload_limit' => 'このサイズの画像をアップロードすることは許可されていません。ファイルサイズを小さくし、再試行してください。', 'uploaded' => 'このサイズの画像をアップロードすることは許可されていません。ファイルサイズを小さくし、再試行してください。', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'ファイルのアップロードがタイムアウトしました。', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => '画像アップロード時にエラーが発生しました。', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => '添付ファイルが見つかりません', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => '下書きの保存に失敗しました。インターネットへ接続してください。', diff --git a/lang/ka/components.php b/lang/ka/components.php index 48a0a32fa..cd5dca251 100644 --- a/lang/ka/components.php +++ b/lang/ka/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Image Select', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'All', 'image_all_title' => 'View all images', 'image_book_title' => 'View images uploaded to this book', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this image?', 'image_select_image' => 'Select Image', 'image_dropzone' => 'Drop images or click here to upload', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Images Deleted', 'image_preview' => 'Image Preview', 'image_upload_success' => 'Image uploaded successfully', 'image_update_success' => 'Image details successfully updated', 'image_delete_success' => 'Image successfully deleted', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Remove', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Edit Code', diff --git a/lang/ka/entities.php b/lang/ka/entities.php index 9b02f3111..9614f92fe 100644 --- a/lang/ka/entities.php +++ b/lang/ka/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Attachments', 'attachments_explain' => 'Upload some files or attach some links to display on your page. These are visible in the page sidebar.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Changes here are saved instantly.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Attached Items', 'attachments_upload' => 'Upload File', 'attachments_link' => 'Attach Link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Set Link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files or click here to attach a file', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'No files have been uploaded', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'You can attach a link if you\'d prefer not to upload a file. This can be a link to another page or a link to a file in the cloud.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Link Name', diff --git a/lang/ka/errors.php b/lang/ka/errors.php index 703d0edbe..6991f96e4 100644 --- a/lang/ka/errors.php +++ b/lang/ka/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.', 'uploaded' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the image', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Attachment not found', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Failed to save draft. Ensure you have internet connection before saving this page', diff --git a/lang/ko/activities.php b/lang/ko/activities.php index f095ce548..d5dedfa15 100644 --- a/lang/ko/activities.php +++ b/lang/ko/activities.php @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ return [ // Pages 'page_create' => '문서 만들기', - 'page_create_notification' => '문서 생성함', + 'page_create_notification' => '페이지를 생성했습니다', 'page_update' => '문서 수정', - 'page_update_notification' => '문서 수정함', + 'page_update_notification' => '페이지를 수정했습니다', 'page_delete' => '삭제 된 페이지', - 'page_delete_notification' => '문서 삭제함', + 'page_delete_notification' => '페이지를 삭제했습니다', 'page_restore' => '문서 복원', - 'page_restore_notification' => '문서 복원함', + 'page_restore_notification' => '페이지가 복원되었습니다', 'page_move' => '문서 이동', // Chapters @@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ return [ 'user_delete_notification' => '사용자가 삭제되었습니다', // Roles - 'role_create_notification' => 'Role successfully created', - 'role_update_notification' => 'Role successfully updated', - 'role_delete_notification' => 'Role successfully deleted', + 'role_create_notification' => '역할이 생성되었습니다', + 'role_update_notification' => '역할이 수정되었습니다', + 'role_delete_notification' => '역할이 삭제되었습니다', // Other 'commented_on' => '댓글 쓰기', diff --git a/lang/ko/auth.php b/lang/ko/auth.php index dc32c1355..60a54dabd 100644 --- a/lang/ko/auth.php +++ b/lang/ko/auth.php @@ -7,24 +7,24 @@ return [ 'failed' => '자격 증명이 기록과 일치하지 않습니다.', - 'throttle' => '로그인 시도가 너무 많습니다. :seconds초 후에 다시 시도하세요.', + 'throttle' => '로그인 시도가 너무 많습니다. :seconds초 후에 다시 시도해주세요.', // Login & Register 'sign_up' => '가입', 'log_in' => '로그인', - 'log_in_with' => ':socialDriver로 로그인', - 'sign_up_with' => ':socialDriver로 가입', + 'log_in_with' => ':socialDriver 소셜 계정으로 로그인', + 'sign_up_with' => ':socialDriver 소셜 계정으로 가입', 'logout' => '로그아웃', 'name' => '이름', 'username' => '사용자 이름', - 'email' => '메일 주소', - 'password' => '패스워드', - 'password_confirm' => '패스워드 확인', - 'password_hint' => '여덟 글자를 넘어야 합니다.', - 'forgot_password' => '패스워드를 잊었나요?', + 'email' => '전자우편 주소', + 'password' => '비밀번호', + 'password_confirm' => '비밀번호 확인', + 'password_hint' => '8 글자를 넘어야 합니다.', + 'forgot_password' => '비밀번호를 잊으셨나요?', 'remember_me' => '로그인 유지', - 'ldap_email_hint' => '계정에 연결한 메일 주소를 입력하세요.', + 'ldap_email_hint' => '계정에 연결한 전자우편 주소를 입력하세요.', 'create_account' => '가입', 'already_have_account' => '계정이 있나요?', 'dont_have_account' => '계정이 없나요?', @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [ 'social_registration_text' => '소셜 계정으로 가입하고 로그인합니다.', 'register_thanks' => '가입해 주셔서 감사합니다!', - 'register_confirm' => '메일을 확인한 후 버튼을 눌러 :appName에 접근하세요.', - 'registrations_disabled' => '가입할 수 없습니다.', - 'registration_email_domain_invalid' => '이 메일 주소로는 이 사이트에 접근할 수 없습니다.', + 'register_confirm' => '전자우편을 확인한 후 버튼을 눌러 :appName에 접근하세요.', + 'registrations_disabled' => '가입 기능이 비활성화되어 있습니다', + 'registration_email_domain_invalid' => '이 전자우편 주소로는 이 사이트에 접근할 수 없습니다.', 'register_success' => '가입했습니다! 이제 로그인할 수 있습니다.', // Login auto-initiation @@ -44,46 +44,46 @@ return [ 'auto_init_start_link' => '인증 진행', // Password Reset - 'reset_password' => '패스워드 바꾸기', - 'reset_password_send_instructions' => '메일 주소를 입력하세요. 이 주소로 해당 과정을 위한 링크를 보낼 것입니다.', - 'reset_password_send_button' => '메일 보내기', - 'reset_password_sent' => '패스워드를 바꿀 수 있는 링크를 :email로 보낼 것입니다.', - 'reset_password_success' => '패스워드를 바꿨습니다.', - 'email_reset_subject' => ':appName 패스워드 바꾸기', - 'email_reset_text' => '패스워드를 바꿉니다.', - 'email_reset_not_requested' => '원하지 않는다면 이 과정은 필요 없습니다.', + 'reset_password' => '비밀번호 바꾸기', + 'reset_password_send_instructions' => '전자우편 주소를 입력하세요. 이 주소로 해당 과정을 위한 링크를 보낼 것입니다.', + 'reset_password_send_button' => '재설정 링크 보내기', + 'reset_password_sent' => '비밀번호를 바꿀 수 있는 링크를 :email 전자우편 주소로 보낼 것입니다.', + 'reset_password_success' => '비밀번호를 바꿨습니다.', + 'email_reset_subject' => ':appName 비밀번호 바꾸기', + 'email_reset_text' => '비밀번호를 바꿉니다.', + 'email_reset_not_requested' => '비밀번호 재설정을 요청하지 않으셨다면 추가 조치가 필요하지 않습니다.', // Email Confirmation - 'email_confirm_subject' => ':appName 메일 인증', - 'email_confirm_greeting' => ':appName로 가입해 주셔서 감사합니다!', - 'email_confirm_text' => '다음 버튼을 눌러 인증하세요:', - 'email_confirm_action' => '메일 인증', - 'email_confirm_send_error' => '메일을 보낼 수 없었습니다.', - 'email_confirm_success' => '메일 인증을 성공했습니다. 이 메일 주소로 로그인할 수 있습니다.', - 'email_confirm_resent' => '다시 보냈습니다. 메일함을 확인하세요.', - 'email_confirm_thanks' => 'Thanks for confirming!', - 'email_confirm_thanks_desc' => 'Please wait a moment while your confirmation is handled. If you are not redirected after 3 seconds press the "Continue" link below to proceed.', + 'email_confirm_subject' => ':appName 전자우편 인증을 확인합니다', + 'email_confirm_greeting' => ':appName 서비스에 가입해 주셔서 감사합니다!', + 'email_confirm_text' => '다음 버튼을 눌러 전자우편 주소를 확인하세요:', + 'email_confirm_action' => '전자우편 확인', + 'email_confirm_send_error' => '전자우편 확인이 필요하지만 이 시스템에서 전자우편을 발송하지 못했습니다. 전자우편 주소가 제대로 설정되었는지 확인하려면 관리자에게 연락을 해주세요.', + 'email_confirm_success' => '전자우편 인증을 성공했습니다. 이 전자우편 주소로 로그인할 수 있습니다.', + 'email_confirm_resent' => '전자우편 확인을 다시 보냈습니다. 우편함을 확인해주세요.', + 'email_confirm_thanks' => '확인해 주셔서 감사합니다!', + 'email_confirm_thanks_desc' => '확인이 처리되는 동안 잠시 기다려주세요. 3초 안에 리디렉션되지 않는다면 아내에 있는 "계속" 링크를 눌러서 진행하세요.', - 'email_not_confirmed' => '인증하지 않았습니다.', - 'email_not_confirmed_text' => '인증을 완료하지 않았습니다.', - 'email_not_confirmed_click_link' => '메일을 확인하고 인증 링크를 클릭하세요.', - 'email_not_confirmed_resend' => '메일 주소가 없다면 다음을 입력하세요.', - 'email_not_confirmed_resend_button' => '다시 보내기', + 'email_not_confirmed' => '전자우편 주소가 확인되지 않았습니다.', + 'email_not_confirmed_text' => '전자우편 확인이 아직 완료되지 않았습니다.', + 'email_not_confirmed_click_link' => '등록한 직후에 발송된 전자우편에 있는 확인 링크를 클릭하세요.', + 'email_not_confirmed_resend' => '전자우편 확인을 위해 발송된 전자우편을 찾을 수 없다면 아래의 폼을 다시 발행하여 전자우편 확인을 재발송할 수 있습니다.', + 'email_not_confirmed_resend_button' => '전자우편 확인 재전송', // User Invite - 'user_invite_email_subject' => ':appName에서 권유를 받았습니다.', - 'user_invite_email_greeting' => ':appName에서 가입한 기록이 있습니다.', - 'user_invite_email_text' => '다음 버튼을 눌러 확인하세요:', - 'user_invite_email_action' => '패스워드 설정', - 'user_invite_page_welcome' => ':appName에 오신 것을 환영합니다!', - 'user_invite_page_text' => ':appName에 로그인할 때 입력할 패스워드를 설정하세요.', - 'user_invite_page_confirm_button' => '패스워드 확인', - 'user_invite_success_login' => '입력한 패스워드로 :appName에 로그인할 수 있습니다.', + 'user_invite_email_subject' => ':appName 애플리케이션에서 초대를 받았습니다!', + 'user_invite_email_greeting' => ':appName 애플리케이션에 가입한 기록이 있습니다.', + 'user_invite_email_text' => '아래 버튼을 클릭하여 계정 비밀번호를 설정하고 접근 권한을 얻으세요:', + 'user_invite_email_action' => '비밀번호 설정', + 'user_invite_page_welcome' => ':appName 애플리케이션에 오신 것을 환영합니다!', + 'user_invite_page_text' => '계정 설정을 마치고 접근 권한을 얻으려면 :appName 애플리케이션에 로그인할 때 사용할 비밀번호를 설정해야 합니다.', + 'user_invite_page_confirm_button' => '비밀번호 확인', + 'user_invite_success_login' => '비밀번호를 설정했습니다, 이제 입력한 비밀번호로 :appName 애플리케이션에 로그인할 수 있습니다!', // Multi-factor Authentication 'mfa_setup' => '다중 인증 설정', 'mfa_setup_desc' => '추가 보안 계층으로 다중 인증을 설정합니다.', - 'mfa_setup_configured' => '설정되어 있습니다.', + 'mfa_setup_configured' => '이미 설정되었습니다', 'mfa_setup_reconfigure' => '다시 설정', 'mfa_setup_remove_confirmation' => '다중 인증을 해제할까요?', 'mfa_setup_action' => '설정', @@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ return [ 'mfa_option_totp_desc' => '다중 인증에는 Google Authenticator, Authy나 Microsoft Authenticator와 같은 TOTP 지원 모바일 앱이 필요합니다.', 'mfa_option_backup_codes_title' => '백업 코드', 'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc' => '일회성 백업 코드를 안전한 장소에 보관하세요.', - 'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => '활성화', + 'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable' => '확인 및 활성화', 'mfa_gen_backup_codes_title' => '백업 코드 설정', 'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc' => '코드 목록을 안전한 장소에 보관하세요. 코드 중 하나를 2FA에 쓸 수 있습니다.', - 'mfa_gen_backup_codes_download' => '코드 받기', + 'mfa_gen_backup_codes_download' => '코드 내려받기', 'mfa_gen_backup_codes_usage_warning' => '각 코드는 한 번씩만 유효합니다.', 'mfa_gen_totp_title' => '모바일 앱 설정', 'mfa_gen_totp_desc' => '다중 인증에는 Google Authenticator, Authy나 Microsoft Authenticator와 같은 TOTP 지원 모바일 앱이 필요합니다.', @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ return [ 'mfa_verify_access' => '접근 확인', 'mfa_verify_access_desc' => '추가 인증으로 신원을 확인합니다. 설정한 방법 중 하나를 고르세요.', 'mfa_verify_no_methods' => '설정한 방법이 없습니다.', - 'mfa_verify_no_methods_desc' => '다중 인증을 설정하지 않았습니다.', + 'mfa_verify_no_methods_desc' => '다중 인증을 설정하지 않았습니다. 접근 권한을 얻기 전에 하나 이상의 다중 인증을 설정해야 합니다.', 'mfa_verify_use_totp' => '모바일 앱으로 인증하기', 'mfa_verify_use_backup_codes' => '백업 코드로 인증하세요.', 'mfa_verify_backup_code' => '백업 코드', diff --git a/lang/ko/common.php b/lang/ko/common.php index 876a0029d..c7b831d32 100644 --- a/lang/ko/common.php +++ b/lang/ko/common.php @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ return [ 'add' => '추가', 'configure' => '설정', 'fullscreen' => '전체화면', - 'favourite' => '북마크', - 'unfavourite' => '좋아하지 않음', + 'favourite' => '즐겨찾기', + 'unfavourite' => '즐겨찾기 해제', 'next' => '다음', 'previous' => '이전', 'filter_active' => '적용 중:', @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ return [ // Sort Options 'sort_options' => '정렬 기준', 'sort_direction_toggle' => '순서 반전', - 'sort_ascending' => '오름차 순서', - 'sort_descending' => '내림차 순서', + 'sort_ascending' => '오름차순', + 'sort_descending' => '내림차순', 'sort_name' => '제목', 'sort_default' => '기본값', 'sort_created_at' => '만든 날짜', @@ -81,20 +81,20 @@ return [ 'none' => '없음', // Header - 'homepage' => 'Homepage', + 'homepage' => '홈페이지', 'header_menu_expand' => '헤더 메뉴 펼치기', 'profile_menu' => '프로필', 'view_profile' => '프로필 보기', 'edit_profile' => '프로필 바꾸기', 'dark_mode' => '어두운 테마', 'light_mode' => '밝은 테마', - 'global_search' => 'Global Search', + 'global_search' => '전역 검색', // Layout tabs 'tab_info' => '정보', - 'tab_info_label' => 'Tab: 보조 정보 보이기', + 'tab_info_label' => '탭: 보조 정보 보이기', 'tab_content' => '내용', - 'tab_content_label' => 'Tab: 우선 항목 보이기', + 'tab_content_label' => '탭: 우선 항목 보이기', // Email Content 'email_action_help' => ':actionText를 클릭할 수 없을 때는 웹 브라우저에서 다음 링크로 접속할 수 있습니다.', diff --git a/lang/ko/components.php b/lang/ko/components.php index a6730fc81..8787df415 100644 --- a/lang/ko/components.php +++ b/lang/ko/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => '이미지 선택', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => '모든 이미지', 'image_all_title' => '모든 이미지', 'image_book_title' => '이 책에서 쓰고 있는 이미지', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => '이 이미지를 지울 건가요?', 'image_select_image' => '이미지 선택', 'image_dropzone' => '여기에 이미지를 드롭하거나 여기를 클릭하세요. 이미지를 올릴 수 있습니다.', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => '이미지 삭제함', 'image_preview' => '이미지 미리 보기', 'image_upload_success' => '이미지 올림', 'image_update_success' => '이미지 정보 수정함', 'image_delete_success' => '이미지 삭제함', - 'image_upload_remove' => '삭제', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => '코드 수정', diff --git a/lang/ko/editor.php b/lang/ko/editor.php index 8bd2ffacd..9764c7d35 100644 --- a/lang/ko/editor.php +++ b/lang/ko/editor.php @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ return [ 'insert_link_title' => '링크 삽입/수정', 'insert_horizontal_line' => '수평선 삽입', 'insert_code_block' => '코드 블럭 삽입', - 'edit_code_block' => 'Edit code block', + 'edit_code_block' => '코드 블록 편집', 'insert_drawing' => '그리기 삽입/수정', 'drawing_manager' => '그리기 설정', 'insert_media' => '미디어 삽입/수정', @@ -129,39 +129,39 @@ return [ 'cell_border_dotted' => '점선', 'cell_border_dashed' => '파선', 'cell_border_double' => '겹선', - 'cell_border_groove' => 'Groove', - 'cell_border_ridge' => 'Ridge', - 'cell_border_inset' => 'Inset', - 'cell_border_outset' => 'Outset', + 'cell_border_groove' => '테두리 음각', + 'cell_border_ridge' => '테두리 양각', + 'cell_border_inset' => '요소 음각', + 'cell_border_outset' => '요소 양각', 'cell_border_none' => '없음', 'cell_border_hidden' => '숨김', // Images, links, details/summary & embed 'source' => '원본', 'alt_desc' => '대체 설명', - 'embed' => 'Embed', - 'paste_embed' => 'Paste your embed code below:', + 'embed' => '포함', + 'paste_embed' => '아래에 포함할 코드를 붙여넣습니다:', 'url' => 'URL', 'text_to_display' => '표시할 텍스트', 'title' => '제목', - 'open_link' => 'Open link', - 'open_link_in' => 'Open link in...', + 'open_link' => '링크 열기', + 'open_link_in' => '다음에서 링크 열기...', 'open_link_current' => '현재 창', 'open_link_new' => '새 창', - 'remove_link' => 'Remove link', - 'insert_collapsible' => 'Insert collapsible block', + 'remove_link' => '링크 제거', + 'insert_collapsible' => '접을 수 있는 블록 삽입', 'collapsible_unwrap' => 'Unwrap', 'edit_label' => '레이블 수정', 'toggle_open_closed' => '열림/닫힘 전환', - 'collapsible_edit' => 'Edit collapsible block', + 'collapsible_edit' => '접을 수 있는 블록 편집', 'toggle_label' => '레이블 보이기/숨기기', // About view - 'about' => 'About the editor', + 'about' => '이 편집기에 대하여', 'about_title' => 'WYSIWYG 편집기에 대하여', 'editor_license' => '편집기 라이선스 & 저작권', - 'editor_tiny_license' => 'This editor is built using :tinyLink which is provided under the MIT license.', - 'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'The copyright and license details of TinyMCE can be found here.', + 'editor_tiny_license' => '이 편집기는 MIT 라이선스에 따라 제공되는 :tinyLink를 사용하여 제작되었습니다.', + 'editor_tiny_license_link' => 'TinyMCE의 저작권 및 라이선스 세부 정보는 여기에서 확인할 수 있습니다.', 'save_continue' => '저장하고 계속하기', 'callouts_cycle' => '(Keep pressing to toggle through types)', 'link_selector' => 'Link to content', diff --git a/lang/ko/entities.php b/lang/ko/entities.php index 2011cadb8..ef0f304f3 100644 --- a/lang/ko/entities.php +++ b/lang/ko/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => '첨부 파일', 'attachments_explain' => '파일이나 링크를 첨부하세요. 