2024-04-05 10:20:08 -04:00
var Nu = Object . create ; var Se = Object . defineProperty ; var zu = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ; var Hu = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ; var Uu = Object . getPrototypeOf , ju = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; var Vu = ( i , t , e ) => t in i ? Se ( i , t , { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 , value : e } ) : i [ t ] = e ; var Wu = ( i , t ) => ( ) => ( i && ( t = i ( i = 0 ) ) , t ) ; var _ = ( i , t ) => ( ) => ( t || i ( ( t = { exports : { } } ) . exports , t ) , t . exports ) , Ae = ( i , t ) => { for ( var e in t ) Se ( i , e , { get : t [ e ] , enumerable : ! 0 } ) } , Ko = ( i , t , e , n ) => { if ( t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function" ) for ( let r of Hu ( t ) ) ! ju . call ( i , r ) && r !== e && Se ( i , r , { get : ( ) => t [ r ] , enumerable : ! ( n = zu ( t , r ) ) || n . enumerable } ) ; return i } ; var Zo = ( i , t , e ) => ( e = i != null ? Nu ( Uu ( i ) ) : { } , Ko ( t || ! i || ! i . _ _esModule ? Se ( e , "default" , { value : i , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : e , i ) ) , Gu = i => Ko ( Se ( { } , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , i ) ; var at = ( i , t , e ) => ( Vu ( i , typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t , e ) , e ) , Ku = ( i , t , e ) => { if ( ! t . has ( i ) ) throw TypeError ( "Cannot " + e ) } ; var ot = ( i , t , e ) => { if ( t . has ( i ) ) throw TypeError ( "Cannot add the same private member more than once" ) ; t instanceof WeakSet ? t . add ( i ) : t . set ( i , e ) } ; var L = ( i , t , e ) => ( Ku ( i , t , "access private method" ) , e ) ; var Bs = _ ( ( Ob , Vh ) => { Vh . exports = { Aacute : "\xC1" , aacute : "\xE1" , Abreve : "\u0102" , abreve : "\u0103" , ac : "\u223E" , acd : "\u223F" , acE : "\u223E\u0333" , Acirc : "\xC2" , acirc : "\xE2" , acute : "\xB4" , Acy : "\u0410" , acy : "\u0430" , AElig : "\xC6" , aelig : "\xE6" , af : "\u2061" , Afr : "\u{1D504}" , afr : "\u{1D51E}" , Agrave : "\xC0" , agrave : "\xE0" , alefsym : "\u2135" , aleph : "\u2135" , Alpha : "\u0391" , alpha : "\u03B1" , Amacr : "\u0100" , amacr : "\u0101" , amalg : "\u2A3F" , amp : "&" , AMP : "&" , andand : "\u2A55" , And : "\u2A53" , and : "\u2227" , andd : "\u2A5C" , andslope : "\u2A58" , andv : "\u2A5A" , ang : "\u2220" , ange : "\u29A4" , angle : "\u2220" , angmsdaa : "\u29A8" , angmsdab : "\u29A9" , angmsdac : "\u29AA" , angmsdad : "\u29AB" , angmsdae : "\u29AC" , angmsdaf : "\u29AD" , angmsdag : "\u29AE" , angmsdah : "\u29AF" , angmsd : "\u2221" , angrt : "\u221F" , angrtvb : "\u22BE" , angrtvbd : "\u299D" , angsph : "\u2222" , angst : "\xC5" , angzarr : "\u237C" , Aogon : "\u0104" , aogon : "\u0105" , Aopf : "\u{1D538}" , aopf : "\u{1D552}" , apacir : "\u2A6F" , ap : "\u2248" , apE : "\u2A70" , ape : "\u224A" , apid : "\u224B" , apos : "'" , ApplyFunction : "\u2061" , approx : "\u2248" , approxeq : "\u224A" , Aring : "\xC5" , aring : "\xE5" , Ascr : "\u{1D49C}" , ascr : "\u{1D4B6}" , Assign : "\u2254" , ast : "*" , asymp : "\u2248" , asympeq : "\u224D" , Atilde : "\xC3" , atilde : "\xE3" , Auml : "\xC4" , auml : "\xE4" , awconint : "\u2233" , awint : "\u2A11" , backcong : "\u224C" , backepsilon : "\u03F6" , backprime : "\u2035" , backsim : "\u223D" , backsimeq : "\u22CD" , Backslash : "\u2216" , Barv : "\u2AE7" , barvee : "\u22BD" , barwed : "\u2305" , Barwed : "\u2306" , barwedge : "\u2305" , bbrk : "\u23B5" , bbrktbrk : "\u23B6" , bcong : "\u224C" , Bcy : "\u0411" , bcy : "\u0431" , bdquo : "\u201E" , becaus : "\u2235" , because : "\u2235" , Because : "\u2235" , bemptyv : "\u29B0" , bepsi : "\u03F6" , bernou : "\u212C" , Bernoullis : "\u212C" , Beta : "\u0392" , beta : "\u03B2" , beth : "\u2136" , between : "\u226C" , Bfr : "\u{1D505}" , bfr : "\u{1D51F}" , bigcap : "\u22C2" , bigcirc : "\u25EF" , bigcup : "\u22C3" , bigodot : "\u2A00" , bigoplus : "\u2A01" , bigotimes : "\u2A02" , bigsqcup : "\u2A06" , bigstar : "\u2605" , bigtriangledown : "\u25BD" , bigtriangleup : "\u25B3" , biguplus : "\u2A04" , bigvee : "\u22C1" , bigwedge : "\u22C0" , bkarow : "\u290D" , blacklozenge : "\u29EB" , blacksquare : "\u25AA" , blacktriangle : "\u25B4" , blacktriangledown : "\u25BE" , blacktriangleleft : "\u25C2" , blacktriangleright : "\u25B8" , blank : "\u2423" , blk12 : "\u2592" , blk14 : "\u2591" , blk34 : "\u2593" , block : "\u2588" , bne : "=\u20E5" , bnequiv : "\u2261\u20E5" , bNot : "\u2AED" , bnot : "\u2310" , Bopf : "\u{1D539}" , bopf : "\u{1D553}" , bot : "\u22A5" , bottom : "\u22A5" , bowtie : "\u22C8" , boxbox : "\u29C9" , boxdl : "\u2510" , boxdL : "\u2555" , boxDl : "\u2556" , boxDL : "\u2557" , boxdr : "\u250C" , boxdR : "\u2552" , boxDr : "\u2553" , boxDR : "\u2554" , boxh : "\u2500" , boxH : "\u2550" , boxhd : "\u252C" , boxHd : "\u2564" , boxhD : "\u2565" , boxHD : "\u2566" , boxhu : "\u2534" , boxHu : "\u2567" , boxhU : "\u2568" , boxHU : "\u2569" , boxminus : "\u229F" , boxplus : "\u229E" , boxtimes : "\u22A0" , boxul : "\u2518" , boxuL : "\u255B" , boxUl : "\u255C" , boxUL : "\u255D" , boxur : "\u2514" , boxuR : "\u2558" , boxUr : "\u2559" , boxUR : "\u255A" , boxv : "\u2502" , boxV : "\u2551" , boxvh : "\u253C" , boxvH : "\u256A" , boxVh : "\u256B" , boxVH : "\u256C" , boxvl : "\u2524" , boxvL : "\u2561" , boxVl : "\u2562" , boxVL : "\u2563" , boxvr : "\u251C" , boxvR : "\u255E" , boxVr : "\u255F" , boxVR : "\u2560" , bprime : "\u2035" , breve : "\u02D8" , Breve : "\u02D8" , brvb
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` ," "],Jh=["{","}","|"," \\ ","^"," ` "].concat(Yh),Qh=[" '"].concat(Jh),Gs=["%","/","?",";","#"].concat(Qh),Ks=["/","?","#"],td=255,Zs=/^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/,ed=/^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/,Xs={javascript:!0,"javascript:":!0},Ys={http:!0,https:!0,ftp:!0,gopher:!0,file:!0,"http:":!0,"https:":!0,"ftp:":!0,"gopher:":!0,"file:":!0};function id(i,t){if(i&&i instanceof cn)return i;var e=new cn;return e.parse(i,t),e}cn.prototype.parse=function(i,t){var e,n,r,o,s,a=i;if(a=a.trim(),!t&&i.split("#").length===1){var l=Xh.exec(a);if(l)return this.pathname=l[1],l[2]&&(this.search=l[2]),this}var c=Kh.exec(a);if(c&&(c=c[0],r=c.toLowerCase(),this.protocol=c,a=a.substr(c.length)),(t||c||a.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/))&&(s=a.substr(0,2)==="//",s&&!(c&&Xs[c])&&(a=a.substr(2),this.slashes=!0)),!Xs[c]&&(s||c&&!Ys[c])){var u=-1;for(e=0;e<Ks.length;e++)o=a.indexOf(Ks[e]),o!==-1&&(u===-1||o<u)&&(u=o);var h,d;for(u===-1?d=a.lastIndexOf("@"):d=a.lastIndexOf("@",u),d!==-1&&(h=a.slice(0,d),a=a.slice(d+1),this.auth=h),u=-1,e=0;e<Gs.length;e++)o=a.indexOf(Gs[e]),o!==-1&&(u===-1||o<u)&&(u=o);u===-1&&(u=a.length),a[u-1]===":"&&u--;var f=a.slice(0,u);a=a.slice(u),this.parseHost(f),this.hostname=this.hostname||"";var p=this.hostname[0]==="["&&this.hostname[this.hostname.length-1]==="]";if(!p){var m=this.hostname.split(/\./);for(e=0,n=m.length;e<n;e++){var w=m[e];if(w&&!w.match(Zs)){for(var v="",b=0,k=w.length;b<k;b++)w.charCodeAt(b)>127?v+="x":v+=w[b];if(!v.match(Zs)){var x=m.slice(0,e),E=m.slice(e+1),y=w.match(ed);y&&(x.push(y[1]),E.unshift(y[2])),E.length&&(a=E.join(".")+a),this.hostname=x.join(".");break}}}}this.hostname.length>td&&(this.hostname=""),p&&(this.hostname=this.hostname.substr(1,this.hostname.length-2))}var S=a.indexOf("#");S!==-1&&(this.hash=a.substr(S),a=a.slice(0,S));var D=a.indexOf("?");return D!==-1&&(this.search=a.substr(D),a=a.slice(0,D)),a&&(this.pathname=a),Ys[r]&&this.hostname&&!this.pathname&&(this.pathname=""),this};cn.prototype.parseHost=function(i){var t=Zh.exec(i);t&&(t=t[0],t!==":"&&(this.port=t.substr(1)),i=i.substr(0,i.length-t.length)),i&&(this.hostname=i)};Js.exports=id});var Xr=_((Vb,Ze)=>{"use strict";Ze.exports.encode=zs();Ze.exports.decode=js();Ze.exports.format=Ws();Ze.exports.parse=Qs()});var Yr=_((Wb,ta)=>{ta.exports=/[\0-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/});var Jr=_((Gb,ea)=>{ea.exports=/[\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/});var na=_((Kb,ia)=>{ia.exports=/[\xAD\u0600-\u0605\u061C\u06DD\u070F\u08E2\u180E\u200B-\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u2064\u2066-\u206F\uFEFF\uFFF9-\uFFFB]|\uD804[\uDCBD\uDCCD]|\uD82F[\uDCA0-\uDCA3]|\uD834[\uDD73-\uDD7A]|\uDB40[\uDC01\uDC20-\uDC7F]/});var Qr=_((Zb,ra)=>{ra.exports=/[ \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000]/});var oa=_(ge=>{"use strict";ge.Any=Yr();ge.Cc=Jr();ge.Cf=na();ge.P=sn();ge.Z=Qr()});var N=_(Q=>{"use strict";function nd(i){return Object.prototype.toString.call(i)}function rd(i){return nd(i)==="[object String]"}var od=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function aa(i,t){return od.call(i,t)}function sd(i){var t=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);return t.forEach(function(e){if(e){if(typeof e!="object")throw new TypeError(e+"must be object");Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n){i[n]=e[n]})}}),i}function ad(i,t,e){return[].concat(i.slice(0,t),e,i.slice(t+1))}function la(i){return!(i>=55296&&i<=57343||i>=64976&&i<=65007||(i&65535)===65535||(i&65535)===65534||i>=0&&i<=8||i===11||i>=14&&i<=31||i>=127&&i<=159||i>1114111)}function ca(i){if(i>65535){i-=65536;var t=55296+(i>>10),e=56320+(i&1023);return String.fromCharCode(t,e)}return String.fromCharCode(i)}var ua=/\\([!"#$%&' ( ) * + , \ - . \ / : ; <= > ? @ [ \ \ \ ] ^ _ ` {|}~])/g,ld=/&([a-z#][a-z0-9]{1,31});/gi,cd=new RegExp(ua.source+"|"+ld.source,"gi"),ud=/^#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8})) $ /i,sa=Zr();function hd(i,t){var e;return aa(sa,t)?sa[t]:t.charCodeAt(0)===35&&ud.test(t)&&(e=t[1].toLowerCase()==="x"?parseInt(t.slice(2),16):parseInt(t.slice(1),10),la(e))?ca(e):i}function dd(i){return i.indexOf(" \\ ")<0?i:i.replace(ua," $ 1")}function pd(i){return i.indexOf(" \\ "
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2023-05-03 06:05:33 -04:00
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2024-04-05 10:20:08 -04:00
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2020-09-20 05:33:18 -04:00
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2024-04-05 10:20:08 -04:00
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2020-09-20 05:33:18 -04:00
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2024-04-05 10:20:08 -04:00
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( o = r . slice ( t . length , r . length - e . length ) , s = n . extend ( n . from , n . to - ( t . length + e . length ) ) ) : ( o = ` ${ t } ${ r } ${ e } ` , s = n . extend ( n . from , n . to + ( t . length + e . length ) ) ) , L ( this , dt , wt ) . call ( this , n . from , n . to , o , s . anchor , s . head ) } replaceLineStartForOrderedList ( ) { let t = L ( this , rt , ht ) . call ( this ) , e = this . editor . cm . state . doc . lineAt ( t . from ) , r = this . editor . cm . state . doc . line ( e . number - 1 ) . text . match ( /^(\s*)(\d)([).])\s/ ) || [ ] , o = ( Number ( r [ 2 ] ) || 0 ) + 1 , s = r [ 1 ] || "" , a = r [ 3 ] || "." , l = ` ${ s } ${ o } ${ a } ` ; return this . replaceLineStart ( l ) } cycleCalloutTypeAtSelection ( ) { let t = L ( this , rt , ht ) . call ( this ) , e = this . editor . cm . state . doc . lineAt ( t . from ) , n = [ "info" , "success" , "warning" , "danger" ] , r = n . join ( "|" ) , s = new RegExp ( ` class="(( ${ r } ) \\ s+callout|callout \\ s+( ${ r } ))" ` , "i" ) . exec ( e . text ) , a = ( s ? s [ 2 ] || s [ 3 ] : "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ; if ( a === n [ n . length - 1 ] ) L ( this , Ce , Tn ) . call ( this , ` <p class="callout ${ n [ n . length - 1 ] } "> ` , "</p>" ) ; else if ( a === "" ) L ( this , Ce , Tn ) . call ( this , '<p class="callout info">' , "</p>" ) ; else { let l = n . indexOf ( a ) + 1 , c = n [ l ] , u = e . text . replace ( s [ 0 ] , s [ 0 ] . replace ( a , c ) ) , h = u . length - e . text . length ; L ( this , dt , wt ) . call ( this , e . from , e . to , u , t . anchor + h , t . head + h ) } } syncDisplayPosition ( t ) { let e = t . target ; if ( Math . abs ( e . scrollHeight - e . clientHeight - e . scrollTop ) < 1 ) { this . editor . display . scrollToIndex ( - 1 ) ; return } let r = this . editor . cm . lineBlockAtHeight ( e . scrollTop ) , o = this . editor . cm . state . sliceDoc ( 0 , r . from ) , l = new DOMParser ( ) . parseFromString ( this . editor . markdown . render ( o ) , "text/html" ) . documentElement . querySelectorAll ( "body > *" ) ; this . editor . display . scrollToIndex ( l . length ) } async insertTemplate ( t , e , n ) { let r = this . editor . cm . posAtCoords ( { x : e , y : n } , ! 1 ) , { data : o } = await window . $http . get ( ` /templates/ ${ t } ` ) , s = o . markdown || o . html ; L ( this , dt , wt ) . call ( this , r , r , s , r ) } insertClipboardImages ( t , e , n ) { let r = this . editor . cm . posAtCoords ( { x : e , y : n } , ! 1 ) ; for ( let o of t ) this . uploadImage ( o , r ) } async uploadImage ( t , e = null ) { if ( t === null || t . type . indexOf ( "image" ) !== 0 ) return ; let n = "png" ; if ( e === null && ( e = L ( this , rt , ht ) . call ( this ) . from ) , t . name ) { let c = t . name . match ( /\.(.+)$/ ) ; c . length > 1 && ( n = c [ 1 ] ) } let r = ` image- ${ Math . random ( ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( 2 ) } ` , s = ` ![]( ${ window . baseUrl ( ` /loading.gif#upload ${ r } ` ) } ) ` ; L ( this , dt , wt ) . call ( this , e , e , s , e ) ; let a = ` image- ${ Date . now ( ) } . ${ n } ` , l = new FormData ; l . append ( "file" , t , a ) , l . append ( "uploaded_to" , this . editor . config . pageId ) ; try { let { data : c } = await window . $http . post ( "/images/gallery" , l ) , u = ` [![]( ${ c . thumbs . display } )]( ${ c . url } ) ` ; L ( this , ri , Uo ) . call ( this , s , u ) } catch ( c ) { window . $events . error ( c ? . data ? . message || this . editor . config . text . imageUploadError ) , L ( this , ri , Uo ) . call ( this , s , "" ) , console . error ( c ) } } } ; ii = new WeakSet , zo = function ( t , e ) { let n = ` <div drawio-diagram=" ${ t . id } "><img src=" ${ t . url } "></div> ` ; L ( this , Pt , ie ) . call ( this , n , n . length , e ) } , xe = new WeakSet , Dn = function ( ) { return this . editor . cm . state . doc . toString ( ) } , ke = new WeakSet , Ln = function ( t , e = null ) { e = e || L ( this , rt , ht ) . call ( this ) ; let n = this . editor . cm . state . toText ( t ) , r = Math . min ( e . from , n . length ) ; L ( this , dt , wt ) . call ( this , 0 , this . editor . cm . state . doc . length , t , r ) , this . focus ( ) } , Pt = new WeakSet , ie = function ( t , e = 0 , n = null ) { n = n || this . editor . cm . state . selection . main ; let r = n . from + e ; L ( this , dt , wt ) . call ( this , n . from , n . to , t , r ) , this . focus ( ) } , Wt = new WeakSet , ye = function ( t = null ) { return t = t || L ( this , rt , ht ) . call ( this ) , this . editor . cm . state . sliceDoc ( t . from , t . to ) } , rt = new WeakSet , ht = function ( ) { return this . editor . cm . state . selection . main } , ni = new WeakSet , Ho = function ( t ) { return t . replace ( /\r\n|\r/g , `
` )},ri=new WeakSet,Uo=function(t,e){let n=L(this,xe,Dn).call(this).replace(t,e);L(this,ke,Ln).call(this,n)},Ce=new WeakSet,Tn=function(t,e){let n=L(this,rt,ht).call(this),r=this.editor.cm.state.doc.lineAt(n.from),o=r.text,s,a=0;o.startsWith(t)&&o.endsWith(e)?(s=o.slice(t.length,o.length-e.length),a=-t.length):(s= ` $ { t } $ { o } $ { e } ` ,a=t.length),L(this,dt,wt).call(this,r.from,r.to,s,n.from+a)},dt=new WeakSet,wt=function(t,e=null,n=null,r=null,o=null){let s={changes:{from:t,to:e,insert:n}};r&&(s.selection={anchor:r},o&&(s.selection.head=o)),this.editor.cm.dispatch(s)},In=new WeakSet,eu=function(t,e,n=!1){this.editor.cm.dispatch({selection:{anchor:t,head:e},scrollIntoView:n})};var