2023-04-07 13:07:32 -04:00
var Td = Object . create ; var $r = Object . defineProperty ; var Id = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ; var Dd = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ; var Ld = Object . getPrototypeOf , Fd = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ; var Rd = ( r , e , t ) => e in r ? $r ( r , e , { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 , value : t } ) : r [ e ] = t ; var Od = ( r , e ) => ( ) => ( r && ( e = r ( r = 0 ) ) , e ) ; var ne = ( r , e ) => ( ) => ( e || r ( ( e = { exports : { } } ) . exports , e ) , e . exports ) , bo = ( r , e ) => { for ( var t in e ) $r ( r , t , { get : e [ t ] , enumerable : ! 0 } ) } , Vs = ( r , e , t , n ) => { if ( e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function" ) for ( let o of Dd ( e ) ) ! Fd . call ( r , o ) && o !== t && $r ( r , o , { get : ( ) => e [ o ] , enumerable : ! ( n = Id ( e , o ) ) || n . enumerable } ) ; return r } ; var gn = ( r , e , t ) => ( t = r != null ? Td ( Ld ( r ) ) : { } , Vs ( e || ! r || ! r . _ _esModule ? $r ( t , "default" , { value : r , enumerable : ! 0 } ) : t , r ) ) , Pd = r => Vs ( $r ( { } , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) , r ) ; var xr = ( r , e , t ) => ( Rd ( r , typeof e != "symbol" ? e + "" : e , t ) , t ) , Md = ( r , e , t ) => { if ( ! e . has ( r ) ) throw TypeError ( "Cannot " + t ) } ; var xo = ( r , e , t ) => { if ( e . has ( r ) ) throw TypeError ( "Cannot add the same private member more than once" ) ; e instanceof WeakSet ? e . add ( r ) : e . set ( r , t ) } ; var _r = ( r , e , t ) => ( Md ( r , e , "access private method" ) , t ) ; var Da = ne ( ( oi , Zo ) => { ( function ( e , t ) { if ( typeof oi == "object" && typeof Zo == "object" ) Zo . exports = t ( ) ; else if ( typeof define == "function" && define . amd ) define ( [ ] , t ) ; else { var n = t ( ) ; for ( var o in n ) ( typeof oi == "object" ? oi : e ) [ o ] = n [ o ] } } ) ( self , function ( ) { return function ( ) { var r = { 3099 : function ( o ) { o . exports = function ( s ) { if ( typeof s != "function" ) throw TypeError ( String ( s ) + " is not a function" ) ; return s } } , 6077 : function ( o , s , i ) { var a = i ( 111 ) ; o . exports = function ( l ) { if ( ! a ( l ) && l !== null ) throw TypeError ( "Can't set " + String ( l ) + " as a prototype" ) ; return l } } , 1223 : function ( o , s , i ) { var a = i ( 5112 ) , l = i ( 30 ) , c = i ( 3070 ) , u = a ( "unscopables" ) , d = Array . prototype ; d [ u ] == null && c . f ( d , u , { configurable : ! 0 , value : l ( null ) } ) , o . exports = function ( h ) { d [ u ] [ h ] = ! 0 } } , 1530 : function ( o , s , i ) { "use strict" ; var a = i ( 8710 ) . charAt ; o . exports = function ( l , c , u ) { return c + ( u ? a ( l , c ) . length : 1 ) } } , 5787 : function ( o ) { o . exports = function ( s , i , a ) { if ( ! ( s instanceof i ) ) throw TypeError ( "Incorrect " + ( a ? a + " " : "" ) + "invocation" ) ; return s } } , 9670 : function ( o , s , i ) { var a = i ( 111 ) ; o . exports = function ( l ) { if ( ! a ( l ) ) throw TypeError ( String ( l ) + " is not an object" ) ; return l } } , 4019 : function ( o ) { o . exports = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && typeof DataView < "u" } , 260 : function ( o , s , i ) { "use strict" ; var a = i ( 4019 ) , l = i ( 9781 ) , c = i ( 7854 ) , u = i ( 111 ) , d = i ( 6656 ) , h = i ( 648 ) , f = i ( 8880 ) , p = i ( 1320 ) , v = i ( 3070 ) . f , y = i ( 9518 ) , b = i ( 7674 ) , x = i ( 5112 ) , T = i ( 9711 ) , C = c . Int8Array , M = C && C . prototype , S = c . Uint8ClampedArray , O = S && S . prototype , A = C && y ( C ) , D = M && y ( M ) , I = Object . prototype , P = I . isPrototypeOf , _ = x ( "toStringTag" ) , B = T ( "TYPED_ARRAY_TAG" ) , H = a && ! ! b && h ( c . opera ) !== "Opera" , Q = ! 1 , Y , re = { Int8Array : 1 , Uint8Array : 1 , Uint8ClampedArray : 1 , Int16Array : 2 , Uint16Array : 2 , Int32Array : 4 , Uint32Array : 4 , Float32Array : 4 , Float64Array : 8 } , ie = { BigInt64Array : 8 , BigUint64Array : 8 } , xe = function ( Ae ) { if ( ! u ( Ae ) ) return ! 1 ; var Le = h ( Ae ) ; return Le === "DataView" || d ( re , Le ) || d ( ie , Le ) } , Ie = function ( me ) { if ( ! u ( me ) ) return ! 1 ; var Ae = h ( me ) ; return d ( re , Ae ) || d ( ie , Ae ) } , Ce = function ( me ) { if ( Ie ( me ) ) return me ; throw TypeError ( "Target is not a typed array" ) } , Pe = function ( me ) { if ( b ) { if ( P . call ( A , me ) ) return me } else for ( var Ae in re ) if ( d ( re , Y ) ) { var Le = c [ Ae ] ; if ( Le && ( me === Le || P . call ( Le , me ) ) ) return me } throw TypeError ( "Target is not a typed array constructor" ) } , Me = function ( me , Ae , Le ) { if ( l ) { if ( Le ) for ( var Re in re ) { var $e = c [ Re ] ; $e && d ( $e . prototype , me ) && delete $e . prototype [ me ] } ( ! D [ me ] || Le ) && p ( D , me , Le ? Ae : H && M [ me ] || Ae ) } } , Ne = function ( me , Ae , Le ) { var Re , $e ; if ( l ) { if ( b ) { if ( Le ) for ( Re in re ) $e = c [ Re ] , $e && d ( $e , me ) && delete $e [ me ] ; if ( ! A [ me ] || Le ) try { return p ( A , me , Le ? Ae : H && C [ me ] || Ae ) } catch { } else return } for ( Re in re ) $e = c [ Re ] , $e && ( ! $e [ me ] || Le ) && p ( $e , me , Ae ) } } ; for ( Y in re ) c [ Y ] || ( H = ! 1 ) ; if ( ( ! H || typeof A != "function" || A === Function . prototype ) && ( A = function ( ) { throw TypeError ( "Incorrect invocation" ) } , H ) ) for ( Y in re ) c [ Y ] && b ( c [ Y ] , A ) ; if ( ( ! H || ! D || D === I ) && ( D = A . prototype , H ) ) for ( Y in re ) c [ Y ] && b ( c [ Y ] . prototype , D ) ; if ( H && y ( O ) !== D && b ( O , D ) , l && ! d ( D , _ ) ) { Q = ! 0 , v ( D , _ , { get : function ( ) { return u ( this ) ? this [ B ] : void 0 } } ) ; for ( Y in re ) c [ Y ] && f ( c [ Y ] , B , Y ) } o . exports = { NATIVE _ARRAY _BUFFER _VIEWS : H , TYPED _ARRAY _TAG : Q && B , aTypedArray : Ce , aTypedArrayConstructor : Pe , exportTypedArrayMethod : Me , exportTypedArray