정보 탭에 나타납니다.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => '여기에서 바꾼 내용은 바로 적용합니다.', - 'attachments_items' => '첨부한 파일들', 'attachments_upload' => '파일 올리기', 'attachments_link' => '링크로 첨부', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => '링크 설정', 'attachments_delete' => '이 첨부 파일을 지울 건가요?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => '여기에 파일을 드롭하거나 여기를 클릭하세요.', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => '올린 파일 없음', 'attachments_explain_link' => '파일을 올리지 않고 링크로 첨부할 수 있습니다.', 'attachments_link_name' => '링크 이름', diff --git a/lang/ko/errors.php b/lang/ko/errors.php index 4390ab7ca..bfe96a297 100644 --- a/lang/ko/errors.php +++ b/lang/ko/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => '섬네일을 못 만들었습니다. PHP에 GD 확장 도구를 설치하세요.', 'server_upload_limit' => '파일 크기가 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.', 'uploaded' => '파일 크기가 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => '파일을 올리는 데 걸리는 시간이 서버에서 허용하는 수치를 넘습니다.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => '이미지를 올리다 문제가 생겼습니다.', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => '첨부 파일이 없습니다.', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => '초안 문서를 유실했습니다. 인터넷 연결 상태를 확인하세요.', diff --git a/lang/ko/preferences.php b/lang/ko/preferences.php index e9a47461b..400e0f5ef 100644 --- a/lang/ko/preferences.php +++ b/lang/ko/preferences.php @@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ */ return [ - 'shortcuts' => 'Shortcuts', - 'shortcuts_interface' => 'Interface Keyboard Shortcuts', - 'shortcuts_toggle_desc' => 'Here you can enable or disable keyboard system interface shortcuts, used for navigation and actions.', - 'shortcuts_customize_desc' => 'You can customize each of the shortcuts below. Just press your desired key combination after selecting the input for a shortcut.', - 'shortcuts_toggle_label' => 'Keyboard shortcuts enabled', - 'shortcuts_section_navigation' => 'Navigation', - 'shortcuts_section_actions' => 'Common Actions', - 'shortcuts_save' => 'Save Shortcuts', - 'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => 'Note: When shortcuts are enabled a helper overlay is available via pressing "?" which will highlight the available shortcuts for actions currently visible on the screen.', - 'shortcuts_update_success' => 'Shortcut preferences have been updated!', + 'shortcuts' => '단축키', + 'shortcuts_interface' => '키보드 단축키', + 'shortcuts_toggle_desc' => '여기에서 탐색과 행동에 사용될 수 있는 키보드 단축키를 활성화하거나 비활성화할 수 있습니다.', + 'shortcuts_customize_desc' => '아래에서 각 단축키를 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다. 바로가기에 대한 입력을 선택한 후 원하는 키 조합을 누르기만 하면 됩니다.', + 'shortcuts_toggle_label' => '키보드 단축키가 활성화되었습니다.', + 'shortcuts_section_navigation' => '탐색', + 'shortcuts_section_actions' => '일반 작업', + 'shortcuts_save' => '단축키 저장', + 'shortcuts_overlay_desc' => '참고: 바로가기가 활성화된 경우 "?"를 누르면 현재 화면에 표시되는 작업에 대해 사용 가능한 바로가기를 강조 표시하는 도우미 오버레이를 사용할 수 있습니다.', + 'shortcuts_update_success' => '단축키 설정이 수정되었습니다!', ]; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lang/ko/settings.php b/lang/ko/settings.php index fc6386aa9..9c6bcdb21 100644 --- a/lang/ko/settings.php +++ b/lang/ko/settings.php @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ return [ 'app_custom_html_desc' => '설정 페이지를 제외한 모든 페이지 head 태그 끝머리에 추가합니다.', 'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => '문제가 생겨도 설정 페이지에서 되돌릴 수 있어요.', 'app_logo' => '사이트 로고', - 'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.', - 'app_icon' => 'Application Icon', - 'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.', + 'app_logo_desc' => '이 이미지는 애플리케이션 헤더 표시줄 등 여러 영역에서 사용됩니다. 이 이미지의 높이는 86픽셀이어야 합니다. 큰 이미지는 축소됩니다.', + 'app_icon' => '애플리케이션 아이콘', + 'app_icon_desc' => '이 아이콘은 브라우저 탭과 바로 가기 아이콘에 사용됩니다. 256픽셀의 정사각형 PNG 이미지여야 합니다.', 'app_homepage' => '처음 페이지', 'app_homepage_desc' => '고른 페이지에 설정한 권한은 무시합니다.', 'app_homepage_select' => '문서 고르기', @@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ return [ 'app_disable_comments_desc' => '모든 페이지에서 댓글을 숨깁니다.', // Color settings - 'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme', - 'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the application user interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.', - 'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the application primary color and default link color. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the application interface.', - 'app_color' => 'Primary Color', - 'link_color' => 'Default Link Color', - 'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.', + 'color_scheme' => '애플리케이션 색상 스키마', + 'color_scheme_desc' => '애플리케이션 사용자 인터페이스에서 사용할 색상을 설정합니다. 테마에 가장 잘 맞으면서 가독성을 보장하기 위해 어두운 모드와 밝은 모드에 대해 색상을 개별적으로 구성할 수 있습니다.', + 'ui_colors_desc' => '애플리케이션 기본 색상과 기본 링크 색상을 설정합니다. 기본 색상은 주로 헤더 배너, 버튼 및 인터페이스 장식에 사용됩니다. 기본 링크 색상은 작성된 콘텐츠와 애플리케이션 인터페이스 모두에서 텍스트 기반 링크 및 작업에 사용됩니다.', + 'app_color' => '주 색상', + 'link_color' => '기본 링크 색상', + 'content_colors_desc' => '페이지 구성 계층 구조의 모든 요소에 대한 색상을 설정합니다. 가독성을 위해 기본 색상과 비슷한 밝기의 색상을 선택하는 것이 좋습니다.', 'bookshelf_color' => '책꽂이 색상', 'book_color' => '책 색상', 'chapter_color' => '챕터 색상', @@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ return [ 'maint_send_test_email_mail_text' => '메일을 정상적으로 수신했습니다.', 'maint_recycle_bin_desc' => '지워진 콘텐츠는 휴지통에 들어가 복원하거나 영구 삭제할 수 있습니다. 오래된 항목은 자동으로 지워집니다.', 'maint_recycle_bin_open' => '휴지통 열기', - 'maint_regen_references' => 'Regenerate References', - 'maint_regen_references_desc' => 'This action will rebuild the cross-item reference index within the database. This is usually handled automatically but this action can be useful to index old content or content added via unofficial methods.', - 'maint_regen_references_success' => 'Reference index has been regenerated!', - 'maint_timeout_command_note' => 'Note: This action can take time to run, which can lead to timeout issues in some web environments. As an alternative, this action be performed using a terminal command.', + 'maint_regen_references' => '참조 재생성', + 'maint_regen_references_desc' => '이 작업은 데이터베이스 내에서 항목 간 참조 색인을 다시 생성합니다. 이 작업은 일반적으로 자동으로 처리되지만 오래된 콘텐츠나 비공식적인 방법으로 추가된 콘텐츠의 색인을 생성하는 데 유용할 수 있습니다.', + 'maint_regen_references_success' => '참조 색인이 다시 생성되었습니다!', + 'maint_timeout_command_note' => '참고: 이 작업을 실행하는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있으며, 일부 웹 환경에서는 시간 초과 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 대신 터미널 명령을 사용하여 이 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다.', // Recycle Bin 'recycle_bin' => '휴지통', @@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ return [ // Role Settings 'roles' => '권한', 'role_user_roles' => '사용자 권한', - 'roles_index_desc' => 'Roles are used to group users & provide system permission to their members. When a user is a member of multiple roles the privileges granted will stack and the user will inherit all abilities.', - 'roles_x_users_assigned' => ':count user assigned|:count users assigned', - 'roles_x_permissions_provided' => ':count permission|:count permissions', - 'roles_assigned_users' => 'Assigned Users', - 'roles_permissions_provided' => 'Provided Permissions', + 'roles_index_desc' => '역할은 사용자를 그룹화하고 구성원에게 시스템 권한을 제공하기 위해 사용됩니다. 사용자가 여러 역할의 구성원인 경우 부여된 권한이 중첩되며 모든 권한을 상속받게 됩니다.', + 'roles_x_users_assigned' => ':count 명의 사용자가 할당됨|:count 명의 사용자가 할당됨', + 'roles_x_permissions_provided' => ':count 개의 권한|:count 개의 권한', + 'roles_assigned_users' => '할당된 사용자', + 'roles_permissions_provided' => '제공된 권한', 'role_create' => '권한 만들기', 'role_delete' => '권한 제거', 'role_delete_confirm' => ':roleName(을)를 지웁니다.', @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ return [ 'roles_system_warning' => '위 세 권한은 자신의 권한이나 다른 유저의 권한을 바꿀 수 있습니다.', 'role_asset_desc' => '책, 챕터, 문서별 권한은 이 설정에 우선합니다.', 'role_asset_admins' => 'Admin 권한은 어디든 접근할 수 있지만 이 설정은 사용자 인터페이스에서 해당 활동을 표시할지 결정합니다.', - 'role_asset_image_view_note' => 'This relates to visibility within the image manager. Actual access of uploaded image files will be dependant upon system image storage option.', + 'role_asset_image_view_note' => '이는 이미지 관리자 내 가시성과 관련이 있습니다. 업로드된 이미지 파일의 실제 접근은 시스템의 이미지 저장 설정에 따라 달라집니다.', 'role_all' => '모든 항목', 'role_own' => '직접 만든 항목', 'role_controlled_by_asset' => '저마다 다름', @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ return [ // Users 'users' => '사용자', - 'users_index_desc' => 'Create & manage individual user accounts within the system. User accounts are used for login and attribution of content & activity. Access permissions are primarily role-based but user content ownership, among other factors, may also affect permissions & access.', + 'users_index_desc' => '시스템 내에서 개별 사용자 계정을 생성하고 관리합니다. 사용자 계정은 로그인과 콘텐츠 및 활동의 속성에 사용됩니다. 접근 권한은 주로 역할 기반이지만 사용자 콘텐츠 소유권도 권한 및 접근에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.', 'user_profile' => '사용자 프로필', 'users_add_new' => '사용자 만들기', 'users_search' => '사용자 검색', @@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ return [ // Webhooks 'webhooks' => '웹 훅', - 'webhooks_index_desc' => 'Webhooks are a way to send data to external URLs when certain actions and events occur within the system which allows event-based integration with external platforms such as messaging or notification systems.', - 'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => ':count trigger event|:count trigger events', + 'webhooks_index_desc' => '웹훅은 시스템 내에서 특정 작업 및 이벤트가 발생할 때 외부 URL로 데이터를 전송하는 방법으로, 메시징 또는 알림 시스템과 같은 외부 플랫폼과 이벤트 기반 통합을 가능하게 합니다.', + 'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => ':count 개의 이벤트 트리거|:count 개의 이벤트 트리거', 'webhooks_create' => '웹 훅 만들기', 'webhooks_none_created' => '웹 훅이 없습니다.', 'webhooks_edit' => '웹 훅 수정', diff --git a/lang/lt/components.php b/lang/lt/components.php index ce573dac8..3f23ded6e 100644 --- a/lang/lt/components.php +++ b/lang/lt/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Nuotraukų pasirinkimas', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Visi', 'image_all_title' => 'Rodyti visas nuotraukas', 'image_book_title' => 'Peržiūrėti nuotraukas, įkeltas į šią knygą', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Ar jūs esate tikri, kad norite ištrinti šią nuotrauką?', 'image_select_image' => 'Pasirinkti nuotrauką', 'image_dropzone' => 'Tempkite nuotraukas arba spauskite šia, kad įkeltumėte', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Nuotraukos ištrintos', 'image_preview' => 'Nuotraukų peržiūra', 'image_upload_success' => 'Nuotrauka įkelta sėkmingai', 'image_update_success' => 'Nuotraukos detalės sėkmingai atnaujintos', 'image_delete_success' => 'Nuotrauka sėkmingai ištrinti', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Pašalinti', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Redaguoti kodą', diff --git a/lang/lt/entities.php b/lang/lt/entities.php index fb823e8dc..99533019a 100644 --- a/lang/lt/entities.php +++ b/lang/lt/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Priedai', 'attachments_explain' => 'Įkelkite kelis failus arba pridėkite nuorodas savo puslapyje. Jie matomi puslapio šoninėje juostoje.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Pakeitimai čia yra išsaugomi akimirksniu.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Pridėti elementai', 'attachments_upload' => 'Įkelti failą', 'attachments_link' => 'Pridėti nuorodą', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Nustatyti nuorodą', 'attachments_delete' => 'Ar esate tikri, kad norite ištrinti šį priedą?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Numesti failus arba paspausti čia ir pridėti failą', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Failai nebuvo įkelti', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Jūs galite pridėti nuorodas, jei nenorite įkelti failo. Tai gali būti nuoroda į kitą puslapį arba nuoroda į failą debesyje.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nuorodos pavadinimas', diff --git a/lang/lt/errors.php b/lang/lt/errors.php index 8dd3b66fd..c36313abd 100644 --- a/lang/lt/errors.php +++ b/lang/lt/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serveris negali sukurti miniatiūros. Prašome patikrinkite, ar turite įdiegtą GD PHP plėtinį.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Serveris neleidžia įkelti tokio dydžio failų. Prašome bandykite mažesnį failo dydį.', 'uploaded' => 'Serveris neleidžia įkelti tokio dydžio failų. Prašome bandykite mažesnį failo dydį.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Failo įkėlimo laikas baigėsi', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Įvyko klaida įkeliant vaizdą', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Priedas nerastas', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Juodraščio išsaugoti nepavyko. Įsitikinkite, jog turite interneto ryšį prieš išsaugant šį paslapį.', diff --git a/lang/lv/components.php b/lang/lv/components.php index b66461d5a..ac3b068ae 100644 --- a/lang/lv/components.php +++ b/lang/lv/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Attēla izvēle', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Visi', 'image_all_title' => 'Skatīt visus attēlus', 'image_book_title' => 'Apskatīt augšupielādētos attēlus šajā grāmatā', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo attēlu?', 'image_select_image' => 'Atlasīt attēlu', 'image_dropzone' => 'Ievilkt attēlu vai klikšķinat šeit, lai augšupielādētu', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Dzēstie attēli', 'image_preview' => 'Attēla priekšskatījums', 'image_upload_success' => 'Attēls ir veiksmīgi augšupielādēts', 'image_update_success' => 'Attēlā informācija ir veiksmīgi atjunināta', 'image_delete_success' => 'Attēls veiksmīgi dzēsts', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Noņemt', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Rediģēt kodu', diff --git a/lang/lv/entities.php b/lang/lv/entities.php index e39199d10..01fd83b69 100644 --- a/lang/lv/entities.php +++ b/lang/lv/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Pielikumi', 'attachments_explain' => 'Augšupielādējiet dažus failus vai pievieno saites, kas tiks parādītas jūsu lapā. Tie būs redzami lapas sānjoslā.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Izmaiņas šeit tiek saglabātas nekavējoties.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Pievienotie vienumi', 'attachments_upload' => 'Augšupielādēt failu', 'attachments_link' => 'Pievienot saiti', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Uzstādīt saiti', 'attachments_delete' => 'Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst šo pielikumu?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Ievilkt failus vai klikšķināt šeit, lai pievieotu failus', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Neviens fails nav augšupielādēts', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Ja nevēlaties augšupielādēt failu, varat pievienot saiti. Tā var būt saite uz citu lapu vai saite uz failu mākonī.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Saites nosaukums', diff --git a/lang/lv/errors.php b/lang/lv/errors.php index 3c697716d..655405681 100644 --- a/lang/lv/errors.php +++ b/lang/lv/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serveris nevar izveidot samazinātus attēlus. Lūdzu pārbaudiet, vai ir uzstādīts PHP GD paplašinājums.