mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 02:25:38 -05:00
Bob was timing out if the encrypted signature could not be sent in 60 seconds. This behaviour is unnecessary because we are racing against the cancel timelock anyway. By timing out before this, we remove the opportunity for bob and alice to re-establish a connection.
258 lines
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258 lines
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use crate::bitcoin::EncryptedSignature;
use crate::cli::behaviour::{Behaviour, OutEvent};
use crate::network::encrypted_signature;
use crate::network::quote::BidQuote;
use crate::network::swap_setup::bob::NewSwap;
use crate::protocol::bob::State2;
use crate::{env, monero};
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use futures::future::{BoxFuture, OptionFuture};
use futures::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
use libp2p::request_response::{RequestId, ResponseChannel};
use libp2p::swarm::SwarmEvent;
use libp2p::{PeerId, Swarm};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use uuid::Uuid;
pub struct EventLoop {
swap_id: Uuid,
swarm: libp2p::Swarm<Behaviour>,
alice_peer_id: PeerId,
// these streams represents outgoing requests that we have to make
quote_requests: bmrng::RequestReceiverStream<(), BidQuote>,
encrypted_signatures: bmrng::RequestReceiverStream<EncryptedSignature, ()>,
swap_setup_requests: bmrng::RequestReceiverStream<NewSwap, Result<State2>>,
// these represents requests that are currently in-flight.
// once we get a response to a matching [`RequestId`], we will use the responder to relay the
// response.
inflight_quote_requests: HashMap<RequestId, bmrng::Responder<BidQuote>>,
inflight_encrypted_signature_requests: HashMap<RequestId, bmrng::Responder<()>>,
inflight_swap_setup: Option<bmrng::Responder<Result<State2>>>,
/// The sender we will use to relay incoming transfer proofs.
transfer_proof: bmrng::RequestSender<monero::TransferProof, ()>,
/// The future representing the successful handling of an incoming transfer
/// proof.
/// Once we've sent a transfer proof to the ongoing swap, this future waits
/// until the swap took it "out" of the `EventLoopHandle`. As this future
/// resolves, we use the `ResponseChannel` returned from it to send an ACK
/// to Alice that we have successfully processed the transfer proof.
pending_transfer_proof: OptionFuture<BoxFuture<'static, ResponseChannel<()>>>,
impl EventLoop {
pub fn new(
swap_id: Uuid,
swarm: Swarm<Behaviour>,
alice_peer_id: PeerId,
env_config: env::Config,
) -> Result<(Self, EventLoopHandle)> {
let execution_setup = bmrng::channel_with_timeout(1, Duration::from_secs(60));
let transfer_proof = bmrng::channel_with_timeout(1, Duration::from_secs(60));
let encrypted_signature = bmrng::channel(1);
let quote = bmrng::channel_with_timeout(1, Duration::from_secs(60));
let event_loop = EventLoop {
swap_setup_requests: execution_setup.1.into(),
transfer_proof: transfer_proof.0,
encrypted_signatures: encrypted_signature.1.into(),
quote_requests: quote.1.into(),
inflight_quote_requests: HashMap::default(),
inflight_swap_setup: None,
inflight_encrypted_signature_requests: HashMap::default(),
pending_transfer_proof: OptionFuture::from(None),
let handle = EventLoopHandle {
swap_setup: execution_setup.0,
transfer_proof: transfer_proof.1,
encrypted_signature: encrypted_signature.0,
quote: quote.0,
Ok((event_loop, handle))
pub async fn run(mut self) {
match self.swarm.dial(&self.alice_peer_id) {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!("Failed to initiate dial to Alice: {}", e);
loop {
// Note: We are making very elaborate use of `select!` macro's feature here. Make sure to read the documentation thoroughly: https://docs.rs/tokio/1.4.0/tokio/macro.select.html
tokio::select! {
swarm_event = self.swarm.select_next_some() => {
match swarm_event {
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::QuoteReceived { id, response }) => {
if let Some(responder) = self.inflight_quote_requests.remove(&id) {
let _ = responder.respond(response);
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::SwapSetupCompleted(response)) => {
if let Some(responder) = self.inflight_swap_setup.take() {
let _ = responder.respond(*response);
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::TransferProofReceived { msg, channel, peer }) => {
let swap_id = msg.swap_id;
if peer != self.alice_peer_id {
"Ignoring malicious transfer proof from {}, expected to receive it from {}",
if swap_id != self.swap_id {