` )&&(D="(?: "+D+")",P=" "+P,I++),C=new RegExp("^(?:"+D+")",A)),p&&(C=new RegExp("^"+D+" $ (?! \\ s)",A)),h&&(T=x.lastIndex),M=c.call(O?C:x,P),O?M?(M.input=M.input.slice(I),M[0]=M[0].slice(I),M.index=x.lastIndex,x.lastIndex+=M[0].length):x.lastIndex=0:h&&M&&(x.lastIndex=x.global?M.index+M[0].length:T),p&&M&&M.length>1&&u.call(M[0],C,function(){for(S=1;S<arguments.length-2;S++)arguments[S]===void 0&&(M[S]=void 0)}),M}),o.exports=d},7066:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(9670);o.exports=function(){var l=a(this),c="";return l.global&&(c+="g"),l.ignoreCase&&(c+="i"),l.multiline&&(c+="m"),l.dotAll&&(c+="s"),l.unicode&&(c+="u"),l.sticky&&(c+="y"),c}},2999:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(7293);function l(c,u){return RegExp(c,u)}s.UNSUPPORTED_Y=a(function(){var c=l("a","y");return c.lastIndex=2,c.exec("abcd")!=null}),s.BROKEN_CARET=a(function(){var c=l("^r","gy");return c.lastIndex=2,c.exec("str")!=null})},4488:function(o){o.exports=function(s){if(s==null)throw TypeError("Can't call method on "+s);return s}},3505:function(o,s,i){var a=i(7854),l=i(8880);o.exports=function(c,u){try{l(a,c,u)}catch{a[c]=u}return u}},6340:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(5005),l=i(3070),c=i(5112),u=i(9781),d=c("species");o.exports=function(h){var f=a(h),p=l.f;u&&f&&!f[d]&&p(f,d,{configurable:!0,get:function(){return this}})}},8003:function(o,s,i){var a=i(3070).f,l=i(6656),c=i(5112),u=c("toStringTag");o.exports=function(d,h,f){d&&!l(d=f?d:d.prototype,u)&&a(d,u,{configurable:!0,value:h})}},6200:function(o,s,i){var a=i(2309),l=i(9711),c=a("keys");o.exports=function(u){return c[u]||(c[u]=l(u))}},5465:function(o,s,i){var a=i(7854),l=i(3505),c="__core-js_shared__",u=a[c]||l(c,{});o.exports=u},2309:function(o,s,i){var a=i(1913),l=i(5465);(o.exports=function(c,u){return l[c]||(l[c]=u!==void 0?u:{})})("versions",[]).push({version:"3.9.0",mode:a?"pure":"global",copyright:" \x A9 2021 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)"})},6707:function(o,s,i){var a=i(9670),l=i(3099),c=i(5112),u=c("species");o.exports=function(d,h){var f=a(d).constructor,p;return f===void 0||(p=a(f)[u])==null?h:l(p)}},8710:function(o,s,i){var a=i(9958),l=i(4488),c=function(u){return function(d,h){var f=String(l(d)),p=a(h),v=f.length,y,b;return p<0||p>=v?u?"":void 0:(y=f.charCodeAt(p),y<55296||y>56319||p+1===v||(b=f.charCodeAt(p+1))<56320||b>57343?u?f.charAt(p):y:u?f.slice(p,p+2):(y-55296<<10)+(b-56320)+65536)}};o.exports={codeAt:c(!1),charAt:c(!0)}},3197:function(o){"use strict";var s=2147483647,i=36,a=1,l=26,c=38,u=700,d=72,h=128,f="-",p=/[^ \0 - \u 007E]/,v=/[. \u 3002 \u FF0E \u FF61]/g,y="Overflow: input needs wider integers to process",b=i-a,x=Math.floor,T=String.fromCharCode,C=function(A){for(var D=[],I=0,P=A.length;I<P;){var _=A.charCodeAt(I++);if(_>=55296&&_<=56319&&I<P){var B=A.charCodeAt(I++);(B&64512)==56320?D.push(((_&1023)<<10)+(B&1023)+65536):(D.push(_),I--)}else D.push(_)}return D},M=function(A){return A+22+75*(A<26)},S=function(A,D,I){var P=0;for(A=I?x(A/u):A>>1,A+=x(A/D);A>b*l>>1;P+=i)A=x(A/b);return x(P+(b+1)*A/(A+c))},O=function(A){var D=[];A=C(A);var I=A.length,P=h,_=0,B=d,H,Q;for(H=0;H<A.length;H++)Q=A[H],Q<128&&D.push(T(Q));var Y=D.length,re=Y;for(Y&&D.push(f);re<I;){var ie=s;for(H=0;H<A.length;H++)Q=A[H],Q>=P&&Q<ie&&(ie=Q);var xe=re+1;if(ie-P>x((s-_)/xe))throw RangeError(y);for(_+=(ie-P)*xe,P=ie,H=0;H<A.length;H++){if(Q=A[H],Q<P&&++_>s)throw RangeError(y);if(Q==P){for(var Ie=_,Ce=i;;Ce+=i){var Pe=Ce<=B?a:Ce>=B+l?l:Ce-B;if(Ie<Pe)break;var Me=Ie-Pe,Ne=i-Pe;D.push(T(M(Pe+Me%Ne))),Ie=x(Me/Ne)}D.push(T(M(Ie))),B=S(_,xe,re==Y),_=0,++re}}++_,++P}return D.join("")};o.exports=function(A){var D=[],I=A.toLowerCase().replace(v,".").split("."),P,_;for(P=0;P<I.length;P++)_=I[P],D.push(p.test(_)?"xn--"+O(_):_);return D.join(".")}},6091:function(o,s,i){var a=i(7293),l=i(1361),c=" \u 200B \x 85 \u 180E";o.exports=function(u){return a(function(){return!!l[u]()||c[u]()!=c||l[u].name!==u})}},3111:function(o,s,i){var a=i(4488),l=i(1361),c="["+l+"]",u=RegExp("^"+c+c+"*"),d=RegExp(c+c+"* $ "),h=function(f){return function(p){var v=String(a(p));return f&1&&(v=v.replace(u,"")),f&2&&(v=v.replace(d,"")),v}};o.expor