Mn=class{constructor(t){this.settingMap={scrollSync:!0,showPreview:!0,editorWidth:50},this.changeListeners={},this.loadFromLocalStorage(),this.applyToInputs(t),this.listenToInputChanges(t)}applyToInputs(t){for(let e of t){let n=e.getAttribute("name").replace("md-","");e.checked=this.settingMap[n]}}listenToInputChanges(t){for(let e of t)e.addEventListener("change",()=>{let n=e.getAttribute("name").replace("md-","");this.set(n,e.checked)})}loadFromLocalStorage(){let t=window.localStorage.getItem("md-editor-settings");if(!t)return;let e=JSON.parse(t);for(let[n,r]of Object.entries(e))r!==null&&this.settingMap[n]!==void 0&&(this.settingMap[n]=r)}set(t,e){this.settingMap[t]=e,window.localStorage.setItem("md-editor-settings",JSON.stringify(this.settingMap));for(let n of this.changeListeners[t]||[])n(e)}get(t){return this.settingMap[t]||null}onChange(t,e){let n=this.changeListeners[t]||[];n.push(e),this.changeListeners[t]=n}};function Fn({html:i,markdown:t}){return t||i}function iu(i){window. $ events.listen("editor::replace",t=>{let e=Fn(t);i.actions.replaceContent(e)}),window. $ events.listen("editor::append",t=>{let e=Fn(t);i.actions.appendContent(e)}),window. $ events.listen("editor::prepend",t=>{let e=Fn(t);i.actions.prependContent(e)}),window. $ events.listen("editor::insert",t=>{let e=Fn(t);i.actions.insertContent(e)}),window. $ events.listen("editor::focus",()=>{i.actions.focus()})}function Gf(i){let t={};return t["Shift-Mod-i"]=()=>i.actions.insertImage(),t["Mod-s"]=()=>window. $ events.emit("editor-save-draft"),t["Mod-Enter"]=()=>window. $ events.emit("editor-save-page"),t["Shift-Mod-k"]=()=>i.actions.showLinkSelector(),t["Mod-k"]=()=>i.actions.insertLink(),t["Mod-1"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart("##"),t["Mod-2"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart("###"),t["Mod-3"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart("####"),t["Mod-4"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart("#####"),t["Mod-5"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart(""),t["Mod-d"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart(""),t["Mod-6"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart(">"),t["Mod-q"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart(">"),t["Mod-7"]=()=>i.actions.wrapSelection(" \n ` ` ` \ n "," \ n ` ` ` "),t["Mod-8"]=()=>i.actions.wrapSelection(" ` "," ` "),t["Shift-Mod-e"]=()=>i.actions.wrapSelection(" ` "," ` "),t["Mod-9"]=()=>i.actions.cycleCalloutTypeAtSelection(),t["Mod-p"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStart("-"),t["Mod-o"]=()=>i.actions.replaceLineStartForOrderedList(),t}function nu(i){let t=Gf(i),e=[],n=r=>()=>(r(),!0);for(let[r,o]of Object.entries(t))e.push({key:r,run:n(o),preventDefault:!0});return e}async function ru(i){let t=await window.importVersioned("code");function e(a){a.docChanged&&i.actions.updateAndRender()}let n=Nt(i.actions.syncDisplayPosition.bind(i.actions),100,!1),r=i.settings.get("scrollSync");i.settings.onChange("scrollSync",a=>{r=a});let o={scroll:a=>r&&n(a),drop:a=>{let l=a.dataTransfer.getData("bookstack/template");l&&(a.preventDefault(),i.actions.insertTemplate(l,a.pageX,a.pageY));let u=new Ft(a.dataTransfer).getImages();u.length>0&&(a.stopPropagation(),a.preventDefault(),i.actions.insertClipboardImages(u,a.pageX,a.pageY))},paste:a=>{let l=new Ft(a.clipboardData||a.dataTransfer);if(!l.hasItems()||l.containsTabularData())return;let c=l.getImages();for(let u of c)i.actions.uploadImage(u)}},s=t.markdownEditor(i.config.inputEl,e,o,nu(i));return window.mdEditorView=s,s}async function ou(i){let t={config:i,markdown:new yn,settings:new Mn(i.settingInputs)};return t.ac
