get_transactions(); $this->payout(); } public function get_transactions() { try { $walletRPC = new walletRPC(config('app.xmr_daemon_ip'), config('app.xmr_network_port')); // Change to match your wallet (monero-wallet-rpc) IP address and port; 18083 is the customary port for mainnet, 28083 for testnet, 38083 for stagenet $open_wallet = $walletRPC->open_wallet(config('app.xmr_wallet_name'), ''); $account_indexes = Meme::pluck('account_index')->toArray(); foreach ($account_indexes as $account_index) { // Outbound tips $get_transfers_out = $walletRPC->get_transfers('out', $account_index); if (isset($get_transfers_out['out'])) { foreach ($get_transfers_out['out'] as $transfer) { $meme_out = Meme::where('address', $transfer['address'])->first(); $tip_exists_out = Tip::where('txid', $transfer['txid'])->first(); if ($meme_out && !$tip_exists_out) { $tip_out = new Tip(); $tip_out->meme_id = $meme_out->id; $tip_out->amount = $transfer['amount']; $tip_out->txid = $transfer['txid']; $tip_out->is_deposit = 0; $tip_out->save(); $meme_out->payment_pending = 0; $meme_out->save(); } } } // Inbound tips $get_transfers = $walletRPC->get_transfers('in', $account_index); if (isset($get_transfers['in'])) { foreach ($get_transfers['in'] as $transfer) { $meme = Meme::where('address', $transfer['address'])->first(); $tip_exists = Tip::where([ 'meme_id' => $meme->id, 'txid' => $transfer['txid'], ])->first(); if ($meme && !$tip_exists) { $tip = new Tip(); $tip->meme_id = $meme->id; $tip->amount = $transfer['amount']; $tip->txid = $transfer['txid']; $tip->is_deposit = 1; $tip->save(); $meme->payment_pending = 1; $meme->save(); } } } } $walletRPC->close_wallet(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } public function payout() { try { $walletRPC = new walletRPC(config('app.xmr_daemon_ip'), config('app.xmr_network_port')); // Change to match your wallet (monero-wallet-rpc) IP address and port; 18083 is the customary port for mainnet, 28083 for testnet, 38083 for stagenet $open_wallet = $walletRPC->open_wallet(config('app.xmr_wallet_name'), ''); $memes = Meme::where('payment_pending', 1)->get(); foreach ($memes as $meme) { $balance = $walletRPC->get_balance($meme->account_index); if ($balance['unlocked_balance'] > 0 && $balance['balance'] === $balance['unlocked_balance']) { try { $send_funds = $walletRPC->sweep_all($meme->user->address, '', $meme->account_index); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } } $walletRPC->close_wallet(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } } }