Daniel Karzel a9b10717ba
Record the monero-wallet-restore blockcheight before locking BTC
This solves issues where the CLI went offline after sending the BTC transaction, and the monero wallet restore blockheight being recorded after Alice locked the Monero, resulting in the generated XMR redeem wallet not detecting the transaction and reporting `No unlocked balance in the specified account`.
2021-12-23 10:12:23 +11:00

63 lines
2.2 KiB

pub mod harness;
use harness::bob_run_until::is_btc_locked;
use harness::SlowCancelConfig;
use swap::asb::FixedRate;
use swap::protocol::alice::AliceState;
use swap::protocol::bob::BobState;
use swap::protocol::{alice, bob};
async fn concurrent_bobs_before_xmr_lock_proof_sent() {
harness::setup_test(SlowCancelConfig, |mut ctx| async move {
let (bob_swap_1, bob_join_handle_1) = ctx.bob_swap().await;
let swap_id = bob_swap_1.id;
let bob_swap_1 = tokio::spawn(bob::run_until(bob_swap_1, is_btc_locked));
let alice_swap_1 = ctx.alice_next_swap().await;
let alice_swap_1 = tokio::spawn(alice::run(alice_swap_1, FixedRate::default()));
let bob_state_1 = bob_swap_1.await??;
assert!(matches!(bob_state_1, BobState::BtcLocked { .. }));
// make sure bob_swap_1's event loop is gone
let (bob_swap_2, bob_join_handle_2) = ctx.bob_swap().await;
let bob_swap_2 = tokio::spawn(bob::run(bob_swap_2));
let alice_swap_2 = ctx.alice_next_swap().await;
let alice_swap_2 = tokio::spawn(alice::run(alice_swap_2, FixedRate::default()));
// The 2nd swap ALWAYS finish successfully in this
// scenario, but will receive an "unwanted" transfer proof that is ignored in
// the event loop.
let bob_state_2 = bob_swap_2.await??;
assert!(matches!(bob_state_2, BobState::XmrRedeemed { .. }));
let alice_state_2 = alice_swap_2.await??;
assert!(matches!(alice_state_2, AliceState::BtcRedeemed { .. }));
let (bob_swap_1, _) = ctx
.stop_and_resume_bob_from_db(bob_join_handle_2, swap_id)
assert!(matches!(bob_state_1, BobState::BtcLocked { .. }));
// The 1st (paused) swap is expected to refund, because the transfer
// proof is delivered to the wrong swap, and we currently don't store it in the
// database for the other swap.
let bob_state_1 = bob::run(bob_swap_1).await?;
assert!(matches!(bob_state_1, BobState::BtcRefunded { .. }));
let alice_state_1 = alice_swap_1.await??;
assert!(matches!(alice_state_1, AliceState::XmrRefunded { .. }));