use monero_harness::{Monero, MoneroWalletRpc}; use spectral::prelude::*; use std::time::Duration; use testcontainers::clients::Cli; use tokio::time::sleep; use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt; #[tokio::test] async fn fund_transfer_and_check_tx_key() { let _guard = tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_env_filter("warn,test=debug,monero_harness=debug,monero_rpc=debug") .set_default(); let fund_alice: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000; let fund_bob = 0; let send_to_bob = 5_000_000_000; let tc = Cli::default(); let (monero, _containers) = Monero::new(&tc, vec!["alice", "bob"]).await.unwrap(); let alice_wallet = monero.wallet("alice").unwrap(); let bob_wallet = monero.wallet("bob").unwrap(); // fund alice monero .init(vec![("alice", fund_alice), ("bob", fund_bob)]) .await .unwrap(); // check alice balance let got_alice_balance = alice_wallet.balance().await.unwrap(); assert_that(&got_alice_balance).is_equal_to(fund_alice); // transfer from alice to bob let bob_address = bob_wallet.address().await.unwrap().address; let transfer = alice_wallet .transfer(&bob_address, send_to_bob) .await .unwrap(); wait_for_wallet_to_catch_up(bob_wallet, send_to_bob).await; let got_bob_balance = bob_wallet.balance().await.unwrap(); assert_that(&got_bob_balance).is_equal_to(send_to_bob); // check if tx was actually seen let tx_id = transfer.tx_hash; let tx_key = transfer.tx_key; let res = bob_wallet .client() .check_tx_key(&tx_id, &tx_key, &bob_address) .await .expect("failed to check tx by key"); assert_that!(res.received).is_equal_to(send_to_bob); } async fn wait_for_wallet_to_catch_up(wallet: &MoneroWalletRpc, expected_balance: u64) { let max_retry = 15; let mut retry = 0; loop { retry += 1; let balance = wallet.balance().await.unwrap(); if balance == expected_balance || max_retry == retry { break; } sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } }