Thomas Eizinger 6d9b21cb47
Change imports_granularity to module
This reduces the overall amount of LoC that imports take up in our
codebase by almost 100.
It also makes merge-conflicts less likely because there is less
grouping together of imports that may lead to layout changes which
in turn can cause merge conflicts.
2021-03-04 14:48:13 +11:00

28 lines
856 B

pub mod testutils;
use swap::protocol::bob;
use swap::protocol::bob::BobState;
use testutils::bob_run_until::is_xmr_locked;
use testutils::SlowCancelConfig;
async fn given_bob_restarts_after_xmr_is_locked_resume_swap() {
testutils::setup_test(SlowCancelConfig, |mut ctx| async move {
let (bob_swap, bob_join_handle) = ctx.new_swap_as_bob().await;
let bob_state = bob::run_until(bob_swap, is_xmr_locked).await.unwrap();
assert!(matches!(bob_state, BobState::XmrLocked { .. }));
let (bob_swap, _) = ctx.stop_and_resume_bob_from_db(bob_join_handle).await;
assert!(matches!(bob_swap.state, BobState::XmrLocked { .. }));
let bob_state = bob::run(bob_swap).await.unwrap();