'shortcuts_toggle_desc'=>'Here you can enable or disable keyboard system interface shortcuts, used for navigation and actions.',
'shortcuts_customize_desc'=>'You can customize each of the shortcuts below. Just press your desired key combination after selecting the input for a shortcut.',
'shortcuts_overlay_desc'=>'Note: When shortcuts are enabled a helper overlay is available via pressing "?" which will highlight the available shortcuts for actions currently visible on the screen.',
'notifications_watched_desc'=>' Below are the items that have custom watch preferences applied. To update your preferences for these, view the item then find the watch options in the sidebar.',
'profile_desc'=>'Manage the details of your account which represents you to other users, in addition to details that are used for communication and system personalisation.',
'profile_name_desc'=>'Configure your display name which will be visible to other users in the system through the activity you perform, and content you own.',
'profile_email_desc'=>'Šis epasts tiks izmantots paziņojumiem un sistēmas piekļuvei, atkarībā no sistēmā uzstādītās autentifikācijas metodes.',
'profile_email_no_permission'=>'Diemžēl jums nav tiesību mainīt savu epasta adresi. Ja vēlaties to mainīt, jums jāsazinās ar administratoru, lai tas nomaina šo adresi.',
'profile_avatar_desc'=>'Select an image which will be used to represent yourself to others in the system. Ideally this image should be square and about 256px in width and height.',
'profile_admin_options'=>'Administrator Options',
'profile_admin_options_desc'=>'Additional administrator-level options, like those to manage role assignments, can be found for your user account in the "Settings > Users" area of the application.',
'delete_my_account_desc'=>'This will fully delete your user account from the system. You will not be able to recover this account or revert this action. Content you\'ve created, such as created pages and uploaded images, will remain.',