\ v \ f \ r \ xA0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF ` },8264:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(7854),c=i(3331),u=i(6340),d="ArrayBuffer",h=c[d],f=l[d];a({global:!0,forced:f!==h},{ArrayBuffer:h}),u(d)},2222:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(7293),c=i(3157),u=i(111),d=i(7908),h=i(7466),f=i(6135),p=i(5417),v=i(1194),y=i(5112),b=i(7392),x=y("isConcatSpreadable"),T=9007199254740991,C="Maximum allowed index exceeded",M=b>=51||!l(function(){var D=[];return D[x]=!1,D.concat()[0]!==D}),S=v("concat"),O=function(D){if(!u(D))return!1;var I=D[x];return I!==void 0?!!I:c(D)},A=!M||!S;a({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:A},{concat:function(I){var P=d(this),_=p(P,0),B=0,H,Q,Y,re,ie;for(H=-1,Y=arguments.length;H<Y;H++)if(ie=H===-1?P:arguments[H],O(ie)){if(re=h(ie.length),B+re>T)throw TypeError(C);for(Q=0;Q<re;Q++,B++)Q in ie&&f(_,B,ie[Q])}else{if(B>=T)throw TypeError(C);f(_,B++,ie)}return _.length=B,_}})},7327:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(2092).filter,c=i(1194),u=c("filter");a({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:!u},{filter:function(h){return l(this,h,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}})},2772:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(1318).indexOf,c=i(9341),u=[].indexOf,d=!!u&&1/[1].indexOf(1,-0)<0,h=c("indexOf");a({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:d||!h},{indexOf:function(p){return d?u.apply(this,arguments)||0:l(this,p,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}})},6992:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(5656),l=i(1223),c=i(7497),u=i(9909),d=i(654),h="Array Iterator",f=u.set,p=u.getterFor(h);o.exports=d(Array,"Array",function(v,y){f(this,{type:h,target:a(v),index:0,kind:y})},function(){var v=p(this),y=v.target,b=v.kind,x=v.index++;return!y||x>=y.length?(v.target=void 0,{value:void 0,done:!0}):b=="keys"?{value:x,done:!1}:b=="values"?{value:y[x],done:!1}:{value:[x,y[x]],done:!1}},"values"),c.Arguments=c.Array,l("keys"),l("values"),l("entries")},1249:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(2092).map,c=i(1194),u=c("map");a({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:!u},{map:function(h){return l(this,h,arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0)}})},7042:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(111),c=i(3157),u=i(1400),d=i(7466),h=i(5656),f=i(6135),p=i(5112),v=i(1194),y=v("slice"),b=p("species"),x=[].slice,T=Math.max;a({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:!y},{slice:function(M,S){var O=h(this),A=d(O.length),D=u(M,A),I=u(S===void 0?A:S,A),P,_,B;if(c(O)&&(P=O.constructor,typeof P=="function"&&(P===Array||c(P.prototype))?P=void 0:l(P)&&(P=P[b],P===null&&(P=void 0)),P===Array||P===void 0))return x.call(O,D,I);for(_=new(P===void 0?Array:P)(T(I-D,0)),B=0;D<I;D++,B++)D in O&&f(_,B,O[D]);return _.length=B,_}})},561:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(1400),c=i(9958),u=i(7466),d=i(7908),h=i(5417),f=i(6135),p=i(1194),v=p("splice"),y=Math.max,b=Math.min,x=9007199254740991,T="Maximum allowed length exceeded";a({target:"Array",proto:!0,forced:!v},{splice:function(M,S){var O=d(this),A=u(O.length),D=l(M,A),I=arguments.length,P,_,B,H,Q,Y;if(I===0?P=_=0:I===1?(P=0,_=A-D):(P=I-2,_=b(y(c(S),0),A-D)),A+P-_>x)throw TypeError(T);for(B=h(O,_),H=0;H<_;H++)Q=D+H,Q in O&&f(B,H,O[Q]);if(B.length=_,P<_){for(H=D;H<A-_;H++)Q=H+_,Y=H+P,Q in O?O[Y]=O[Q]:delete O[Y];for(H=A;H>A-_+P;H--)delete O[H-1]}else if(P>_)for(H=A-_;H>D;H--)Q=H+_-1,Y=H+P-1,Q in O?O[Y]=O[Q]:delete O[Y];for(H=0;H<P;H++)O[H+D]=arguments[H+2];return O.length=A-_+P,B}})},8309:function(o,s,i){var a=i(9781),l=i(3070).f,c=Function.prototype,u=c.toString,d=/^ \s *function ([^ (]*)/,h="name";a&&!(h in c)&&l(c,h,{configurable:!0,get:function(){try{return u.call(this).match(d)[1]}catch{return""}}})},489:function(o,s,i){var a=i(2109),l=i(7293),c=i(7908),u=i(9518),d=i(8544),h=l(function(){u(1)});a({target:"Object",stat:!0,forced:h,sham:!d},{getPrototypeOf:function(p){return u(c(p))}})},1539:function(o,s,i){var a=i(1694),l=i(1320),c=i(288);a||l(Object.prototype,"toString",c,{unsafe:!0})},4916:function(o,s,i){"use strict";var a=i(2109),l=i(2261);a({target:"RegExp",proto:!0,forced:/./.exec!==l},{exec:l})},
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var g=!0,k=!1, $ ;return{s:function(){E=F[Symbol.iterator]()},n:function(){var z=E.next();return g=z.done,z},e:function(z){k=!0, $ =z},f:function(){try{!g&&E.return!=null&&E.return()}finally{if(k)throw $ }}}}function se(F,R){if(F){if(typeof F=="string")return de(F,R);var E=Object.prototype.toString.call(F).slice(8,-1);if(E==="Object"&&F.constructor&&(E=F.constructor.name),E==="Map"||E==="Set")return Array.from(F);if(E==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(E))return de(F,R)}}function de(F,R){(R==null||R>F.length)&&(R=F.length);for(var E=0,L=new Array(R);E<R;E++)L[E]=F[E];return L}function pe(F,R){if(!(F instanceof R))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function ce(F,R){for(var E=0;E<R.length;E++){var L=R[E];L.enumerable=L.enumerable||!1,L.configurable=!0,"value"in L&&(L.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(F,L.key,L)}}function ge(F,R,E){return R&&ce(F.prototype,R),E&&ce(F,E),F}var ee=function(){function F(){pe(this,F)}return ge(F,[{key:"on",value:function(E,L){return this._callbacks=this._callbacks||{},this._callbacks[E]||(this._callbacks[E]=[]),this._callbacks[E].push(L),this}},{key:"emit",value:function(E){this._callbacks=this._callbacks||{};for(var L=this._callbacks[E],m=arguments.length,g=new Array(m>1?m-1:0),k=1;k<m;k++)g[k-1]=arguments[k];if(L){var $ =ve(L,!0),U;try{for( $ .s();!(U= $ .n()).done;){var z=U.value;z.apply(this,g)}}catch(K){ $ .e(K)}finally{ $ .f()}}return this.element&&this.element.dispatchEvent(this.makeEvent("dropzone:"+E,{args:g})),this}},{key:"makeEvent",value:function(E,L){var m={bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0,detail:L};if(typeof window.CustomEvent=="function")return new CustomEvent(E,m);var g=document.createEvent("CustomEvent");return g.initCustomEvent(E,m.bubbles,m.cancelable,m.detail),g}},{key:"off",value:function(E,L){if(!this._callbacks||arguments.length===0)return this._callbacks={},this;var m=this._callbacks[E];if(!m)return this;if(arguments.length===1)return delete this._callbacks[E],this;for(var g=0;g<m.length;g++){var k=m[g];if(k===L){m.splice(g,1);break}}return this}}]),F}(),G='<div class="dz-preview dz-file-preview"> <div class="dz-image"><img data-dz-thumbnail/></div> <div class="dz-details"> <div class="dz-size"><span data-dz-size></span></div> <div class="dz-filename"><span data-dz-name></span></div> </div> <div class="dz-progress"> <span class="dz-upload" data-dz-uploadprogress></span> </div> <div class="dz-error-message"><span data-dz-errormessage></span></div> <div class="dz-success-mark"> <svg width="54px" height="54px" viewBox="0 0 54 54" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <title>Check</title> <g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M23.5,31.8431458 L17.5852419,25.9283877 C16.0248253,24.3679711 13.4910294,24.366835 11.9289322,25.9289322 C10.3700136,27.4878508 10.3665912,30.0234455 11.9283877,31.5852419 L20.4147581,40.0716123 C20.5133999,40.1702541 20.6159315,40.2626649 20.7218615,40.3488435 C22.2835669,41.8725651 24.794234,41.8626202 26.3461564,40.3106978 L43.3106978,23.3461564 C44.8771021,21.7797521 44.8758057,19.2483887 43.3137085,17.6862915 C41.7547899,16.1273729 39.2176035,16.1255422 37.6538436,17.6893022 L23.5,31.8431458 Z M27,53 C41.3594035,53 53,41.3594035 53,27 C53,12.6405965 41.3594035,1 27,1 C12.6405965,1 1,12.6405965 1,27 C1,41.3594035 12.6405965,53 27,53 Z" stroke-opacity="0.198794158" stroke="#747474" fill-opacity="0.816519475" fill="#FFFFFF"></path> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="dz-error-mark"> <svg width="54px" height="54px" viewBox="0 0 54 54" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <title>Error</title> <g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"> <g stroke="#747474" stroke-opacity="0.198794158" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-opacity="0.816519475"> <path d="M32.6568542,29 L38.3106978,23.3461564 C39.8771021,21.7797521 39.8758057,19.2483887 38.3137085,17.6862915 C36.7547899,16.1273729 34.2176035,16.1
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var g=!0,k=!1, $ ;return{s:function(){E=F[Symbol.iterator]()},n:function(){var z=E.next();return g=z.done,z},e:function(z){k=!0, $ =z},f:function(){try{!g&&E.return!=null&&E.return()}finally{if(k)throw $ }}}}function Ue(F,R){if(F){if(typeof F=="string")return Xe(F,R);var E=Object.prototype.toString.call(F).slice(8,-1);if(E==="Object"&&F.constructor&&(E=F.constructor.name),E==="Map"||E==="Set")return Array.from(F);if(E==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(E))return Xe(F,R)}}function Xe(F,R){(R==null||R>F.length)&&(R=F.length);for(var E=0,L=new Array(R);E<R;E++)L[E]=F[E];return L}var dt={url:null,method:"post",withCredentials:!1,timeout:null,parallelUploads:2,uploadMultiple:!1,chunking:!1,forceChunking:!1,chunkSize:2e6,parallelChunkUploads:!1,retryChunks:!1,retryChunksLimit:3,maxFilesize:256,paramName:"file",createImageThumbnails:!0,maxThumbnailFilesize:10,thumbnailWidth:120,thumbnailHeight:120,thumbnailMethod:"crop",resizeWidth:null,resizeHeight:null,resizeMimeType:null,resizeQuality:.8,resizeMethod:"contain",filesizeBase:1e3,maxFiles:null,headers:null,clickable:!0,ignoreHiddenFiles:!0,acceptedFiles:null,acceptedMimeTypes:null,autoProcessQueue:!0,autoQueue:!0,addRemoveLinks:!1,previewsContainer:null,disablePreviews:!1,hiddenInputContainer:"body",capture:null,renameFilename:null,renameFile:null,forceFallback:!1,dictDefaultMessage:"Drop files here to upload",dictFallbackMessage:"Your browser does not support drag'n'drop file uploads.",dictFallbackText:"Please use the fallback form below to upload your files like in the olden days.",dictFileTooBig:"File is too big ({{filesize}}MiB). Max filesize: {{maxFilesize}}MiB.",dictInvalidFileType:"You can't upload files of this type.",dictResponseError:"Server responded with {{statusCode}} code.",dictCancelUpload:"Cancel upload",dictUploadCanceled:"Upload canceled.",dictCancelUploadConfirmation:"Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?",dictRemoveFile:"Remove file",dictRemoveFileConfirmation:null,dictMaxFilesExceeded:"You can not upload any more files.",dictFileSizeUnits:{tb:"TB",gb:"GB",mb:"MB",kb:"KB",b:"b"},init:function(){},params:function(R,E,L){if(L)return{dzuuid:L.file.upload.uuid,dzchunkindex:L.index,dztotalfilesize:L.file.size,dzchunksize:this.options.chunkSize,dztotalchunkcount:L.file.upload.totalChunkCount,dzchunkbyteoffset:L.index*this.options.chunkSize}},accept:function(R,E){return E()},chunksUploaded:function(R,E){E()},fallback:function(){var R;this.element.className="".concat(this.element.className," dz-browser-not-supported");var E=he(this.element.getElementsByTagName("div"),!0),L;try{for(E.s();!(L=E.n()).done;){var m=L.value;if(/(^| )dz-message( $ | )/.test(m.className)){R=m,m.className="dz-message";break}}}catch(k){E.e(k)}finally{E.f()}R||(R=fe.createElement('<div class="dz-message"><span></span></div>'),this.element.appendChild(R));var g=R.getElementsByTagName("span")[0];return g&&(g.textContent!=null?g.textContent=this.options.dictFallbackMessage:g.innerText!=null&&(g.innerText=this.options.dictFallbackMessage)),this.element.appendChild(this.getFallbackForm())},resize:function(R,E,L,m){var g={srcX:0,srcY:0,srcWidth:R.width,srcHeight:R.height},k=R.width/R.height;E==null&&L==null?(E=g.srcWidth,L=g.srcHeight):E==null?E=L*k:L==null&&(L=E/k),E=Math.min(E,g.srcWidth),L=Math.min(L,g.srcHeight);var $ =E/L;if(g.srcWidth>E||g.srcHeight>L)if(m==="crop")k> $ ?(g.srcHeight=R.height,g.srcWidth=g.srcHeight* $ ):(g.srcWidth=R.width,g.srcHeight=g.srcWidth/ $ );else if(m==="contain")k> $ ?L=E/k:E=L*k;else throw new Error("Unknown resizeMethod '".concat(m,"'"));return g.srcX=(R.width-g.srcWidth)/2,g.srcY=(R.height-g.srcHeight)/2,g.trgWidth=E,g.trgHeight=L,g},transformFile:function(R,E){return(this.options.resizeWidth||this.options.resizeHeight)&&R.type.match(/image.*/)?this.resizeImage(R,this.options.resizeWidth,this.options.resizeHeight,this.options.resizeMethod,E):E(R)},previewTemplate:oe,drop:function(R){return this.element.classList.remove("dz-drag-hover")},dragstart:function(R){},
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}var g=!0,k=!1, $ ;return{s:function(){E=F[Symbol.iterator]()},n:function(){var z=E.next();return g=z.done,z},e:function(z){k=!0, $ =z},f:function(){try{!g&&E.return!=null&&E.return()}finally{if(k)throw $ }}}}function qt(F,R){if(F){if(typeof F=="string")return vt(F,R);var E=Object.prototype.toString.call(F).slice(8,-1);if(E==="Object"&&F.constructor&&(E=F.constructor.name),E==="Map"||E==="Set")return Array.from(F);if(E==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(E))return vt(F,R)}}function vt(F,R){(R==null||R>F.length)&&(R=F.length);for(var E=0,L=new Array(R);E<R;E++)L[E]=F[E];return L}function ar(F,R){if(!(F instanceof R))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function lr(F,R){for(var E=0;E<R.length;E++){var L=R[E];L.enumerable=L.enumerable||!1,L.configurable=!0,"value"in L&&(L.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(F,L.key,L)}}function Ze(F,R,E){return R&&lr(F.prototype,R),E&&lr(F,E),F}function _e(F,R){if(typeof R!="function"&&R!==null)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");F.prototype=Object.create(R&&R.prototype,{constructor:{value:F,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),R&&Ge(F,R)}function Ge(F,R){return Ge=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(L,m){return L.__proto__=m,L},Ge(F,R)}function mt(F){var R=_t();return function(){var L=lt(F),m;if(R){var g=lt(this).constructor;m=Reflect.construct(L,arguments,g)}else m=L.apply(this,arguments);return $ t(this,m)}}function $ t(F,R){return R&&(Fe(R)==="object"||typeof R=="function")?R:yt(F)}function yt(F){if(F===void 0)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return F}function _t(){if(typeof Reflect>"u"||!Reflect.construct||Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if(typeof Proxy=="function")return!0;try{return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date,[],function(){})),!0}catch{return!1}}function lt(F){return lt=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(E){return E.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(E)},lt(F)}var fe=function(F){_e(E,F);var R=mt(E);function E(L,m){var g;ar(this,E),g=R.call(this);var k, $ ;if(g.element=L,g.version=E.version,g.clickableElements=[],g.listeners=[],g.files=[],typeof g.element=="string"&&(g.element=document.querySelector(g.element)),!g.element||g.element.nodeType==null)throw new Error("Invalid dropzone element.");if(g.element.dropzone)throw new Error("Dropzone already attached.");E.instances.push(yt(g)),g.element.dropzone=yt(g);var U=( $ =E.optionsForElement(g.element))!=null? $ :{};if(g.options=E.extend({},st,U,m??{}),g.options.previewTemplate=g.options.previewTemplate.replace(/ \n */g,""),g.options.forceFallback||!E.isBrowserSupported())return $ t(g,g.options.fallback.call(yt(g)));if(g.options.url==null&&(g.options.url=g.element.getAttribute("action")),!g.options.url)throw new Error("No URL provided.");if(g.options.acceptedFiles&&g.options.acceptedMimeTypes)throw new Error("You can't provide both 'acceptedFiles' and 'acceptedMimeTypes'. 'acceptedMimeTypes' is deprecated.");if(g.options.uploadMultiple&&g.options.chunking)throw new Error("You cannot set both: uploadMultiple and chunking.");return g.options.acceptedMimeTypes&&(g.options.acceptedFiles=g.options.acceptedMimeTypes,delete g.options.acceptedMimeTypes),g.options.renameFilename!=null&&(g.options.renameFile=function(z){return g.options.renameFilename.call(yt(g),z.name,z)}),typeof g.options.method=="string"&&(g.options.method=g.options.method.toUpperCase()),(k=g.getExistingFallback())&&k.parentNode&&k.parentNode.removeChild(k),g.options.previewsContainer!==!1&&(g.options.previewsContainer?g.previewsContainer=E.getElement(g.options.previewsContainer,"previewsContainer"):g.previewsContainer=g.element),g.options.clickable&&(g.options.clickable===!0?g.clickableElements=[g.element]:g.clickableElements=E.getElements(g.options.clickable,"clickable")),g.init(),g}return Ze(E,[{key:"getAcceptedFiles",value:function(){return this.files.filter(function(m){return m.accepted}).map(function(m){return m})}},{key:"getRejectedFiles",v
2020-09-20 05:33:18 -04:00
Valid base64 characters are A - Z , a - z , 0 - 9 , '+' , '/' , and '='
