Thomas Eizinger 9ad2160c69
Refactor the kraken module to automatically re-connect on errors
In order to be able to re-connect on certain errors, we model
connection errors separately from parsing errors. We also change
the API of the whole module to no longer forward all errors to
the subscribers but instead, only update the subscribers with
either a latest rate or a permanent failure in case we exhausted
all our options to re-connect the websocket.

To model all of this properly, we introduce to sub-modules so that
each submodule can have their own `Error` type.

Resolves #297.
2021-03-09 17:37:37 +11:00

322 lines
10 KiB

use crate::asb::Rate;
use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result};
use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::convert::{Infallible, TryFrom};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::watch;
/// Connect to Kraken websocket API for a constant stream of rate updates.
/// If the connection fails, it will automatically be re-established.
pub fn connect() -> Result<RateUpdateStream> {
let (rate_update, rate_update_receiver) = watch::channel(Err(Error::NotYetAvailable));
let rate_update = Arc::new(rate_update);
tokio::spawn(async move {
let result = backoff::future::retry_notify::<Infallible, _, _, _, _, _>(
|| {
let rate_update = rate_update.clone();
async move {
let mut stream = connection::new().await?;
while let Some(update) = stream.try_next().await.map_err(to_backoff)? {
let send_result = rate_update.send(Ok(update));
if send_result.is_err() {
return Err(backoff::Error::Permanent(anyhow!(
"receiver disconnected"
Err(backoff::Error::Transient(anyhow!("stream ended")))
|error, next: Duration| {
tracing::info!(%error, "Kraken websocket connection failed, retrying in {}ms", next.as_millis());
match result {
Err(e) => {
tracing::warn!("Rate updates incurred an unrecoverable error: {:#}", e);
// in case the retries fail permanently, let the subscribers know
Ok(never) => match never {},
Ok(RateUpdateStream {
inner: rate_update_receiver,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct RateUpdateStream {
inner: watch::Receiver<RateUpdate>,
impl RateUpdateStream {
pub async fn wait_for_update(&mut self) -> Result<RateUpdate> {
pub fn latest_update(&mut self) -> RateUpdate {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Rate is not yet available")]
#[error("Permanently failed to retrieve rate from Kraken")]
type RateUpdate = Result<Rate, Error>;
/// Maps a [`connection::Error`] to a backoff error, effectively defining our
/// retry strategy.
fn to_backoff(e: connection::Error) -> backoff::Error<anyhow::Error> {
use backoff::Error::*;
match e {
// Connection closures and websocket errors will be retried
connection::Error::ConnectionClosed => Transient(anyhow::Error::from(e)),
connection::Error::WebSocket(_) => Transient(anyhow::Error::from(e)),
// Failures while parsing a message are permanent because they most likely present a
// programmer error
connection::Error::Parse(_) => Permanent(anyhow::Error::from(e)),
/// Kraken websocket connection module.
/// Responsible for establishing a connection to the Kraken websocket API and
/// transforming the received websocket frames into a stream of rate updates.
/// The connection may fail in which case it is simply terminated and the stream
/// ends.
mod connection {
use super::*;
use crate::kraken::wire;
use futures::stream::BoxStream;
use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite;
pub async fn new() -> Result<BoxStream<'static, Result<Rate, Error>>> {
let (mut rate_stream, _) = tokio_tungstenite::connect_async("wss://ws.kraken.com")
.context("Failed to connect to Kraken websocket API")?;
let stream = rate_stream.err_into().try_filter_map(parse_message).boxed();
/// Parse a websocket message into a [`Rate`].
/// Messages which are not actually ticker updates are ignored and result in
/// `None` being returned. In the context of a [`TryStream`], these will
/// simply be filtered out.
async fn parse_message(msg: tungstenite::Message) -> Result<Option<Rate>, Error> {
let msg = match msg {
tungstenite::Message::Text(msg) => msg,