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w i n d o w . $ e v e n t s . e m i t ( " e r r o r " , r e . t r a n s l a t i o n s . s e r v e r U p l o a d L i m i t T e x t ) : w i n d o w . $ e v e n t s . e m i t ( " e r r o r " , r e . t r a n s l a t i o n s . i m a g e U p l o a d E r r o r T e x t ) , c o n s o l e . e r r o r ( o ) } ; i f ( o e ) { e e ( ) ; l e t o = o e . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( " i m g " ) ; t r y { l e t s = a w a i t N o ( i , r e . p a g e I d ) ; p t . u n d o M a n a g e r . t r a n s a c t ( ( ) = > { p t . d o m . s e t A t t r i b ( o , " s r c " , s . u r l ) , p t . d o m . s e t A t t r i b ( o e , " d r a w i o - d i a g r a m " , s . i d ) } ) } c a t c h ( s ) { t h r o w e ( s ) , n e w E r r o r ( ` F a i l e d t o s a v e i m a g e w i t h e r r o r : $ { s } ` ) } r e t u r n } a w a i t o s ( 5 ) ; l e t n = ` d r a w i n g - $ { M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( 1 6 ) . s l i c e ( 2 ) } ` , r = ` d r a w i n g - w r a p - $ { M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) . t o S t r i n g ( 1 6 ) . s l i c e ( 2 ) } ` ; p t . i n s e r t C o n t e n t ( ` < d i v d r a w i o - d i a g r a m c o n t e n t e d i t a b l e = " f a l s e " i d = " $ { r } " > < i m g s r c = " $ { t } " i d = " $ { n } " > < / d i v > ` ) , e e ( ) ; t r y { l e t o = a w a i t N o ( i , r e . p a g e I d ) ; p t . u n d o M a n a g e r . t r a n s a c t ( ( ) = > { p t . d o m . s e t A t t r i b ( n , " s r c " , o . u r l ) , p t . d o m . s e t A t t r i b ( r , " d r a w i o - d i a g r a m " , o . i d ) } ) } c a t c h ( o ) { t h r o w p t . d o m . r e m o v e ( r ) , e ( o ) , n e w E r r o r ( ` F a i l e d t o s a v e i m a g e w i t h e r r o r : $ { o } ` ) } } f u n c t i o n c m ( ) { i f ( ! o e ) r e t u r n P r o m i s e . r e s o l v e ( " " ) ; l e t i = o e . g e t A t t r i b u t e ( " d r a w i o - d i a g r a m " ) ; r e t u r n A n ( i ) } f u n c t i o n w u ( i , t = n u l l ) { p t = i , o e = t , e i ( r e . d r a w i o U r l , c m , l m ) } f u n c t i o n u m ( i ) { i . a d d C o m m a n d ( " d r a w i o " , ( ) = > { l e t t = i . s e l e c t i o n . g e t N o d e ( ) ; w u ( i , j o ( t ) ? t : n u l l ) } ) , i . u i . r e g i s t r y . a d d I c o n ( " d i a g r a m " , ` < s v g w i d t h = " 2 4 "
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2023-01-31 06:59:51 -05:00
/ * ! B u n d l e d l i c e n s e i n f o r m a t i o n :
sortablejs / modular / sortable . esm . js :
( * * !
2024-04-05 10:20:08 -04:00
* Sortable 1.15 . 2
2023-01-31 06:59:51 -05:00
* @ author RubaXa < trash @ rubaxa . org >
* @ author owenm < owen23355 @ gmail . com >
* @ license MIT
* )
* /
2020-09-20 05:33:18 -04:00
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