use libp2p::{core::Multiaddr, PeerId}; use std::path::PathBuf; use uuid::Uuid; pub const DEFAULT_ALICE_MULTIADDR: &str = "/dns4/"; pub const DEFAULT_ALICE_PEER_ID: &str = "12D3KooWCdMKjesXMJz1SiZ7HgotrxuqhQJbP5sgBm2BwP1cqThi"; #[derive(structopt::StructOpt, Debug)] pub struct Arguments { #[structopt( long = "config", help = "Provide a custom path to the configuration file. The configuration file must be a toml file.", parse(from_os_str) )] pub config: Option, #[structopt(subcommand)] pub cmd: Option, } #[derive(structopt::StructOpt, Debug)] #[structopt(name = "xmr_btc-swap", about = "XMR BTC atomic swap")] pub enum Command { BuyXmr { #[structopt(long = "connect-peer-id", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_PEER_ID)] alice_peer_id: PeerId, #[structopt( long = "connect-addr", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_MULTIADDR )] alice_addr: Multiaddr, }, History, Resume { #[structopt(long = "swap-id")] swap_id: Uuid, // TODO: Remove Alice peer-id/address, it should be saved in the database when running swap // and loaded from the database when running resume/cancel/refund #[structopt(long = "counterpart-peer-id", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_PEER_ID)] alice_peer_id: PeerId, #[structopt( long = "counterpart-addr", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_MULTIADDR )] alice_addr: Multiaddr, }, Cancel { #[structopt(long = "swap-id")] swap_id: Uuid, // TODO: Remove Alice peer-id/address, it should be saved in the database when running swap // and loaded from the database when running resume/cancel/refund #[structopt(long = "counterpart-peer-id", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_PEER_ID)] alice_peer_id: PeerId, #[structopt( long = "counterpart-addr", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_MULTIADDR )] alice_addr: Multiaddr, #[structopt(short, long)] force: bool, }, Refund { #[structopt(long = "swap-id")] swap_id: Uuid, // TODO: Remove Alice peer-id/address, it should be saved in the database when running swap // and loaded from the database when running resume/cancel/refund #[structopt(long = "counterpart-peer-id", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_PEER_ID)] alice_peer_id: PeerId, #[structopt( long = "counterpart-addr", default_value = DEFAULT_ALICE_MULTIADDR )] alice_addr: Multiaddr, #[structopt(short, long)] force: bool, }, }