Thomas Eizinger 67fe01a2ef
Remove BuildTxLockPsbt and GetNetwork traits
These traits were only used once within the `TxLock` constructor.
Looking at the rest of the codebase, we don't really seem to follow
any abstractions here where the protocol shouldn't know about the
exact types that is being passed in.

As such, these types are just noise and might as well be removed in
favor of simplicity.
2021-02-26 14:36:58 +11:00

317 lines
8.8 KiB

pub mod wallet;
mod cancel;
mod lock;
mod punish;
mod redeem;
mod refund;
mod timelocks;
pub use crate::bitcoin::{
cancel::{CancelTimelock, PunishTimelock, TxCancel},
timelocks::{BlockHeight, ExpiredTimelocks},
pub use ::bitcoin::{util::amount::Amount, Address, Network, Transaction, Txid};
pub use ecdsa_fun::{adaptor::EncryptedSignature, fun::Scalar, Signature};
pub use wallet::Wallet;
use crate::execution_params::ExecutionParams;
use ::bitcoin::{
hashes::{hex::ToHex, Hash},
secp256k1, SigHash,
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use ecdsa_fun::{
adaptor::{Adaptor, HashTranscript},
use miniscript::{descriptor::Wsh, Descriptor, Segwitv0};
use rand::{CryptoRng, RngCore};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sha2::Sha256;
use std::str::FromStr;
// TODO: Configurable tx-fee (note: parties have to agree prior to swapping)
// Current reasoning:
// tx with largest weight (as determined by get_weight() upon broadcast in e2e
// test) = 609 assuming segwit and 60 sat/vB:
// (609 / 4) * 60 (sat/vB) = 9135 sats
// Recommended: Overpay a bit to ensure we don't have to wait too long for test
// runs.
pub const TX_FEE: u64 = 15_000;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct SecretKey {
inner: Scalar,
public: Point,
impl SecretKey {
pub fn new_random<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(rng: &mut R) -> Self {
let scalar = Scalar::random(rng);
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default();
let public = ecdsa.verification_key_for(&scalar);
Self {
inner: scalar,
pub fn public(&self) -> PublicKey {
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
pub fn sign(&self, digest: SigHash) -> Signature {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<Deterministic<Sha256>>::default();
ecdsa.sign(&self.inner, &digest.into_inner())
// TxRefund encsigning explanation:
// A and B, are the Bitcoin Public Keys which go on the joint output for
// TxLock_Bitcoin. S_a and S_b, are the Monero Public Keys which go on the
// joint output for TxLock_Monero
// tx_refund: multisig(A, B), published by bob
// bob can produce sig on B using b
// alice sends over an encrypted signature on A encrypted with S_b
// s_b is leaked to alice when bob publishes signed tx_refund allowing her to
// recover s_b: recover(encsig, S_b, sig_tx_refund) = s_b
// alice now has s_a and s_b and can refund monero
// self = a, Y = S_b, digest = tx_refund
pub fn encsign(&self, Y: PublicKey, digest: SigHash) -> EncryptedSignature {
let adaptor = Adaptor::<
HashTranscript<Sha256, rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng>,
adaptor.encrypted_sign(&self.inner, &Y.0, &digest.into_inner())
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct PublicKey(Point);
impl From<PublicKey> for Point {
fn from(from: PublicKey) -> Self {
impl From<Point> for PublicKey {
fn from(p: Point) -> Self {
impl From<Scalar> for SecretKey {
fn from(scalar: Scalar) -> Self {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default();
let public = ecdsa.verification_key_for(&scalar);
Self {
inner: scalar,
impl From<SecretKey> for Scalar {
fn from(sk: SecretKey) -> Self {
impl From<Scalar> for PublicKey {
fn from(scalar: Scalar) -> Self {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::<()>::default();
pub fn verify_sig(
verification_key: &PublicKey,
transaction_sighash: &SigHash,
sig: &Signature,
) -> Result<()> {
let ecdsa = ECDSA::verify_only();
if ecdsa.verify(&verification_key.0, &transaction_sighash.into_inner(), &sig) {
} else {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("signature is invalid")]
pub struct InvalidSignature;
pub fn verify_encsig(
verification_key: PublicKey,
encryption_key: PublicKey,
digest: &SigHash,
encsig: &EncryptedSignature,
) -> Result<()> {
let adaptor = Adaptor::<HashTranscript<Sha256>, Deterministic<Sha256>>::default();
if adaptor.verify_encrypted_signature(
) {
} else {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("encrypted signature is invalid")]
pub struct InvalidEncryptedSignature;
pub fn build_shared_output_descriptor(A: Point, B: Point) -> Descriptor<bitcoin::PublicKey> {
const MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE: &str = "c:and_v(v:pk(A),pk_k(B))";
// NOTE: This shouldn't be a source of error, but maybe it is
let A = ToHex::to_hex(&secp256k1::PublicKey::from(A));
let B = ToHex::to_hex(&secp256k1::PublicKey::from(B));
let miniscript = MINISCRIPT_TEMPLATE.replace("A", &A).replace("B", &B);
let miniscript = miniscript::Miniscript::<bitcoin::PublicKey, Segwitv0>::from_str(&miniscript)
.expect("a valid miniscript");
Descriptor::Wsh(Wsh::new(miniscript).expect("a valid descriptor"))
pub trait SignTxLock {
async fn sign_tx_lock(&self, tx_lock: TxLock) -> Result<Transaction>;
pub trait BroadcastSignedTransaction {
async fn broadcast_signed_transaction(&self, transaction: Transaction) -> Result<Txid>;
pub trait WatchForRawTransaction {
async fn watch_for_raw_transaction(&self, txid: Txid) -> Result<Transaction>;
pub trait WaitForTransactionFinality {
async fn wait_for_transaction_finality(
txid: Txid,
execution_params: ExecutionParams,
) -> Result<()>;
pub trait GetBlockHeight {
async fn get_block_height(&self) -> Result<BlockHeight>;
pub trait TransactionBlockHeight {
async fn transaction_block_height(&self, txid: Txid) -> Result<BlockHeight>;
pub trait GetRawTransaction {
async fn get_raw_transaction(&self, txid: Txid) -> Result<Transaction>;
pub fn recover(S: PublicKey, sig: Signature, encsig: EncryptedSignature) -> Result<SecretKey> {
let adaptor = Adaptor::<HashTranscript<Sha256>, Deterministic<Sha256>>::default();
let s = adaptor
.recover_decryption_key(&S.0, &sig, &encsig)
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("secret recovery failure"))?;
pub async fn poll_until_block_height_is_gte<B>(client: &B, target: BlockHeight) -> Result<()>
B: GetBlockHeight,
while client.get_block_height().await? < target {
pub async fn current_epoch<W>(
bitcoin_wallet: &W,
cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
lock_tx_id: ::bitcoin::Txid,
) -> Result<ExpiredTimelocks>
W: WatchForRawTransaction + TransactionBlockHeight + GetBlockHeight,
let current_block_height = bitcoin_wallet.get_block_height().await?;
let lock_tx_height = bitcoin_wallet.transaction_block_height(lock_tx_id).await?;
let cancel_timelock_height = lock_tx_height + cancel_timelock;
let punish_timelock_height = cancel_timelock_height + punish_timelock;
match (
current_block_height < cancel_timelock_height,
current_block_height < punish_timelock_height,
) {
(true, _) => Ok(ExpiredTimelocks::None),
(false, true) => Ok(ExpiredTimelocks::Cancel),
(false, false) => Ok(ExpiredTimelocks::Punish),
pub async fn wait_for_cancel_timelock_to_expire<W>(
bitcoin_wallet: &W,
cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
lock_tx_id: ::bitcoin::Txid,
) -> Result<()>
W: WatchForRawTransaction + TransactionBlockHeight + GetBlockHeight,
let tx_lock_height = bitcoin_wallet.transaction_block_height(lock_tx_id).await?;
poll_until_block_height_is_gte(bitcoin_wallet, tx_lock_height + cancel_timelock).await?;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("transaction does not spend anything")]
pub struct NoInputs;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("transaction has {0} inputs, expected 1")]
pub struct TooManyInputs(usize);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("empty witness stack")]
pub struct EmptyWitnessStack;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("input has {0} witnesses, expected 3")]
pub struct NotThreeWitnesses(usize);