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synced 2025-02-06 01:55:37 -05:00
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478 lines
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pub use alice::Alice;
pub use bob::Bob;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result};
use itertools::Itertools;
use libp2p::{Multiaddr, PeerId};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::path::Path;
use std::str::FromStr;
use uuid::Uuid;
mod alice;
mod bob;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub enum Swap {
impl From<Alice> for Swap {
fn from(from: Alice) -> Self {
impl From<Bob> for Swap {
fn from(from: Bob) -> Self {
impl Display for Swap {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Swap::Alice(alice) => Display::fmt(alice, f),
Swap::Bob(bob) => Display::fmt(bob, f),
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
#[error("Not in the role of Alice")]
struct NotAlice;
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
#[error("Not in the role of Bob")]
struct NotBob;
impl Swap {
pub fn try_into_alice(self) -> Result<Alice> {
match self {
Swap::Alice(alice) => Ok(alice),
Swap::Bob(_) => bail!(NotAlice),
pub fn try_into_bob(self) -> Result<Bob> {
match self {
Swap::Bob(bob) => Ok(bob),
Swap::Alice(_) => bail!(NotBob),
pub struct Database {
swaps: sled::Tree,
peers: sled::Tree,
addresses: sled::Tree,
monero_addresses: sled::Tree,
impl Database {
pub fn open(path: &Path) -> Result<Self> {
tracing::debug!("Opening database at {}", path.display());
let db =
sled::open(path).with_context(|| format!("Could not open the DB at {:?}", path))?;
let swaps = db.open_tree("swaps")?;
let peers = db.open_tree("peers")?;
let addresses = db.open_tree("addresses")?;
let monero_addresses = db.open_tree("monero_addresses")?;
Ok(Database {
pub async fn insert_peer_id(&self, swap_id: Uuid, peer_id: PeerId) -> Result<()> {
let peer_id_str = peer_id.to_string();
let key = serialize(&swap_id)?;
let value = serialize(&peer_id_str).context("Could not serialize peer-id")?;
self.peers.insert(key, value)?;
.map(|_| ())
.context("Could not flush db")
pub fn get_peer_id(&self, swap_id: Uuid) -> Result<PeerId> {
let key = serialize(&swap_id)?;
let encoded = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("No peer-id found for swap id {} in database", swap_id))?;
let peer_id: String = deserialize(&encoded).context("Could not deserialize peer-id")?;
pub async fn insert_monero_address(
swap_id: Uuid,
address: monero::Address,
) -> Result<()> {
let key = swap_id.as_bytes();
let value = serialize(&address)?;
self.monero_addresses.insert(key, value)?;
.map(|_| ())
.context("Could not flush db")
pub fn get_monero_address(&self, swap_id: Uuid) -> Result<monero::Address> {
let encoded = self
.ok_or_else(|| {
"No Monero address found for swap id {} in database",
let monero_address = deserialize(&encoded)?;
pub async fn insert_address(&self, peer_id: PeerId, address: Multiaddr) -> Result<()> {
let key = peer_id.to_bytes();
let existing_addresses = self.addresses.get(&key)?;
let new_addresses = {
let existing_addresses = existing_addresses.clone();
Some(match existing_addresses {
Some(encoded) => {
let mut addresses = deserialize::<Vec<Multiaddr>>(&encoded)?;
None => serialize(&[address])?,
.compare_and_swap(key, existing_addresses, new_addresses)??;
.map(|_| ())
.context("Could not flush db")
pub fn get_addresses(&self, peer_id: PeerId) -> Result<Vec<Multiaddr>> {
let key = peer_id.to_bytes();
let addresses = match self.addresses.get(&key)? {
Some(encoded) => deserialize(&encoded).context("Failed to deserialize addresses")?,
None => vec![],
pub async fn insert_latest_state(&self, swap_id: Uuid, state: Swap) -> Result<()> {
let key = serialize(&swap_id)?;
let new_value = serialize(&state).context("Could not serialize new state value")?;
let old_value = self.swaps.get(&key)?;
.compare_and_swap(key, old_value, Some(new_value))
.context("Could not write in the DB")?