2023-04-07 13:07:32 -04:00
Expect errors in decoding . ` ),E=E.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9 \+ \/ \= ]/g,""); $ =this.KEY_STR.indexOf(E.charAt(J++)),U=this.KEY_STR.indexOf(E.charAt(J++)),z=this.KEY_STR.indexOf(E.charAt(J++)),K=this.KEY_STR.indexOf(E.charAt(J++)),m= $ <<2|U>>4,g=(U&15)<<4|z>>2,k=(z&3)<<6|K,W.push(m),z!==64&&W.push(g),K!==64&&W.push(k),m=g=k="", $ =U=z=K="",J<E.length;);return W}}]),F}();Mr.initClass();var Gt=function(R,E){var L=!1,m=!0,g=R.document,k=g.documentElement, $ =g.addEventListener?"addEventListener":"attachEvent",U=g.addEventListener?"removeEventListener":"detachEvent",z=g.addEventListener?"":"on",K=function W(ae){if(!(ae.type==="readystatechange"&&g.readyState!=="complete")&&((ae.type==="load"?R:g)[U](z+ae.type,W,!1),!L&&(L=!0)))return E.call(R,ae.type||ae)},J=function W(){try{k.doScroll("left")}catch{setTimeout(W,50);return}return K("poll")};if(g.readyState!=="complete"){if(g.createEventObject&&k.doScroll){try{m=!R.frameElement}catch{}m&&J()}return g[ $ ](z+"DOMContentLoaded",K,!1),g[ $ ](z+"readystatechange",K,!1),R[ $ ](z+"load",K,!1)}};fe._autoDiscoverFunction=function(){if(fe.autoDiscover)return fe.discover()},Gt(window,fe._autoDiscoverFunction);function Lt(F,R){return typeof F<"u"&&F!==null?R(F):void 0}function It(F,R,E){if(typeof F<"u"&&F!==null&&typeof F[R]=="function")return E(F,R)}window.Dropzone=fe;var Wt=fe}(),n}()})});var Fa=ne((my,Lh)=>{Lh.exports={Aacute:" \x C1",aacute:" \x E1",Abreve:" \u 0102",abreve:" \u 0103",ac:" \u 223E",acd:" \u 223F",acE:" \u 223E \u 0333",Acirc:" \x C2",acirc:" \x E2",acute:" \x B4",Acy:" \u 0410",acy:" \u 0430",AElig:" \x C6",aelig:" \x E6",af:" \u 2061",Afr:" \u {1D504}",afr:" \u {1D51E}",Agrave:" \x C0",agrave:" \x E0",alefsym:" \u 2135",aleph:" \u 2135",Alpha:" \u 0391",alpha:" \u 03B1",Amacr:" \u 0100",amacr:" \u 0101",amalg:" \u 2A3F",amp:"&",AMP:"&",andand:" \u 2A55",And:" \u 2A53",and:" \u 2227",andd:" \u 2A5C",andslope:" \u 2A58",andv:" \u 2A5A",ang:" \u 2220",ange:" \u 29A4",angle:" \u 2220",angmsdaa:" \u 29A8",angmsdab:" \u 29A9",angmsdac:" \u 29AA",angmsdad:" \u 29AB",angmsdae:" \u 29AC",angmsdaf:" \u 29AD",angmsdag:" \u 29AE",angmsdah:" \u 29AF",angmsd:" \u 2221",angrt:" \u 221F",angrtvb:" \u 22BE",angrtvbd:" \u 299D",angsph:" \u 2222",angst:" \x C5",angzarr:" \u 237C",Aogon:" \u 0104",aogon:" \u 0105",Aopf:" \u {1D538}",aopf:" \u {1D552}",apacir:" \u 2A6F",ap:" \u 2248",apE:" \u 2A70",ape:" \u 224A",apid:" \u 224B",apos:"'",ApplyFunction:" \u 2061",approx:" \u 2248",approxeq:" \u 224A",Aring:" \x C5",aring:" \x E5",Ascr:" \u {1D49C}",ascr:" \u {1D4B6}",Assign:" \u 2254",ast:"*",asymp:" \u 2248",asympeq:" \u 224D",Atilde:" \x C3",atilde:" \x E3",Auml:" \x C4",auml:" \x E4",awconint:" \u 2233",awint:" \u 2A11",backcong:" \u 224C",backepsilon:" \u 03F6",backprime:" \u 2035",backsim:" \u 223D",backsimeq:" \u 22CD",Backslash:" \u 2216",Barv:" \u 2AE7",barvee:" \u 22BD",barwed:" \u 2305",Barwed:" \u 2306",barwedge:" \u 2305",bbrk:" \u 23B5",bbrktbrk:" \u 23B6",bcong:" \u 224C",Bcy:" \u 0411",bcy:" \u 0431",bdquo:" \u 201E",becaus:" \u 2235",because:" \u 2235",Because:" \u 2235",bemptyv:" \u 29B0",bepsi:" \u 03F6",bernou:" \u 212C",Bernoullis:" \u 212C",Beta:" \u 0392",beta:" \u 03B2",beth:" \u 2136",between:" \u 226C",Bfr:" \u {1D505}",bfr:" \u {1D51F}",bigcap:" \u 22C2",bigcirc:" \u 25EF",bigcup:" \u 22C3",bigodot:" \u 2A00",bigoplus:" \u 2A01",bigotimes:" \u 2A02",bigsqcup:" \u 2A06",bigstar:" \u 2605",bigtriangledown:" \u 25BD",bigtriangleup:" \u 25B3",biguplus:" \u 2A04",bigvee:" \u 22C1",bigwedge:" \u 22C0",bkarow:" \u 290D",blacklozenge:" \u 29EB",blacksquare:" \u 25AA",blacktriangle:" \u 25B4",blacktriangledown:" \u 25BE",blacktriangleleft:" \u 25C2",blacktriangleright:" \u 25B8",blank:" \u 2423",blk12:" \u 2592",blk14:" \u 2591",blk34:" \u 2593",block:" \u 2588",bne:"= \u 20E5",bnequiv:" \u 2261 \u 20E5",bNot:" \u 2AED",bnot:" \u 2310",Bopf:" \u {1D539}",bopf:" \u {1D553}",bot:" \u 22A5",bottom:" \u 22A5",bowtie:" \u 22C8",boxbox:" \u 29C9",boxdl:" \u 2510",boxdL:" \u 2555",boxDl:" \u 2556",boxDL:" \u 2557",boxdr:" \u 250C",boxdR:" \u 2552",boxDr:" \u 2553",boxDR:" \u 2554",boxh:" \u 2500",boxH:" \u 2550",boxhd:" \u 252C",boxHd:" \u 2564",boxhD:" \u 2565",boxHD:" \u 2566",boxhu:" \u 2534",boxHu:" \u 2567",boxhU:" \u 2568",boxHU:" \u 2569",boxminus:" \u 229F",boxplus:" \u 229E",boxtimes:" \u 22A0",boxul:" \u 2518",boxuL:" \u 255B",boxUl:" \u 255C",boxUL:" \u 255D",boxur:" \u 2514",boxuR:" \u 2558",boxUr:" \u 2559",boxUR:" \u 25
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` ," "],_h=["{","}","|"," \\ ","^"," ` "].concat($h),Bh=[" '"].concat(_h),ja=["%","/","?",";","#"].concat(Bh),Ha=["/","?","#"],Nh=255,Va=/^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/,Uh=/^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/,qa={javascript:!0,"javascript:":!0},Ga={http:!0,https:!0,ftp:!0,gopher:!0,file:!0,"http:":!0,"https:":!0,"ftp:":!0,"gopher:":!0,"file:":!0};function zh(r,e){if(r&&r instanceof Ci)return r;var t=new Ci;return t.parse(r,e),t}Ci.prototype.parse=function(r,e){var t,n,o,s,i,a=r;if(a=a.trim(),!e&&r.split("#").length===1){var l=Mh.exec(a);if(l)return this.pathname=l[1],l[2]&&(this.search=l[2]),this}var c=Oh.exec(a);if(c&&(c=c[0],o=c.toLowerCase(),this.protocol=c,a=a.substr(c.length)),(e||c||a.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/))&&(i=a.substr(0,2)==="//",i&&!