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Serveris neatļauj šāda izmēra failu ielādi. Lūdzu mēģiniet mazāka izmēra failu.', 'uploaded' => 'Serveris neatļauj šāda izmēra failu ielādi. Lūdzu mēģiniet mazāka izmēra failu.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Faila augšupielādē ir iestājies noilgums.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Radās kļūda augšupielādējot attēlu', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Pielikums nav atrasts', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Neizdevās saglabāt uzmetumu. Pārliecinieties, ka jūsu interneta pieslēgums ir aktīvs pirms saglabājiet šo lapu', diff --git a/lang/nb/components.php b/lang/nb/components.php index cfc28c409..7bc031319 100644 --- a/lang/nb/components.php +++ b/lang/nb/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Velg bilde', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Alle', 'image_all_title' => 'Vis alle bilder', 'image_book_title' => 'Vis bilder som er lastet opp i denne boken', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Vil du slette dette bildet?', 'image_select_image' => 'Velg bilde', 'image_dropzone' => 'Dra og slipp eller trykk her for å laste opp bilder', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Bilder slettet', 'image_preview' => 'Hurtigvisning av bilder', 'image_upload_success' => 'Bilde ble lastet opp', 'image_update_success' => 'Bildedetaljer ble oppdatert', 'image_delete_success' => 'Bilde ble slettet', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Fjern', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Endre kode', diff --git a/lang/nb/entities.php b/lang/nb/entities.php index f1bdc12a2..62c46f49c 100644 --- a/lang/nb/entities.php +++ b/lang/nb/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Vedlegg', 'attachments_explain' => 'Last opp vedlegg eller legg til lenker for å berike innholdet. Disse vil vises i sidestolpen på siden.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Endringer her blir lagret med en gang.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Vedlegg', 'attachments_upload' => 'Last opp vedlegg', 'attachments_link' => 'Fest lenke', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Angi lenke', 'attachments_delete' => 'Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne vedlegget?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Dra og slipp eller trykk her for å feste vedlegg', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Ingen vedlegg er lastet opp', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Du kan feste lenker til denne. Det kan være henvisning til andre sider, bøker etc. eller lenker fra nettet.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Lenkenavn', diff --git a/lang/nb/errors.php b/lang/nb/errors.php index fe420c1d4..0f017567a 100644 --- a/lang/nb/errors.php +++ b/lang/nb/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Kan ikke opprette miniatyrbilder. GD PHP er ikke installert.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Vedlegget er for stort, forsøk med et mindre vedlegg.', 'uploaded' => 'Tjenesten aksepterer ikke vedlegg som er så stor.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Opplastingen gikk ut på tid.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Bildet kunne ikke lastes opp, forsøk igjen.', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Vedlegget ble ikke funnet', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Kunne ikke lagre utkastet, forsikre deg om at du er tilkoblet tjeneren (Har du nettilgang?)', diff --git a/lang/nl/components.php b/lang/nl/components.php index de1bbf737..1a210c648 100644 --- a/lang/nl/components.php +++ b/lang/nl/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Selecteer Afbeelding', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Alles', 'image_all_title' => 'Alle afbeeldingen weergeven', 'image_book_title' => 'Bekijk afbeeldingen die naar dit boek zijn geüpload', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze afbeelding wilt verwijderen?', 'image_select_image' => 'Kies afbeelding', 'image_dropzone' => 'Sleep afbeeldingen naar hier of klik hier om te uploaden', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Afbeeldingen verwijderd', 'image_preview' => 'Afbeelding voorbeeld', 'image_upload_success' => 'Afbeelding succesvol geüpload', 'image_update_success' => 'Afbeeldingsdetails succesvol bijgewerkt', 'image_delete_success' => 'Afbeelding succesvol verwijderd', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Verwijder', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Bewerk Code', diff --git a/lang/nl/entities.php b/lang/nl/entities.php index bac2868fc..2d67a3dc0 100644 --- a/lang/nl/entities.php +++ b/lang/nl/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Bijlages', 'attachments_explain' => 'Upload bijlages of voeg een link toe. Deze worden zichtbaar in het navigatiepaneel.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Wijzigingen worden meteen opgeslagen.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Bijlages', 'attachments_upload' => 'Bestand uploaden', 'attachments_link' => 'Link toevoegen', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Zet link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Weet u zeker dat u deze bijlage wilt verwijderen?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Sleep hier een bestand of klik hier om een bestand toe te voegen', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Er zijn geen bestanden geüpload', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Je kunt een hyperlink toevoegen als je geen bestanden wilt uploaden. Dit kan een link naar een andere pagina op deze website zijn, maar ook een link naar een andere website.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Link naam', diff --git a/lang/nl/errors.php b/lang/nl/errors.php index a78862eae..04a020065 100644 --- a/lang/nl/errors.php +++ b/lang/nl/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'De server kon geen miniaturen maken. Controleer of je de GD PHP extensie geïnstalleerd hebt.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'De server staat geen uploads van deze grootte toe. Probeer een kleinere bestandsgrootte.', 'uploaded' => 'De server staat geen uploads van deze grootte toe. Probeer een kleinere bestandsgrootte.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Het uploaden van het bestand is verlopen.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Er is een fout opgetreden bij het uploaden van de afbeelding', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Bijlage niet gevonden', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Kon het concept niet opslaan. Zorg ervoor dat je een werkende internetverbinding hebt', diff --git a/lang/pl/components.php b/lang/pl/components.php index b03ca3550..2de01266b 100644 --- a/lang/pl/components.php +++ b/lang/pl/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Wybór obrazka', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Wszystkie', 'image_all_title' => 'Zobacz wszystkie obrazki', 'image_book_title' => 'Zobacz obrazki zapisane w tej książce', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten obraz?', 'image_select_image' => 'Wybierz obrazek', 'image_dropzone' => 'Upuść obrazki tutaj lub kliknij by wybrać obrazki do przesłania', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Usunięte obrazki', 'image_preview' => 'Podgląd obrazka', 'image_upload_success' => 'Obrazek przesłany pomyślnie', 'image_update_success' => 'Szczegóły obrazka zaktualizowane pomyślnie', 'image_delete_success' => 'Obrazek usunięty pomyślnie', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Usuń', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Edytuj kod', diff --git a/lang/pl/entities.php b/lang/pl/entities.php index eb46ed4eb..1f3e242f4 100644 --- a/lang/pl/entities.php +++ b/lang/pl/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Załączniki', 'attachments_explain' => 'Prześlij kilka plików lub załącz linki. Będą one widoczne na pasku bocznym strony.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Zmiany są zapisywane natychmiastowo.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Załączniki', 'attachments_upload' => 'Dodaj plik', 'attachments_link' => 'Dodaj link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Ustaw link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć ten załącznik?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Upuść pliki lub kliknij tutaj by przesłać pliki', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Nie przesłano żadnych plików', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Możesz załączyć link jeśli nie chcesz przesyłać pliku. Może być to link do innej strony lub link do pliku w chmurze.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nazwa linku', diff --git a/lang/pl/errors.php b/lang/pl/errors.php index d91e01f5a..baea4f6aa 100644 --- a/lang/pl/errors.php +++ b/lang/pl/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serwer nie może utworzyć miniaturek. Upewnij się że rozszerzenie GD PHP zostało zainstalowane.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Serwer nie pozwala na przyjęcie pliku o tym rozmiarze. Spróbuj przesłać plik o mniejszym rozmiarze.', 'uploaded' => 'Serwer nie pozwala na przyjęcie pliku o tym rozmiarze. Spróbuj przesłać plik o mniejszym rozmiarze.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Przesyłanie pliku przekroczyło limit czasu.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Wystąpił błąd podczas przesyłania obrazka', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Nie znaleziono załącznika', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Zapis wersji roboczej nie powiódł się. Upewnij się, że posiadasz połączenie z internetem.', diff --git a/lang/pt/components.php b/lang/pt/components.php index bdec20226..67d29e205 100644 --- a/lang/pt/components.php +++ b/lang/pt/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Selecionar Imagem', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Todas', 'image_all_title' => 'Visualizar todas as imagens', 'image_book_title' => 'Visualizar imagens relacionadas a este livro', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja eliminar esta imagem?', 'image_select_image' => 'Selecionar Imagem', 'image_dropzone' => 'Arraste imagens ou carregue aqui para fazer upload', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Imagens Eliminadas', 'image_preview' => 'Pré-visualização de Imagem', 'image_upload_success' => 'Carregamento da imagem efetuado com sucesso', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalhes da imagem atualizados com sucesso', 'image_delete_success' => 'Imagem eliminada com sucesso', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Remover', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Editar Código', diff --git a/lang/pt/entities.php b/lang/pt/entities.php index 347196a0d..44ebf2222 100644 --- a/lang/pt/entities.php +++ b/lang/pt/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Anexos', 'attachments_explain' => 'Carregue alguns arquivos ou anexe links para serem exibidos na sua página. Eles estarão visíveis na barra lateral à direita.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'As mudanças são guardadas instantaneamente.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Itens Anexados', 'attachments_upload' => 'Carregamento de Arquivos', 'attachments_link' => 'Anexar Link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Definir Link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja eliminar este anexo?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Arraste arquivos para aqui ou clique para os anexar', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Nenhum arquivo foi enviado', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Pode anexar um link se preferir não fazer o carregamento do arquivo. O link poderá ser para uma outra página ou para um arquivo na nuvem.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nome do Link', diff --git a/lang/pt/errors.php b/lang/pt/errors.php index 66dc0c49d..b2c8d9090 100644 --- a/lang/pt/errors.php +++ b/lang/pt/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'O servidor não pôde criar as miniaturas de imagem. Por favor, verifique se a extensão GD PHP está instalada.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'O servidor não permite o carregamento de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o carregamento de arquivos mais pequenos.', 'uploaded' => 'O servidor não permite o carregamento de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o carregamento de arquivos mais pequenos.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'O carregamento do arquivo expirou.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Ocorreu um erro no carregamento da imagem', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Anexo não encontrado', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Falha ao tentar guardar o rascunho. Certifique-se que a conexão de Internet está funcional antes de tentar guardar esta página', diff --git a/lang/pt_BR/components.php b/lang/pt_BR/components.php index a1210d52c..32ce5ef93 100644 --- a/lang/pt_BR/components.php +++ b/lang/pt_BR/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Selecionar Imagem', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Todas', 'image_all_title' => 'Visualizar todas as imagens', 'image_book_title' => 'Visualizar imagens relacionadas a esse livro', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir essa imagem?', 'image_select_image' => 'Selecionar Imagem', 'image_dropzone' => 'Arraste imagens ou clique aqui para fazer upload', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Imagens Excluídas', 'image_preview' => 'Pré-Visualização de Imagem', 'image_upload_success' => 'Upload de imagem efetuado com sucesso', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalhes da imagem atualizados com sucesso', 'image_delete_success' => 'Imagem excluída com sucesso', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Remover', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Editar Código', diff --git a/lang/pt_BR/entities.php b/lang/pt_BR/entities.php index 6654f9d6f..2aac777ae 100644 --- a/lang/pt_BR/entities.php +++ b/lang/pt_BR/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Anexos', 'attachments_explain' => 'Faça o upload de alguns arquivos ou anexe links para serem exibidos na sua página. Eles estarão visíveis na barra lateral à direita.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Mudanças são salvas instantaneamente.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Itens Anexados', 'attachments_upload' => 'Upload de Arquivos', 'attachments_link' => 'Links Anexados', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Definir Link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esse anexo?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Arraste arquivos para cá ou clique para anexar arquivos', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Nenhum arquivo foi enviado', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Você pode anexar um link se preferir não fazer o upload do arquivo. O link poderá ser para uma outra página ou para um arquivo na nuvem.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nome do Link', diff --git a/lang/pt_BR/errors.php b/lang/pt_BR/errors.php index 34843670a..d6fa21c95 100644 --- a/lang/pt_BR/errors.php +++ b/lang/pt_BR/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'O servidor não pôde criar as miniaturas de imagem. Por favor, verifique se a extensão GD PHP está instalada.