// TODO: Save unexpected transfer proofs in the database and check for messages in the database when handling swaps
tracing::warn!("Received unexpected transfer proof for swap {} while running swap {}. This transfer proof will be ignored", swap_id, self.swap_id);
// When receiving a transfer proof that is unexpected we still have to acknowledge that it was received
let _ = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().transfer_proof.send_response(channel, ());
let mut responder = match self.transfer_proof.send(msg.tx_lock_proof).await {
Ok(responder) => responder,
Err(e) => {
tracing::warn!("Failed to pass on transfer proof: {:#}", e);
self.pending_transfer_proof = OptionFuture::from(Some(async move {
let _ = responder.recv().await;
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::EncryptedSignatureAcknowledged { id }) => {
if let Some(responder) = self.inflight_encrypted_signature_requests.remove(&id) {
let _ = responder.respond(());
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::AllRedialAttemptsExhausted { peer }) if peer == self.alice_peer_id => {
tracing::error!("Exhausted all re-dial attempts to Alice");
SwarmEvent::Behaviour(OutEvent::Failure { peer, error }) => {
tracing::warn!(%peer, "Communication error: {:#}", error);
SwarmEvent::ConnectionEstablished { peer_id, endpoint, .. } if peer_id == self.alice_peer_id => {
tracing::info!("Connected to Alice at {}", endpoint.get_remote_address());
SwarmEvent::Dialing(peer_id) if peer_id == self.alice_peer_id => {
tracing::debug!("Dialling Alice at {}", peer_id);
SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed { peer_id, endpoint, num_established, cause: Some(error) } if peer_id == self.alice_peer_id && num_established == 0 => {
tracing::warn!("Lost connection to Alice at {}, cause: {}", endpoint.get_remote_address(), error);
SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed { peer_id, num_established, cause: None, .. } if peer_id == self.alice_peer_id && num_established == 0 => {
// no error means the disconnection was requested
tracing::info!("Successfully closed connection to Alice");
SwarmEvent::UnreachableAddr { peer_id, address, attempts_remaining, error } if peer_id == self.alice_peer_id && attempts_remaining == 0 => {
tracing::warn!(%address, "Failed to dial Alice: {}", error);
if let Some(duration) = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().redial.until_next_redial() {
tracing::info!("Next redial attempt in {}s", duration.as_secs());
_ => {}
// Handle to-be-sent requests for all our network protocols.
// Use `self.is_connected_to_alice` as a guard to "buffer" requests until we are connected.
Some(((), responder)) = self.quote_requests.next().fuse(), if self.is_connected_to_alice() => {
let id = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().quote.send_request(&self.alice_peer_id, ());
self.inflight_quote_requests.insert(id, responder);
Some((swap, responder)) = self.swap_setup_requests.next().fuse(), if self.is_connected_to_alice() => {
self.swarm.behaviour_mut().swap_setup.start(self.alice_peer_id, swap).await;
self.inflight_swap_setup = Some(responder);
Some((tx_redeem_encsig, responder)) = self.encrypted_signatures.next().fuse(), if self.is_connected_to_alice() => {
let request = encrypted_signature::Request {
swap_id: self.swap_id,
let id = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().encrypted_signature.send_request(&self.alice_peer_id, request);
self.inflight_encrypted_signature_requests.insert(id, responder);
Some(response_channel) = &mut self.pending_transfer_proof => {
let _ = self.swarm.behaviour_mut().transfer_proof.send_response(response_channel, ());
self.pending_transfer_proof = OptionFuture::from(None);
fn is_connected_to_alice(&self) -> bool {
pub struct EventLoopHandle {
swap_setup: bmrng::RequestSender<NewSwap, Result<State2>>,
transfer_proof: bmrng::RequestReceiver<monero::TransferProof, ()>,
encrypted_signature: bmrng::RequestSender<EncryptedSignature, ()>,
quote: bmrng::RequestSender<(), BidQuote>,
env_config: env::Config,
impl EventLoopHandle {
pub async fn setup_swap(&mut self, swap: NewSwap) -> Result<State2> {
pub async fn recv_transfer_proof(&mut self) -> Result<monero::TransferProof> {
let (transfer_proof, responder) = self
.context("Failed to receive transfer proof")?;
.context("Failed to acknowledge receipt of transfer proof")?;
pub async fn request_quote(&mut self) -> Result<BidQuote> {
pub async fn send_encrypted_signature(
&mut self,
tx_redeem_encsig: EncryptedSignature,
) -> Result<(), bmrng::error::RequestError<EncryptedSignature>> {