Thomas Eizinger ce78075932
Make Monero and Bitcoin wallet use a generalized sync interval
We define the sync interval as 1/10th of the blocktime. For the
special case of our tests, we however check at max once per second.
The tests have a super fast blocktime. As such we shouldn't hammer
the nodes with a request every 100ms.
2021-03-17 16:31:17 +11:00

112 lines
3.2 KiB

use crate::bitcoin::{CancelTimelock, PunishTimelock};
use std::cmp::max;
use std::time::Duration;
use time::NumericalStdDurationShort;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Config {
pub bob_time_to_act: Duration,
pub bitcoin_finality_confirmations: u32,
pub bitcoin_avg_block_time: Duration,
pub bitcoin_cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock,
pub bitcoin_punish_timelock: PunishTimelock,
pub bitcoin_network: bitcoin::Network,
pub monero_avg_block_time: Duration,
pub monero_finality_confirmations: u32,
pub monero_network: monero::Network,
impl Config {
pub fn bitcoin_sync_interval(&self) -> Duration {
pub fn monero_sync_interval(&self) -> Duration {
pub trait GetConfig {
fn get_config() -> Config;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Mainnet;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Testnet;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Regtest;
impl GetConfig for Mainnet {
fn get_config() -> Config {
Config {
bob_time_to_act: 10.minutes(),
bitcoin_finality_confirmations: 3,
bitcoin_avg_block_time: 10.minutes(),
bitcoin_cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock::new(72),
bitcoin_punish_timelock: PunishTimelock::new(72),
bitcoin_network: bitcoin::Network::Bitcoin,
monero_avg_block_time: 2.minutes(),
monero_finality_confirmations: 15,
monero_network: monero::Network::Mainnet,
impl GetConfig for Testnet {
fn get_config() -> Config {
Config {
bob_time_to_act: 60.minutes(),
bitcoin_finality_confirmations: 1,
bitcoin_avg_block_time: 5.minutes(),
bitcoin_cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock::new(12),
bitcoin_punish_timelock: PunishTimelock::new(6),
bitcoin_network: bitcoin::Network::Testnet,
monero_avg_block_time: 2.minutes(),
monero_finality_confirmations: 10,
monero_network: monero::Network::Stagenet,
impl GetConfig for Regtest {
fn get_config() -> Config {
Config {
bob_time_to_act: 30.seconds(),
bitcoin_finality_confirmations: 1,
bitcoin_avg_block_time: 5.seconds(),
bitcoin_cancel_timelock: CancelTimelock::new(100),
bitcoin_punish_timelock: PunishTimelock::new(50),
bitcoin_network: bitcoin::Network::Regtest,
monero_avg_block_time: 1.seconds(),
monero_finality_confirmations: 10,
monero_network: monero::Network::Mainnet, // yes this is strange
fn sync_interval(avg_block_time: Duration) -> Duration {
max(avg_block_time / 10, Duration::from_secs(1))
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn check_interval_is_one_second_if_avg_blocktime_is_one_second() {
let interval = sync_interval(Duration::from_secs(1));
assert_eq!(interval, Duration::from_secs(1))
fn check_interval_is_tenth_of_avg_blocktime() {
let interval = sync_interval(Duration::from_secs(100));
assert_eq!(interval, Duration::from_secs(10))