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'O servidor não permite o upload de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o upload de arquivos de menor tamanho.', 'uploaded' => 'O servidor não permite o upload de arquivos com esse tamanho. Por favor, tente fazer o upload de arquivos de menor tamanho.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'O upload do arquivo expirou.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Um erro aconteceu enquanto o servidor tentava efetuar o upload da imagem', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Anexo não encontrado', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Falha ao tentar salvar o rascunho. Certifique-se que a conexão de internet está funcional antes de tentar salvar essa página', diff --git a/lang/ro/components.php b/lang/ro/components.php index 1284ca104..75beb135d 100644 --- a/lang/ro/components.php +++ b/lang/ro/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Selectează imaginea', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Tot', 'image_all_title' => 'Vezi toate imaginile', 'image_book_title' => 'Vezi imaginile încărcate în această carte', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi această imagine?', 'image_select_image' => 'Selectează imaginea', 'image_dropzone' => 'Trage imaginile sau apasă aici pentru a le încărca', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Imagini șterse', 'image_preview' => 'Previzualizare imagine', 'image_upload_success' => 'Imaginea a fost încărcată cu succes', 'image_update_success' => 'Detalii imagine actualizate cu succes', 'image_delete_success' => 'Imaginea a fost ștearsă', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Elimină', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Editare cod', diff --git a/lang/ro/entities.php b/lang/ro/entities.php index 5b8ffd473..24bc2dcfa 100644 --- a/lang/ro/entities.php +++ b/lang/ro/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Atașamente', 'attachments_explain' => 'Încarcă unele fișiere sau atașează unele link-uri pentru a fi afișate pe pagina ta. Acestea sunt vizibile în bara laterală a paginii.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Modificările de aici sunt salvate instant.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Elemente atașate', 'attachments_upload' => 'Încarcă fișier', 'attachments_link' => 'Atașare link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Setează link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Ești sigur că dorești să ștergi acest atașament?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Trage fișiere sau apasă aici pentru a atașa un fișier', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Niciun fișier nu a fost încărcat', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Poți atașa un link dacă ai prefera să nu încarci un fișier. Acesta poate fi un link către o altă pagină sau un link către un fișier în cloud.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Nume link', diff --git a/lang/ro/errors.php b/lang/ro/errors.php index d5838ba60..24f19292d 100644 --- a/lang/ro/errors.php +++ b/lang/ro/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Serverul nu poate crea miniaturi. Verifică dacă este instalată extensia GD PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Serverul nu permite încărcarea acestei dimensiuni. Te rog să încerci o dimensiune mai mică a fișierului.', 'uploaded' => 'Serverul nu permite încărcarea acestei dimensiuni. Te rog să încerci o dimensiune mai mică a fișierului.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Încărcarea fișierului a expirat.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'A apărut o eroare la încărcarea imaginii', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Atașamentul nu a fost găsit', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Nu s-a reușit salvarea ciornei. Asigură-te că ai conexiune la internet înainte de a salva această pagină', diff --git a/lang/ru/components.php b/lang/ru/components.php index 12b1dd7cf..0c5933710 100644 --- a/lang/ru/components.php +++ b/lang/ru/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Выбрать изображение', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Все', 'image_all_title' => 'Просмотр всех изображений', 'image_book_title' => 'Просмотр всех изображений, загруженных в эту книгу', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить это изображение?', 'image_select_image' => 'Выбрать изображение', 'image_dropzone' => 'Перетащите изображение или кликните для загрузки', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Изображения удалены', 'image_preview' => 'Предпросмотр изображения', 'image_upload_success' => 'Изображение успешно загружено', 'image_update_success' => 'Детали изображения успешно обновлены', 'image_delete_success' => 'Изображение успешно удалено', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Удалить изображение', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Изменить код', diff --git a/lang/ru/entities.php b/lang/ru/entities.php index 21ae4fdb9..ff197ed52 100644 --- a/lang/ru/entities.php +++ b/lang/ru/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Вложения', 'attachments_explain' => 'Загрузите несколько файлов или добавьте ссылку для отображения на своей странице. Они видны на боковой панели страницы.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Изменения здесь сохраняются мгновенно.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Прикрепленные элементы', 'attachments_upload' => 'Загрузить файл', 'attachments_link' => 'Присоединить ссылку', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Установить ссылку', 'attachments_delete' => 'Вы уверены, что хотите удалить это вложение?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Перетащите файл сюда или нажмите здесь, чтобы загрузить файл', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Файлы не загружены', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Вы можете присоединить ссылку, если вы предпочитаете не загружать файл. Это может быть ссылка на другую страницу или ссылка на файл в облаке.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Название ссылки', diff --git a/lang/ru/errors.php b/lang/ru/errors.php index 8aa231d42..a2413ed41 100644 --- a/lang/ru/errors.php +++ b/lang/ru/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Сервер не может создавать эскизы. Убедитесь, что у вас установлено расширение GD PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Сервер не разрешает загрузку файлов такого размера. Попробуйте уменьшить размер файла.', 'uploaded' => 'Сервер не позволяет загружать файлы такого размера. Пожалуйста, попробуйте файл меньше.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Время загрузки файла истекло.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Произошла ошибка при загрузке изображения', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Вложение не найдено', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Не удалось сохранить черновик. Перед сохранением этой страницы убедитесь, что у вас есть подключение к Интернету.', diff --git a/lang/sk/components.php b/lang/sk/components.php index a6bae619c..9efecb15d 100644 --- a/lang/sk/components.php +++ b/lang/sk/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Vybrať obrázok', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Všetko', 'image_all_title' => 'Zobraziť všetky obrázky', 'image_book_title' => 'Zobraziť obrázky nahrané do tejto knihy', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Naozaj chcete vymazať tento obrázok?', 'image_select_image' => 'Vybrať obrázok', 'image_dropzone' => 'Presuňte obrázky sem alebo kliknite sem pre nahranie', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Obrázky zmazané', 'image_preview' => 'Náhľad obrázka', 'image_upload_success' => 'Obrázok úspešne nahraný', 'image_update_success' => 'Detaily obrázka úspešne aktualizované', 'image_delete_success' => 'Obrázok úspešne zmazaný', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Odstrániť', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Upraviť kód', diff --git a/lang/sk/editor.php b/lang/sk/editor.php index e9423817e..61ac9ca9e 100644 --- a/lang/sk/editor.php +++ b/lang/sk/editor.php @@ -69,48 +69,48 @@ return [ 'edit_code_block' => 'Upraviť blok kódu', 'insert_drawing' => 'Vložiť/upraviť výkres', 'drawing_manager' => 'Manažér kreslenia', - 'insert_media' => 'Insert/edit media', - 'insert_media_title' => 'Insert/Edit Media', - 'clear_formatting' => 'Clear formatting', - 'source_code' => 'Source code', - 'source_code_title' => 'Source Code', - 'fullscreen' => 'Fullscreen', - 'image_options' => 'Image options', + 'insert_media' => 'Vložiť/Upraviť média', + 'insert_media_title' => 'Vložiť/Upraviť média', + 'clear_formatting' => 'Vymazať formátovanie', + 'source_code' => 'Zdrojový kód', + 'source_code_title' => 'Zdrojový kód', + 'fullscreen' => 'Celá obrazovka', + 'image_options' => 'Možnosti obrázka', // Tables - 'table_properties' => 'Table properties', - 'table_properties_title' => 'Table Properties', - 'delete_table' => 'Delete table', - 'insert_row_before' => 'Insert row before', - 'insert_row_after' => 'Insert row after', - 'delete_row' => 'Delete row', - 'insert_column_before' => 'Insert column before', - 'insert_column_after' => 'Insert column after', - 'delete_column' => 'Delete column', - 'table_cell' => 'Cell', - 'table_row' => 'Row', - 'table_column' => 'Column', - 'cell_properties' => 'Cell properties', - 'cell_properties_title' => 'Cell Properties', - 'cell_type' => 'Cell type', - 'cell_type_cell' => 'Cell', - 'cell_scope' => 'Scope', - 'cell_type_header' => 'Header cell', - 'merge_cells' => 'Merge cells', - 'split_cell' => 'Split cell', - 'table_row_group' => 'Row Group', - 'table_column_group' => 'Column Group', - 'horizontal_align' => 'Horizontal align', - 'vertical_align' => 'Vertical align', - 'border_width' => 'Border width', - 'border_style' => 'Border style', - 'border_color' => 'Border color', - 'row_properties' => 'Row properties', - 'row_properties_title' => 'Row Properties', - 'cut_row' => 'Cut row', - 'copy_row' => 'Copy row', - 'paste_row_before' => 'Paste row before', - 'paste_row_after' => 'Paste row after', + 'table_properties' => 'Vlastnosti tabuľky', + 'table_properties_title' => 'Vlastnosti tabuľky', + 'delete_table' => 'Vymazať tabuľku', + 'insert_row_before' => 'Vložiť riadok pred', + 'insert_row_after' => 'Vložiť riadok za', + 'delete_row' => 'Vymazať riadok', + 'insert_column_before' => 'Vložiť stĺpec pred', + 'insert_column_after' => 'Vložiť stĺpec za', + 'delete_column' => 'Vymazať stĺpec', + 'table_cell' => 'Bunka', + 'table_row' => 'Riadok', + 'table_column' => 'Stĺpec', + 'cell_properties' => 'Vlastnosti bunky', + 'cell_properties_title' => 'Vlastnosti bunky', + 'cell_type' => 'Typ bunky', + 'cell_type_cell' => 'Bunka', + 'cell_scope' => 'Rozsah', + 'cell_type_header' => 'Bunka hlavičky', + 'merge_cells' => 'Zlúčiť bunky', + 'split_cell' => 'Rozdeliť bunku', + 'table_row_group' => 'Skupina riadkov', + 'table_column_group' => 'Skupina stĺpcov', + 'horizontal_align' => 'Horizontálne zarovnanie', + 'vertical_align' => 'Vertikálne zarovnanie', + 'border_width' => 'Šírka orámovania', + 'border_style' => 'Štýl orámovania', + 'border_color' => 'Farba orámovania', + 'row_properties' => 'Vlastnosti riadku', + 'row_properties_title' => 'Vlastnosti riadku', + 'cut_row' => 'Vystrihnúť riadok', + 'copy_row' => 'Kopírovať riadok', + 'paste_row_before' => 'Pridať riadok pred', + 'paste_row_after' => 'Pridať riadok za', 'row_type' => 'Typ riadku', 'row_type_header' => 'Hlavička', 'row_type_body' => 'Telo', @@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ return [ 'save_continue' => 'Uložiť a pokračovať', 'callouts_cycle' => '(Podržte stlačené, aby ste prepínali medzi typmi)', 'link_selector' => 'Prejsť na obsah', - 'shortcuts' => 'Shortcuts', - 'shortcut' => 'Shortcut', - 'shortcuts_intro' => 'The following shortcuts are available in the editor:', + 'shortcuts' => 'Skratky', + 'shortcut' => 'Skratka', + 'shortcuts_intro' => 'V editore sú k dispozícii nasledujúce skratky:', 'windows_linux' => '(Windows/Linux)', 'mac' => '(Mac)', - 'description' => 'Description', + 'description' => 'Popis', ]; diff --git a/lang/sk/entities.php b/lang/sk/entities.php index a8b897ab2..3ed20f63d 100644 --- a/lang/sk/entities.php +++ b/lang/sk/entities.php @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ return [ 'meta_updated' => 'Aktualizované :timeLength', 'meta_updated_name' => 'Aktualizované :timeLength používateľom :user', 'meta_owned_name' => 'Vlastník :user', - 'meta_reference_page_count' => 'Referenced on :count page|Referenced on :count pages', + 'meta_reference_page_count' => 'Referencia na :count page|Referencia na :count pages', 'entity_select' => 'Entita vybraná', - 'entity_select_lack_permission' => 'You don\'t have the required permissions to select this item', + 'entity_select_lack_permission' => 'Na výber tejto položky nemáte potrebné povolenia', 'images' => 'Obrázky', 'my_recent_drafts' => 'Moje nedávne koncepty', 'my_recently_viewed' => 'Nedávno mnou zobrazené', @@ -42,15 +42,15 @@ return [ // Permissions and restrictions 'permissions' => 'Oprávnenia', - 'permissions_desc' => 'Set permissions here to override the default permissions provided by user roles.', - 'permissions_book_cascade' => 'Permissions set on books will automatically cascade to child chapters and pages, unless they have their own permissions defined.', - 'permissions_chapter_cascade' => 'Permissions set on chapters will automatically cascade to child pages, unless they have their own permissions defined.', + 'permissions_desc' => 'Tu nastavte povolenia na prepísanie predvolených povolení poskytnutých rolami používateľov.', + 'permissions_book_cascade' => 'Povolenia nastavené pre knihy sa automaticky prenesú do podriadených kapitol a strán, pokiaľ nemajú definované vlastné povolenia.', + 'permissions_chapter_cascade' => 'Povolenia nastavené pre kapitoly sa automaticky prenesú na podradené stránky, pokiaľ nemajú definované vlastné povolenia.', 'permissions_save' => 'Uložiť oprávnenia', 'permissions_owner' => 'Vlastník', - 'permissions_role_everyone_else' => 'Everyone Else', - 'permissions_role_everyone_else_desc' => 'Set permissions for all roles not specifically overridden.', - 'permissions_role_override' => 'Override permissions for role', - 'permissions_inherit_defaults' => 'Inherit defaults', + 'permissions_role_everyone_else' => 'Všetci ostatní', + 'permissions_role_everyone_else_desc' => 'Nastavte povolenia pre všetky roly, ktoré nie sú špecificky prepísané.', + 'permissions_role_override' => 'Prepísať povolenia pre rolu', + 'permissions_inherit_defaults' => 'Zdediť predvolené hodnoty', // Search 'search_results' => 'Výsledky hľadania', @@ -93,23 +93,23 @@ return [ 'shelves_save' => 'Uložiť policu', 'shelves_books' => 'Knihy na tejto polici', 'shelves_add_books' => 'Pridať knihy do tejto police', - 'shelves_drag_books' => 'Drag books below to add them to this shelf', + 'shelves_drag_books' => 'Potiahnite knihy nižšie a pridajte ich do tejto police', 'shelves_empty_contents' => 'Táto polica nemá priradené žiadne knihy', 'shelves_edit_and_assign' => 'Uprav policu a priraď knihy', - 'shelves_edit_named' => 'Edit Shelf :name', - 'shelves_edit' => 'Edit Shelf', - 'shelves_delete' => 'Delete Shelf', - 'shelves_delete_named' => 'Delete Shelf :name', - 'shelves_delete_explain' => "This will delete the shelf with the name ':name'. Contained books will not be deleted.", - 'shelves_delete_confirmation' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this shelf?', - 'shelves_permissions' => 'Shelf Permissions', - 'shelves_permissions_updated' => 'Shelf Permissions Updated', - 'shelves_permissions_active' => 'Shelf Permissions Active', - 'shelves_permissions_cascade_warning' => 