.context("Stored swap somehow changed, aborting saving")?;
.map(|_| ())
.context("Could not flush db")
pub fn get_state(&self, swap_id: Uuid) -> Result<Swap> {
let key = serialize(&swap_id)?;
let encoded = self
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Swap with id {} not found in database", swap_id))?;
let state = deserialize(&encoded).context("Could not deserialize state")?;
pub fn all_alice(&self) -> Result<Vec<(Uuid, Alice)>> {
fn all_alice_iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(Uuid, Alice)>> {
self.all_swaps_iter().map(|item| {
let (swap_id, swap) = item?;
Ok((swap_id, swap.try_into_alice()?))
pub fn all_bob(&self) -> Result<Vec<(Uuid, Bob)>> {
fn all_bob_iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(Uuid, Bob)>> {
self.all_swaps_iter().map(|item| {
let (swap_id, swap) = item?;
Ok((swap_id, swap.try_into_bob()?))
fn all_swaps_iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<(Uuid, Swap)>> {
self.swaps.iter().map(|item| {
let (key, value) = item.context("Failed to retrieve swap from DB")?;
let swap_id = deserialize::<Uuid>(&key)?;
let swap = deserialize::<Swap>(&value).context("Failed to deserialize swap")?;
Ok((swap_id, swap))
pub fn unfinished_alice(&self) -> Result<Vec<(Uuid, Alice)>> {
.filter_ok(|(_swap_id, alice)| !matches!(alice, Alice::Done(_)))
pub fn serialize<T>(t: &T) -> Result<Vec<u8>>
T: Serialize,
pub fn deserialize<T>(v: &[u8]) -> Result<T>
T: DeserializeOwned,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::database::alice::{Alice, AliceEndState};
use crate::database::bob::{Bob, BobEndState};
async fn can_write_and_read_to_multiple_keys() {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path()).unwrap();
let state_1 = Swap::Alice(Alice::Done(AliceEndState::BtcRedeemed));
let swap_id_1 = Uuid::new_v4();
db.insert_latest_state(swap_id_1, state_1.clone())
.expect("Failed to save second state");
let state_2 = Swap::Bob(Bob::Done(BobEndState::SafelyAborted));
let swap_id_2 = Uuid::new_v4();
db.insert_latest_state(swap_id_2, state_2.clone())
.expect("Failed to save first state");
let recovered_1 = db
.expect("Failed to recover first state");
let recovered_2 = db
.expect("Failed to recover second state");
assert_eq!(recovered_1, state_1);
assert_eq!(recovered_2, state_2);
async fn can_write_twice_to_one_key() {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path()).unwrap();
let state = Swap::Alice(Alice::Done(AliceEndState::SafelyAborted));
let swap_id = Uuid::new_v4();
db.insert_latest_state(swap_id, state.clone())
.expect("Failed to save state the first time");
let recovered = db
.expect("Failed to recover state the first time");
// We insert and recover twice to ensure database implementation allows the
// caller to write to an existing key
db.insert_latest_state(swap_id, recovered)
.expect("Failed to save state the second time");
let recovered = db
.expect("Failed to recover state the second time");
assert_eq!(recovered, state);
async fn all_swaps_as_alice() {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path()).unwrap();
let alice_state = Alice::Done(AliceEndState::BtcPunished);
let alice_swap = Swap::Alice(alice_state.clone());
let alice_swap_id = Uuid::new_v4();
db.insert_latest_state(alice_swap_id, alice_swap)
.expect("Failed to save alice state 1");
let alice_swaps = db.all_alice().unwrap();
assert_eq!(alice_swaps.len(), 1);
assert!(alice_swaps.contains(&(alice_swap_id, alice_state)));