tungstenite::Message::Close(close_frame) => {
if let Some(tungstenite::protocol::CloseFrame { code, reason }) = close_frame {
"Kraken rate stream was closed with code {} and reason: {}",
} else {
tracing::debug!("Kraken rate stream was closed without code and reason");
return Err(Error::ConnectionClosed);
msg => {
"Kraken rate stream returned non text message that will be ignored: {}",
return Ok(None);
let update = match serde_json::from_str::<wire::Event>(&msg) {
Ok(wire::Event::SystemStatus) => {
tracing::debug!("Connected to Kraken websocket API");
return Ok(None);
Ok(wire::Event::SubscriptionStatus) => {
tracing::debug!("Subscribed to updates for ticker");
return Ok(None);
Ok(wire::Event::Heartbeat) => {
tracing::trace!("Received heartbeat message");
return Ok(None);
// if the message is not an event, it is a ticker update or an unknown event
Err(_) => match serde_json::from_str::<wire::TickerUpdate>(&msg) {
Ok(ticker) => ticker,
Err(e) => {
tracing::warn!(%e, "Failed to deserialize message '{}' as ticker update", msg);
return Ok(None);
let update = Rate::try_from(update)?;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("The Kraken server closed the websocket connection")]
#[error("Failed to read message from websocket stream")]
WebSocket(#[from] tungstenite::Error),
#[error("Failed to parse rate from websocket message")]
Parse(#[from] wire::Error),
{ "event": "subscribe",
"pair": [ "XMR/XBT" ],
"subscription": {
"name": "ticker"
/// Kraken websocket API wire module.
/// Responsible for parsing websocket text messages to events and rate updates.
mod wire {
use super::*;
use bitcoin::util::amount::ParseAmountError;
use serde_json::Value;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
#[serde(tag = "event")]
pub enum Event {
#[serde(rename = "systemStatus")]
#[serde(rename = "heartbeat")]
#[serde(rename = "subscriptionStatus")]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Data field is missing")]
#[error("Ask Rate Element is of unexpected type")]
#[error("Ask Rate Element is missing")]
#[error("Failed to parse Bitcoin amount")]
BitcoinParseAmount(#[from] ParseAmountError),
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TickerUpdate(Vec<TickerField>);
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TickerField {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TickerData {
#[serde(rename = "a")]
ask: Vec<RateElement>,
#[serde(rename = "b")]
bid: Vec<RateElement>,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum RateElement {
impl TryFrom<TickerUpdate> for Rate {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(value: TickerUpdate) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let data = value
.find_map(|field| match field {
TickerField::Data(data) => Some(data),
TickerField::Metadata(_) => None,
let ask = data.ask.first().ok_or(Error::MissingAskRateElementType)?;
let ask = match ask {
RateElement::Text(ask) => {
bitcoin::Amount::from_str_in(ask, ::bitcoin::Denomination::Bitcoin)?
_ => return Err(Error::UnexpectedAskRateElementType),
Ok(Self { ask })
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn can_deserialize_system_status_event() {
let event = r#"{"connectionID":14859574189081089471,"event":"systemStatus","status":"online","version":"1.8.1"}"#;
let event = serde_json::from_str::<Event>(event).unwrap();
assert_eq!(event, Event::SystemStatus)
fn can_deserialize_subscription_status_event() {
let event = r#"{"channelID":980,"channelName":"ticker","event":"subscriptionStatus","pair":"XMR/XBT","status":"subscribed","subscription":{"name":"ticker"}}"#;
let event = serde_json::from_str::<Event>(event).unwrap();
assert_eq!(event, Event::SubscriptionStatus)
fn deserialize_ticker_update() {
let message = r#"[980,{"a":["0.00440700",7,"7.35318535"],"b":["0.00440200",7,"7.57416678"],"c":["0.00440700","0.22579000"],"v":["273.75489000","4049.91233351"],"p":["0.00446205","0.00441699"],"t":[123,1310],"l":["0.00439400","0.00429900"],"h":["0.00450000","0.00450000"],"o":["0.00449100","0.00433700"]},"ticker","XMR/XBT"]"#;
let _ = serde_json::from_str::<TickerUpdate>(message).unwrap();