'Permissions on shelves do not automatically cascade to contained books. This is because a book can exist on multiple shelves. Permissions can however be copied down to child books using the option found below.', + 'shelves_edit_named' => 'Upraviť policu :name', + 'shelves_edit' => 'Upraviť policu', + 'shelves_delete' => 'Odstrániť policu', + 'shelves_delete_named' => 'Odstrániť policu :name', + 'shelves_delete_explain' => "Týmto vymažete policu s názvom ': name'. Obsahované knihy sa neodstránia.", + 'shelves_delete_confirmation' => 'Ste si istý, že chcete zmazať túto policu?', + 'shelves_permissions' => 'Povolenia police', + 'shelves_permissions_updated' => 'Povolenia police aktualizované', + 'shelves_permissions_active' => 'Povolenia police aktívne', + 'shelves_permissions_cascade_warning' => 'Povolenia na poličkách sa automaticky nepriraďujú k obsiahnutým knihám. Je to preto, že kniha môže existovať na viacerých poličkách. Povolenia však možno skopírovať do kníh pomocou možnosti uvedenej nižšie.', 'shelves_copy_permissions_to_books' => 'Kopírovať oprávnenia pre knihy', 'shelves_copy_permissions' => 'Kopírovať oprávnenia', - 'shelves_copy_permissions_explain' => 'This will apply the current permission settings of this shelf to all books contained within. Before activating, ensure any changes to the permissions of this shelf have been saved.', - 'shelves_copy_permission_success' => 'Shelf permissions copied to :count books', + 'shelves_copy_permissions_explain' => 'Týmto sa použijú aktuálne nastavenia povolení tejto police na všetky knihy, ktoré obsahuje. Pred aktiváciou sa uistite, že všetky zmeny povolení tejto police boli uložené.', + 'shelves_copy_permission_success' => 'Oprávnenia police boli skopírované {0}:count kníh|{1}:count kniha|[2,3,4]:count knihy|[5,*]:count kníh', // Books 'book' => 'Kniha', @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ return [ 'books_search_this' => 'Hľadať v tejto knihe', 'books_navigation' => 'Navigácia knihy', 'books_sort' => 'Zoradiť obsah knihy', - 'books_sort_desc' => 'Move chapters and pages within a book to reorganise its contents. Other books can be added which allows easy moving of chapters and pages between books.', + 'books_sort_desc' => 'Presúvajte kapitoly a strany v rámci knihy, aby ste reorganizovali jej obsah. Je možné pridať ďalšie knihy, čo umožňuje jednoduché presúvanie kapitol a strán medzi knihami.', 'books_sort_named' => 'Zoradiť knihu :bookName', 'books_sort_name' => 'Zoradiť podľa mena', 'books_sort_created' => 'Zoradiť podľa dátumu vytvorenia', @@ -150,19 +150,19 @@ return [ 'books_sort_chapters_last' => 'Kapitoly ako posledné', 'books_sort_show_other' => 'Zobraziť ostatné knihy', 'books_sort_save' => 'Uložiť nové zoradenie', - 'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Add other books here to include them in the sort operation, and allow easy cross-book reorganisation.', - 'books_sort_move_up' => 'Move Up', - 'books_sort_move_down' => 'Move Down', - 'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Move to Previous Book', - 'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Move to Next Book', - 'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Move Into Previous Chapter', - 'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Move Into Next Chapter', - 'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Move to Start of Book', - 'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Move to End of Book', - 'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Move to Before Chapter', - 'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Move to After Chapter', - 'books_copy' => 'Copy Book', - 'books_copy_success' => 'Book successfully copied', + 'books_sort_show_other_desc' => 'Pridajte ďalšie knihy, aby ste ich zahrnuli do operácie triedenia a umožnili jednoduchú reorganizáciu medzi knihami.', + 'books_sort_move_up' => 'Posunúť vyššie', + 'books_sort_move_down' => 'Posunúť nižšie', + 'books_sort_move_prev_book' => 'Presun na predchádzajúcu knihu', + 'books_sort_move_next_book' => 'Presun na nasledujúcu knihu', + 'books_sort_move_prev_chapter' => 'Presun na predchádzajúcu kapitolu', + 'books_sort_move_next_chapter' => 'Presun na ďalšiu kapitolu', + 'books_sort_move_book_start' => 'Presun na začiatok knihy', + 'books_sort_move_book_end' => 'Presun na koniec knihy', + 'books_sort_move_before_chapter' => 'Prejsť na Pred kapitolou', + 'books_sort_move_after_chapter' => 'Prejsť na Po kapitole', + 'books_copy' => 'Kopírovať knihu', + 'books_copy_success' => 'Kniha bola skopírovaná', // Chapters 'chapter' => 'Kapitola', @@ -181,14 +181,14 @@ return [ 'chapters_move' => 'Presunúť kapitolu', 'chapters_move_named' => 'Presunúť kapitolu :chapterName', 'chapter_move_success' => 'Kapitola presunutá do :bookName', - 'chapters_copy' => 'Copy Chapter', - 'chapters_copy_success' => 'Chapter successfully copied', + 'chapters_copy' => 'Kopírovať kapitolu', + 'chapters_copy_success' => 'Kapitola bola úspešne skopírovaná', 'chapters_permissions' => 'Oprávnenia kapitoly', 'chapters_empty' => 'V tejto kapitole nie sú teraz žiadne stránky.', 'chapters_permissions_active' => 'Oprávnenia kapitoly aktívne', 'chapters_permissions_success' => 'Oprávnenia kapitoly aktualizované', 'chapters_search_this' => 'Hladať v kapitole', - 'chapter_sort_book' => 'Sort Book', + 'chapter_sort_book' => 'Triediť knihu', // Pages 'page' => 'Stránka', @@ -215,19 +215,19 @@ return [ 'pages_edit_draft_save_at' => 'Koncept uložený pod ', 'pages_edit_delete_draft' => 'Uložiť koncept', 'pages_edit_discard_draft' => 'Zrušiť koncept', - 'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown' => 'Switch to Markdown Editor', - 'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_clean' => '(Clean Content)', - 'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_stable' => '(Stable Content)', - 'pages_edit_switch_to_wysiwyg' => 'Switch to WYSIWYG Editor', + 'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown' => 'Prepnite na Markdown Editor', + 'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_clean' => '(Vyčistiť obsah)', + 'pages_edit_switch_to_markdown_stable' => '(Stabilný obsah)', + 'pages_edit_switch_to_wysiwyg' => 'Prepnite na WYSIWYG Editor', 'pages_edit_set_changelog' => 'Nastaviť záznam zmien', 'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => 'Zadajte krátky popis zmien, ktoré ste urobili', 'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => 'Zadať záznam zmien', - 'pages_editor_switch_title' => 'Switch Editor', - 'pages_editor_switch_are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to change the editor for this page?', - 'pages_editor_switch_consider_following' => 'Consider the following when changing editors:', - 'pages_editor_switch_consideration_a' => 'Once saved, the new editor option will be used by any future editors, including those that may not be able to change editor type themselves.', - 'pages_editor_switch_consideration_b' => 'This can potentially lead to a loss of detail and syntax in certain circumstances.', - 'pages_editor_switch_consideration_c' => 'Tag or changelog changes, made since last save, won\'t persist across this change.', + 'pages_editor_switch_title' => 'Prepnúť editor', + 'pages_editor_switch_are_you_sure' => 'Naozaj chcete zmeniť editor pre túto stránku?', + 'pages_editor_switch_consider_following' => 'Pri zmene editorov zvážte nasledujúce:', + 'pages_editor_switch_consideration_a' => 'Po uložení budú novú možnosť editora používať všetci budúci editori vrátane tých, ktorí nemusia byť schopní sami zmeniť typ editora.', + 'pages_editor_switch_consideration_b' => 'Toto môže za určitých okolností potenciálne viesť k strate podrobností a syntaxe.', + 'pages_editor_switch_consideration_c' => 'Zmeny v značke alebo v protokole zmien vykonané od posledného uloženia nezostanú pri tejto zmene zachované.', 'pages_save' => 'Uložiť stránku', 'pages_title' => 'Titulok stránky', 'pages_name' => 'Názov stránky', @@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ return [ 'pages_md_insert_image' => 'Vložiť obrázok', 'pages_md_insert_link' => 'Vložiť odkaz na entitu', 'pages_md_insert_drawing' => 'Vložiť kresbu', - 'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Show preview', - 'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sync preview scroll', + 'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Zobraziť náhľad', + 'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Posúvanie ukážky synchronizácie', 'pages_not_in_chapter' => 'Stránka nie je v kapitole', 'pages_move' => 'Presunúť stránku', 'pages_move_success' => 'Stránka presunutá do ":parentName"', @@ -248,17 +248,17 @@ return [ 'pages_permissions_success' => 'Oprávnenia stránky aktualizované', 'pages_revision' => 'Revízia', 'pages_revisions' => 'Revízie stránky', - 'pages_revisions_desc' => 'Listed below are all the past revisions of this page. You can look back upon, compare, and restore old page versions if permissions allow. The full history of the page may not be fully reflected here since, depending on system configuration, old revisions could be auto-deleted.', + 'pages_revisions_desc' => 'Nižšie sú uvedené všetky predchádzajúce revízie tejto stránky. Ak to povolenia umožňujú, môžete sa pozrieť späť, porovnať a obnoviť staré verzie stránok. Úplná história stránky sa tu nemusí úplne prejaviť, pretože v závislosti od konfigurácie systému môžu byť staré revízie automaticky odstránené.', 'pages_revisions_named' => 'Revízie stránky :pageName', 'pages_revision_named' => 'Revízia stránky :pageName', 'pages_revision_restored_from' => 'Obnovené z #:id; :summary', 'pages_revisions_created_by' => 'Vytvoril', 'pages_revisions_date' => 'Dátum revízie', 'pages_revisions_number' => 'č.', - 'pages_revisions_sort_number' => 'Revision Number', + 'pages_revisions_sort_number' => 'Číslo revízie', 'pages_revisions_numbered' => 'Revízia č. :id', 'pages_revisions_numbered_changes' => 'Zmeny revízie č. ', - 'pages_revisions_editor' => 'Editor Type', + 'pages_revisions_editor' => 'Typ editora', 'pages_revisions_changelog' => 'Záznam zmien', 'pages_revisions_changes' => 'Zmeny', 'pages_revisions_current' => 'Aktuálna verzia', @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ return [ 'pages_edit_content_link' => 'Upraviť obsah', 'pages_permissions_active' => 'Oprávnienia stránky aktívne', 'pages_initial_revision' => 'Prvé zverejnenie', - 'pages_references_update_revision' => 'System auto-update of internal links', + 'pages_references_update_revision' => 'Automatická aktualizácia systému interných odkazov', 'pages_initial_name' => 'Nová stránka', 'pages_editing_draft_notification' => 'Práve upravujete koncept, ktorý bol naposledy uložený :timeDiff.', 'pages_draft_edited_notification' => 'Táto stránka bola odvtedy upravená. Odporúča sa odstrániť tento koncept.', @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ return [ 'shelf_tags' => 'Štítky knižníc', 'tag' => 'Štítok', 'tags' => 'Štítky', - 'tags_index_desc' => 'Tags can be applied to content within the system to apply a flexible form of categorization. Tags can have both a key and value, with the value being optional. Once applied, content can then be queried using the tag name and value.', + 'tags_index_desc' => 'Značky možno použiť na obsah v rámci systému a použiť flexibilnú formu kategorizácie. Značky môžu mať kľúč aj hodnotu, pričom hodnota je voliteľná. Po použití je možné obsah vyhľadávať pomocou názvu a hodnoty značky.', 'tag_name' => 'Názov štítku', 'tag_value' => 'Hodnota štítku (Voliteľné)', 'tags_explain' => "Pridajte pár štítkov pre uľahčenie kategorizácie Vášho obsahu. \n Štítku môžete priradiť hodnotu pre ešte lepšiu organizáciu.", @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Prílohy', 'attachments_explain' => 'Nahrajte nejaké súbory alebo priložte zopár odkazov pre zobrazenie na Vašej stránke. Budú viditeľné v bočnom paneli.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Zmeny budú okamžite uložené.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Priložené položky', 'attachments_upload' => 'Nahrať súbor', 'attachments_link' => 'Priložiť odkaz', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Nastaviť odkaz', 'attachments_delete' => 'Naozaj chcete odstrániť túto prílohu?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Presuňte súbory alebo klinknite sem pre priloženie súboru', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Žiadne súbory neboli nahrané', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Ak nechcete priložiť súbor, môžete priložiť odkaz. Môže to byť odkaz na inú stránku alebo odkaz na súbor v cloude.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Názov odkazu', @@ -374,27 +374,27 @@ return [ 'revision_cannot_delete_latest' => 'Nie je možné vymazať poslednú revíziu.', // Copy view - 'copy_consider' => 'Please consider the below when copying content.', - 'copy_consider_permissions' => 'Custom permission settings will not be copied.', - 'copy_consider_owner' => 'You will become the owner of all copied content.', - 'copy_consider_images' => 'Page image files will not be duplicated & the original images will retain their relation to the page they were originally uploaded to.', - 'copy_consider_attachments' => 'Page attachments will not be copied.', - 'copy_consider_access' => 'A change of location, owner or permissions may result in this content being accessible to those previously without access.', + 'copy_consider' => 'Pri kopírovaní obsahu zvážte nižšie uvedené.', + 'copy_consider_permissions' => 'Vlastné nastavenia povolení sa neskopírujú.', + 'copy_consider_owner' => 'Stanete sa vlastníkom všetkého skopírovaného obsahu.', + 'copy_consider_images' => 'Súbory obrázkov stránky nebudú duplikované a pôvodné obrázky si zachovajú svoj vzťah k stránke, na ktorú boli pôvodne nahrané.', + 'copy_consider_attachments' => 'Prílohy strán sa neskopírujú.', + 'copy_consider_access' => 'Zmena umiestnenia, vlastníka alebo povolení môže mať za následok to, že tento obsah bude prístupný tým, ktorí k nemu predtým prístup nemali.', // Conversions - 'convert_to_shelf' => 'Convert to Shelf', - 'convert_to_shelf_contents_desc' => 'You can convert this book to a new shelf with the same contents. Chapters contained within this book will be converted to new books. If this book contains any pages, that are not in a chapter, this book will be renamed and contain such pages, and this book will become part of the new shelf.', - 'convert_to_shelf_permissions_desc' => 'Any permissions set on this book will be copied to the new shelf and to all new child books that don\'t have their own permissions enforced. Note that permissions on shelves do not auto-cascade to content within, as they do for books.', - 'convert_book' => 'Convert Book', - 'convert_book_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to convert this book?', - 'convert_undo_warning' => 'This cannot be as easily undone.', - 'convert_to_book' => 'Convert to Book', - 'convert_to_book_desc' => 'You can convert this chapter to a new book with the same contents. Any permissions set on this chapter will be copied to the new book but any inherited permissions, from the parent book, will not be copied which could lead to a change of access control.', - 'convert_chapter' => 'Convert Chapter', - 'convert_chapter_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to convert this chapter?', + 'convert_to_shelf' => 'Konvertovať na Shelf', + 'convert_to_shelf_contents_desc' => 'Túto knihu môžete previesť na novú policu s rovnakým obsahom. Kapitoly obsiahnuté v tejto knihe budú prevedené do nových kníh. Ak táto kniha obsahuje nejaké strany, ktoré nie sú v kapitole, táto kniha bude premenovaná a bude obsahovať tieto strany a táto kniha sa stane súčasťou novej police.', + 'convert_to_shelf_permissions_desc' => 'Všetky povolenia nastavené pre túto knihu sa skopírujú do novej police a do všetkých nových podriadených kníh, ktoré nemajú vynútené vlastné povolenia. Všimnite si, že povolenia na policiach sa automaticky neprenášajú na obsah v rámci nich, ako je to v prípade kníh.', + 'convert_book' => 'Previesť knihu', + 'convert_book_confirm' => 'Ste si istý, že chcete previesť túto knihu?', + 'convert_undo_warning' => 'To sa nedá tak ľahko vrátiť späť.', + 'convert_to_book' => 'Previesť na knihu', + 'convert_to_book_desc' => 'Túto kapitolu môžete previesť do novej knihy s rovnakým obsahom. Všetky povolenia nastavené v tejto kapitole sa skopírujú do novej knihy, ale žiadne zdedené povolenia z nadradenej knihy sa neskopírujú, čo by mohlo viesť k zmene riadenia prístupu.', + 'convert_chapter' => 'Previesť kapitolu', + 'convert_chapter_confirm' => 'Ste si istý, že chcete previesť túto kapitolu?', // References - 'references' => 'References', - 'references_none' => 'There are no tracked references to this item.', - 'references_to_desc' => 'Shown below are all the known pages in the system that link to this item.', + 'references' => 'Referencie', + 'references_none' => 'Neexistujú žiadne sledované referencie na túto položku.', + 'references_to_desc' => 'Nižšie sú zobrazené všetky známe stránky v systéme, ktoré odkazujú na túto položku.', ]; diff --git a/lang/sk/errors.php b/lang/sk/errors.php index 139633ca5..716abfab7 100644 --- a/lang/sk/errors.php +++ b/lang/sk/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Server nedokáže vytvoriť náhľady. Skontrolujte prosím, či máte nainštalované GD rozšírenie PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Server nedovoľuje nahrávanie súborov s takouto veľkosťou. Skúste prosím menší súbor.', 'uploaded' => 'Server nedovoľuje nahrávanie súborov s takouto veľkosťou. Skúste prosím menší súbor.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Nahrávanie súboru vypršalo.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Pri nahrávaní obrázka nastala chyba', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Príloha nenájdená', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Koncept nemohol byť uložený. Uistite sa, že máte pripojenie k internetu pre uložením tejto stránky', diff --git a/lang/sk/settings.php b/lang/sk/settings.php index 9f337815b..c1ea6593c 100644 --- a/lang/sk/settings.php +++ b/lang/sk/settings.php @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ return [ 'settings' => 'Nastavenia', 'settings_save' => 'Uložiť nastavenia', 'settings_save_success' => 'Nastavenia uložené', - 'system_version' => 'System Version', - 'categories' => 'Categories', + 'system_version' => 'Verzia systému', + 'categories' => 'Kategórie', // App Settings 'app_customization' => 'Prispôsobenia', @@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ return [ 'app_secure_images' => 'Povoliť nahrávanie súborov so zvýšeným zabezpečením?', 'app_secure_images_toggle' => 'Povoliť nahrávanie obrázkov s vyšším zabezpečením', 'app_secure_images_desc' => 'Kvôli výkonu sú všetky obrázky verejné. Táto možnosť pridá pred URL obrázka náhodný, ťažko uhádnuteľný reťazec. Aby ste zabránili jednoduchému prístupu, uistite sa, že indexy priečinkov nie sú povolené.', - 'app_default_editor' => 'Default Page Editor', - 'app_default_editor_desc' => 'Select which editor will be used by default when editing new pages. This can be overridden at a page level where permissions allow.', + 'app_default_editor' => 'Predvolený editor stránky', + 'app_default_editor_desc' => 'Vyberte, ktorý editor sa bude používať ako predvolený pri úprave nových stránok. Je to možné prepísať na úrovni stránky, kde to umožňujú povolenia.', 'app_custom_html' => 'Vlastný HTML obsah hlavičky', 'app_custom_html_desc' => 'Všetok text pridaný sem bude vložený naspodok sekcie na každej stránke. Môže sa to zísť pri zmene štýlu alebo pre pridanie analytického kódu.', 'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => 'Vlastný obsah hlavičky HTML je na tejto stránke s nastaveniami zakázaný, aby sa zabezpečilo, že sa dajú vrátiť zmeny, ktoré nastali.', 'app_logo' => 'Logo aplikácie', - 'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.', - 'app_icon' => 'Application Icon', - 'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.', + 'app_logo_desc' => 'Používa sa to okrem iného v lište hlavičky aplikácie. Tento obrázok by mal mať výšku 86 pixelov. Veľké obrázky budú zmenšené.', + 'app_icon' => 'Ikona aplikácie', + 'app_icon_desc' => 'Táto ikona sa používa pre karty prehliadača a ikony odkazov. Mala by byť vo formáte štvorcového obrázku PNG s veľkosťou 256 pixelov.', 'app_homepage' => 'Domovská stránka aplikácie', 'app_homepage_desc' => 'Vyberte zobrazenie, ktoré sa má zobraziť na domovskej stránke namiesto predvoleného zobrazenia. Povolenia stránky sa pre vybraté stránky ignorujú.', 'app_homepage_select' => 'Vybrať stránku', @@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ return [ 'app_disable_comments_desc' => 'Zakázať komentáre na všetkých stránkach aplikácie. Existujúce komentáre sa nezobrazujú.', // Color settings - 'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme', - 'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the application user interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.', - 'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the application primary color and default link color. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the application interface.', - 'app_color' => 'Primary Color', - 'link_color' => 'Default Link Color', - 'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.', + 'color_scheme' => 'Farebná schéma aplikácie', + 'color_scheme_desc' => 'Nastavte farby, ktoré sa majú použiť v používateľskom rozhraní aplikácie. Farby možno konfigurovať oddelene pre tmavý a svetlý režim, aby čo najlepšie vyhovovali téme a zabezpečili čitateľnosť.', + 'ui_colors_desc' => 'Nastavte primárnu farbu aplikácie a predvolenú farbu odkazu. Primárna farba sa používa hlavne pre banner hlavičky, tlačidlá a dekorácie rozhrania. Predvolená farba odkazu sa používa pre textové odkazy a akcie v rámci písaného obsahu aj v rozhraní aplikácie.', + 'app_color' => 'Hlavná farba', + 'link_color' => 'Predvolená farba odkazu', + 'content_colors_desc' => 'Nastaví farby pre všetky prvky v hierarchii organizácie stránky. Kvôli čitateľnosti sa odporúča vybrať farby s podobným jasom ako predvolené farby.', 'bookshelf_color' => 'Farba police', 'book_color' => 'Farba knihy', 'chapter_color' => 'Farba kapitoly', @@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ return [ 'maint_send_test_email_mail_text' => 'Gratulujeme! Keď ste dostali toto e-mailové upozornenie, zdá sa, že vaše nastavenia e-mailu sú nakonfigurované správne.', 'maint_recycle_bin_desc' => 'Vymazané police, knihy, kapitoly a strany sa odošlú do koša, aby sa dali obnoviť alebo natrvalo odstrániť. Staršie položky z koša môžu byť po chvíli automaticky odstránené v závislosti od konfigurácie systému.', 'maint_recycle_bin_open' => 'Otvoriť kôš', - 'maint_regen_references' => 'Regenerate References', - 'maint_regen_references_desc' => 'This action will rebuild the cross-item reference index within the database. This is usually handled automatically but this action can be useful to index old content or content added via unofficial methods.', - 'maint_regen_references_success' => 'Reference index has been regenerated!', - 'maint_timeout_command_note' => 'Note: This action can take time to run, which can lead to timeout issues in some web environments. As an alternative, this action be performed using a terminal command.', + 'maint_regen_references' => 'Obnoviť referencie', + 'maint_regen_references_desc' => 'Táto akcia znovu vytvorí referenčný index medzi položkami v databáze. Toto sa zvyčajne vykonáva automaticky, ale táto akcia môže byť užitočná na indexovanie starého obsahu alebo obsahu pridaného neoficiálnymi metódami.', + 'maint_regen_references_success' => 'Referenčný index bol vygenerovaný!', + 'maint_timeout_command_note' => 'Poznámka: Spustenie tejto akcie môže chvíľu trvať, čo môže v niektorých webových prostrediach viesť k problémom s časovým limitom. Alternatívne sa táto akcia vykoná pomocou príkazu v termináli.', // Recycle Bin 'recycle_bin' => 'Kôš', @@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ return [ // Role Settings 'roles' => 'Roly', 'role_user_roles' => 'Používateľské roly', - 'roles_index_desc' => 'Roles are used to group users & provide system permission to their members. When a user is a member of multiple roles the privileges granted will stack and the user will inherit all abilities.', + 'roles_index_desc' => 'Roly sa používajú na zoskupovanie používateľov a poskytovanie systémových povolení ich členom. Keď je používateľ členom viacerých rolí, udelené privilégiá sa nahromadia a používateľ zdedí všetky schopnosti.', 'roles_x_users_assigned' => ':count user assigned|:count users assigned', - 'roles_x_permissions_provided' => ':count permission|:count permissions', - 'roles_assigned_users' => 'Assigned Users', - 'roles_permissions_provided' => 'Provided Permissions', + 'roles_x_permissions_provided' => ':počet povolení|:počet povolení', + 'roles_assigned_users' => 'Priradení užívatelia', + 'roles_permissions_provided' => 'Poskytnuté povolenia', 'role_create' => 'Vytvoriť novú rolu', 'role_delete' => 'Zmazať rolu', 'role_delete_confirm' => 'Toto zmaže rolu menom \':roleName\'.', @@ -163,12 +163,12 @@ return [ 'role_access_api' => 'API prístupového systému', 'role_manage_settings' => 'Spravovať nastavenia aplikácie', 'role_export_content' => 'Exportovať obsah', - 'role_editor_change' => 'Change page editor', + 'role_editor_change' => 'Zmeniť editor stránky', 'role_asset' => 'Oprávnenia majetku', 'roles_system_warning' => 'Uvedomte si, že prístup ku ktorémukoľvek z vyššie uvedených troch povolení môže používateľovi umožniť zmeniť svoje vlastné privilégiá alebo privilégiá ostatných v systéme. Roly s týmito povoleniami priraďujte iba dôveryhodným používateľom.', 'role_asset_desc' => 'Tieto oprávnenia regulujú prednastavený prístup k zdroju v systéme. Oprávnenia pre knihy, kapitoly a stránky majú vyššiu prioritu.', 'role_asset_admins' => 'Správcovia majú automaticky prístup ku všetkému obsahu, ale tieto možnosti môžu zobraziť alebo skryť možnosti používateľského rozhrania.', - 'role_asset_image_view_note' => 'This relates to visibility within the image manager. Actual access of uploaded image files will be dependant upon system image storage option.', + 'role_asset_image_view_note' => 'Toto sa týka viditeľnosti v rámci správcu obrázkov. Skutočný prístup k nahratým súborom obrázkov bude závisieť od možnosti ukladania obrázkov systému.', 'role_all' => 'Všetko', 'role_own' => 'Vlastné', 'role_controlled_by_asset' => 'Regulované zdrojom, do ktorého sú nahrané', @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ return [ // Users 'users' => 'Používatelia', - 'users_index_desc' => 'Create & manage individual user accounts within the system. User accounts are used for login and attribution of content & activity. Access permissions are primarily role-based but user content ownership, among other factors, may also affect permissions & access.', + 'users_index_desc' => 'Vytvárajte a spravujte individuálne používateľské účty v rámci systému. Používateľské účty sa používajú na prihlásenie a priradenie obsahu a aktivity. Prístupové povolenia sú primárne založené na rolách, ale vlastníctvo obsahu používateľa popri iných faktoroch môže mať vplyv aj na povolenia a prístup.', 'user_profile' => 'Profil používateľa', 'users_add_new' => 'Pridať nového používateľa', 'users_search' => 'Hľadať medzi používateľmi', @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ return [ 'users_role' => 'Používateľské roly', 'users_role_desc' => 'Vyberte, ku ktorým rolám bude tento používateľ priradený. Ak je používateľ priradený k viacerým rolám, povolenia z týchto rolí sa nahromadia a získajú všetky schopnosti priradených rolí.', 'users_password' => 'Heslo používateľa', - 'users_password_desc' => 'Set a password used to log-in to the application. This must be at least 8 characters long.', + 'users_password_desc' => 'Nastavte heslo používané na prihlásenie do aplikácie. Musí mať aspoň 8 znakov.', 'users_send_invite_text' => 'Môžete sa rozhodnúť poslať tomuto používateľovi e-mail s pozvánkou, ktorý mu umožní nastaviť si vlastné heslo, v opačnom prípade mu ho môžete nastaviť sami.', 'users_send_invite_option' => 'Odoslať e-mail s pozvánkou pre používateľa', 'users_external_auth_id' => 'Externé autentifikačné ID', @@ -247,33 +247,33 @@ return [ 'user_api_token_delete_success' => 'Kľúč rozhrania API bol úspešne odstránený', // Webhooks - 'webhooks' => 'Webhooks', - 'webhooks_index_desc' => 'Webhooks are a way to send data to external URLs when certain actions and events occur within the system which allows event-based integration with external platforms such as messaging or notification systems.', + 'webhooks' => 'Webhooky', + 'webhooks_index_desc' => 'Webhooky predstavujú spôsob odosielania údajov na externé adresy URL, keď sa v systéme vyskytnú určité akcie a udalosti, čo umožňuje integráciu založenú na udalostiach s externými platformami, ako sú systémy na odosielanie správ alebo notifikačné systémy.', 'webhooks_x_trigger_events' => ':count trigger event|:count trigger events', - 'webhooks_create' => 'Create New Webhook', - 'webhooks_none_created' => 'No webhooks have yet been created.', - 'webhooks_edit' => 'Edit Webhook', - 'webhooks_save' => 'Save Webhook', - 'webhooks_details' => 'Webhook Details', - 'webhooks_details_desc' => 'Provide a user friendly name and a POST endpoint as a location for the webhook data to be sent to.', - 'webhooks_events' => 'Webhook Events', - 'webhooks_events_desc' => 'Select all the events that should trigger this webhook to be called.', - 'webhooks_events_warning' => 'Keep in mind that these events will be triggered for all selected events, even if custom permissions are applied. Ensure that use of this webhook won\'t expose confidential content.', - 'webhooks_events_all' => 'All system events', - 'webhooks_name' => 'Webhook Name', - 'webhooks_timeout' => 'Webhook Request Timeout (Seconds)', - 'webhooks_endpoint' => 'Webhook Endpoint', - 'webhooks_active' => 'Webhook Active', - 'webhook_events_table_header' => 'Events', - 'webhooks_delete' => 'Delete Webhook', - 'webhooks_delete_warning' => 'This will fully delete this webhook, with the name \':webhookName\', from the system.', - 'webhooks_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this webhook?', - 'webhooks_format_example' => 'Webhook Format Example', - 'webhooks_format_example_desc' => 'Webhook data is sent as a POST request to the configured endpoint as JSON following the format below. The "related_item" and "url" properties are optional and will depend on the type of event triggered.', - 'webhooks_status' => 'Webhook Status', - 'webhooks_last_called' => 'Last Called:', - 'webhooks_last_errored' => 'Last Errored:', - 'webhooks_last_error_message' => 'Last Error Message:', + 'webhooks_create' => 'Vytvoriť nový webhook', + 'webhooks_none_created' => 'Žiadne webhooky zatiaľ neboli vytvorené.', + 'webhooks_edit' => 'Upraviť Webhook', + 'webhooks_save' => 'Uložiť Webhook', + 'webhooks_details' => 'Detaily Webhooku', + 'webhooks_details_desc' => 'Poskytnite užívateľsky prívetivý názov a koncový bod POST ako miesto, kam sa majú odosielať údaje webhooku.', + 'webhooks_events' => 'Udalosti webhooku', + 'webhooks_events_desc' => 'Vyberte všetky udalosti, ktoré by mali spustiť volanie tohto webhooku.', + 'webhooks_events_warning' => 'Majte na