let bob_state = Bob::Done(BobEndState::SafelyAborted);
let bob_swap = Swap::Bob(bob_state);
let bob_swap_id = Uuid::new_v4();
db.insert_latest_state(bob_swap_id, bob_swap)
.expect("Failed to save bob state 1");
let err = db.all_alice().unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.downcast_ref::<NotAlice>().unwrap(), &NotAlice);
async fn all_swaps_as_bob() {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path()).unwrap();
let bob_state = Bob::Done(BobEndState::SafelyAborted);
let bob_swap = Swap::Bob(bob_state.clone());
let bob_swap_id = Uuid::new_v4();
db.insert_latest_state(bob_swap_id, bob_swap)
.expect("Failed to save bob state 1");
let bob_swaps = db.all_bob().unwrap();
assert_eq!(bob_swaps.len(), 1);
assert!(bob_swaps.contains(&(bob_swap_id, bob_state)));
let alice_state = Alice::Done(AliceEndState::BtcPunished);
let alice_swap = Swap::Alice(alice_state);
let alice_swap_id = Uuid::new_v4();
db.insert_latest_state(alice_swap_id, alice_swap)
.expect("Failed to save alice state 1");
let err = db.all_bob().unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.downcast_ref::<NotBob>().unwrap(), &NotBob);
async fn can_save_swap_state_and_peer_id_with_same_swap_id() -> Result<()> {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path()).unwrap();
let alice_id = Uuid::new_v4();
let alice_state = Alice::Done(AliceEndState::BtcPunished);
let alice_swap = Swap::Alice(alice_state);
let peer_id = PeerId::random();
db.insert_latest_state(alice_id, alice_swap.clone()).await?;
db.insert_peer_id(alice_id, peer_id).await?;
let loaded_swap = db.get_state(alice_id)?;
let loaded_peer_id = db.get_peer_id(alice_id)?;
assert_eq!(alice_swap, loaded_swap);
assert_eq!(peer_id, loaded_peer_id);
async fn test_reopen_db() -> Result<()> {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let alice_id = Uuid::new_v4();
let alice_state = Alice::Done(AliceEndState::BtcPunished);
let alice_swap = Swap::Alice(alice_state);
let peer_id = PeerId::random();
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path()).unwrap();
db.insert_latest_state(alice_id, alice_swap.clone()).await?;
db.insert_peer_id(alice_id, peer_id).await?;
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path()).unwrap();
let loaded_swap = db.get_state(alice_id)?;
let loaded_peer_id = db.get_peer_id(alice_id)?;
assert_eq!(alice_swap, loaded_swap);
assert_eq!(peer_id, loaded_peer_id);
async fn save_and_load_addresses() -> Result<()> {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
let peer_id = PeerId::random();
let home1 = "/ip4/".parse::<Multiaddr>()?;
let home2 = "/ip4/".parse::<Multiaddr>()?;
let db = Database::open(db_dir.path())?;
db.insert_address(peer_id, home1.clone()).await?;
db.insert_address(peer_id, home2.clone()).await?;
let addresses = Database::open(db_dir.path())?.get_addresses(peer_id)?;
assert_eq!(addresses, vec![home1, home2]);
async fn save_and_load_monero_address() -> Result<()> {
let db_dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
let swap_id = Uuid::new_v4();
Database::open(db_dir.path())?.insert_monero_address(swap_id, "53gEuGZUhP9JMEBZoGaFNzhwEgiG7hwQdMCqFxiyiTeFPmkbt1mAoNybEUvYBKHcnrSgxnVWgZsTvRBaHBNXPa8tHiCU51a".parse()?).await?;
let loaded_monero_address = Database::open(db_dir.path())?.get_monero_address(swap_id)?;
assert_eq!(loaded_monero_address.to_string(), "53gEuGZUhP9JMEBZoGaFNzhwEgiG7hwQdMCqFxiyiTeFPmkbt1mAoNybEUvYBKHcnrSgxnVWgZsTvRBaHBNXPa8tHiCU51a");