(c&&qa[c])&&(a=a.substr(2),this.slashes=!0)),!qa[c]&&(i||c&&!Ga[c])){var u=-1;for(t=0;t<Ha.length;t++)s=a.indexOf(Ha[t]),s!==-1&&(u===-1||s<u)&&(u=s);var d,h;for(u===-1?h=a.lastIndexOf("@"):h=a.lastIndexOf("@",u),h!==-1&&(d=a.slice(0,h),a=a.slice(h+1),this.auth=d),u=-1,t=0;t<ja.length;t++)s=a.indexOf(ja[t]),s!==-1&&(u===-1||s<u)&&(u=s);u===-1&&(u=a.length),a[u-1]===":"&&u--;var f=a.slice(0,u);a=a.slice(u),this.parseHost(f),this.hostname=this.hostname||"";var p=this.hostname[0]==="["&&this.hostname[this.hostname.length-1]==="]";if(!p){var v=this.hostname.split(/\./);for(t=0,n=v.length;t<n;t++){var y=v[t];if(y&&!y.match(Va)){for(var b="",x=0,T=y.length;x<T;x++)y.charCodeAt(x)>127?b+="x":b+=y[x];if(!b.match(Va)){var C=v.slice(0,t),M=v.slice(t+1),S=y.match(Uh);S&&(C.push(S[1]),M.unshift(S[2])),M.length&&(a=M.join(".")+a),this.hostname=C.join(".");break}}}}this.hostname.length>Nh&&(this.hostname=""),p&&(this.hostname=this.hostname.substr(1,this.hostname.length-2))}var O=a.indexOf("#");O!==-1&&(this.hash=a.substr(O),a=a.slice(0,O));var A=a.indexOf("?");return A!==-1&&(this.search=a.substr(A),a=a.slice(0,A)),a&&(this.pathname=a),Ga[o]&&this.hostname&&!this.pathname&&(this.pathname=""),this};Ci.prototype.parseHost=function(r){var e=Ph.exec(r);e&&(e=e[0],e!==":"&&(this.port=e.substr(1)),r=r.substr(0,r.length-e.length)),r&&(this.hostname=r)};Wa.exports=zh});var Jo=ne((Cy,ln)=>{"use strict";ln.exports.encode=$a();ln.exports.decode=Na();ln.exports.format=za();ln.exports.parse=Ya()});var es=ne((Ey,Ka)=>{Ka.exports=/[\0-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/});var ts=ne((Sy,Xa)=>{Xa.exports=/[\0-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/});var Qa=ne((Ay,Za)=>{Za.exports=/[\xAD\u0600-\u0605\u061C\u06DD\u070F\u08E2\u180E\u200B-\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2060-\u2064\u2066-\u206F\uFEFF\uFFF9-\uFFFB]|\uD804[\uDCBD\uDCCD]|\uD82F[\uDCA0-\uDCA3]|\uD834[\uDD73-\uDD7A]|\uDB40[\uDC01\uDC20-\uDC7F]/});var rs=ne((ky,Ja)=>{Ja.exports=/[ \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000]/});var el=ne(Dr=>{"use strict";Dr.Any=es();Dr.Cc=ts();Dr.Cf=Qa();Dr.P=bi();Dr.Z=rs()});var Be=ne(at=>{"use strict";function jh(r){return Object.prototype.toString.call(r)}function Hh(r){return jh(r)==="[object String]"}var Vh=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function rl(r,e){return Vh.call(r,e)}function qh(r){var e=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);return e.forEach(function(t){if(t){if(typeof t!="object")throw new TypeError(t+"must be object");Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n){r[n]=t[n]})}}),r}function Gh(r,e,t){return[].concat(r.slice(0,e),t,r.slice(e+1))}function nl(r){return!(r>=55296&&r<=57343||r>=64976&&r<=65007||(r&65535)===65535||(r&65535)===65534||r>=0&&r<=8||r===11||r>=14&&r<=31||r>=127&&r<=159||r>1114111)}function il(r){if(r>65535){r-=65536;var e=55296+(r>>10),t=56320+(r&1023);return String.fromCharCode(e,t)}return String.fromCharCode(r)}var ol=/\\([!"#$%&' ( ) * + , \ - . \ / : ; <= > ? @ [ \ \ \ ] ^ _ ` {|}~])/g,Wh=/&([a-z#][a-z0-9]{1,31});/gi,Yh=new RegExp(ol.source+"|"+Wh.source,"gi"),Kh=/^#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,8}|[0-9]{1,8}))/i,tl=Qo();function Xh(r,e){var t=0;return rl(tl,e)?tl[e]:e.charCodeAt(0)===35&&Kh.test(e)&&(t=e[1].toLowerCase()==="x"?parseInt(e.slice(2),16):parseInt(e.slice(1),10),nl(t))?il(t):r}function Zh(r){return r.indexOf(" \\ ")<0?r:r.replace(ol," $ 1")}function Qh(r){return r.in
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( o = n . slice ( e . length , n . length - t . length ) , i = - ( t . length + e . length ) ) : ( o = ` ${ e } ${ n } ${ t } ` , i = e . length + t . length ) ; let a = this . editor . cm . listSelections ( ) [ 0 ] ; this . editor . cm . replaceSelection ( o ) ; let l = a . head . ch <= a . anchor . ch ; a . head . ch += l ? s : i , a . anchor . ch += l ? i : s , this . editor . cm . setSelections ( [ a ] ) } replaceLineStartForOrderedList ( ) { let e = this . editor . cm . getCursor ( ) , n = ( this . editor . cm . getLine ( e . line - 1 ) || "" ) . match ( /^(\s*)(\d)([).])\s/ ) || [ ] , o = ( Number ( n [ 2 ] ) || 0 ) + 1 , s = n [ 1 ] || "" , i = n [ 3 ] || "." , a = ` ${ s } ${ o } ${ i } ` ; return this . replaceLineStart ( a ) } cycleCalloutTypeAtSelection ( ) { let e = this . editor . cm . listSelections ( ) [ 0 ] , t = this . editor . cm . getLine ( e . anchor . line ) , n = t . length , o = { anchor : { line : e . anchor . line , ch : 0 } , head : { line : e . anchor . line , ch : n } } , s = [ "info" , "success" , "warning" , "danger" ] , i = s . join ( "|" ) , l = new RegExp ( ` class="(( ${ i } ) \\ s+callout|callout \\ s+( ${ i } ))" ` , "i" ) . exec ( t ) , c = ( l ? l [ 2 ] || l [ 3 ] : "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ; if ( c === s [ s . length - 1 ] ) this . wrapLine ( ` <p class="callout ${ s [ s . length - 1 ] } "> ` , "</p>" ) ; else if ( c === "" ) this . wrapLine ( '<p class="callout info">' , "</p>" ) ; else { let u = s . indexOf ( c ) + 1 , d = s [ u ] , h = t . replace ( l [ 0 ] , l [ 0 ] . replace ( c , d ) ) ; this . editor . cm . replaceRange ( h , o . anchor , o . head ) ; let f = h . length - t . length ; e . anchor . ch += f , e . anchor !== e . head && ( e . head . ch += f ) , this . editor . cm . setSelection ( e . anchor , e . head ) } } uploadImage ( e ) { if ( e === null || e . type . indexOf ( "image" ) !== 0 ) return ; let t = "png" ; if ( e . name ) { let u = e . name . match ( /\.(.+)$/ ) ; u . length > 1 && ( t = u [ 1 ] ) } let n = "image-" + Math . random ( ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( 2 ) , o = window . baseUrl ( ` /loading.gif#upload ${ n } ` ) , s = this . editor . cm . getSelection ( ) , i = ` ![ ${ s } ]( ${ o } ) ` , a = this . editor . cm . getCursor ( ) ; this . editor . cm . replaceSelection ( i ) , this . editor . cm . setCursor ( { line : a . line , ch : a . ch + s . length + 3 } ) ; let l = "image-" + Date . now ( ) + "." + t , c = new FormData ; c . append ( "file" , e , l ) , c . append ( "uploaded_to" , this . editor . config . pageId ) , window . $http . post ( "/images/gallery" , c ) . then ( u => { let d = ` [![ ${ s } ]( ${ u . data . thumbs . display } )]( ${ u . data . url } ) ` ; this . findAndReplaceContent ( i , d ) } ) . catch ( u => { window . $events . emit ( "error" , this . editor . config . text . imageUploadError ) , this . findAndReplaceContent ( i , s ) , console . log ( u ) } ) } syncDisplayPosition ( ) { let e = this . editor . cm . getScrollInfo ( ) ; if ( e . top + e . clientHeight === e . height ) { this . editor . display . scrollToIndex ( - 1 ) ; return } let n = this . editor . cm . lineAtHeight ( e . top , "local" ) , o = this . editor . cm . getRange ( { line : 0 , ch : null } , { line : n , ch : null } ) , a = new DOMParser ( ) . parseFromString ( this . editor . markdown . render ( o ) , "text/html" ) . documentElement . querySelectorAll ( "body > *" ) ; this . editor . display . scrollToIndex ( a . length ) } insertTemplate ( e , t , n ) { let o = this . editor . cm . coordsChar ( { left : t , top : n } ) ; this . editor . cm . setCursor ( o ) , window . $http . get ( ` /templates/ ${ e } ` ) . then ( s => { let i = s . data . markdown || s . data . html ; this . editor . cm . replaceSelection ( i ) } ) } insertClipboardImages ( e ) { let t = this . editor . cm . coordsChar ( { left : event . pageX , top : event . pageY } ) ; this . editor . cm . setCursor ( t ) ; for ( let n of e ) this . uploadImage ( n ) } } ; var Bi = class { c
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w i n d o w . $ e v e n t s . e m i t ( " e r r o r " , y r . t r a n s l a t i o n s . s e r v e r U p l o a d L i m i t T e x t ) : w i n d o w . $ e v e n t s . e m i t ( " e r r o r " , y r . t r a n s l a t i o n s . i m a g e U p l o a d E r r o r T e x t ) , c o n s o l e . l o g ( o ) } ; i f ( b r ) { k t . c l o s e ( ) ; l e t o = b r . q u e r y S e l e c t o r ( " i m g " ) ; t r y { l e t s = a w a i t k t . u p l o a d ( r , y r . p a g e I d ) ; C t . u n d o M a n a g e r . t r a n s a c t ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { C t . d o m . s e t A t t r i b ( o , " s r c " , s . u r l ) , C t . d o m . s e t A t t r i b ( b r , " d r a w i o - d i a g r a m " , s . i d ) } ) } c a t c h ( s ) { n ( s ) } r e t u r n } s e t T i m e o u t ( a s y n c ( ) = > { C t . i n s e r t C o n t e n t ( ` < d i v d r a w i o - d i a g r a m c o n t e n t e d i t a b l e = " f a l s e " > < i m g s r c = " $ { t } " i d = " $ { e } " > < / d i v > ` ) , k t . c l o s e ( ) ; t r y { l e t o = a w a i t k t . u p l o a d ( r , y r . p a g e I d ) ; C t . u n d o M a n a g e r . t r a n s a c t ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { C t . d o m . s e t A t t r i b ( e , " s r c " , o . u r l ) , C t . d o m . g e t ( e ) . p a r e n t N o d e . s e t A t t r i b u t e ( " d r a w i o - d i a g r a m " , o . i d ) } ) } c a t c h ( o ) { C t . d o m . r e m o v e ( e ) , n ( o ) } } , 5 ) } f u n c t i o n W m ( ) { i f ( ! b r ) r e t u r n P r o m i s e . r e s o l v e ( " " ) ; l e t r = b r . g e t A t t r i b u t e ( " d r a w i o - d i a g r a m " ) ; r e t u r n k t . l o a d ( r ) } f u n c t i o n y d ( r ) { r e t u r n y r = r , f u n c t i o n ( e , t ) { e . a d d C o m m a n d ( " d r a w i o " , ( ) = > { l e t n = e . s e l e c t i o n . g e t N o d e ( ) ; v d ( e , N s ( n ) ? n : n u l l ) } ) , e . u i . r e g i s t r y . a d d I c o n ( " d i a g r a m " , ` < s v g w i d t h = " 2 4 " h e i g h t = " 2 4 " f i l l = " $ { y r . d a r k M o d e ? " # B B B " : " # 0 0 0 0 0 0 " } " x m l n s = " h t t p : / / w w w . w 3 . o r g / 2 0 0 0 / s v g " > < p a t h d = " M 2 0 . 7 1 6 7 . 6 3 9 V 2 . 8 4 5 h - 4 . 7 9 4 v 1 . 5 9 8 h - 7 . 9 9 V 2 . 8 4 5 H 3 . 1 3 8 v 4 . 7 9 4 h 1 . 5 9 8 v 7 . 9 9 H 3 . 1 3 8 v
2022-02-26 07:01:44 -05:00
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2023-02-26 06:03:49 -05:00
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2022-02-26 07:01:44 -05:00
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2023-02-26 06:03:49 -05:00
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2023-01-31 06:59:51 -05:00
/ * ! B u n d l e d l i c e n s e i n f o r m a t i o n :
clipboard / dist / clipboard . min . js :
( * !
* clipboard . js v2 . 0.11
* https : //clipboardjs.com/
* Licensed MIT © Zeno Rocha
* )
sortablejs / modular / sortable . esm . js :
( * * !
* Sortable 1.15 . 0
* @ author RubaXa < trash @ rubaxa . org >
* @ author owenm < owen23355 @ gmail . com >
* @ license MIT
* )
* /
2020-09-20 05:33:18 -04:00
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