pamäti, že tieto udalosti sa spustia pre všetky vybraté udalosti, aj keď sa používajú vlastné povolenia. Uistite sa, že používanie tohto webhooku neodhalí dôverný obsah.', + 'webhooks_events_all' => 'Všetky systémové udalosti', + 'webhooks_name' => 'Názov webhooku', + 'webhooks_timeout' => 'Časový limit žiadosti webhooku (v sekundách)', + 'webhooks_endpoint' => 'Koncový bod webhooku', + 'webhooks_active' => 'Webhook je aktívny', + 'webhook_events_table_header' => 'Udalosti', + 'webhooks_delete' => 'Odstrániť webhook', + 'webhooks_delete_warning' => 'Týmto sa tento webhook s názvom „:webhookName“ úplne odstráni zo systému.', + 'webhooks_delete_confirm' => 'Naozaj chcete odstrániť tento webhook?', + 'webhooks_format_example' => 'Príklad formátu webhooku', + 'webhooks_format_example_desc' => 'Údaje webhooku sa odosielajú ako žiadosť POST do nakonfigurovaného koncového bodu ako JSON podľa nižšie uvedeného formátu. Vlastnosti „related_item“ a „url“ sú voliteľné a budú závisieť od typu spustenej udalosti.', + 'webhooks_status' => 'Stav webhooku', + 'webhooks_last_called' => 'Naposledy volané:', + 'webhooks_last_errored' => 'Posledná chyba:', + 'webhooks_last_error_message' => 'Posledná chybová správa:', //! If editing translations files directly please ignore this in all diff --git a/lang/sl/components.php b/lang/sl/components.php index d1b454e65..8380f5d2c 100644 --- a/lang/sl/components.php +++ b/lang/sl/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Izberi slike', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Vse', 'image_all_title' => 'Prikaži vse slike', 'image_book_title' => 'Prikaži slike naložene v to knjigo', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to sliko?', 'image_select_image' => 'Izberite sliko', 'image_dropzone' => 'Povlecite slike ali kliknite tukaj za nalaganje', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Slike so bile izbrisane', 'image_preview' => 'Predogled slike', 'image_upload_success' => 'Slika uspešno naložena', 'image_update_success' => 'Podatki slike uspešno posodobljeni', 'image_delete_success' => 'Slika uspešno izbrisana', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Odstrani', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Uredi kodo', diff --git a/lang/sl/entities.php b/lang/sl/entities.php index 087a13330..95060297f 100644 --- a/lang/sl/entities.php +++ b/lang/sl/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Priponke', 'attachments_explain' => 'Naložite nekaj datotek ali pripnite nekaj povezav, da jih prikažete na vaši strani. Vidne so v stranski orodni vrstici.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Spremembe tukaj so takoj shranjene.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Priloženi elementi', 'attachments_upload' => 'Naloži datoteko', 'attachments_link' => 'Pripni povezavo', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Nastavi povezavo', 'attachments_delete' => 'Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to priponko?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Spustite datoteke ali kliknite tukaj, če želite priložiti datoteko', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Nobena datoteka ni bila naložena', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Lahko pripnete povezavo, če ne želite naložiti datoteke. Lahko je povezava na drugo stran ali povezava do dateteke v oblaku.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Ime povezave', diff --git a/lang/sl/errors.php b/lang/sl/errors.php index 9fd8c5b73..1dea0a82a 100644 --- a/lang/sl/errors.php +++ b/lang/sl/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Strežnik ne more izdelati sličice. Prosimo preverite če imate GD PHP razširitev nameščeno.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Strežnik ne dovoli nalaganj take velikosti. Prosimo poskusite z manjšo velikostjo datoteke.', 'uploaded' => 'Strežnik ne dovoli nalaganj take velikosti. Prosimo poskusite zmanjšati velikost datoteke.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Čas nalaganjanja datoteke je potekel.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Prišlo je do napake med nalaganjem slike', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Priloga ni najdena', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Osnutka ni bilo mogoče shraniti. Pred shranjevanjem te strani se prepričajte, da imate internetno povezavo', diff --git a/lang/sv/components.php b/lang/sv/components.php index 68b141945..0b679560a 100644 --- a/lang/sv/components.php +++ b/lang/sv/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Val av bild', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Alla', 'image_all_title' => 'Visa alla bilder', 'image_book_title' => 'Visa bilder som laddats upp till den aktuella boken', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Är du säker på att du vill radera denna bild?', 'image_select_image' => 'Välj bild', 'image_dropzone' => 'Släpp bilder här eller klicka för att ladda upp', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Bilder borttagna', 'image_preview' => 'Förhandsgranskning', 'image_upload_success' => 'Bilden har laddats upp', 'image_update_success' => 'Bildens uppgifter har ändrats', 'image_delete_success' => 'Bilden har tagits bort', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Radera', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Redigera kod', diff --git a/lang/sv/entities.php b/lang/sv/entities.php index 1aa3a56c3..0056c671a 100644 --- a/lang/sv/entities.php +++ b/lang/sv/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Bilagor', 'attachments_explain' => 'Ladda upp filer eller bifoga länkar till ditt innehåll. Dessa visas i sidokolumnen.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Ändringar här sparas omgående.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Bifogat innehåll', 'attachments_upload' => 'Ladda upp fil', 'attachments_link' => 'Bifoga länk', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Ange länk', 'attachments_delete' => 'Är du säker på att du vill ta bort bilagan?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Släpp filer här eller klicka för att ladda upp', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Inga filer har laddats upp', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Du kan bifoga en länk om du inte vill ladda upp en fil. Detta kan vara en länk till en annan sida eller till en fil i molnet.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Länknamn', diff --git a/lang/sv/errors.php b/lang/sv/errors.php index b9b6504da..0465080be 100644 --- a/lang/sv/errors.php +++ b/lang/sv/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Servern kan inte skapa miniatyrer. Kontrollera att du har PHPs GD-tillägg aktiverat.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Servern tillåter inte så här stora filer. Prova en mindre fil.', 'uploaded' => 'Servern tillåter inte så här stora filer. Prova en mindre fil.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Filuppladdningen har tagits ut.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Ett fel inträffade vid uppladdningen', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Bilagan hittades ej', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Kunde inte spara utkastet. Kontrollera att du är ansluten till internet.', diff --git a/lang/tr/components.php b/lang/tr/components.php index 009c48f23..9c53a8347 100644 --- a/lang/tr/components.php +++ b/lang/tr/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Görsel Seç', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Hepsi', 'image_all_title' => 'Bütün görselleri görüntüle', 'image_book_title' => 'Bu kitaba ait görselleri görüntüle', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Bu resmi silmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?', 'image_select_image' => 'Görsel Seç', 'image_dropzone' => 'Görselleri sürükleyin ya da seçin', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Görseller Silindi', 'image_preview' => 'Görsel Ön İzlemesi', 'image_upload_success' => 'Görsel başarıyla yüklendi', 'image_update_success' => 'Görsel detayları başarıyla güncellendi', 'image_delete_success' => 'Görsel başarıyla silindi', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Kaldır', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Kodu Düzenle', diff --git a/lang/tr/entities.php b/lang/tr/entities.php index 03c344610..7e42c1065 100644 --- a/lang/tr/entities.php +++ b/lang/tr/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Ekler', 'attachments_explain' => 'Sayfanızda göstermek için dosyalar yükleyin veya bağlantılar ekleyin. Bunlar, sayfaya ait yan menüde gösterilecektir.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Burada yapılan değişiklikler anında kaydedilir.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Eklenmiş Ögeler', 'attachments_upload' => 'Dosya Yükle', 'attachments_link' => 'Link Ekle', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Bağlantıyı Ata', 'attachments_delete' => 'Bu eki silmek istediğinize emin misiniz?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Dosyaları sürükleyin veya seçin', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Hiçbir dosya yüklenmedi', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Eğer dosya yüklememeyi tercih ederseniz bağlantı ekleyebilirsiniz. Bu bağlantı başka bir sayfanın veya bulut depolamadaki bir dosyanın bağlantısı olabilir.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Bağlantı Adı', diff --git a/lang/tr/errors.php b/lang/tr/errors.php index d4f9e5337..5216b2570 100644 --- a/lang/tr/errors.php +++ b/lang/tr/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Sunucu, görsel ön izlemelerini oluşturamadı. Lütfen GD PHP eklentisinin kurulu olduğundan emin olun.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Sunucu bu boyutta dosya yüklemenize izin vermiyor. Lütfen daha küçük bir dosya deneyin.', 'uploaded' => 'Sunucu bu boyutta dosya yüklemenize izin vermiyor. Lütfen daha küçük bir dosya deneyin.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Dosya yüklemesi zaman aşımına uğradı', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Görsel yüklenirken bir hata meydana geldi', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Ek bulunamadı', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Taslak kaydetme başarısız oldu. Bu sayfayı kaydetmeden önce internet bağlantınız olduğundan emin olun', diff --git a/lang/uk/components.php b/lang/uk/components.php index a37d196eb..0a75ad230 100644 --- a/lang/uk/components.php +++ b/lang/uk/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Вибрати зображення', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Всі', 'image_all_title' => 'Переглянути всі зображення', 'image_book_title' => 'Переглянути зображення, завантажені в цю книгу', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Ви дійсно хочете видалити це зображення?', 'image_select_image' => 'Вибрати зображення', 'image_dropzone' => 'Перетягніть зображення, або натисніть тут для завантаження', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Зображень видалено', 'image_preview' => 'Попередній перегляд зображення', 'image_upload_success' => 'Зображення завантажено успішно', 'image_update_success' => 'Деталі зображення успішно оновлені', 'image_delete_success' => 'Зображення успішно видалено', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Видалити', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Редагувати код', diff --git a/lang/uk/entities.php b/lang/uk/entities.php index 27e6fcfcd..d0e6afb66 100644 --- a/lang/uk/entities.php +++ b/lang/uk/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Вкладення', 'attachments_explain' => 'Завантажте файли, або додайте посилання, які відображатимуться на вашій сторінці. Їх буде видно на бічній панелі сторінки.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Зміни тут зберігаються миттєво.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Додані елементи', 'attachments_upload' => 'Завантажити файл', 'attachments_link' => 'Приєднати посилання', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Встановити посилання', 'attachments_delete' => 'Дійсно хочете видалити це вкладення?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Перетягніть файли, або натисніть тут щоб прикріпити файл', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Файли не завантажені', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Ви можете приєднати посилання, якщо не бажаєте завантажувати файл. Це може бути посилання на іншу сторінку або посилання на файл у хмарі.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Назва посилання', diff --git a/lang/uk/errors.php b/lang/uk/errors.php index 2b2cf1100..3c01a35a8 100644 --- a/lang/uk/errors.php +++ b/lang/uk/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Сервер не може створювати ескізи. Будь ласка, перевірте, чи встановлено розширення GD PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Сервер не дозволяє завантажувати файли такого розміру. Спробуйте менший розмір файлу.', 'uploaded' => 'Сервер не дозволяє завантажувати файли такого розміру. Спробуйте менший розмір файлу.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Тайм-аут при завантаженні файлу', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Виникла помилка під час завантаження зображення', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Вкладення не знайдено', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Не вдалося зберегти чернетку. Перед збереженням цієї сторінки переконайтеся, що у вас є зв\'язок з сервером.', diff --git a/lang/uz/components.php b/lang/uz/components.php index c6ae940d8..3cad1c7ed 100644 --- a/lang/uz/components.php +++ b/lang/uz/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Rasmni tanlash', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Barchasi', 'image_all_title' => 'Barcha rasmlarni ko\'rish', 'image_book_title' => 'Ushbu kitobga yuklangan barcha rasmlarni ko\'rish', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this image?', 'image_select_image' => 'Rasmni tanlash', 'image_dropzone' => 'Drop images or click here to upload', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Images Deleted', 'image_preview' => 'Image Preview', 'image_upload_success' => 'Image uploaded successfully', 'image_update_success' => 'Image details successfully updated', 'image_delete_success' => 'Image successfully deleted', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Olib tashlash', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Kodni tahrirlash', diff --git a/lang/uz/entities.php b/lang/uz/entities.php index 30a415b86..2a765e72a 100644 --- a/lang/uz/entities.php +++ b/lang/uz/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Attachments', 'attachments_explain' => 'Upload some files or attach some links to display on your page. These are visible in the page sidebar.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Changes here are saved instantly.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Attached Items', 'attachments_upload' => 'Upload File', 'attachments_link' => 'Attach Link', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Set Link', 'attachments_delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files or click here to attach a file', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'No files have been uploaded', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'You can attach a link if you\'d prefer not to upload a file. This can be a link to another page or a link to a file in the cloud.', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Link Name', diff --git a/lang/uz/errors.php b/lang/uz/errors.php index 703d0edbe..6991f96e4 100644 --- a/lang/uz/errors.php +++ b/lang/uz/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'The server cannot create thumbnails. Please check you have the GD PHP extension installed.