Daniel Karzel ea05c306e0 Alice spawns swaps outside the event loop
Instead of spawning the swap inside the event loop we send the swap back
to the caller to be spawned. This means we no longer need the remote handle
that was only used in the tests.
This now properly logs the swap results in production.
It also gives us more control over Alice's swap in the tests.
2021-03-16 18:31:46 +11:00

27 lines
709 B

pub mod testutils;
use swap::protocol::{alice, bob};
use testutils::SlowCancelConfig;
use tokio::join;
/// Run the following tests with RUST_MIN_STACK=10000000
async fn happy_path() {
testutils::setup_test(SlowCancelConfig, |mut ctx| async move {
let (bob_swap, _) = ctx.bob_swap().await;
let bob_swap = tokio::spawn(bob::run(bob_swap));
let alice_swap = ctx.alice_next_swap().await;
let alice_swap = tokio::spawn(alice::run(alice_swap));
let (bob_state, alice_state) = join!(bob_swap, alice_swap);