'reset_password_sent'=>'Tautan pengaturan ulang kata sandi akan dikirim ke :email jika alamat email ditemukan di sistem.',
'reset_password_success'=>'Kata sandi Anda telah berhasil diatur ulang.',
'email_reset_subject'=>'Atur ulang kata sandi :appName anda',
'email_reset_text'=>'Anda menerima email ini karena kami menerima permintaan pengaturan ulang kata sandi untuk akun Anda.',
'email_reset_not_requested'=>'Jika Anda tidak meminta pengaturan ulang kata sandi, tidak ada tindakan lebih lanjut yang diperlukan.',
// Email Confirmation
'email_confirm_subject'=>'Konfirmasikan email Anda di :appName',
'email_confirm_greeting'=>'Terima kasih telah bergabung :appName!',
'email_confirm_text'=>'Silakan konfirmasi alamat email Anda dengan mengklik tombol di bawah ini:',
'email_confirm_action'=>'Konfirmasi email',
'email_confirm_send_error'=>'Konfirmasi email diperlukan tetapi sistem tidak dapat mengirim email. Hubungi admin untuk memastikan email disiapkan dengan benar.',
'email_confirm_success'=>'Email Anda telah dikonfirmasi!',
'email_confirm_resent'=>'Email konfirmasi dikirim ulang, Harap periksa kotak masuk Anda.',
'email_not_confirmed'=>'Alamat Email Tidak Dikonfirmasi',
'email_not_confirmed_text'=>'Alamat email Anda belum dikonfirmasi.',
'email_not_confirmed_click_link'=>'Silakan klik link di email yang dikirimkan segera setelah Anda mendaftar.',
'email_not_confirmed_resend'=>'Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan email tersebut, Anda dapat mengirim ulang email konfirmasi dengan mengirimkan formulir di bawah ini.',
'email_not_confirmed_resend_button'=>'Mengirimkan kembali email konfirmasi',
// User Invite
'user_invite_email_subject'=>'Anda telah diundang untuk bergabung di :appName!',
'user_invite_email_greeting'=>'Sebuah akun telah dibuat untuk Anda di :appName.',
'user_invite_email_text'=>'Klik tombol di bawah untuk mengatur kata sandi akun dan mendapatkan akses:',
'user_invite_email_action'=>'Atur Kata Sandi Akun',
'user_invite_page_welcome'=>'Selamat datang di :appName!',
'user_invite_page_text'=>'Untuk menyelesaikan akun Anda dan mendapatkan akses, Anda perlu mengatur kata sandi yang akan digunakan untuk masuk ke :appName pada kunjungan berikutnya.',
'user_invite_page_confirm_button'=>'Konfirmasi Kata sandi',
'user_invite_success'=>'Atur kata sandi, Anda sekarang memiliki akses ke :appName!',
// Multi-factor Authentication
'mfa_setup'=>'Setup Multi-Factor Authentication',
'mfa_setup_desc'=>'Setup multi-factor authentication as an extra layer of security for your user account.',
'mfa_setup_configured'=>'Already configured',
'mfa_setup_remove_confirmation'=>'Are you sure you want to remove this multi-factor authentication method?',
'mfa_backup_codes_usage_limit_warning'=>'You have less than 5 backup codes remaining, Please generate and store a new set before you run out of codes to prevent being locked out of your account.',
'mfa_option_totp_title'=>'Mobile App',
'mfa_option_totp_desc'=>'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_title'=>'Backup Codes',
'mfa_option_backup_codes_desc'=>'Securely store a set of one-time-use backup codes which you can enter to verify your identity.',
'mfa_gen_confirm_and_enable'=>'Confirm and Enable',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_desc'=>'Store the below list of codes in a safe place. When accessing the system you\'ll be able to use one of the codes as a second authentication mechanism.',
'mfa_gen_backup_codes_usage_warning'=>'Each code can only be used once',
'mfa_gen_totp_title'=>'Mobile App Setup',
'mfa_gen_totp_desc'=>'To use multi-factor authentication you\'ll need a mobile application that supports TOTP such as Google Authenticator, Authy or Microsoft Authenticator.',
'mfa_gen_totp_scan'=>'Scan the QR code below using your preferred authentication app to get started.',
'mfa_gen_totp_verify_setup'=>'Verify Setup',
'mfa_gen_totp_verify_setup_desc'=>'Verify that all is working by entering a code, generated within your authentication app, in the input box below:',
'mfa_gen_totp_provide_code_here'=>'Provide your app generated code here',
'mfa_verify_access'=>'Verify Access',
'mfa_verify_access_desc'=>'Your user account requires you to confirm your identity via an additional level of verification before you\'re granted access. Verify using one of your configured methods to continue.',
'mfa_verify_no_methods'=>'No Methods Configured',
'mfa_verify_no_methods_desc'=>'No multi-factor authentication methods could be found for your account. You\'ll need to set up at least one method before you gain access.',
'mfa_verify_use_totp'=>'Verify using a mobile app',
'mfa_verify_use_backup_codes'=>'Verify using a backup code',
'mfa_verify_backup_code'=>'Backup Code',
'mfa_verify_backup_code_desc'=>'Enter one of your remaining backup codes below:',