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.', 'uploaded' => 'The server does not allow uploads of this size. Please try a smaller file size.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'The file upload has timed out.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the image', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Attachment not found', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Failed to save draft. Ensure you have internet connection before saving this page', diff --git a/lang/vi/components.php b/lang/vi/components.php index 8a061625c..4af522517 100644 --- a/lang/vi/components.php +++ b/lang/vi/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => 'Chọn Ảnh', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => 'Tất cả', 'image_all_title' => 'Xem tất cả các ảnh', 'image_book_title' => 'Xem các ảnh đã được tải lên sách này', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => 'Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa hình ảnh này?', 'image_select_image' => 'Chọn Ảnh', 'image_dropzone' => 'Thả các ảnh hoặc bấm vào đây để tải lên', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => 'Các ảnh đã được xóa', 'image_preview' => 'Xem trước Ảnh', 'image_upload_success' => 'Ảnh đã tải lên thành công', 'image_update_success' => 'Chi tiết ảnh được cập nhật thành công', 'image_delete_success' => 'Ảnh đã được xóa thành công', - 'image_upload_remove' => 'Xóa bỏ', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => 'Sửa Mã', diff --git a/lang/vi/entities.php b/lang/vi/entities.php index bb401b1d3..063dcb1f8 100644 --- a/lang/vi/entities.php +++ b/lang/vi/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => 'Các Đính kèm', 'attachments_explain' => 'Cập nhật một số tập tin và đính một số liên kết để hiển thị trên trang của bạn. Chúng được hiện trong sidebar của trang.', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => 'Các thay đổi ở đây sẽ được lưu ngay lập tức.', - 'attachments_items' => 'Đính kèm các Mục', 'attachments_upload' => 'Tải lên Tập tin', 'attachments_link' => 'Đính kèm Liên kết', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => 'Đặt Liên kết', 'attachments_delete' => 'Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa tập tin đính kèm này?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Thả các tập tin hoặc bấm vào đây để đính kèm một tập tin', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => 'Không có tập tin nào được tải lên', 'attachments_explain_link' => 'Bạn có thể đính kèm một liên kết nếu bạn lựa chọn không tải lên tập tin. Liên kết này có thể trỏ đến một trang khác hoặc một tập tin ở trên mạng (đám mây).', 'attachments_link_name' => 'Tên Liên kết', diff --git a/lang/vi/errors.php b/lang/vi/errors.php index cee3b618f..89fa34e97 100644 --- a/lang/vi/errors.php +++ b/lang/vi/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => 'Máy chủ không thể tạo ảnh nhỏ. Vui lòng kiểm tra bạn đã cài đặt tiện ích mở rộng GD PHP.', 'server_upload_limit' => 'Máy chủ không cho phép tải lên kích thước này. Vui lòng thử lại với tệp tin nhỏ hơn.', 'uploaded' => 'Máy chủ không cho phép tải lên kích thước này. Vui lòng thử lại với tệp tin nhỏ hơn.', - 'file_upload_timeout' => 'Đã quá thời gian tải lên tệp tin.', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => 'Đã xảy ra lỗi khi đang tải lên ảnh', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => 'Không tìm thấy đính kèm', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => 'Lưu bản nháp thất bại. Đảm bảo rằng bạn có kết nối đến internet trước khi lưu trang này', diff --git a/lang/zh_CN/components.php b/lang/zh_CN/components.php index ab0b7cb46..a8a9d26c8 100644 --- a/lang/zh_CN/components.php +++ b/lang/zh_CN/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => '选择图片', + 'image_upload' => '上传图片', + 'image_intro' => '您可以在此选择和管理以前上传到系统的图片。', + 'image_intro_upload' => '上传一张新图片,通过拖放图片到这个窗口,或者使用上面的“上传图片”按钮', 'image_all' => '全部', 'image_all_title' => '查看所有图片', 'image_book_title' => '查看上传到本书的图片', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => '您确认要删除此图片吗?', 'image_select_image' => '选择图片', 'image_dropzone' => '拖放图片或点击此处上传', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => '将图片拖放到此处上传', 'images_deleted' => '图片已删除', 'image_preview' => '图片预览', 'image_upload_success' => '图片上传成功', 'image_update_success' => '图片详细信息更新成功', 'image_delete_success' => '图片删除成功', - 'image_upload_remove' => '去掉', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => '编辑代码', diff --git a/lang/zh_CN/entities.php b/lang/zh_CN/entities.php index 6d6faea76..66c4a2158 100644 --- a/lang/zh_CN/entities.php +++ b/lang/zh_CN/entities.php @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => '附件', 'attachments_explain' => '上传一些文件或附加一些链接显示在您的网页上。这些在页面的侧边栏中可见。', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => '这里的更改将立即保存。', - 'attachments_items' => '附加项目', 'attachments_upload' => '上传文件', 'attachments_link' => '附加链接', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => '设置链接', 'attachments_delete' => '您确定要删除此附件吗?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => '删除文件或点击此处添加文件', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => '尚未上传文件', 'attachments_explain_link' => '如果您不想上传文件,则可以附加链接,这可以是指向其他页面的链接,也可以是指向云端文件的链接。', 'attachments_link_name' => '链接名', diff --git a/lang/zh_CN/errors.php b/lang/zh_CN/errors.php index 4145d8e38..7ca1a9a08 100644 --- a/lang/zh_CN/errors.php +++ b/lang/zh_CN/errors.php @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => '服务器无法创建缩略图,请检查您是否安装了GD PHP扩展。', 'server_upload_limit' => '服务器不允许上传此大小的文件。 请尝试较小的文件。', 'uploaded' => '服务器不允许上传此大小的文件。 请尝试较小的文件。', - 'file_upload_timeout' => '文件上传已超时。', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => '上传图片时发生错误', @@ -54,6 +53,7 @@ return [ // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => '找不到附件', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => '无法保存草稿,确保您在保存页面之前已经连接到互联网', diff --git a/lang/zh_TW/activities.php b/lang/zh_TW/activities.php index 1a04caa2f..2605107ae 100644 --- a/lang/zh_TW/activities.php +++ b/lang/zh_TW/activities.php @@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ return [ 'user_delete_notification' => '使用者移除成功', // Roles - 'role_create_notification' => 'Role successfully created', - 'role_update_notification' => 'Role successfully updated', - 'role_delete_notification' => 'Role successfully deleted', + 'role_create_notification' => '建立角色成功', + 'role_update_notification' => '更新角色成功', + 'role_delete_notification' => '刪除角色成功', // Other 'commented_on' => '評論', diff --git a/lang/zh_TW/components.php b/lang/zh_TW/components.php index 62f515f5e..1b9c49685 100644 --- a/lang/zh_TW/components.php +++ b/lang/zh_TW/components.php @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ return [ // Image Manager 'image_select' => '選取圖片', + 'image_upload' => 'Upload Image', + 'image_intro' => 'Here you can select and manage images that have been previously uploaded to the system.', + 'image_intro_upload' => 'Upload a new image by dragging an image file into this window, or by using the "Upload Image" button above.', 'image_all' => '全部', 'image_all_title' => '檢視所有圖片', 'image_book_title' => '檢視上傳到此書本的圖片', @@ -18,12 +21,12 @@ return [ 'image_delete_confirm_text' => '您確認想要刪除這個圖片?', 'image_select_image' => '選取圖片', 'image_dropzone' => '拖曳圖片或點擊此處上傳', + 'image_dropzone_drop' => 'Drop images here to upload', 'images_deleted' => '圖片已刪除', 'image_preview' => '圖片預覽', 'image_upload_success' => '圖片上傳成功', 'image_update_success' => '圖片詳細資訊更新成功', 'image_delete_success' => '圖片刪除成功', - 'image_upload_remove' => '移除', // Code Editor 'code_editor' => '編輯程式碼', diff --git a/lang/zh_TW/editor.php b/lang/zh_TW/editor.php index 903b49a0b..4189e39dd 100644 --- a/lang/zh_TW/editor.php +++ b/lang/zh_TW/editor.php @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ return [ // General editor terms 'general' => '通用', - 'advanced' => 'Advanced', + 'advanced' => '進階設定', 'none' => '無', 'cancel' => '取消', 'save' => '保存', @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ return [ 'header_large' => '大標題', 'header_medium' => '中標題', 'header_small' => '小標題', - 'header_tiny' => 'Tiny Header', + 'header_tiny' => '小標題', 'paragraph' => '段落', 'blockquote' => '引用塊', 'inline_code' => '行內程式碼', @@ -48,48 +48,48 @@ return [ 'subscript' => '下標', 'text_color' => '文本顏色', 'custom_color' => '自訂顏色', - 'remove_color' => 'Remove color', - 'background_color' => 'Background color', - 'align_left' => 'Align left', - 'align_center' => 'Align center', - 'align_right' => 'Align right', - 'align_justify' => 'Justify', - 'list_bullet' => 'Bullet list', - 'list_numbered' => 'Numbered list', + 'remove_color' => '移除颜色', + 'background_color' => '背景顏色', + 'align_left' => '置左', + 'align_center' => '置中', + 'align_right' => '置右', + 'align_justify' => '兩端對齊', + 'list_bullet' => '項目列表', + 'list_numbered' => '編號列表', 'list_task' => '任務清單', 'indent_increase' => '增加縮進', 'indent_decrease' => '減少縮進', - 'table' => 'Table', - 'insert_image' => 'Insert image', - 'insert_image_title' => 'Insert/Edit Image', - 'insert_link' => 'Insert/edit link', - 'insert_link_title' => 'Insert/Edit Link', - 'insert_horizontal_line' => 'Insert horizontal line', - 'insert_code_block' => 'Insert code block', - 'edit_code_block' => 'Edit code block', - 'insert_drawing' => 'Insert/edit drawing', - 'drawing_manager' => 'Drawing manager', - 'insert_media' => 'Insert/edit media', - 'insert_media_title' => 'Insert/Edit Media', - 'clear_formatting' => 'Clear formatting', - 'source_code' => 'Source code', - 'source_code_title' => 'Source Code', - 'fullscreen' => 'Fullscreen', - 'image_options' => 'Image options', + 'table' => '表格', + 'insert_image' => '插入圖片', + 'insert_image_title' => '插入/編輯圖像', + 'insert_link' => '插入/編輯連結', + 'insert_link_title' => '插入/編輯連結', + 'insert_horizontal_line' => '插入水平線', + 'insert_code_block' => '插入程式碼區塊', + 'edit_code_block' => '編輯程式碼區塊', + 'insert_drawing' => '插入/編輯向量圖', + 'drawing_manager' => '向量圖管理員', + 'insert_media' => '插入/編輯影片', + 'insert_media_title' => '插入/編輯影片', + 'clear_formatting' => '清除格式', + 'source_code' => '原始碼', + 'source_code_title' => '原始碼', + 'fullscreen' => '全螢幕', + 'image_options' => '圖片選項', // Tables - 'table_properties' => 'Table properties', - 'table_properties_title' => 'Table Properties', - 'delete_table' => 'Delete table', - 'insert_row_before' => 'Insert row before', - 'insert_row_after' => 'Insert row after', - 'delete_row' => 'Delete row', - 'insert_column_before' => 'Insert column before', - 'insert_column_after' => 'Insert column after', - 'delete_column' => 'Delete column', - 'table_cell' => 'Cell', - 'table_row' => 'Row', - 'table_column' => 'Column', + 'table_properties' => '表格屬性', + 'table_properties_title' => '表格屬性', + 'delete_table' => '刪除表格', + 'insert_row_before' => '插入上方列', + 'insert_row_after' => '插入下方列', + 'delete_row' => '刪除列', + 'insert_column_before' => '插入欄位於左方', + 'insert_column_after' => '插入欄位於右方', + 'delete_column' => '刪除欄', + 'table_cell' => '儲存格', + 'table_row' => '行', + 'table_column' => '欄', 'cell_properties' => 'Cell properties', 'cell_properties_title' => 'Cell Properties', 'cell_type' => 'Cell type', diff --git a/lang/zh_TW/entities.php b/lang/zh_TW/entities.php index 00100cbf6..faeccda61 100644 --- a/lang/zh_TW/entities.php +++ b/lang/zh_TW/entities.php @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ return [ 'pages_edit_set_changelog' => '設定變更日誌', 'pages_edit_enter_changelog_desc' => '輸入對您所做變動的簡易描述', 'pages_edit_enter_changelog' => '輸入變更日誌', - 'pages_editor_switch_title' => 'Switch Editor', + 'pages_editor_switch_title' => '切換編輯器', 'pages_editor_switch_are_you_sure' => 'Are you sure you want to change the editor for this page?', 'pages_editor_switch_consider_following' => 'Consider the following when changing editors:', 'pages_editor_switch_consideration_a' => 'Once saved, the new editor option will be used by any future editors, including those that may not be able to change editor type themselves.', @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ return [ 'pages_md_insert_image' => '插入圖片', 'pages_md_insert_link' => '插入連結', 'pages_md_insert_drawing' => '插入繪圖', - 'pages_md_show_preview' => 'Show preview', + 'pages_md_show_preview' => '顯示預覽', 'pages_md_sync_scroll' => 'Sync preview scroll', 'pages_not_in_chapter' => '頁面不在章節中', 'pages_move' => '移動頁面', @@ -311,12 +311,12 @@ return [ 'attachments' => '附件', 'attachments_explain' => '上傳一些檔案或附加連結以顯示在您的網頁上。將顯示在在頁面的側邊欄。', 'attachments_explain_instant_save' => '此處的變動將會立刻儲存。', - 'attachments_items' => '附件', 'attachments_upload' => '上傳檔案', 'attachments_link' => '附加連結', + 'attachments_upload_drop' => 'Alternatively you can drag and drop a file here to upload it as an attachment.', 'attachments_set_link' => '設定連結', 'attachments_delete' => '您確定要刪除此附件嗎?', - 'attachments_dropzone' => '拖曳檔案或點擊此處來附加檔案', + 'attachments_dropzone' => 'Drop files here to upload', 'attachments_no_files' => '尚未上傳檔案', 'attachments_explain_link' => '如果您不想上傳檔案,則可以附加連結。這可以是指向其他頁面的連結,也可以是指向雲端檔案的連結。', 'attachments_link_name' => '連結名稱', diff --git a/lang/zh_TW/errors.php b/lang/zh_TW/errors.php index eb986e606..16534ff91 100644 --- a/lang/zh_TW/errors.php +++ b/lang/zh_TW/errors.php @@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ return [ 'cannot_create_thumbs' => '伺服器無法建立縮圖。請檢查您是否安裝了 PHP 的 GD 擴充程式。', 'server_upload_limit' => '伺服器不允許上傳這個大的檔案。請嘗試較小的檔案。', 'uploaded' => '伺服器不允許上傳這個大的檔案。請嘗試較小的檔案。', - 'file_upload_timeout' => '檔案上傳逾時。', // Drawing & Images 'image_upload_error' => '上傳圖片時發生錯誤', 'image_upload_type_error' => '上傳圖片類型無效', - 'drawing_data_not_found' => 'Drawing data could not be loaded. The drawing file might no longer exist or you may not have permission to access it.', + 'drawing_data_not_found' => '無法載入繪圖資料,繪圖檔案可能不存在,或您可能沒有權限存取它。', // Attachments 'attachment_not_found' => '找不到附件', + 'attachment_upload_error' => 'An error occurred uploading the attachment file', // Pages 'page_draft_autosave_fail' => '無法儲存草稿。請確保您在儲存此頁面前已連線至網際網路', diff --git a/lang/zh_TW/settings.php b/lang/zh_TW/settings.php index 734e26cf5..86e6c6f16 100644 --- a/lang/zh_TW/settings.php +++ b/lang/zh_TW/settings.php @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ return [ 'app_custom_html_disabled_notice' => '在此設定頁面上停用了自訂 HTML 標題內容,以確保任何重大變更都能被還原。', 'app_logo' => '應用程式圖示', 'app_logo_desc' => 'This is used in the application header bar, among other areas. This image should be 86px in height. Large images will be scaled down.', - 'app_icon' => 'Application Icon', + 'app_icon' => '應用程式圖示', 'app_icon_desc' => 'This icon is used for browser tabs and shortcut icons. This should be a 256px square PNG image.', 'app_homepage' => '應用程式首頁', 'app_homepage_desc' => '選取要作為首頁的頁面,這將會取代預設首頁。選定頁面的頁面權限將會被忽略。', @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ return [ 'color_scheme' => 'Application Color Scheme', 'color_scheme_desc' => 'Set the colors to use in the application user interface. Colors can be configured separately for dark and light modes to best fit the theme and ensure legibility.', 'ui_colors_desc' => 'Set the application primary color and default link color. The primary color is mainly used for the header banner, buttons and interface decorations. The default link color is used for text-based links and actions, both within written content and in the application interface.', - 'app_color' => 'Primary Color', - 'link_color' => 'Default Link Color', + 'app_color' => '主要顏色', + 'link_color' => '連結預設顏色', 'content_colors_desc' => 'Set colors for all elements in the page organisation hierarchy. Choosing colors with a similar brightness to the default colors is recommended for readability.', 'bookshelf_color' => '書架顔色', 'book_color' => '書本顔色',